The crossing of paths (Percy...

By PercysPancakes

43.2K 983 487

After the Giant War Percy Jackson has come out tougher and stronger than ever. So it's fair to say that he's... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 4

4.3K 90 57
By PercysPancakes

AN- Hello everybody!
I just wanted to clarify something before you read this chapter... Hannah is most definitely NOT a daughter of Poseidon. I know this chapter may be a bit confusing, but pretty please just continue onto the next chapter and it will (hopefully) make sense. Xx

Tony Stark really would have preferred to spend his day sleeping.

Spending an entire day trying to find some kid who may or may not pose as a possible threat was not his cup of tea.S.H.I.E.L.D had received a tip that the boy was heading towards LA. So, at the start of the day the avengers had decided to split up into two groups and search for him that way. Natasha, Thor and capsicle had taken the west side, while he, Bruce and clint took the east.

They had been searching for over 4 hours and they all decided that they had enough for the time being, and that a huge helping of pizza would be necessary to help them continue on with this completely pointless mission.

Once they had actually started to eat their pizza, they actually realised how hungry they really were. The three of them ate in silence. All that could be heard of the three superheroes was the chewing of pizza. Tony being an extremely impulsive person, quickly got bored of this silence, and started to gaze up at the sky. Seeing nothing but clear blue skies and a few white clouds scattered in the richness of the blue sky. Tony stared too daze off, still entranced by the cloud formations that were appearing up above.

About 5 minutes had passed when clint stood up, taking Tony out of his daze.

"We need to head off and continue finding this kid, who knows what he could be doing as we speak"

Tony exaggerated a large sigh. And started to stand up, but as he did, something caught his eye.

Right above him, flying into the sky was an extremely large horde of birds squawking and making the largest rucks as they flew out of the city.

"Please, tell me you guys can see that as well" Tony said, pointing towards the birds.

"Great job Tony, you can see a flock of birds" clint said, the sarcasm dripping of his words as he patted Tony on the back mockingly.

"Haha." He glared at clint, "No, but seriously, they do not look natural"

"He has a point clint, those birds do look abnormally large" Bruce stated, smiling apologetically at clint.

Tony took out a small remote from his pocket and clicked the biggest button on it.

"I'm going to go check it out"

"And how exactly are you going to do that, run vertically up?"

"No dummy, I'm going to fly. For some one who's nickname is hawk eye, you really aren't very sharp" he tapped his head mockingly, and as if on que, Tony's suit came flying into to view, dodging and weaving through cars and pedestrians. Tony took a step away from the table and raised his arms as the parts latched themselves onto Tony's body. Just before the mask covered his face he gave a derisive wink and smile. He flexed his hands and he shot up into the sky, leaving a very mad clint and a bored Bruce behind.

As Tony flew higher, the noise of the birds became louder. Once he got close he started to slow down, so that he could check them out. They looked like ordinary ravens, except that they were about 3x the size and there beaks looked like they could tear a car to shreds. He continued to follow them for another 5 minutes, staying a reasonable way back, because he did not want to become their next meal.

Tony was about to turn around and go back and return to clint and Bruce, but he stopped in his tracks when he released what the birds were aiming for. Up ahead of them was a boy, about the age of 17, riding a black winged horse? What the actual hell! Tony squeezed his eyes together and opened them to see the boy still there on his horse. How is that even possible?!

Tony, still being in shock, did not realise how the birds were rapidly approaching the boy. He stayed hovering where he was and watched, staying far back so that they didn't decide that he would taste better. Tony watched entranced as the kid, leant over to talk to the horse, you seemed to be talking back! Nope, that's it, Tony had officially gone crazy.

He was brought out of his pity for himself as the kid started to scream bloody murder. He almost fell out of the sky, as he thought he had been caught staring, but Tony quickly regained his composure as he figured that the kid was screaming at the birds. Tony looked at the pair of them confused. How on earth is screaming at a bunch of seemingly blood thirsty birds going to deter them from eating you alive?

