Jumping on the Train (Thomas...

By SunnyCoolKid

780K 23.9K 20.6K

"I don't know, Thomas. It just seems like it could be the start of something bad." Thomas leans over and... More

The Call
Hello, My Name is Southern Hospitality
Kick Back and Chill
There's More to you than Meets the Eye
It's All Good
On Television
Do Gooder
More Monkeys Than a Barrel of Fun
Let's Make Things Better
I Did It!
Talk and Text
Let's Party
As Playful As A Kitten
More Handsome
Big Trouble
On The Stage of Life
The Really Great Outdoors
You're About To Burn
You Can Choose Us!
Weather Changes, We don't
Big Red Sun
Hakuna Matata
Discovering the Unexpected
Colorful Compromise
Play Like a Pro
Too Comfortable
Age Can't Slow Me Down
Italian Style
Love Your Color
Ask Smart Questions
Yes, Really
Easy Does It
Has to Be
Time for Dinner
Point of View
Pick and Choose
Roof of the World
We Hear You
Modern Bride
Going Public
Fall in Love
Sassy Style
Under the Sun, the Moon and the Stars
Pony- Lovin'
Talk it Up
Please, Tommy. Please.
Come Home
It's an Alien
Two Human Beings
Bradley Walker and Shadow China
All the Little Babies
Oh, What a Life
Driving Lessons
Thanks Willa
Labor Day
The First Day

The Time of my Life

6.7K 236 69
By SunnyCoolKid

"They need to stop cooking so much, I'm going to get fat." Sidney moans.

"Wrong." Percy blinks, "Well, the cooking part is wrong. You might get fat."

Sidney rolls her eyes, "Gee, thanks Perc."

"No problem."

You lay on the couch, snuggled up to Thomas half asleep. Even with his lanky figure he has a little food baby. You breath in his scent as he speaks, "I now understand why you're able to stay up all night."

Then he looks down at you, "Except you're half asleep."

"Mmhmmmm." You mutter.

"Are we going shopping or not?" Juliette asks, still full of energy.

"Yeah. In a little bit." You mutter.

"You're falling asleep!" Juliette complains, "Wake up! Black Friday shopping is like the best part of Thanksgiving!"

Thomas shrugs, "That's debateable. The food was really good."

Juliette jumps off the couch and walks over. She grabs your arm and yanks you off the couch. You groan.

"Come on! We're going shopping!" She says.

- - - -

Thomas POV:

"We'll see you guys in a bit." Percy waves, "We're going to a man store, to have all by ourselvs man time."

I frown. Is he going to have the "big cousin that's more like a brother" conversation with me.

"Okay. Bye!" The girls wave.

Percy waves me along, to follow him.

"So I need your advice." He says once we're a good distance away from the girls.

I furrow my eyebrows and glance at him, "Okay. With what?"

Then he walks into a jewlers.

"How did Iris take it when you asked her to marry her?" He says looking around at the cases.

Then i realize.

"She was happy." I say carefully.

He turns to me, "I'm going to ask Thalia to marry me too. I don't know how to pick a ring though...."

I blink, "Congratulations! Have you asked her Dad yet?"

"Yeah. Help me pick out I ring. I don't know...."

I shrug, "Well, I don't know either!"

He frowns, "Then how'd you pick Iris'?"

"Technically, she picked it. I dragged her into a jewlers and she found one she liked. I went back the next day." I say.

Percy clicks his tounge, "Lucky. How am I supposed to pick it out?"

"What do you think she'll like?"

"I have no idea!" He exclaims.

He looks at a sort of plain double banded one, "Too plain." He mutters.

He looks at an eternity ring, encrested with diamonds, "Doesn't really look like her...."

Then there was a big flashy one, diamonds going all around the band. And three huge diamonds in the center, "Definitely not her style." He raises his eyebrows.

Then he stops at the fourth ring. It has a square diamond with a silver band. There are a lot of small details that make it look pretty.

