As Happy As I've Never Been...

By helloyesthisisrachel

3K 68 46

As Rachel's friends win tickets to a band she's never heard of, her life changes... She meets people who bel... More

~Chapter One~
~Chapter Two~
~Chapter Three~
~Chapter Four~
~Chapter Five~
~Chapter Six~
~Chapter Seven~
~Chapter Eight~
~Chapter Ten~
~Chapter Eleven~
~Chapter Twelve~
~Chapter Thirteen~
~Chapter Fourteen~
~Chapter Fifteen~
~Chapter Sixteen~
~Chapter Seventeen~
~Chapter Eighteen~
~Chapter Nineteen~
~Chapter Twenty~
*Author's note*

~Chapter Nine~

128 4 3
By helloyesthisisrachel

"Bella!!" I scream once dressed, she takes a while to respond, and I don't blame her, seeing as how excited she is. Tonight is our double date, Zayn and Bella and Ed and I. Bella doesn't really listen to One Direction other than when I'm playing it, but she's not stupid, Zayn's attractive. She still doesn't respond, so I tear myself away from my full length mirror, and clomping over to her room, where she is putting in earrings. I lean against her door frame as I watch her and listen to her hum. She's humming a song I don't recognize, but when she notices me she smiles and stands up from where she was seated at her vanity.

"Do I look ok?" She asks, nervously. She's wearing this:

"When don't you?" I ask with a small laugh. "You look gorgeous as always." I say and plop down on her bed. She sits down next to me.

"I love your shoes." She says, "Where did you get them?" She asks and I'm about to respond as the doorbell rings and cuts me off.

"Got it!" Jared yells from another room, presumably the living room. Bella and I exchange nervous, excited glances and smile as we get off her bed. I grab her and and give it a reassuring squeeze. She smiles brilliantly and I smile back, she and Zayn might actually hit it off, who knows? She walks out of her room, and I am far enough away from her vanity mirror that I can see my entire reflection; I look it over once more before exiting the room.

Bella had waited for me by her door way and we walk out together. We go to the living room and Ed and Zayn are sitting on the couch while Jared is telling them a story about his Boy Scout days. As we reach them, they laugh as Jared's story comes to an end. That's when Zayn looks in our direction and sees Bella. Automatically, he stops laughing, but has a huge smile all the way across his face. Ed looks at him in confusion, before looking at us, and he smiles too, but not as largely as Zayn does. I wonder how Niall would've reacted... Rachel. Stop. What are you even doing? You are about to go on a date with Ed Sheeran. Ginger fucking Jesus. Don't think of Niall and how he would've smiled, or how he would've smelt when I hugged him, or how he would've laughed when I said something quirky... Or not, seriously Rachel, you need to stop. The Greek chorus in my head is singing songs about not admitted that I like him, aka, "I Won't Say I'm In Love." From Hercules.

Ed and Zayn stand and hug us, first Zayn hugs me then hugs Bella for a long time. While Zayn hugged me, Ed had introduced himself to Bella, who was a little shocked that by Ed, I had meant Ed Sheeran. After introducing himself, he gave me a quick hug. Not a long one like Zayn gave to Bella, even though they've only talked to each other in text since he told me to set him up with her. I've known Ed for over a year now, but I get a little hug. I mean, seriously, when I saw him three days ago, he hugged me for longer. I don't understand this. Whatever, I try to shrug it off as we all wave goodbye to Jared and head downstairs.

Once out of the elevator, we walk outside and there is a limo waiting for the four of us. Zayn opens the door for Bella and she blushes and climbs in, Zayn following close after. Ed then gets in and I get in last, closing the door behind me. Zayn and Bella are already deep in conversation, One of Zayn's arms rest on the seat behind her.

"So Rachel, how are you?" Ed asks with a smile.

"I'm doing well, how are you?" I ask with a smile.

"Brilliantly, the newest album is done recording." He says, "I think you'll love it."

"Really? I can't wait!" I say ecstatically, "When does it come out?" I ask.

"Well there's still a couple of months before the first single is released, and a couple more months after that the album will be released." He says, enthusiasm fading a little.

"Oh." I say, sadness in my voice as I'm knocked down from the enthusiasm.

"But!" HE says, instantly perking up, "I already have a copy of it, album art and all." He says, pulling a wrapped package out of the door pocket.