The kid seemed to answer his question as the birds started to slow down, it looked like the noise was actually bothering them! But yet the kid still held a look of determination as he and his horse plummeted straight down. Tony quickly decided that he would keep the upper ground and try and see what they were doing from up above, but his intentions were quickly diminished as he saw that the pair had entered and impossibly dense Forrest.

There is no way that they can make it through that forest with out smashing into a tree, he thought. Tony knew that he had to keep track of the kid, he would be in deep shit if fury found out that he lost an extremely suspicious looking character.

But keeping track of the direction that the boy and his horse was heading in was surprisingly easy. All he had to do was follow the horrendous noise of a kids voice screaming his face off and the unmistakable thump of birds smashing into trees.

Tony's followed the pairs trail of destruction for another 10 minutes, until the pair of them burst through the top of the canopy, completely scratch and bird free. Even if the kid, did look like he wanted to puke out his guts, Tony was surprised with how expertly the pair of them navigated their way through the forest.

As the pair flew off into the distance Tony decided to take a few photos of the pair to prove to mr fury that he had actually done something today, despite fury most likely not believing him.

Tony expertly flew high above the pair and told Jarvis to snap a few quick photos of the two.

And as Tony flew off to report to Bruce and Clint , he decided to take a quick look at what the mystery kid looked like, and Tony enlarged the photo to look at the boys face the faintest hint of a smile entered his face.

"Jarvis call Natasha and fury, oh boy do I have some news for them"


Hannah Parks wished that her imagination wasn't as crazy as it actually was.

The night after she had her 'interesting' encounter she couldn't help but focus all her time and energy into thinking about what the crazy man on the tricycle had told her.

The only reasonable section of her brain kept reminded her that man was just some drunk and quite possibly high individual who had nothing better to do except scare the the living crap out of a 15yr old girl.

But while she knew in her mind that this was the only reasonable and sensible explanation of what happened to her, she couldn't help but imagine weird scenarios in which she had to go save the world or defeat a terrible monster in order to save her parents, bit quite clearly that was not going to be the case.

She was a normal 15yr old girl who had a happy family and she was reasonably happy with her friends, and she knew that the hero never had an easy upbringing. They always were abused , or they had one or two missing family members, and they most definitely always felt out of place. Her source? Every single book she had ever read or every movie that has ever aired the screens. And although Hannah had always secretly wanted to have a special life, she had all her family members, her upbringing had been perfectly normal, and she had never been abused (well except by a drunk man on a trike).

So, this encounter was just a one off experience, that was no more than her being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nothing more, nothing less.

Hannah desperelty tried to act normal when she was at home, but she knew perfectly well that her parents knew her well enough to know that something was up. It's not as though she didn't trust them or anything like that in fact Hannah always felt as though she could tell her parents anything, but she knew that this was something that was off limits. There was no way that Hannah would admit to them about this incident. With her being an only child, they tended to get extremely overprotective, and if they were to discover that someone could have hurt there 'little darling' would cause them to order a fully fledged man hunt for this guy.

So, on Hannah went, badly acting as if life was perfectly normal. But, as soon as she had her dinner she told her parents that she was going to bed early and quickly snuck off into her room.

Hannah's dream were definitely 'interesting' to say the least.

If by interesting, you mean haunting, discerning and downright scary.

**Hannah was standing on top of a hill. As she looked down she felt the strangest feeling of déjà Vu even though she can't recall ever coming up to this place. Hannah looked around her surrounds, her jaw dropped as she realised she was standing in the middle of a war zone. All around her there was a battle raging, her ears wanted to explode from the deafening roars of battle cries and terrified screams. Her eyes felt as though they were unable to process all that was occurring in front of her. It was as if all the movement were occurring to fast for her to comprehend.

But what was the weirdest feeling of all was that this felt like a memory rather than a dream. It felt as though she was reenacting the memories that she didn't even know she had.

