Percy Jackson, Son of Chaos...

By Cetirus

232K 2.7K 2.1K

Percy is betrayed when Nick Waters, a son of Poseidon and Percy's half brother, comes to camp. Loyalties are... More

Chap 1 - I Am Replaced
Chap 2 - A New Life and Mates
Chap 3 - Nick is a Prick and I Get Claimed
Chap 4 - Revealing Myself to the Gods and Campers
Chap 5 - Friendly Game of Capture The Flag and A Stupid Quest
Chap 6 - The Prophecy, Nick is Jealous and a Coward
Chap 7 - New Ally and Annabeth is Actually Stupid
Chap 8 - Nick is an Embarrassment and I get a Gift
Chap 9 - Nick is Delusional and A New Mate
Chap 10 - Fun in The Lotus Casino and A Giant Puppy
Chap 11 - Set Up and Beating Up an Olympian
Chap 12 - Olympus, An Ashamed Sea God and The Traitor Revealed
Chap 13 - Prophecy Fulfilled and A Vacation
Chap 14 - I'm Back With a Quest to Tartarus
Chap 16 - New King of Hellhounds and New Pets
Chap 18 - The Siblings, Thalia's gone and My last mate
Chap 19 - Reunions and Some Fun
Chap 20 - Nick is still an Idiot and Percy's Niece
Chap 21 - A Stalker and Another Pet
Chap 22 - Stowaways and Battling a Titan
Chap 23 - New Powers and A Victory
Chap 24 - The Curse and Uncovered Plans
Chap 25 - A New Mission
Chap 26 - New Campers
Chap 27 - Unexpected Ink and Two Embarrassed Camp 'Leaders'
Chap 28 - Ally and Duel
Chap 29 - Beginning of The War
Chap 30 - Pre-battle
Chap 31 - Final Battle and New Olympians

Chap 17 - Sea Of Monsters and Grover in a Dress? Clarisse gets a new ride

6.6K 89 57
By Cetirus


After a lot of misadventures, we finally arrived on Polyphemus' island.

First, we had to make it past Scylla and Charybdis by using the thermos. That wasn't too bad, but Nicky kept saying that if we had "just slowed down a little", he "definitely could have taken them". Honestly, he's like a pet, adorably incompetent, but also really annoying. 

After that, we stumbled across Circe's island. Chris and I both remembered the story Prissy told us, so we opted not to go in. Instead, we encouraged Annabeth to take Nicky in, while we did 'maintenance checks'. I think Annabeth knew it was some kind of trap, but knew Chris and I both needed a break from Nicky, so she humored us. Nicky, on the other hand, didn't hesitate in following the beautiful attendant into the spa. Nearly an hour later, Annabeth ran from the spa, clutching a small ball of fur. That was funny, and Annabeth later told us that she had seriously considered just leaving Nicky behind. Though all good things come to an end, and Nicky eventually found the vitamins in my bag, returning himself to human form. Whatever, he's annoying as both a guinea pig and a human, so what do I care?

After that wonderful encounter, we passed the sirens, and I knew what Annabeth was gonna ask. So we had Nicky tie her to the mast, while the rest of us plugged our ears. She escaped, so I had to go and save her from being eaten by sirens. Honestly, that was quite eventful, I don't think Percy or Annabeth ever said Annabeth's flaw was hubris. I mean, it's to be expected considering her mother, but you never know.

~What follows is based on the movies, and not by my choice. I'm only grammar fixing the original fanfic.~

That's about the full recap, leading back to the present. We're sitting in the middle of Polyphemus' cave, while the cyclops snacks on something, to busy to notice us. I quickly turned, looking for the fleece. And I found it, on a branch, on the other side of the cave. Great.

 "Honey! Where my soup?" Polyphemus' voice boomed, shaking the ground.

A squeaky voice replied, "Coming, Dear!" That's familiar, I just can't place it. Who do I know that sounds like that? The sound of feet brought me back to the moment. It was a horribly dressed bride, wearing thin brown veils, and a giant googly eye glued to their forehead. It took only a second for things to snap into place, this was Grover! But, like, in a dress, for some reason.

I was doing my best to hold in my laughter. I know this is serious, but Grover looks really funny in a dress.

"Here you are, Dear." Grover's voice shook with fear, before he spotted us, and discreetly walked over.

"Why are you in a dress?" Annabeth seemed to be having the same troubles as me with containing her laughter. 

Not wasting a moment, I grabbed my phone from my pocket, and hastily took a picture. 

"Hey! Do not let that go viral!" Grover exclaimed nervously.

Nicky interrupted to moment, "Guys! We have to get the fleece!"

I scowled, "Yeah, yeah, whatever." I cleared my throat, "Right, so here's the plan. Nick, Annabeth, Grover? You three go and distract him, while Chris and I get the fleece."

They nodded, and Annabeth slipped on her invisibility hat. She then followed the two boys.

"Hey, meathead! I've got your wife!" Nick called to Polyphemus. I nearly laughed, is that the best he can do?

Polyphemus seemed to think it was quite the insult, as he charged full force at Nick, only to trip over Annabeth. His screams of outrage could be heard over the island, as the trees swayed with the force. Taking the opportunity, Chris and I sprinted to the branch, and the fleece. Unfortunately, the fleece's hem was too high into the air, preventing both of us from reaching it.

