Instinct Part 2 ( Trafalgar L...

By hylianwolfblood

99K 4.5K 2K

Please go check out Part 1 before reading!! ^_^ Now that you have your wolf, how will you tame him when you'... More

The Wolf's Reign
Casting Shadows
The Truth

(Christmas Special) A Very Merry Law-fully Good Christmas!

3.6K 138 54
By hylianwolfblood

December 24th. Christmas Eve. The most wonderful time of the year, so they say. A time which family near and far, old and young, whether bound by blood or friendship, come together to enjoy each other's company. Separating themselves from past and present issues to simply appreciate what they have, rich or poor. Ah, yes. Whether you celebrated the holiday or not, who could deny spreading even an ounce of joy in the closing months of the year?

You sat huddled in the back of the uber, face pressed against the window as you watched children lead their parents into toy stores, dogs with jingle-bell anklets dragging their owners along, and even a few grumpy grumps cast in their coats trudging through the crowds beyond their will. Yes, everything was coming together.

"Is this your first Christmas together?" The uber driver chimed, her earrings jingling when she glanced over. She had rightfully assumed you were a couple, though the question hardly registered considering this was your first Christmas with someone.

Beside you Law was passed out, exhausted from a brawl he and his pack had to assist the Straw-Hats with the night before. Fortunately he came back unscathed, but any energy left in him had been squeezed out by those goons. You hoped this outing would perk him up a bit, even if it meant dragging him out of your bed that morning.

"Yeah!" You replied, earning a warm smile from the driver's face. She was an older woman, and she mentioned taking on driving jobs to pick up some extra money for her own children. So she understood the special memories one could make during this time of year.

"I'll drop you off by Coco's, seems like your man could use a good meal to wake him up." She passed a sly smile, perhaps suggesting something else happened last night that didn't include him shifting into a wolf to assist another pack of wolves off in the depths of the forest in the wee hours of the evening. But she wasn't wrong - food was one of his weak spots.

"Law," you chirped when the car parked, rubbing your hand along his rough stubble, smiling at how soft he was right now.

He mumbled and kneaded the air as if he was still in bed and searching for a blanket to cover himself with.

"Law, wake up," you cooed, pinching at his cheek until his hand found yours and his drowsy yellow eyes opened subtly. Adorably dazed and confused, Law allowed you to lead him out of the car.

"Merry Christmas!" You exchanged with the driver, waving her off before turning around to face none other than Holiday Village.

Normally an expansive, empty park, once a year the lot becomes a Christmas haven chock full of tents and tables featuring local artists and vendors from neighboring towns. Other holidays are featured here as well, hence the name, and there's hardly ever less than a large crowd flocking the streets.

"So...why are we here again?" Law asked amidst a yawn as he opened the door for you to Coco's.

"To pick out a tree!" You beamed up at him, snuggling into him as you entered the restaurant and waited for the hostess to return.

He pulled you closer into him, the cold weather from outside still clinging to your reddening nose and cheeks. His warmth was unmatched by any fireplace or furnace. He was your personal heater after all. Not only that, but the hoodie-coat you couldn't wait to give him as an early Christmas present definitely came in handy. It was a long, black and fluffy on the inside of the hood. The fluff was reminiscent of his wolf fur, and it suited him perfectly.

"Like that one?" Law nodded to one of the oak trees in the park, causing you to laugh.

"No, silly. One that we can take home and decorate!"

He stared at you blankly, indicating that he's never had the experience of decorating a Christmas tree before. All you could imagine was getting home with all the decorations, and Law somehow getting tangled in the lights before all was said and done. Yes, now you had to find a tree.

You used to have one in your apartment, a hand-me-down from your mother. But...

* Flashback to Christmas last year with Amanda *


Amanda's screeching rang throughout the entirety of the apartment complex while you struggled to keep her - and yourself - calm.


Perched on top of the Christmas tree like a star sat a herculean territorial spider that had attached itself to the tree when you brought it in.

"(f/n)! KILL IT!"

"WHY ME?!"



Wobbling on the step stool you normally used to put an actual star on the tree, your trembling hand cornered the spider before whacking at it with your shoe. But that only angered the trespassing arachnid which JUMPED at your face and chaos ensued.

"ACK! NO!"

