Hades Blind Mate βœ” COMPLETED...

By NaughtyGoth99

2.6M 75.7K 9.5K

*Mature Warning* 18+ Content πŸ”ž Please Don't Report Seina (see - Ann - a ) Black is a 17-year-old werewolf. A... More

Character Introduction
Hades Blind Mate|Prologue
Hades Blind Mate|01
Hades Blind Mate|02
Hades Blind Mate|03
Hades Blind Mate|04
Hades Blind Mate|05
Hades Blind Mate|06
Hades Blind Mate|07
Hades Blind Mate|08
Hades Blind Mate|09
Hades Blind Mate|10
Hades Blind Mate|11
Hades Blind Mate|12
Hades Blind Mate|13
Hades Blind Mate|14
Hades Blind Mate|15
Hades Blind Mate|16
Hades Blind Mate|17
Hades Blind Mate|18
Hades Blind Mate|19
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Hades Blind Mate|22
Hades Blind Mate|23
Hades Blind Mate|24
Hades Blind Mate|25
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Hades Blind Mate|28-πŸŽ„PART 1
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Hades Blind Mate|41
Question πŸ˜‚
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Hades Blind Mate|29-πŸŽ„PART 2

30.6K 867 115
By NaughtyGoth99

If you are reading offline ^ there are mature and trigger warning pictures above!


"Merry Christmas!!!" I jumped looking over rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Why!?" I whined, noticing it was Hades on my side of the bed waking me up.

"Come on, I can't wait anymore." He groaned I looked at the clock he had in the room and groaned.

"It's 6 in the morning! Are you a kid?" I ask him, he rolls his eyes.

"Yes, are you happy? I haven't felt this excited in years, gods don't celebrate Christmas and Asem won't shut up." Hades growled I laughed.

"Can I shower?" I asked, he frowned but nodded.

"It's not like I've slept anyway." He shrugged, I rolled my eyes.

"Let me guess, you sat in the living room staring at all the gifts to figure out which ones are yours?" I ask him, he looked at me shocked.

"How—" he went to speak, I laughed while walking into the bathroom.

"Typical kid move!" I yelled, he growled and I giggled.

When I finished my shower Hades was sitting on the bed, his leg bouncing up and down impatiently—I rolled my eyes and got dressed, made myself look decent and came back out.

"Are you done?" He asked, I looked at his closed and groaned.

"If you're not showered and dressed appropriately within the next 15 minutes, you won't be opening anything." I told him, his eyes widened and he sighed.

"Okay, my Queen." He replied, he took a quick sniff of himself and winced—I'm not stupid.

"Shoo." I said, he nodded and went to shower—I smiled happily.

Other people would think a man shouldn't act like this, he's excited? If a woman can lose focus and get overly excited over something—why can't a man, just cause I had to order him to do something this time, doesn't mean it's always like that. We all loose train of thought sometimes, we all need a push sometimes—calm down.

I did my makeup and played around on my phone, I bought one when we were up getting gifts. The lady taught me quite a bit about it, told me I needed wifi to look thinks up, etc—I just got the data thing she was talking about which surprisingly worked in the underworld.

Who would've thought the underworld had cell service? Weirdest thing I've ever heard off, but honestly it was nice being able to look up so many things—learn new things I didn't know about. I got to play games when board, and I learned a bunch about fashion and makeup which made me feel like I could truly look like a badass queen when I needed too.

I changed my outfit into something more festive and brushed my hair, I already had my outfit picked for later—I planned to look bomb later today. I really hoped that the videos I was watching would help me look good for the dinner Hades had planned tonight, he refused to tell me who was invited.  I heard the door open and hades came out wrapped in a towel, my eyes immediately looked towards his sexy body.

"Make those dirty thoughts disappear." Hades spoke, his voice turning husky—Ah he's got the mind-reading between us down packed.

"Awe do you not want a piece of your sexy fiance on Christmas?" I flirted, he rolled his eyes.

"I will ravish you all day if you want but I want to open the presents." He groaned, I chuckled—I could see the excitement brewing in his eyes.

"Come, my big man child." I giggled, I heard him growl but I knew he wasn't far behind.

We went into the room Lee had set up the tree and all the decorations in, it was absolutely beautiful—she was a natural at this and honestly I loved it. It made me so happy knowing she was so much more relaxed around Hades and I. Hades loved it too, he mentioned she was definitely more open now and that's all he ever wanted.

"Wow." Hades said, I smiled happily—we did really good with all the gifts.

"Ah you guys are up, I guessed that." Lee spoke, she was sitting in a chair drinking what I assumed to be hot chocolate.

"He had no patience." I pointed out sitting on the couch beside her, she smiled.

"Such a little boy." Lee teased, Hades blushed but said nothing as he sat on the floor back against the couch.

"Can we?" He asked, I nodded and he jumped up happily.