Laughing was heard behind us, causing me to slowly turn. "You thought you could steal me fleece? You are only weak demigods!" Polyphemus' voice boomed. 

I scowled, "Chris, give me a boost." He nodded,, and immediately interlocked his fingers, forming a step. I reached as far as I could, and managed to pull the fleece down by a thread. It was surprisingly heavy, like actual gold instead of wool. I wonder, was that sheep like really buff or something? 

As soon as the fleece left the touch of the tree, the branch crumbled, turning a sickly black. The color spread through the tree, and soon through the ground. It soon covered the whole island, making everything gloomy, and sickly.

Polyphemus gave a cry of rage, "How dare you! That was my fleece!"

I glared, but signaled to the rest of the group. We need to get out of here.

We all bolted to the door, only narrowly managing to outrun Polyphemus. We didn't stop at the door, though. We kept running as fast as we could, for if we didn't, we wouldn't live past fifteen seconds.

Eventually, the ship came into sight. Unfortunately, so did James, surrounded by new enemy faces. And they were quickly drawing nearer.

I nearly turned back, before remembering the angry cyclops behind us. We were trapped.

"Nick, join me! Give me the fleece, and my master will help you to unlock your full potential! Think about it, you'll finally be able to show Percy who's stronger." James called from in front of us. 

I stopped running, but thankfully, Polyphemus seemed rather interested to see the outcome of this particular offer. 

"Ha! As if I need your master's help! I'm already more powerful than Percy." At this, even James seemed to roll his eyes. But nevertheless, Nick continued, "I'm also loyal to my Father, and once I've defeated this 'master' person, he'll beg Zeus to make me a god!"

I sighed, yes he's loyal, but for all the wrong reasons. Prissy genuinely felt loyalty to Poseidon, at least in the first timeline. Nicky is only "loyal" because he thinks his Dad will want to make him a god. Honestly, I'm not a god, but I know that those who are furious. This just makes me all the most excited to punch Nick's head in during the final battle.

"Make you a god? Please, you are only their entertainment! Even Poseidon shakes with his laughter!" James' taunts brought me back to reality.

Nick's face turned red, "You will pay for insulting me, James. I once considered us friends, but not anymore."

James laughed, "Oh really now? What are you gonna do? Duel me?"

"Not him, me." Prissy's voice came from behind me. I turned, and there he was, standing quite dramatically. Showoff.

"This doesn't concern you, Perseus." James taunted.

Prissy's face remained calm as he gestured to Annabeth, Chris, and I. "Really? It most definitely concerns my friends, so I say it also concerns me." His voice, unlike his face, held uncontrollable anger, like a raging sea storm. Think kind of like what Nicky thinks he actually sounds like. 

I snorted, "I wouldn't call us friends, Prissy."

"You wound me." He rolled his eyes. "You'll definitely call us friends after you get your present, though."

That peaked my interest, "Hmm? Present?"

He smirked, "You'll see."

James has been watching the exchange curiously, but he now seemed to be back to just angry. "Hand over the fleece, and we'll consider giving you all painless deaths."

Prissy snorted, "Yeah, uh huh. How" He threw his dagger, causing a nearby cyclops to explode.

The monsters charged. I watched Nick, as he slowly made his way to James. Solves that problem. James has been at camp much longer than Nick, and is much better with a sword. Not Chris or me level, but good enough to survive minor monster attacks. I shook my head, and focused on the monsters. 

They were quickly reduced to piles of dust, as Annabeth, Chris, Prissy, and I fought them off.

Once that little problem was solved, the four of us turned our attention to the two dueling demigods. James was on defence, while Nicky slashed and stabbed sloppily. James seemed almost bored as he blocked each attack.

Nick summoned a small wave, and sent it strait towards James. The effort seemed to exhaust him, and he quickly fell over. James didn't seem to much better, as the small wave had also knocked him over. He was now sputtering on the floor, covered in water. I think I overestimated both of them. I didn't even know it was possible to overestimate Nick.

James turned to Prissy, and his gaze hardened. "This isn't over, Perseus. I'll be back, and I'll be bringing an army with me. The age of the gods is over." He then disappeared in flash of golden light.

I shook my head, and turned to Prissy. "Now, about my present?"

He laughed, "Yeah, I almost forgot." He snapped his fingers, and beside him, a motorcycle appeared.


My jaw almost hit the floor.

Prissy laughed, "Yeah, it's all yours. It was Ares', but I modified it for you on Helix. You're the only one who can ride it, aside from those you allow." He then pointed to the handle, "See these buttons? This one makes it change form, whatever vehicle you can think of. And finally, you can make it disappear and reappear with a snap of your fingers. So, what do you think? Friends?"

"Alright, fine. You're my friend." I said, not taking my gaze from the bike.

He laughed, "Great. So, I'll see you all at camp." He then flashed with blinding golden light, and disappeared.

I grinned, "Annabeth, Chris? Wanna try this out with me?"

Annabeth grinned with me, and she helped fold the fleece so to carry it properly. We then all got on, and Chris got to carry the fleece in the middle. 

I could hear Nick's cries of protest as we rode off.

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