Book 2: City of Ice and Fire...

By pokemonshadowhunter

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BEWARE OF THE COLD DARKNESS, ONLY AN ARROW CAN PIERCE ITS HEART Arrowheart (Alec) and siblings have just bec... More

Chapter 1: Coming to a Decision
Chapter 2: Sparkpaw of HunterClan (Clace) (Malec)
Chapter 3: Simon's Interlude
Chapter 4: Training in the Sandy Hollow
Chapter 5: Sharing News
Chapter 6: A New Mission (Clace)
Chapter 7: A Tunnel with a Surprising Destination (Malec)
Chapter 8: Meanwhile In HunterClan...
Chapter 9: Unwarranted Assault Aka when The Malec Ship sails
Chapter 10: Battle at the Silent Forest (Malec)
Chapter 11: The Mortal Stick is Taken
Chapter 12: Reuniting with a Friend (Malec)
Chapter 13: Why does the Mundane have to come along? (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 14: Rain and Loss (Malec)
Chapter 15: A Story of Lost Dreams
Chapter 16: Arrowheart is Annoyed (Climon) (Malec)
Chapter 17: How to Conquer Fear (Malec)
Chapter 18: Silverpaw it's been so long (Malec)
Chapter 19: A Secret Meeting at FourTrees
Chapter 20: Vultureclaw is acting Suspicious and he's not the Only One
Chapter 21: WolfClan is finally here! (Malec)
Chapter 22: Escape from the Shadows
Chapter 23: The Journey Home...Is Filled with Peril (Malec)
Chapter 24: You Can't Save Everyone Arowheart (Malec)
Chapter 25: Welcome Back to the Land of Confusion
Chapter 26: The Werecats Howl at the Moon
Chapter 27: The Reason Why Monsters are DANGEROUS (Malec)
Chapter 28: Terrible News
Chapter 29: The Sharper the Thorn, The Deadlier the Secret (Clace)
Chapter 30: Sparkpaw has a Dream
Chapter 31: New Destiny and the Frozen Stream
Chapter 33: Its Time to Take Back Sunning Rocks
Chapter 34: Victory!
Chapter 35: Prey Problems
Chapter 36: Who is to blame?
Chapter 37: Wake Up to the Sound (Malec)
Chapter 38: Reconasaince
Chapter 39: Battle on the Frozen River
Chapter 40: Alderpaw Cuts it Close
Chapter 41: Forest Clash
Chapter 42: Blood Transfusion (Clace)
Chapter 43: Reunited (Malec)
Chapter 44: Celebration (Malec, Clace, Sizzy)

Chapter 32: Heart to Heart (Malec)

31 3 5
By pokemonshadowhunter

***Arrowheart's POV***

It had been fours days since Blossomstar announced her plans to take back Sunningrocks, and two days since the Gathering. Nothing had occurred during the meeting with the other Clans, but he could tell that tensions were rising all the same. It seemed that FangClan, FaerieClan and MagicClan (especially MagicClan) in particular were upset that WolfClan was back. They had taken advantage of the moor dwellers being gone to fatten up on the rabbits roaming on WolfClan territory. I can only imagine how much more aggravated MagicClan will be when we take back Sunningrocks.

And then there was the issue of Patchfur.

His boyfriend had been displeased by Blossomstar's plans. Arrowheart knew that his warlock understood that HunterClan would make better use out of the territory that was rightfully belonging to the forest cats, but that did not exactly make it any easier for him.

He's probably worried about his family and friends back home no doubt. The two have been secretly together for the past few moons now, but still Patchfur kept pretty quiet in concerns to his own family and personal life. It was all so close to the bicolored tom's chest, like how his heart was tucked away behind the sanctuary of his rib cage so were all those secrets hidden inside. Arrowheart felt a little offended by this considering he himself is practically an open book to his boyfriend.

Does he not trust me? I trust him, so I thought...

Knowing that this would get him nowhere, Arrowheart pushes those thoughts away. There were more important things to be handling as of now. His own feelings would have to be sorted out later.

"Hahaha admit defeat Alderpaw!" Sparkpaw crows victoriously as she pushes her friend's face into the ground. Over the last few days the two had seemingly made up, but Arrowheart could still see the occasional awkward moment between them.