He seems in a haze, "This one's perfect."

He looks at me and grins before he waves an attendant over. He quickly purchases it and puts it in his back pocket, safely.

I pat him on the back, "Hey, we're both get married, bro."

He grins, "Yeah. I'm nervous. Were you this nervous?"

I chuckle, "You have no idea."

- - - -

Iris POV:

"Honestly I wouldn't mind if they did away with the whole black Friday thing." You say, as you step through the front door.

Juliette looks at you horrified, "No way! That's like the best part!"

"Nah." You shrug, kicking off your shoes.

Juliette scowls at you, "You aren't my sister anymore. I disown you."

You smirk, "Love you too, Juli."

Thomas throws his arm over you, "Hey, guess what?"

"What?" You say, glancing sideways at him.

"I LOVE YOU!" He hollars.

"Love you too." You grin.

"Ew." Juliette scrunches up her nose.

"You know what the best part of this is? The fact that we absolutely disgust my sister." You say with a nod.

Thomas laughs.

You smile, "Seriously, where have you been my whole life?"

"Trust me," Thomas grins, "I ask myself that same question about you at least fourty times a day."

Percy throws off his coat, "Okay, so I had this amazing idea."

Sidney looks at him, "Shoot."

He walks over to the closet and flings it open. Then he reaches in and pulls out about ten blankets. He grins, "We're going to make a blanket fort."

Juliette gasps, "YES!"

"This is going to be awesome!" You say, as others start surging forward.

You all grab a blanket or two, as Percy instructs, "Grab a chair and drag it into the family room."

Your parents walk into the room, your Aunt and Uncle included.

"What are you doing?" Your Mom asks.

"Let me get my camera." Your Uncle says.

Thalia shakes her head, "Don't try to understand them. You'll just get confused."

Your older family members raise their eyebrows.

You grin, "Uncle Sanders is going to have a hayday taking pictures of this."

- - - -

You lay under your magnificent creation. Percy oragized some couch cushions and pillows and you ended up with several different "rooms".

You lay in one of the smaller ones, staring up at the star blanket the covers thus particular section. The blanket is navy blue, fleece, with yellow, red, and green stars. So little,shining, filtered lights find you and Thomas on the ground holding hands under the blanket.

You close your eyes and enjoy the quiet. At times like this you miss your family. You don't think too much of them when you're away, but when you're with them you think of the fun you're having and how that'll go away and you'll go back to your old routine.

Thomas looks at you, " I like your family."

"I like them too." You say, "And they're super fond of you. I think even at this point of we broke up, they'd still invite you to family outings."

"I think if we broke up, it would be your doing, because there is no way I'd break up with you. And I'd come and I'd try to bloody win your heart back, bacause I am in love with you, Iris Walters."

He props up on one elbow and leans down to kiss you. You find it unbelievable that even though you've kissed a hundred times before, that your heart still skips a beat when you kiss him. You smile into the kiss. When you pull away you whisper, "I'm in love with you too, Thomas Brodie Sangster."

He smiles, "You know what I'm excited for?"

You tilt your head, "What?"

"I get to spend forever with you."

You smile, "We'll have the time of our lives all the time. With each other, eh?"

Then you feel a rush of air by your head, "You know....these walls are awfully thin."

You roll your eyes and find Juliette and Sidney on the older side. They've lifted up the blanket. Juli looks at you smugly, and Sidney rolls over in silent laughter.

You sigh but can't help smiling, especially when you hear Thomas chuckle next to you, "You're both on crack."

Juliette smirks, "But your future husband likes us. Remember that part? How he said he likes us? Yeah? We may be on crack but he likes us."

You look up at the blanket, "You sure know how to kill a moment, don't you."

"I merely severely injured it." She says, with a curt nod.

Thomas glances at you, "The time of our lives, huh?"

You sigh and grin, "The time of our lives."


Short and sweet. :-)

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More updates to come! :-)


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