To SAVE a Demon

By jhbloodstorm

982 60 4

Frisk has gone through the Underground countless times. Each time trying to figure out a way to SAVE the one... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

38 3 0
By jhbloodstorm

  Frisk had fallen, thrown down into the abyss by Undyne, and Chara was pulled down with her. Chara didn't know how long they had been falling, she had closed her eyes soon after Undyne had destroyed the boardwalk, not wanting to see Frisk hit the ground, if there was one. However, after several seconds that felt like hours, she didn't feel the pulling sensation any more. She cracked open her eyes and saw that they had come to a stop at the bottom of a waterfall, broken planks of wood were scattered around, floating in the water brought down from the upper pools of water that were all throughout Waterfall.

  As she turned around she saw Frisk had landed on a large patch of buttercups, their bright golden petals beginning to stain red from Frisk's bleeding wounds. Frisk wasn't moving and Chara wondered if she was still alive. Floating closer she saw to her dismay, that Frisk's chest was rising and falling gently. Chara waited a few moments to see if Frisk would wake up, but Frisk did not budge.

  Sighing, Chara sat down while still floating a few inches off the water's surface, and waited for Frisk to wake up. While she waited she admired the buttercups Frisk was laying on. She wished she could smell their sweet scent again as she began to think back to when she fell into the Underground many years ago.

  She passed through some bushes as she climbed higher onto Mt. Ebott. Hot tears ran down her cheeks as she continued crying. In the distance she could hear some birds chirping as the village she had been chased out of had long since disappeared from view. Unsurprisingly there were no trails or paths to follow, after all, everyone knew that those who climb the mountain never return.

  She soon came to a clearing in the trees and in the center was an enormous hole in the ground. She walked towards the hole and peered down into it. There was nothing but darkness to greet her, even in the middle of the day, she couldn't see what lay at the bottom. She began to sob and shake in both fear and despair. As fresh tears started to form in her red eyes, she stepped closer to the edge. She took one final look at the sky before closing her eyes and jumping into the pit.

  She could feel the cold air rushing past her face and through her hair as she kept her eyes shut, not wanting to see the ground rushing up to meet her. After what felt like hours she finally hit the ground with a soft thump. Chara lay there stunned and bruised but still alive. She exhaled a breath that she hadn't realized she had been holding, but didn't move or get up. She could feel more sobs of despair and frustration beginning to surface when she heard a voice.

  "It sounds like it came from over here... Oh! You've fallen down, haven't you. Are you okay? Here, get up..."

  Looking up Chara saw what looked like a small white goat with small horns on it's head, a green and yellow striped shirt and black pants, reaching towards her. Frightened, Chara scrabbled to her feet and hid behind a nearby boulder.

  "Oh, I'm sorry did I scare you?" he said with a hint of sadness. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

  "What's your name?" he asked as he held his hand out to her.

  Chara hesitantly took it as she said in a small voice, "Chara."

  "Chara, huh? That's a nice name. My name is Asriel." he said with a bright smile.

  Chara smiled back as she tried to take a step forward, but fell down to her knees as her injuries became more apparent.

  "Oh no! You must be hurt. I'll take you to my mom so she can heal you." Asriel said as he helped her back up. "Go ahead and lean on me, she's not too far away."

  Chara did so as they began to look for Asriel's mother. After moving through a few rooms they found her cleaning leaves out of a small stream.

  "Mom, look I found a human!" Asriel said excitedly.

  Asriel's mother stood up and turned to look at them.

  "Oh my, are you all right child? Here let me heal you." she said as she placed her soft hand on Chara's head. Chara could feel her injuries healing as a warmth spread throughout her body.

  "Thank you miss." Chara said in awe as she was able to stand on her own again.

  "Please, call me Toriel my child." She said with a warm smile. "Now follow me, Asriel and I shall take you to our home."

  They lead her through the Underground to their house in New Home where Chara met Asriel's father Asgore. Asgore too was a furry goat like monster, he had a beard, wore a long flowing cape, and of course had a gold crown atop his head. He had Chara sit at the dining table while he and Toriel talked in the kitchen. Meanwhile Asriel was in his room playing.

  "Howdy" Asgore said in a deep voice as he took a seat opposite Chara. "I am King Asgore, King of all monsters. My wife tells me that you fell into the Underground."

  Chara nodded her head without saying anything. Toriel brought out three plates of butterscotch-cinnamon pie, setting one down in front of Chara, another in front of Asgore, and the third at one of the empty seats for Asriel.

  "Now I know you must want to go home, but I'm sorry to say that the magic barrier keeping us all trapped down here will not allow anyone to leave. However, Tori and I have been talking and we have decided that, should you wish, you may live with us."

  Chara was stunned, never before had she been shown such kindness.

  Tears began to well up in her eyes as she nodded her head and said, "Yes, I would like that."

  Toriel walked over to her with a smile and embraced her in a warm hug. Chara began to sob as she was filled with so much happiness and felt loved for the first time in her life.

  Asgore smiled gently as he said, "Chara my child, I promise you, for as long as you remain here, my wife, our son, and I will take care of you as best we can. We can sit in the living room, telling stories,  eating butterscotch pie, we will be a family..."

  Asriel soon walked in, having smelled the pie wafting throughout the house.

  Toriel, still hugging Chara, said, "Asriel come here and meet your new sister."

  Asriel's eyes lit up as he said excitedly, "Really?! Chara's gonna live with us from now on?!"

  "Yes my child."

  Asriel ran over to the group and joined Toriel's hug.

  "This is great!" Asriel said as Asgore joined in with the group hug. "Chara, we're gonna be best friends!"

  All Chara could do was cry harder as she was surrounded by a loving family. Later that day Asgore announced to the entire Underground of the new adopted princess of all monsters and that she was the future of monsters and humans.

  Chara's eyes filled with tears as she thought back on that day and how happy she and everyone else had been. Frisk soon sat up and looked around for a few seconds before standing. Chara quickly wiped her eyes before Frisk noticed.

  She turned to Chara and asked bluntly, "How long was I out?"

  "An hour or two." Chara said as she floated back into a standing position.

  Frisk opened her menu and Chara saw that her HP was down to just one.

  One more time. Chara thought as Frisk bit into a monster candy and a bisicle. Just one more FIGHT with Undyne and this nightmare will finally be over.

  *3 Left.*

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