Arrowheart and Patchfur had decided to take their apprentices to Sunningrocks today for a sparring session. The other apprentices were of the same skill level as Sparkpaw, but they lacked the cleverness and height to be decent opponents. Maybe Arrowheart was bragging a little, but the skills Blossomstar had taught him had put him a step above the rest. The same was running true for Sparkpaw too as he was training her to become a warrior. Am unlucky situation for Alderpaw, seeing as he was getting his tail kicked.

"Ack! It's no fair! You've been training for several moons already. I'm so far behind..." Alderpaw splutters out some sand. The tabby had been pressed into the ground quite a few times already today, even after Arrowheart had warned his own apprentice to take it easy on her friend.

I don't think she knows the meaning of the word....but, I guess it's better this then watching her slack off with my parabatai. Goldenclaw and Sparkpaw were trying to get along better now with some degree of success. Nightrose worried about their golden furred brother falling in love with his new found sister yet again. Arrowheart remembers telling her that they had never stopped loving each other, so her words made no sense.

Needless to say, Nightrose was annoyed with him for the rest of that day.

Arrowheart hopes that she knows he is just as concerned about Goldenclaw too.

As they are siblings, Goldenclaw and Sparkpaw were not meant to be. The only hope was that the pair figured this out before they were in too deep. Arrowheart worries that they already are.

"Hmm, Alderpaw, your confidence is getting better, but your still sloppy on your technique." Patchfur tells his apprentice as Alderpaw staggers back up with Sparkpaw's assistance. The tabby shakes the dirt from his pelt with annoyance, those amber eyes narrowed. Arrowheart notes the fangs poking out of Alderpaw's lips. It was a sign from any vampire that he was getting awfully frustrated....and possibly hungry too.

"Alderpaw has eaten today right?" Arrowheart whispers into his boyfriend's ear.

Patchfur's ear twitches. "Yes. He did, so that isn't the problem."

"What isn't the problem?" Sparkpaw asks as she pads up to them. The fiery apprentice looked happy to take a few moments break, even if Alderpaw hadn't been putting in much of a fight these past few rounds.

He'll have to build his stamina up for sure. Once we do, I'm sure Alderpaw will make a fine warrior. But for now...Even after two moons of being away from Twolegs it was clear that Alderpaw still had that slight pudginess to his frame that gave away he was once a house cat. He could only imagine how the young fledgling would react to winter in the forest, away from the comfort of home.

At least we don't have to worry about him running away. That could make things quite messy. The kind of messy that would involve a lot more cats getting involved.

It wasn't common practice today, but a long time ago it had been the Shadowhunters' duty to hunt down rogue Downworlders that were causing trouble.  Back then it was well known in the Clans Downworlders lived civilized lives. Outside of the Clans however was an entirely different story. One that made his fur crawl just thinking about it. Each story Arrowheart had been told as a kit had always involved the most gruesome details, the kind that made any civilized Shadowhunter want to run and hide.

"We were just talking about your technique. Patchfur, I think it might be best if we do some one on one training. That way no one has any excuse not to go full throttle." The statement was meant for Alderpaw just as much as it was meant for Sparkpaw. He watches with satisfaction as the two apprentices frown at him as though mildly offended.

Patchfur, on the other paw, nods. "Sounds good." He leans close to Arrowheart then, his golden eyes peering into Arrowheart's blue ones. "Reconvene for lunch later okay?"

"Of course. See you then." Arrowheart agrees. He watches Patchfur lead Alderpaw to the far side of the hollow saying something about working on the apprentice's battle stance and how casual humor would improve his skill in battle. Alderpaw was clearly incredulous, but tired enough that he did not bother to disagree with his mentor's ramblings.

"Arrowheart what do you think we should work on next?" Sparkpaw asks him.

Arrowheart turns back to her, giving her an appraising look. Sparkpaw had indeed learned a lot over the past few moons. However, it was clear she still had plenty to learn. The fiery apprentice possessed a confidence from thoroughly beating down all her opponents, but Arrowheart could see the sloppiness in her technique, the way her stubbornness prevented her from taking all the advantages she could in battle.

She's blinded by pride and her strong will, and that will do her no good.

"I think we'll try one on one again."