But, before she could think anymore she felt her body lurch forward. She could feel her legs walking, even though it was like they were being controlled by something or some one else, she felt like a puppet. But as much she hated the feeling she knew there was nothing she could do about it, so she let her legs carry her straight into the middle of the battle raging around her.

As she started to run Hannah couldn't help but look around her, she immediately regretted it as soon as she did. The sights made her want to puke. Around her she could see the blur of swords and armies clashing against each other. But Hannah had to take multiple glances back at the two armies. From what she could comprehend the two battling side appeared to be teenagers and monsters?

'Ok, this is the last straw. I have gone completely bonkers' she thought to herself. How are monsters even possible an why are they fighting in a war against teenagers! Some of those kids had to be younger than herself!

But the horrific images did not stop there. The first thing that catches your eye when you first look at the battle is, of coarse, the fighting. But if you were to look down a little bit you you would see motionless and mangled bodies, strewn across the ground. They suffered from injuries as severe as missing heads to broken and tangled limbs. Some even looked as though nothing had happened to them at all, they just lay motionless on the soil staring into nothingness. They looked as though they could be sleeping, if you ignored they fact that they weren't breathing and their eyes were glazed over.

But what struck Hannah the most was the emotions she was feelings, she felt as though she had known these people her whole life, and to see them like this made her blood boil. She felt indestructible. The puppeteer controlling her yanked her head in another direction, giving her enough time to duck out of the way of a giant set of claws attempting to take her head off. Once she recovered her wits she looked back up at the beast to see a massive looking dog with blood red eyes and a midnight black coat, the beast could possibly have looked quite regal if it was frothing from the mouth and exposing it's many, many, many scars and wounds. The mutt lunged at her, and she instinctively rolled away from it and jumped back up now holding a beautiful bronze sword with a trident engraved on the hilt.

'Woah, wait a second. How the heck did this appear?!' She stared at the magnificent sword laying in her hands. But her moment of awe was cut short by the same dog lunging at her again. She once again rolled over but this time she stabbed the sword into the side of the mutt and the beast exploded in a cloud of yellow dust. She had to contain a cough as a new beast started to charge her.

But despite every single muscle in her body telling her not to do it, she ran head first towards the dog and at the last second she got down on her knees and slid underneath it and jabbed her sword upwards into the stomach of the beast, covering herself in more yellow dust in the process.

She felt movement behind her, and she swung her sword in a deadly arc only to see it be deflected by another blade. This time a short dagger being wielded by a pretty girl with blonde curly hair. Hannah felt comforted by this even though she had never seen this chick in her entire life. She watched as the blonde girl smiled back at her and turned around fast enough to meet a spear mid-stab. Hannah stood entranced as the girl jumped up and did a spinning hook kick against the spear, knocking it out of the hands of its wielder. The girl landed expertly and took no time in quickly beheading the attacker and earning herself a face full of dust. The girl took one last glance back at Hannah and gave her a cheeky smile before running off.

Pain shot through Hannah's shoulder and she cursed in god knows what language. She winced as she turned around to see a new attacker with snake trunks as legs attempt to land a hit on her leg, hannah quickly reacted with speed she didn't know she possessed. The monster raised its sword and in a swift motion swung it towards her, where it should have taken her head off. But Hannah, once again, surprised herself and ended up on top of the monster plunging her sword straight through the things chest.

Still taking care of her shoulder Hannah stood up carefully to see 6 more of the giant dogs right in front of her, glaring into Hannah's eyes, snarling and slobbering, ready to attack. Hannah knew she had no choice. There was no possible way she could defeat those mutts in her injured state.

So, she did the most logical thing she could. She turned tail, and ran.

Hannah ran as fast as her legs would take her. She dodged in and out the fights raging on around her. Her good arm clutching the sword whilst supporting her other arm. Hannah did not know where exactly she was running to, but it felt as though her legs knew exactly where to take her.