"No way." I say, smiling spreading across my face. "No fucking way!!" I say as he hands it to me, and before even unwrapping it, I hug him. I hold him tightly and rock side to side as I chant, "thank you"'s into his ear. He laughs slightly as he hugs me back. When he releases me, he only pulls back slightly, as if he's about to do something, then he looks into my eyes, his blues eyes staring deeply into my green ones. His eyes are a darker blue than Niall's, but they're still beautiful.

"Well, open it!" He says, breaking eye contact and reaching for my hand, which was still wrapped around him, and waves the CD in front of my face. I laugh and take it from it. I rip off the wrappings and look at the CD.

"I like the art." I say as I look at the cover, it's cool, very him. He laughs and tips his head in acknowledgement as I flip the CD over to look at the list of songs. "You Need Me, I Don't Need You was on +, what are you trying to pull here, Sheeran?" I ask with a smile.

"It's a remix with different lyrics." He says with a small smile.

"OH! Who's the song, 'My Love' about?" I ask with a smile.

"Oh, this wonderful girl." He says with a wink, and I blush. As he says that, the limo stops.

"We're here!" Zayn announces. Being as I was the last one in the limo, I'm the first one out. I open the door and there's a wave of flashes. Quickly, Ed reaches across and slams the door shut.

"Shit." He says and he and Zayn exchange glances.

"Someone told the paparazzi you guys were going to be here, huh?" Bella asks and Zayn and Ed nod.

"Driver," Ed says, "Take us to the back entrance please." The driver nods and the limo is in motion once again. After a few minutes, the car stops and I open the door again. No flashes this time, but an alley way. I get out, and Ed tumbles out after me, followed by Zayn and Bella. Ed leads the way, and Zayn takes Bella's hand and Bella blushes slightly. Ed still leading the way, we walk into the restaurant and we get seated. I'm sitting next to Ed and across from Bella. When we order, Ed places an order for me, and it annoyed the fuck outta me. Ed kind of talked to me, but more so Bella and Zayn. We eat, get back in the limo and the limo drops Bella and I off first, Ed hugs me while in the limo and says his goodbye, leaving me to awkwardly walk into the building with Bella and Zayn.

"I think I'll take the stairs." I say as I foresee an even more awkward elevator ride with the two of them.

"In those heels?" Bella asks with disbelief. I slip them off and she laughs a little as I head up the stairs. Ugh. May I just say that the walking up to the tenth story is probably the highlight of the night, which makes this whole night even worse. Luckily, it gives me time to think. I know as soon as I step into our apartment, Jared will want to hear all about our dates and Bella will want to express all her thoughts on Zayn and how adorable she thinks he is. I'm looking down at my phone, yes, the same brick I've had forever, why? Because it's a brick so it hasn't broken yet, and why replace something that isn't broken? Anyway, I'm looking down at my phone and checking the time, 9:41, when I run into someone and my phone falls from my hand and slips down a couple of stairs.

"Oh shit! Sorry!" A familiar voice says. I reach for my phone, but he grabs it and hands it to me before I can get it. "Hey, one of my old best friends used to have a phone like this." He says as he hands me my phone, but I keep my eyes trained on the ground, letting my hair fall into my face. I don't think he recognized me.

"Oh," I say, forcing a British accent, "that's quite interesting." I say. "Thank you, good-bye!" I say and turn to start walking up the stairs again.

"You wouldn't happen to know when Rachel from the 10th floor will be back, would you? Her friend there said she was on a date." He says, and I don't turn around.

"There's a girl named Rachel? Sorry, can't help you, didn't even know she existed." I say and start to walk up the stairs again.

"Oh, thanks. I'm Todd, by the way." I don't turn around, because I know he is extending his hand.

"Cool." I say, and don't just start to walk up the stairs, I start to run.

"Who are you?!" He yells after me but doesn't move. I stop, and finally, turn around and face him, hair out of my face.

"Best friend? Yeah right. You didn't even recognize me." I say and start to walk back up the stairs. Todd hasn't changed much in a year. He still cuts his hair in the same way, he still has the same unobservant face he's always had, and maybe he's gotten taller since the last time I saw him, standing in the street as I drove away. I keep walking as he jogs to catch up with me, and falls into step with me like he used to when I would be mad at him.

"I recognized you." He says quietly.

"Don't lie to me." I say.

"Ok." He simply says. After a flight of awkward silence I stop.

"Ok, why the hell are you here?" I ask and cross my arms over my chest.

"What? I can't come visit my best friend?" He asks, an uneasy smile on his face.