"Oh, but you just sent Alderpaw away. So who am I going to fight?" Sparkpaw looks around as though expecting Smokepaw, Stripepaw or Mousepaw to suddenly appear. Arrowheart resists the urge to roll his eyes. He smirks at her casually, his tail twitching behind him.

"Isn't it obvious." At Sparkpaw's still confused look, Arrowheart sighs and resists the strong urge to face palm at his apprentice's lack of understanding. "You're going to fight me."

Those green eyes widen. "What! Really!? It's not like, against the rules or something for us to do that?"

"Against the rules....what are you on about? Nightrose and Smokepaw train together all the time, just like Goldenclaw and Vi..." He trails off at that. It had been a heavy blow for Goldenclaw to lose his opportunity to fully train Violetpaw into a warrior. Arrowheart knew there would be ramifications for this in his brother's heart....he just didn't know how they appear in life as of yet.

Sparkpaw looks at the ground, seemingly not wanting to answer. It was likely that she too was thinking about Violetpaw. He reminds himself that the tortoiseshell apprentice is still alive and well, and has a great opportunity to live a fulfilling life still, just as a Medicine Cat. So, ignoring the sadness in his heart, Arrowheart presses the question again, waiting patiently until she does, finally answer him.

"Well, I guess it's because Stripepaw told me the reason why I never fight you has to be because you're waaaaaaaay too tall."

Arrowheart's nearly chokes on his own saliva at that. Of all the things she could've said...that definitely wasn't something I expected.

"Well, Stripepaw is a mousebrain with flawed logic."

"How so?" Sparkpaw asks with a tilt of her head.

"Oh...I don't know..." Sarcasm laces heavily in his tone. "It's not like you'll ever have to fight cats bigger than you right? The other clans will just send their smallest warriors after you."

Sparkpaw glares at him. "That's not very nice."

Arrowheart grins at her, his smile entirely fake. They both knew it too.

"No, it isn't. But what exactly did you expect? If you want friendly then you should go to Goldenclaw, or better yet, Nightrose. My sister is great at being friendly."

His words had a double meaning in them, one he knew Sparkpaw wouldn't quite understand. The knowledge that Nightrose was seeing Duskstep, a FaerieClan tom, worries him immensely.

I mean, I might sound like a hypocrite in saying this but...half-clan relationships are a terrible idea. Patchfur is an exception since he lives here now. Duskstep on the other paw... FaerieClan cats were known for attracting cats from other clans with ease. Those who were foolish enough to follow them were often taken away, never to be seen again. Arrowheart would not dare to imagine the despicable horrors the fey had committed. Unfortunately, as the fey never left behind any clues the Shadowhunters had no evidence to punish them for what they have done.

So they continue to roam free without a care for what they've done.

If only he had realized Nightrose wasn't the cat he should've been worrying about. If only...

"Yes are you sure about that? You and Patchfur seem pretty friendly to me?" Sparkpaw gives him a knowing smirk.

Arrowheart rolls his eyes. "Patchfur and I are none of your concern. Now, take up a fighting stance. It's time to train."

Sparkpaw lets out an annoyed huff, but complies to his orders. She crouches low to the ground a few mouse lengths away. Her tail flicks behind her as she stares at him with what Arrowheart can only describe as a calculating look.

"Aaaaahh!" Sparkpaw yowls as she leaps at him with her claws sheathed.

The attack was designed to be a frontal jab to slam into both of his shoulders. It was a move that was particularly useful on long legged opponents. Arrowheart had figured Sparkpaw would start with this. She's oh so predictable to me. Arrowheart careens to the side to avoid the hit. He turns and slams Sparkpaw into the ground, pushing her muzzle into the dirt. With his two front paws he pins her to the ground, pressing her frame into an uncomfortable position rendering any backlash useful as her hind legs flail.

"That was too predictable Sparkpaw." He tells Sparkpaw as she continues to struggle.

"Hah, you just caught me off guard is all."

Arrowheart doesn't offer a response to that, recognizing it for the blatant lie that it was. For all Sparkpaw's training, she still has plenty to learn, of that much he was certain. She's become overconfident, and that'll do her no good in battle.