Eventually, after what felt like ever, Hannah reached a river. She wasted no time jumping into the crystal clear waters of the creek. Once her feet touched the water Hannah had the strangest feeling that she was becoming stronger. Adrenaline and power started to run through her veins, and even her shoulder started to feel better.

Once the water was up to Hannah's waist she turned to face the six beasts that were behind her. She had expected them to be chasing right after her, bounding into the water, ready to take her head off. But instead they skidded to a stop right on the waters edge snapping cautiously at the water. Hannah was definitely confused to say the least, but the puppeteer controlling her seemed to know exactly what to do. Hannah stood facing the mutts and raised her arms above her head. She felt the weirdest sensation on her gut, it was like someone was trying to pull her stomach out of her body.

Hannah watched entranced as the water that used to be surrounding her was now above her head. She quickly smashed her arms downed and brought the palms of her hands to face the huge dogs and the water suddenly all flew towards the dogs causing them to exploded into a cloud of watery yellow mist.

Hannah felt her legs wobble, but as she started to fall backwards a pair of hands caught her before she landed on her butt in the river bed.

The girl who caught her had black choppy hair, and she wore black ripped jeans and a 'death to barbie' top with the word barbie messily crossed out, being replaced with 'dirt face' in silver permanent marker. She had quite a pale complexion with a few freckles dotting her nose. But the most noticeable thing about her was her electric blue eyes that had been rimmed with a lot of black eyeliner. She had the perfect complexion of a punk girl, if she wasn't wearing a silver circlet and holder silver bow with arrows on her back.

"Woah there seaweed brain, you gotta keep your energy up for the rest of the battle. Dirt face hasn't even made an appearance yet" said the girl with a sarcastic grin on her face.

"Thalia, We don't won't dirt face to make an appearance though" another girl walked up to Hannah and helped her stand up fully.

This girl also had black hair that had once been in a side plait, but now looked like a rats nest with twigs and yellow dust sticking out of it. The girl look like an authority figure from the way she held herself to the purple and gold uniform she wore.

"But where would the fun be in that Reyna" Thalia spoke up while punching Reyna in the shoulder.

Hannah would have been enjoying their company if she wasn't in the middle of a battle. It seemed like Reyna and Thalia remembered where they were as they gave Hannah a smile and a mock salute before running off back into the battle.

Hannah decided to stay put, as the water seemed to help her. She turned around to face to see the waves of monsters that were slowly making there way up towards were Hannah was taking her stand. But just as Hannah was about to raise her hands again she heard a blood curdling scream followed by


Hannah whipped around to were the screams came from, completely forgetting about the monsters behind her.

From what she could see, it looked like a giant had grabbed hold of a girl and was dangling her 20 feet above the ground holding her dangerously close to a sharp rock near by. An eagle was soaring around the giant furiously attempting to pry the girl out of the giants fingers. There was also an angry looking horse was walking back getting ready to charge at the beast.

Hannah wanted to scream to the eagle to watch out. But she was to late. Another giant had hit the eagle out of the sky with his massive hand, and as the eagle fell it turned into a boy?


The boy hit the ground with a bone crunching thump, and another snake lady came up to him, and seemed to feel the need to slice his arm open, allowing the blood to ooze into the ground. Hannah assumed that it was just for good measure.

But before she could think about it to much she heard another thump, as the girl fell to the ground, already bleeding from being smashed into a rock.

She felt her body drop to her knees in utter shock, her sword cluttered out of her hand as she fought to hold back her tears.

She felt herself start to get angrier, the tugging feeling in her gut returned and her vision started to turn blury, but as Hannah's body stood up, her mind wanted to fall back down as Hannah realised why his blood had to be Spilled.

It was a sacrifice.**


OMGs! I'm so sorry that took so long!

I know, I know I'm a really bad person, and I'm sure you don't want to hear my many many excuses.

Just for those who are worried, Percy and Hannah don't get together. There might not be much percabeth, but they definitely do not break up.

But, anyway hope you enjoy this chapter!

Bye my little pancakes


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