Toppling over, you fell atop the tree and managed to snag the lights with it, snapping the step stool to break somehow and everything ending up in a crumpled heap with only a few ornaments to spare.

"That's it. We're burning down Earth and moving to Jupiter."

* End Flashback of Christmas last year with Amanda *

Okay, so the burning down Earth part didn't happen, and the spider was eventually captured and freed outside 500 meters away from the apartment complex. But your tree was ruined and you were too traumatized to get another. Hence the reason you waited until the day before Christmas to even think about getting one. You were a bit hesitant to try this year, you had a strong unwavering wolf to protect you from spiders, what could possibly go wrong?

"Does your pack celebrate anything over the holidays?" You asked as the hostess showed you to a booth beside the window that looked out over the park.

"We do. Usually with Mugiwara-ya, and we exchange gifts, have a feast, etc. I wish I could have it with my own pack, but we're always busy with our own lives," he realized his voice was trailing and cleared his throat. "I suppose I thought trees came that way," he replied, his eyes leading to the large pine tree in the middle of the park, surrounded by kids and elders alike to admire it.

"You can get pre-lit trees," you mused, considering the ones you've seen at grocery and hardware stores, "But I think it's more fun and personal to do it yourself."

You wished you could see the delight on his face decorating a tree with his pack. And maybe that'd ring true soon...

"Until a spider joins the party," he smirked, teasing the palm of your hand with a finger that made you gently kick him under the table.

"Pfft, shut up. That spider didn't stand a chance against me once I caught him."

"And would you stand a chance if I caught you?" He grinned a bit devilishly. His half-lidded gaze proved he was still a bit sleepy, and his brows arched into an expression you couldn't pull your eyes away from.

"O-Of course," you stammered and stuck your tongue out at him. Of course not. The unrequited strength he held could never be rivaled, especially since the only thing you could beat him at was a tickle fight thus far. That was the only power you held over him.

A cocky scoff escaped his mouth before he leaned back, just in time as the waiter set down the menus on your table.

The burger you ordered was juicy, tender, and just the right amount of protein you needed to have energy for Holiday Village. Law seemed to agree, seeing as he wolfed down his own bacon burger - sans bread - with ease, and you could've sworn you heard him purr. The uber driver was right, all he really needed was a good meal to perk him up, though that was pretty routine.

"How was everything?" The waiter asked, stacking your empty plates.

"Delicious!" You answered since Law was busy with his last mouthful of fries.

"Great! Our Pudding sure is wonderful," the waiter replied.

"Oh, well I don't think we have room for dessert," you politely declined.

But the waiter only laughed. "Oh, no, no. Pudding is our head chef, and the owner of this restaurant."

You followed his gaze that lead to a thin girl in pink giving orders in the kitchen, but smiling all the way. You definitely wanted to meet her someday soon.

Law slipped the waiter a generous tip before helping you out of your seat.

"Ah! Thank you so much!" The waiter chimed, pocketing the cash with glee. "Come again!"

Reintroduced to the cold, you burrowed into the red scarf Law gifted you early and clung to him as you two perused down the aisles of Holiday Village. The sun was at a fair height in the sky, allowing a perfect view of everything the festivity had to offer. Children rolled in the snow behind vendors, their parents enjoying hot chocolate on the benches afar. A few of the dogs were anxious to sniff at Law, likely sensing the wolf inside. But all was calm and fair. Finally you could enjoy a day out with Law and only Law.

Amanda was out of town with Kid who joined her in the excursion of seeing her family. Law certainly enjoyed the quiet mornings the past few days at the apartment, and there was no chance of him leaving overnight any time soon.

Occasionally you passed a glance to your wolf, smiling to yourself as his eyes studied his environment. Visually exhausting to some, he seemed to enjoy the hustle and bustle, even if it was a bit crowded. He liked protecting you, occasionally putting himself between you and a rushing passerby, or pulling you closer in case a kid wasn't watching where they went.

Soon enough you arrived at the small lot dedicated to trees both real and artificial - but beautiful all the same. The lot was flourishing with them, especially for the day before Christmas, and it also seemed like a magical forest sprouted overnight.

"You two!" A man in a green vest called for you, smiling wide behind his white beard. "Looking for a tree, yeah?"

You felt Law stiffen, so you smiled and responded for the both of you. "Yes, sir! Something that'll fit in...a small apartment."