The two keep battling for the next few hours. Each time that Arrowheart pins Sparkpaw he can feel her beginning to humble a bit. Eventually, they got back to sparring like the good old days. Each strike was well-measured, and every lunge was planned out. It left them both breathless with exhaustion and enjoyment. Only once it was midday did he decide it was time to return to camp. Sparkpaw and he returned alone, seeing as Patchfur and Alderpaw had left a little before.

***Time Skip/ Patchfur's POV***

The river was a frozen stretch now with sluggish water churning underneath foreboding ice. He stares down at it forlornly. This was the place he loved to fish at, the spot where Prickleclaw and he had become best friends. It seemed like forever ago now, and the thought of his late friend made his heart clench with woe.

This place was oddly empty now. No cats beside himself were around, the sounds of twittering birds disappeared from the sky as many of them had flocked south for the bitter Leaf-Bare. He couldn't help feeling alone at this moment, but it wasn't the most unwelcoming feeling there ever was. And it means I'm finally free to let go, even if it's only for a moment.

Sighing, Patchfur let the glamour he had kept so carefully around his body slip. Splotches of white fur bloomed up on his pelt, the prominent ones being those on his tail and paws and his stomach. All of his paws were a soft snowy color. When he was a small kit they had been free of death. Once he had gotten older however, those pristine paws had become soaked in blood.

Patchfur would like to claim that he felt free of all his sins of the past. But, that would be a straight up lie. Patchfur hadn't felt truly clean in a long time. He missed the feel of it. And now, with this upcoming battle...I'm going to feel dirtier then ever before. He could already picture the blood that would coat his paws tomorrow. Shame and sorrow burn in unity underneath his pelt.

But what can be done? I doubt Blossomstar will give me a choice, especially not with the likes of Vultureclaw as deputy. At the very least, Patchfur knew Alderpaw and Sparkpaw would be kept from the mayhem. The HunterClan leader had deemed all the apprentices not battle ready yet. He figured this had to do mostly with Sparkpaw though, as her new rune ability was something Blossomstar wanted to keep under wraps until they knew more about what it could do. A wise choice if Patchfur ever saw one.

Though of course Sparkpaw will be very disappointed...

The fiery apprentice would hear the news about who would be going to battle tomorrow this evening. Patchfur had almost absolute certainty he would be among the list, as would Arrowheart. Nightrose and Goldenclaw were a toss up, seeing as they weren't paw-trained by the Clan leader herself and had only recently became warriors.

It'll mostly be senior warriors as a result. But I can't say how many others there will be. Seeing as its early Leaf-Bare, Blossomstar will probably want to conserve warriors, but...

"Patchfur, there you are! I was wondering where..." Arrowheart's voice trailed off behind him.

Patchfur turns around to see his boyfriend halted mid step. It doesn't take much for him to realize why Arrowheart's mouth is agape. He can see it! He can see my mark!

Patchfur can feel himself stiffening up as a swirl of panic enters his brain. It was much too late for him to glamour his mark back up, leaving him at a loss for what to do. Arrowheart's blue eyes are wide as he stares at his boyfriend in shock. Oh, what he wouldn't give to know what his boyfriend was thinking right now. If he did know, perhaps he would know how to react.

****Arrowheart's POV****

What in the world! Patchfur....he....he has white fur?! He's a calico cat?! But how can that be? I thought that only females were...

Of all the things Arrowheart expected to find in going after his boyfriend for a well-meaning discussion, this had not been one of them. He hadn't the slightest clue if he should turn and leave or come closer. Asking Patchfur what to do would do him no good either, seeing as the older tom had frozen up in place. The calico tom's back was super rigid and those golden-green eyes swam with several emotions he could not discern.

Hesitantly, Arrowheart took a cautious step forward. Running away was not an option. Not for him; never for him.

And so he says the first thing that pops into his head like a mouse brain without any useful filter to warn him against doing so.

"You're warlock mark is beautiful Patchfur." Arrowheart says in one steady breath, his voice not faltering even once despite the rapid racing of his heart.

Patchfur flushes at the compliment, his tail whisking behind him. The white tip of his tail is like a little bird flapping in the wind, fluffy and boisterous. Those wide eyes blink at him slowly. Arrowheart is relieved to see his boyfriend beginning to relax and break out of his shocked stupor.