"Grab one gift for yourself, hand one to Seina and one to me—we all open one together." Lee said sternly, Hades smiled happily.

"Yes Ma'am." Hades didn't want to cross her, I heard the amount of yelling Hades got last night when she caught him shaking one of his gifts.

"Good." Lee responded, Hades did was he was told.

We all got handed a gift, Hades looked at his gift with so much excitement. No matter which one he opened, his eyes were filled with nothing but excitement. I remembered opening gifts as a kid, watching adults and children being so rude and disrespectful towards what people bought them—yet this god was opening each gift with so much care, he looked so happy.

"Thank you." Hades spoke, I knew he meant it—I knew deep within nobody had ever spoiled him like this.

"I'll do this for centuries my king." I said with a smile, he chuckled.

"I look forward to every one." He said honestly, I jumped when a hand touched my shoulder.

"Did you forget about me?" I squealed when I saw Palton—she looked so beautiful in her little christmas dress.

"Is it that time already?" Hades asked, Palton chuckled.

"Time goes by fast down here, but no it's only 2pm up there." Palton said—damn time goes by fast.

"I'm glad your here." I said giving her the biggest hug, she smiled happily.

"I know I haven't came around since what happened, but I just wanted to be close to my family." She said like she was ashamed of it.

"Don't make it sound like your ashamed, that was traumatizing—I didn't expect you to come back the next day, you needed time." I told her, hugging her tightly.

"Thank god." She said, I knew she probably thought I hated her.

"I wouldn't of invited you if I thought she didn't want you here." Hades told Palton when we seperated, she smiled.

"Thank you Hades." She said, I knew Palton wasn't afraid of him anymore—Hades just nodded.

"So what the heck did you invite me too? You celebrate Christmas now?" Apollo asked, I noticed he was pretty dressed up as well.

"Says the man who cleaned himself up." Hades pointed out, Apollo rolled his eyes.

"You said party, I said where at? Need a singer? A band? A poet cause well I'm all those things." Apollo gushed, he was so cocky sometimes.

"Can't break the cocky cycle for even ten seconds." Palton said sarcastically, Apollo looked at her and froze.

"Holy shit." He said, Palton blushed a deep red as Apollo looked her up and down admiring her.

"My best friend looks good doesn't she." I asked, Apollo just nodded like he didn't even here what I said.

"We should go get ready babe." Hades said, I chuckled at my pajamas and nodded.

"We'll be right back." I spoke, I noticed Lee was cleaning up our mess.

"Shoo." She spoke, I quietly thanked her—Palton and Apollo were lost in their own little world.

"Guess we're celebrating a little early."  Hades said, I chuckled at his pouting face.

"Awe baby, you'll get to open the rest of your gifts later." I said with a smile, Hades rolled his eyes.

"I should've remembered that God's don't believe in waiting, you say party they show up." Hades chuckled, I smiled.

"Let's get ready, have some laughs—wait to eat the delicious meal I know Lee has planned and take some much needed pictures." I told him, he smiled and kissed my lips.

"As you wish my queen." He said before going to get changed.

I quickly showered, shaved, dried my hair and did my lotion—then I went into my closet and did my makeup according to the video I watched last night. I had my outfit already picked out and I was so excited to show it off and look bad ass but festive—I finally finished and got dressed, looking in the mirror I felt so proud.

"Babe have you seen my—" Hades stopped in his tracks, looking at me with wide eyes that instantly filled with lust.

"You like?" I asked, he growled lightly and kissing my cheek.

"You are so lucky, If it wasn't people I trusted out there—I would've locked you away and ravished you for the whole night." Hades said, his voice husky and dominant.

"I definitely did a good job." I said, winking at him as he slapped my ass.

"Hell ya." He spoke, I handed him what he was looking for.

"You always loose it." I said, he rolled his eyes and placed the crown on his head.

"I was too excited to put it in, but since the gods are coming I can't help but show off." He shrugged, I giggled and put my crown on.

"It maybe a party but we still are rulers." I told him, he happily agreed—we would enjoy but in the back of our minds we are always working.

"Let's go show off my queen." He said, I chuckled.

I was surprised when we walked back in, Lee had switched the room around and put in this big table—Apollo and Palton were flirting at the end, I noticed that Lucifer had showed up, he looked cranky as Zeus, Poseidon and Hermes glared at him. Hephaestus and Dionysus were sitting relatively close to each other—but Hephaestus just looked like he didn't want to be here filed with nothing but a shy demeanour.

"Why did you invite me? I hate these people." Lucifer said, Hades rolled his eyes.

"I didn't know there were inviting trash." Poseidon scoffed, Lucifer didn't look happy at all.

"Either you all get along or you get out! I did this for my fiancé—not for you to bicker like children!" Hades growled, the ground shook lightly and everyone went silent.