The man smiled and waved for you to follow him, soon disappearing into the forest of Christmas trees. Nostalgia hit you, a memory of picking out your first tree with your parents reverberating in your mind. Without a second thought, you ran after the tree man, knowing Law was soon to follow.

You remembered your dad attempting to catch you as you zig-zagged through the trees, your mother's laughter chiming above it all. You remembered the man who helped pick the perfect tree, and your dad holding you up to see it better. You remembered the smell of gingerbread and peppermint whisping in from the nearby bakery, mixing in nicely with the tree's natural scent. You remembered the dog you had at the time marking on the tree and officially claiming it as her own - and your mother's face of embarrassment when you attempted to do the same.

All those memories and more flushed through your mind as the man introduced you to a medium-sized artificial tree. Compared to the others it was rather small, but it only needed some love to be just as grand. And since it was artificial, the chance of a spider finding a home in it was hopefully smaller than if you got a real one.

"This is the one," you replied - though you're not sure what the man said the entirety of the time.

The other perk of the artificial tree was the fact it could fit in a box. The man took the tree apart and in no time had it packed neatly in its box.

"I'll put your name on it, and you come get it whenever you're ready!" The man assured, and encouraged you to enjoy the rest of the events without having to lug the box around.

Now you just had to find Law.

He wasn't in sight, but it wasn't a problem. You're sure he was nearby, enjoying the trees like you were. Many had tags of claimed ownership, others waiting to be loved. Kids mazed through them, pointing at the tallest trees, the fattest trees, and the smallest trees, giggling amongst themselves.

And there was Law, leaning on the fence that looked over into Santa's workshop. Animatronic elves and reindeer surrounded it, smiling at presents and putting together a train set. Not too far off was Santa himself, attempting to satisfy a crying kid that wept to be back in the arms of their parents.

"Did you ever do that?" Law asked as you nestled beside him, watching Santa pluck the kid off his lap and attempt to keep smiling.

"What, sat on Santa's lap and cried?" You chuckled, then flushed embarrassingly, "...maybe."

Law chuckled, warming your heart with that low laugh. "I bet you'd still cry."

You snorted and jabbed his ribs, earning another snicker. You huffed, "Would not."

"Mhmm," he smirked sarcastically, pushing off the fence and heading another direction.

But you wouldn't let him get away so easily. Chasing after him, he laughed as he ran to the open area among the kids, the two of you just as playful and rather hyper.

He let you catch up to him, pouncing on him which resulted in both of you flopping into the snowy grass and rolling about until he had you on your back. Panting you smiled up at him, that sneaky smirk overhead. Leaning down, he kissed you gently, and you easily craved more. But he seemed to be reserving that for when you got back to the apartment.

As the sun began to set, you retrieved your tree and headed home with your Law. He helped the uber driver secure the tree on the roof of the car, as well as carry it into your apartment when you arrived back home.

You closed the door after entering, watching Law place the box in the middle of the living room. It was going to look best in the corner by the window, its lights offering some Christmas cheer to anyone who saw it. While Law began to work on building it, you went ahead and got some hot chocolate ready.

The warm aroma of cocoa blanketed your apartment like getting tucked into bed at night. So comforting and calming. Even Law had to stop with the tree just to figure out where that wondrous scent was coming from. He'd had hot chocolate in his past, but it still seemed to be another weakness of his.

"There," he said proudly, admiring the work he'd done putting the branches in the correct order.

You waddled over, handing him a mug of hot chocolate as a cherish of his effort. "It's beautiful!" You exclaimed, blithe overwhelming you with the mere fact that Law was enjoying this rather than viewing it as a chore.

"The lights are in the box. I'll shower and put on PJs then come help you!"

Law nodded and rolled up the sleeves of his black sweater, seemingly determined to complete the tree. All the more reason to smile and love him.

You almost wish you could've stopped the shower thoughts that flooded your mind. You missed your dad. You hoped your mom wouldn't be alone on Christmas Day. And you really didn't want anything to interrupt Law's schedule and leave you alone on Christmas.

No, no. Everything will be fine. You assured yourself as you grabbed your towel, wrapping your hair up after settling into your pajamas. Everything will be--


Oh no.

Hurriedly, you put on your pajamas. Did the tree fall? Did one of Law's adversaries find him? Was Christmas ruined?!