"No. I haven't talked to you in over a year, and the last time I saw you, you told me other girls were better than me. I am not your best friend, nor have I been." I say, and his small smile drops.

"Ok, I came to say I miss you." He says.

"Great." I say, no emotion in my voice. "Still doesn't change anything. We're strangers now Todd, and you know what? We should leave it like that. I can't deal with this. I can't deal with you, and I've got enough to worry about without you on my brain too." I say and begin to walk, but he grabs my arm.

"Bet you still haven't been kissed." He says maliciously. I don't look at him, but I rip my arm from his light grasp. I walk up a couple of stairs to the landing that divides the 7th and 8th floors stairways, and he still hasn't moved.

"You would've lost that bet." I say and turn to look at him and he has a doubting look on his face.

"Oh yeah?" He asks.

"Yes. I've been kissed by 1/5 of One Direction, and I just went on a double date with another 5th of One Direction, but my date was Ed Sheeran. Go home, Todd. And I don't know how you found me, but really, don't come back." I say and go through the exit at the top of that flight. I'm standing in the corridor of the 7th floor, right in front of the elevator, and I walk over and press the button. As the doors open, I fling myself inside. I put my shoes back on, and a single tear slides down my face. I don't allow others to fall, because I don't need that asshole. He isn't worth my tears. The elevator doors open, and I can see Zayn and Bella still standing outside our apartment, faces inches apart, talking to each other. I sigh and exit the elevator, I approach them, but they don't notice me. I go around Bella, and as I'm unlocking the door, I grumble.

"Just kiss and get it over with." Bella looks at me, childish excitement in her smile and she grabs Zayn's face and kisses him. I smile slightly as the door opens and I walk inside, shutting it behind me. I walk past our living room, and Jared is sprawled out on our coach, asleep. Mean Girls is playing on our small T.V. and there's a bowl of popcorn on the floor. I laugh slightly as I remember how Jared has never seen Mean Girls fully because he always falls asleep or gets distracted. I walk to my room and throw on some Pj's. Bella waltzes by and says she's going to sleep, and I bid her goodnight as I search for my CD player. Unable to find it, I turn on my laptop and wait the 5 minutes for it to turn on. Once on, I open up ITunes and put in Ed's newest CD and let it play as I drift off to sleep.

My alarm's going off. What day is it? Saturday, because last night was Friday night. What do I have on Saturday mornings? SHIT! I have a voice lesson!

I rip my eyes open and look at my alarm, 9:01, it's only been going off for a minute. I have an hour before I need to leave. I get up and groggily and press pause on the Ed Sheeran CD before walking over the bathroom I share with my flat mates and shower before they're even awake. After my shower, I go into the kitchen and grab a water, usually, I would get some cereal, but milk really isn't good for singing, so not today. I don't eat breakfast unless it's cereal, mainly because my stomach really doesn't like solid food in the morning, but partially because I think eating other foods in the morning is weird. I don't even know why, just habit. I look at the clock on our old stove and see its 9:20 and I still have half an hour before I have to get walking. I walk back to my room and ditch the towel I was wearing previously and put on this.:

Then I brush my teeth, apply light makeup, and make sure I have my folder with my sheet music in it and shove that into my backpack. I put on my shoes and decide to leave early, why not? Its only 9:35. Before I leave, I look out the window. Outside, it's dark and cloudy; the trees below are swaying, so there must be a breeze. I love this weather, plus, it'll dry my hair. I sigh in contentment before remembering my laptop is still on. I quickly walk over to it and try and update all of the information on Ed's CD. After typing the album name, adding album art, and typing up all the song names, I sync my IPod to it so I have something to listen to while walking there. When it's finally done syncing, I look at the clock, 9:45, not bad, still early. So I grab my backpack once more and plug in my earphones.

I put on Ed's new CD as I close the apartment door behind me and head for the elevator, and I take the elevator all the way down to the bottom floor. Once there, I exit the building and begin my 5 block walk to my voice teachers house. Even with the headphones, I can still hear the thunder cracking overhead, and I really hope it starts raining after I get to his house, because I don't' have any money to take a cab. I feel the first drop as I'm 4 and a half blocks there, and in true New York fashion, it begins to pour. God damn it. I start to rush, but the rain is making everything a little blurry, and at the same time, I'm trying to protect my folder and IPod from the water. I hastily shove my IPod and earphones into my pocket as I shove my folder up under my shirt. I start to walk faster, and I'm still a couple blocks away when I hear my name being called. I stop and look around, there's no one really driving down this street, there are cars parked across the street and people huddled under an umbrella next to them, but other than that, there's a single taxi driving up the street towards me. The window is down, and I can't see who's inside until it rolls to a stop next to me.