"I-I...thanks. Quite frankly I'm surprised you like it. Most cats tend to think I'm a freak when they see it." Patchfur admits.

Rage coils in Arrowheart's gut at those words. Who in their right mind would call him a freak? He resisted the urge to growl as he pictures clawing those cats' faces off.

"That...that's absurd! There's nothing wrong with you at all, if that's what those pieces of fox dung were implying." Arrowheart growls out.

Patchfur looks surprised by his words. "Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I do. When have I ever lied to you?"

"Hmm. I can't think of time, but one can never know."

"Patchfur I..." Arrowheart closes the distance between them, touching his nose to his boyfriend's. The touch sends sparkling tingles of warmth down his spine that end up weighing down his belly. This close up he can see the few tiny specks of white around Patchfur's eyes, their look reminiscent of freckles on a Twoleg. "I am serious. I think you're amazing just the way you are."

"Then I suppose I should thank you. Not many cats think of me this way."

Arrowheart shakes his head firmly. "No. You shouldn't have to. I'm just treating you with respect and dignity, that's something you always deserve."

Patchfur tilts his head at that as they pull back from each other. "And what about you saying that my mark is beautiful?"

Now it is Arrowheart's turn to blush. "Well, I...I meant that too. But that one is from me to you."

Patchfur lets out a chuckle at that. "I suppose you'd be concerned if someone else told me that hmm?"

"Yes." He gives a vigorous nod. "Only I get to flirt with you, no one else."

"Arrowheart you sure are adorable." Patchfur purrs. The calico tom licks his cheek gently, making Arrowheart's insides flutter sporadically like rampant butterflies.

"I'm not adorable." He tries but fails to successfully deny.

"Sure you aren't. Now, what did you come here for? I appreciate the company, but I recall you told me earlier that you wanted to talk about something important and I said we should wait until we were both in camp to discuss it together."

"I...." he swallows, trying to figure out what to tell his boyfriend. "I wanted to find you to talk about what I was thinking about earlier."

Patchfur nods, looking around the area. "This is probably the most privacy we'll be able to get. So you might as well tell me now."

"Okay." He lets out a shuddering breath. "Patchfur, I know that your nervous about the fight tomorrow." Patchfur's eyes darken at that, though his boyfriend says nothing so he presses on. "And so I thought I should try to find a way to make it easier for you..."

Here Patchfur does interrupt, his voice low with something dangerous in its depths. "By StarClan, you'll have to let me know your grand plan for making it easier for me to hurt my former clan mates." There is malice in his tone, but Arrowheart knows it isn't directed towards him. Still, he inwardly recoils a bit at it anyways.

"No. It's not like that at all."

"Then what do you mean exactly?"

Arrowheart gulps down the worry that Patchfur might take this in the wrong way. "I asked if you could help Dawnmist tomorrow in taking care of the injured cats. Featherflight is much too old, and Violetpaw much to inexperienced so she'll need all the help she can get so I figured you'd rather help her then..." He trails off. There are certain words that hold weight without being spoken.

Patchfur gets the implication entirely of course. Those golden-green eyes soften as they stare at Arrowheart with an emotion he cannot for the life of him understand fully. In his defense, he was young and had yet to fully experience matters of love and devotion like now.

"You went to all that effort for me?" Patchfur sounds surprised but pleased, a small purr rumbling in his throat.

Arrowheart got the understanding now that regardless of the battle's outcome, they would be okay. He could see it in the way his boyfriend stood close to him and the way that white tipped tail ran over his flank. Warmth blooms in his core filling him with utter happiness that makes him purr in response.

"Yes. And it's something I'll always do for you." He tells him firmly.

"Always is a big deal."

"Yes, I know. I never say something without meaning it."

Patchfur smiles at him, his whiskers twitching. "You never cease to amaze me Arrowheart."

And Arrowheart responds with equal fervor, his heart feeling light as blustering air as it flutters with each beat. "In good ways I hope."

"Yes, in good ways indeed." They kiss several times after that, returning to camp when the sun has fully set from the sky.


A/N: Sorry this took so long guys! I needed a break for more writing inspiration. The next part should be up sometime next week. Let me know what y'all think in the comments and I'll see you guys next time!

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