Bursting out of the bathroom while still putting a leg into your pj bottoms, you sighed in relief when all you found was a helpless Law tangled up in Christmas lights on the floor. The box was overturned and somehow the box of ornaments had opened up and spilled around him. None had broken, thanks to the carpet, and the tree was still in one piece (lol), but Law was clearly miffed about the situation.

"Aww, what happened?" You smiled, approaching the stuck Law who had his arms tangled up in the lights. Part of his sweater was caught on the tree, limiting his mobility unless he wanted the tree to come down, too. Almost like a cat who saw something shiny and paid the price for it.

"Blame the lights, not me," he snorted, a soft flush of pink on his cheeks.

"And you were worried about me crying on Santa's lap. When this whole time it was the lights we should've been concerned with!" You teased. One leg was anchored on the wall to keep the tree from falling, the other tangled in the lights in which you started to untangle.

"Obviously I have things under control," he countered, attempting to twist away from your help.

"Oh yes, obviously," you mocked with a sly tone.

"Obviously." He nodded.

He tugged on his arms stuck in the lights and his sweater rode up, earning a yelp out of you when his abs exposed themselves. You covered your mouth, also to keep back a laugh as you watched the all-powerful Law find his demise under the evil Christmas lights.

"Oh hush," he sneered, keeping you back with a foot when he heard your chortle. "I'm still your intimidating wolf, just you wait." Law really was intimidating beyond all reason, but with you - he was soft.

"Oh yeah?" You giggled, holding his foot and tickling it to see a reaction.

Immediately he tensed and coughed out a snicker, reeling his leg back in. You could tell it took everything in him not to kick you - he'd probably KO you if he did, but the other leg needed to keep the tree up. "D-Don't do that, (f/n)-ya," he warned, but it was cute.

"You better get free, then, mister strong intimidating wolf~" Inching forward, you scooted past his legs to avoid getting pummeled by them, and poked at his exposed abs, gently tracing them like you did the first time you saw them, which made him shiver.

"(f/n)-ya, haha~" he snickered again, nearly getting an arm free so your time was limited.

"Yes, Law?" you teased, now spidering your fingers up and down his sides, soon rewarded with a laughing, wiggling wolf.

He squirmed and twisted around as best he could, his voice raising in pitch and volume when you tickled him harder. "(f-f/n)-ya--ahaha!"

You giggled with him as you teased him, finding this a rare opportunity to hear such light-hearted, beautiful sounds.

When you tickled that weak spot on his ribs, his free leg began to pedal, the same way a dog does when you find that sweet spot amidst a belly rub. He laughed harder, finally getting his arms free to attempt and grab your smaller hands. Within seconds you were captured, landing on his chest as the two of you laughed in mirth, enveloped in each other's presence.

"You're silly," he panted out, an you smiled as you watched him tame the Christmas tree with ease, setting the lights aside so he could focus on you.

"You're sillier," you argued, sticking your tongue out at him.

He hovered over you, hands planted on either side of your face with an arched brow. "Says the one defeated by a spider."

Pecking your lips, he started to purr again.

"Says the one defeated by me~" You echoed sneakily, leaning up to steal another kiss.

"Don't make me tie you up next," he drawled, his breath still a bit heavy. But his voice was low and husky as his hands smoothed down to your hips, casually keeping you where he wanted.

"Didn't know you were into that," you chided back, resting a hand on his chest which was greeted by his heartbeat, your other hand cupping his face.

Law only hummed and kissed you again. You considered the possibility that a certain feral side of him had yet to be revealed.

"We need to decorate the tree," you whispered amidst a kiss, your hands holding his biceps that gently flexed against your touch.

"How about I decorate you instead?" He teased, kissing down your neck.


Christmas music from someone else's apartment muffled into yours. Law placed the last ornament on the tree and it was complete. Of course tinsel could be added over the next few days, or perhaps an extra ornament if you saw one at the store. But right then and there, it was perfect.

The sun had already set, and the lights on the tree offered a humble mood in the apartment, enough for you and Law to enjoy. The two of you sat on the floor, backs against your bed, simply enjoying the tree while sipping more hot chocolate.

"Just one hint?" You begged, eyeing a few of the presents Law had secretly brought over for tomorrow, but now with a better place to put them than the cabinet over your fridge that you could never reach.