"Hey!" Todd yells, obviously happy, like last night didn't happen.

"What?" I ask, trying not to let the rain get to me.

"Where are you going in the rain?" He asks, face showing slight concern.

"To a voice lesson." I say, starting to walk again.

"You need a ride? 'cause, you know, it's raining." He says.

"No, I'm good." I say and keep walking.

"Oh C'mon Rachel! You're going to get sick, and then you won't be able to sing." He says. He ha a point. I sigh and walk over to the cab.

"It's only 3 blocks away." I say as he smiles and I open the door. He slides over and I get into the taxi, very aware that I'm dripping water everywhere. The taxi driver politely asks for the address and I tell him, then we are in motion. I slowly adjust to the warmth of the cab, although I'm still soaked. I slowly take my folder out from under my shirt and make sure it's undamaged.

"Is your folder ok?" Todd asked, and I look at him. He's looking at me sincerely, not trying to mess with me or anything. I give a slight smile before answering.

"Yeah, it's ok." I say and look back down at it and flip through the pages a little. Ok, when I say folder, it's really a binder. It has sheet music of all my parts and highlighted all my notes. I'm not great with notes or harmonies, which is really bad because as an Alto, I'm always on the harmony. It's horrible and majorly discouraging, but after a while, it gets easier, especially when I have vocal lessons. I need this lesson today because of an assignment in choir where I was, of course, put on harmony.

"So, Rachel, do you want to go to lunch?" Todd asks, catching me completely off guard.

"Um, sorry, I can't, I'm going to a voice lesson." I say, looking at him, his smile dimming a little bit.

"You can skip one, can't you?" He says, a cocky smile appearing on his face, rotating his head slightly.

"Can you teach me how to harmonize?" I ask, smiling slightly, and facing him fully.

"No, but I can do this." He says and leans over and kisses me. Shocked, I just sit there for a moment as the taxi comes to a stop. I pull back and quickly exit the taxi. I quickly walk up to the doorsteps as behind me I hear,

"I'll text you!" Todd yells as the taxi drives off. I don't even turn around. I take a few deep breathes to compose my thoughts and regain my composure before knocking on the door to begin my voice lesson.

* * *

I lean against our door and sigh. The rain had stopped by the time I was done with my lesson, but then it just became humid, although the wind did help a little.

"RACHEL." Bella yells from the living room, and I walk the two steps so I can see her.

"Yes?" I ask, she looks up at me from her laptop and there is concern written all over her face.

"Check your Tumblr. Now." She says, and I follow her directions. I rush to my room and throw down my stuff while my laptop starts up. Finally, it turns on and I open Google Chrome and get on Tumblr. I'm shocked when the page loads. My own derpy face is starring back at me and so is Ed, Zayn's and Bella's, and damn, we look dapper. The pictures from the paparazzi last night are up and people are pissed.

"Who are these blonde bimbos?! Fuck them!" "No! Zayn will love me!" "Are you kidding? That one's fat and the other one doesn't even have eyebrows!"

Bitches be going crazy. Oh Lord, I am not in the mood to deal with this right now. I shut my laptop without turning it off, I know I'll be all addicted to the internet later, and walk out to the front to sit with Bella. As I turn the corner, I hear Bella yelling at her computer.

"I DO TOO HAVE EYEBROWS YOU JUST CAN'T SEE THEM!" As she slams her laptop shut, I sit down next to her.

"Calm down, it's ok, it'll blow over." I say, trying to comfort her.

"Maybe, but Zayn and I are going out again before they leave back to London, and I don't want the whole, 'let's kick Bella's ass' thing happening." She says, leaning her head on my shoulder. We sit there for a minute before we hear a pounding on the door. She and I look at each other and we both walk over to the door to see what the hell is going on. I open the door and Ed is standing there, phone in hand, and looking pissed.

"We have a problem." He says through his teeth.

"Yeah, our faces are all over Tumblr, and we're getting a lot of hate." I say as we let him in and he charges through the door to the living room.

"No. I mean, you're a whore!" He basically shouts and shoves his phone in my face. On the screen, a picture of Todd kissing me.


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