"Sorry Hades, we'll be more respectful." Zeus spoke, he hadn't talked much but I didn't ask.

"Thank you." Hades spoke, soon enough we were all seated comfortably.

"Where's lady Lee?" I asked, Hades smiled and soon enough I saw her with my parents.

"You'll get sick!" I said, running toward them hugging them tightly.

"We are only here for a few hours, Hades said it won't do enough damage to us since we have our wolves." My father said, I smiled with tears in my eyes.

"Thank you." I looked at Hades, he had the biggest smile as I hugged my parents tightly.

"Your sister didn't want to celebrate with us so when Hades asked, I couldn't refuse." My mother spoke softly, my smile fell lightly but I wasn't going to mention what I knew.

"It'll take her time to get use to me being around." I said with a sad smile, my father smiled.

"I know, I just hope she comes around soon." My father said, I knew they missed their other daughter—she was in their life longer and now knowing she felt neglected problem made them want to be around more.

"Whose all these people?" My mother whispered, I chuckled.

"These are other gods we know." I said, my mother's eyes widened.

"You know other gods!" She said, I giggled and started to introduce them.

Soon enough there was food and music, I kept an eye on the time cause I didn't want my parents down here too long. I didn't want anything to happen to them or for them to get sick  and start to age—but I knew that Hades wouldn't let anything happen to them.

Suddenly I felt uncomfortable, I didn't know how to place it but my whole body rumbled.

"Somebody needs our help! Go Seina now!" Morana growled in my head, this shook me.

" I have to go!" I immediately stood up, Hades looked at me worriedly.

"What's wrong babe?" Hades asked, he didn't sense it.

"Somebody needs our help." I said, just as I spoke we heard the loudest scream.

"SOMEBODY HELP ME! PLEASE DON'T LET THEM HURT ME!" the ear piercing voice shook my core, my desire to protect was overwhelming.

Soon enough all the gods including myself were standing in a empty part of the underworld—I had already truly my parents left knowing I would have to explain the interruption. My blood boiled as I saw the girl probably no older than I was, running towards us—terrifying men chasing her down.

"Who are you!? What are you doing in my realm." Hades growled, the king was talking and his voice was loud.

"We are the Halfling Killers, give us the girl and nobody gets hurt." The one man spoke, they scared me.

"No please!" The girl cried, she immediately ran behind Hephaestus shaking like a leaf as he surprisingly protected her.

"Our leader demanded his daughter return." The man spoke, his eyes red so much rage and anger.

"Who do you work for." Zeus spoke, the ground shook beneath his feet—this was a work of a god.

"A god, you'll never know who you he is—not a pathetic creation like yourself but pure." The man chuckled—that shocked us.

"There is another bloodline out there, why hasn't he came to us!" Zeus demanded, we didn't like the tone coming from these men.

"The gods have been corrupt for centuries, Our leader has done nothing but right not being related to any of your disgraced bloodlines." The man spat, Zeus didn't look happy as lightning shook around him.

"I will not tolerate disgrace." Zeus spoke, the man chuckled.

"Don't worry little lightning man, your throne isn't what my leader wants—he wants Hades throne, his kingdom and his little wolf and he will get it." The man chuckled, the way he spoke scared me.

"You aren't welcome here." Hades growled, they chuckled.

"Just a pit stop, hand over the girl or die." They spoke, Hades growled.

In seconds, three of his men were dead—Hades covered head to toe in blood, body covered in flames eyes so blue you couldn't see the emotions that shined through earlier. This didn't scare him, I could sense his fear and anger towards loosing his throne and loosing me. This was my man in action, the monster he had be so ashamed to show me deep inside—I loved him no matter what.

"Enough." Zeus spoke, Hades looked up angrily.

"Defend." Hades spoke, his voice very clear.

"I understand, you've made it clear Hades." Zeus said, the moment Hades let the man go they were gone.

Leaving my future husband covered in blood, a bunch of angry and blood thirsty gods wondering who was out there plotting to take over Hades throne—dead bodies littering my grounds and terrified girl laying passed out in Hephaestus arms

"She was so scared she passed out." He spoke softly, I looked at her so intently.

"Who is she? Why did she run? Why would her father treat her so cruelly." I said, Hades touched my shoulder.

"She needs a doctor, so many bruises." Hades said, she was covered in them.

Who was this mystery girl?
Christmas was definitely Over?
The war was starting, but who was it against?

*what mystery girl looks like*

*Her Makeup*

*Her Outfit*

Vote & Comment ❤️


Hope you enjoyed the short Christmas chapters, I didn't want it to be super long because remember they are still at war. I wanted them to have short lived moments to relax befor something bad happen.

Secondly, Apollo did say that Hephaestus was going to meet a woman.

*Wink, Wink*.
Tata for now my kitties ❤️

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