"Hmmm...sure," he hummed, taking a final sip of his hot chocolate.


"It's... a present for you~" He sneered and took the punishment of a jab to his gut.

"That doesn't count, I already know that!" You pouted playfully.

"You'll see in the morning, my love," he cooed, getting up to put the now-empty mugs in the kitchen. That term of endearment he used never failed to send a tingle up your spine.

Crawling into bed, you sat and watched him, still remembering the first time you saw him in your kitchen. Bare back towards you and only strangers then. Now he genuinely cared about you, and you cared about him. You didn't really care what was in those presents as long as he was going to be here.

"No sneaking off tonight," you reminded Law as he mounted the bed, pulling the covers over you both, "Promise?"

Quietly, he wrapped a strong arm around you and pulled you into his chest, ensuring that when you slept you'd smell of only him, think of only him. Then, he murred a soft, "promise." And you knew that he wasn't going anywhere.


Until you woke up the next morning to an empty spot on the bed!

Patting around, you groaned sleepily. His absence allowed a cold draft to pass through, and you just wanted to find his warm pajama sweater and hide in it. But no, he wasn't there. Only the overbearing reminder of loneliness and scent of bacon instead.



Sitting up, you wearily started at the kitchen with half-lidded eyes, seeing two figures conversing with each other. One was definitely Law...seeing as he towered over the other. The other... that was...!


"Oh, sweetie! You're awake!"

You pinched your own hip to make sure you weren't dreaming, and sure enough, your mother was there in the flesh. She sauntered through the apartment towards you, and you quickly rubbed your eyes to try and rid yourself of the sleepiness.

"Mom!" Kicking your way free out of the sheets, you staggered over and fell into her arms, tears instantly streaming from your cheeks.

It'd been over two years since you saw her last, since she last held you in her arms before you left for college. Her warm embrace was a blanket of security that she really was there, and that you really weren't dreaming at all.

"Sweetie, it's okay!" Your mom attempted to wipe your tears, but they wouldn't stop trying to imitate the Niagara Falls. "I'm here! It's okay!"

"But...But how?!"

"Your boyfriend paid for my flight here!" You choked when she said the b-word, and she seemed indefinitely chill that he's been staying with you without any mention of it.

"I...meant to tell you about him soon, haha..." you stammered, but your mom only laughed.

"Well, I only wish you told me sooner! Trust me, when I met your dad, it wasn't long before he was swooning over me, too," she whispered with a wink.


"Don't mean to interrupt," Law interjected from the kitchen, "But the bacon's ready."

The three of you sat on the couch, sharing stories and embarrassing the other - though it was your mom and Law teasing you the most.

Law also shared that he found your mom's number on your phone when you left it at the apartment before going to work. He'd recalled your stories about her, and took it upon himself to call and introduce himself. When that went well, he insisted she come down for Christmas to surprise you, and damn they kept up the secret perfectly.

The gift exchange was rather humble, and the company of loved ones was all you could ask for. You gifted Law a Santa-like hat reminiscent of his speckled one. And he gave you a hoodie with his pack's symbol on the back - as if that would stop you from stealing the ones he already owned. Your mom gifted you both some kitchen appliances and even some of her own recipes.

And all was calm...

Until there was a thundering knock on the door.

"Who's that?" Law muffled, munching on some bacon.

You smiled and ambled to the door. "Let's just say we're gonna need more bacon~"

The moment you opened the door, more chaos ensued.

"LAWWWW!!!!" Bounding in came Law's pack - Penguin, Sachi, Bepo, and even Jean.

Law had pushed you aside before they tackled him the first time, but now he protected your mother by running off behind the couch, yelping as he was instantaneously smothered by his packmates.

You sat with your mother, both of you entertained by the sight of stoic Law under the mercy of love by his pack. For now she went unaware of their wolf forms, but you knew she'd accept them regardless.

You exchanged a "thank you" with Law, mouthing the words as he was still trapped, though the fondness in his smile proved he just wanted his pack for Christmas.

Just this. This was all you wanted. Being with the people you love. And though the Straw Hats were enjoying their own festivities - the place likely in shambles - you knew everyone was happy and in good spirits.

You knew everyone would have a Merry Christmas.~

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