The Nerd's Luna

By Xplicitt

1.5M 46.2K 7.2K

Nicole Hanson would have never guessed that she would have to ever work for anything. She was always given an... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
New Book Trailer
The Nerd's Luna Rewritten

~Chapter 18~

43.9K 1.5K 120
By Xplicitt

Picture of The Fields on the side

Ty's POV

The buzz of our doorbell made me alert, and I ran to it. "Grandma!" I hugged her tightly, smelling the same perfume she always wore.

"Awwww, my Ty-tee whitey." She pinched my cheeks affectionately.

"Grandma don't call me that!" I frowned inching away from her, noticing Titus with his arms crossed, leaning against the wall. He was definitely getting me later for that one.

"Grown up, I see." She chuckled. "And Titus, get your behind over here and hug me!" Titus gave her a fake smile, walking over and embracing her, except she didn't pinch his cheeks like she did to me. It made me feel childish that I was still treated like a kid. I was 13!

"Grandmother." He greeted casually.

"Mom!" Dad ran down to hug the small elderly woman.

"Hey Tyler." Titus grabbed my arm, pulling me off to the side, "Mom wants to talk to you." He whispered in my ear low enough for only me.

I nodded and headed up the steps after excusing myself. Titus, of course, had to pinch my cheeks mockingly. I headed down the hall towards my room, knowing well that everytime we talked, we would either be in my room or The Fields. As I walked in, I saw her sitting down on my bed. I sat beside her, letting the silence consume us. "Where do I start?" She questioned aloud.

"Maybe from the beginning." I joked making her chuckle.

"That sounds good." She smiles. "Do you believe in fairytales?"

I raised my eyebrow, "What? Why?"

"There's something I have to tell you Tyler. It should have been years ago, but I couldn't bring myself to do it." She brushed my hair with her fingers before placing them in her lap. "Some.... Stuff that you wouldn't expect to be real..... Are." She starred hesitantly. "Like werewolves, witches, and vampires."

I looked at her questioningly, "Y-you're joking, right?" But I could tell by the look on her face that she was far from it. I swallowed.

"Werewolves for instance, your brother is one, I'm a human, but your father is one.... And.... And you are."

I tilted my head, "How is this p-possible?"

"It's just the way we're born Tyler. It's something we can't control. Werewolves are real, and they can shift, and they have mates, and there are packs-"

"I..... I don't understand..."

"Tyler," She sounded somewhat impatient. Sighing, "Alright, I'll break it down for you. Every wolf shifts at 16, which means they get their wolf. But when they turn 17, they find their mate. Their other half..." Her eyes sparkled. "It's an amazing experience you and Titus will go through. Your mate will mean everything to you, and you'll never want to let her go. It's short for soul mate, like the other half of your heart you hadn't realized you'd been missing."

"Do you have one?" I whispered.

She smiled, "Your father, he and I are mates. Along with that, there are packs, and each pack has a leader. The top three ranks are Alpha, Beta, and Delta. The Alpha is in order of everything, they can control everyone and everything within their pack. But when an alpha finds their mate, their is a Luna Ceremony, which is when she steps up and becomes the Pack's mother. She's chosen by a pure heart, honesty, bravery, and ready to protect her pack from anything and everything dangerous. I'm a Luna, and your father is an Alpha Tyler. That means when we step down, Titus will take over because he's the oldest."

I nodded, soaking in all the information like a sponge, "So what will I be?"

"You're going to be the beta, and the delta can be anyone's choice. So if something bad happens to Titus, you'll take his place, and the delta becomes the beta, and there is a new delta chosen." She smiled gently.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?" I asked, knowing it would be easier to tell a child that fairytales were real.

"Because, Tyler, you were different, normally a pup's eyes will change colors due to an emotion, but that never happened to you. We don't believe you will shift, and you won't be able to be beta if so. I knew it would break your heart."

I hugged her, "It's fine mom, I'm fine. I can just live on my own."

She kissed the top of my head, "It won't be that easy with leverage from rival packs and rouges. Rouges are lone wolves without a pack, not all are evil, but most are very determined to bring down as many packs possible, and the routines you and Titus have been practicing are your routines for a ball. It's every year, where all the alphas and lunas gather together. Your dates being an alpha's daughters at a nearby pack-"

"Did you tell him? Did you tell him yet?!" Titus burst in, excitement clear in his voice.

"Titus couldn't wait until I told you." Mom chuckled. "And yes I explained most of it."

"Yeah! Come on, I want to show you something." He grabbed my hand and we end down the hall towards dad's office which was completely off limits.

"Woah." I whispered drinking in the office, not believing that one day Titus would be sitting at the same desk dad sat in as an 'Alpha'

"I know, sweet isn't it?" He plopped down on the chair, spinning in circles. "Just wait till' I get older." He whispered in wonder. "We'll have parties, and mates." He dragged out 'mates' with a squeaky voice. "Just imagine." He looked at the ceiling, and I decided not to tell him about me having a high possibly of not changing into a wolf, because I didn't want to ruin his moment, and also because there was a small possibility that I would.

"Are you boys ready?" Mom chuckled. "It's almost late and you don't want to be late."

I remember how hard Titus and I had practiced just to get all of the routines right. "What about our dates?" Titus piped up.

She laughed again, "We'll meet them there. Now come on."

"No, this chair is really comfortable, I don't wanna go."

"Titus." Mom insisted, "Let's go."

"Pleeaaaase, can I stay?" He begged. "I'll be good, and I'll practice how to be alpha."

She shook her head disapprovingly, "Alright Titus, but I'll have the beta come over to watch over you." She sighed. "Come on Ty."

I followed her out the room, Titus sticking his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and followed her out the door where dad was waiting in the car. "Where's Titus?" He questioned as we got inside.

"I called Oliver to watch over him, he wants to practice 'being alpha'" Mom said.

"That boy." He shook his head laughing. He began to drive, my parents talking about things within the pick. It was weird being alone in the car, I was used to talking to Titus about stupid stuff, and school. Although Titus hated it, I loved it. It was a place with so much.... Fun. I didn't see how he found education boring, well, maybe math but only because it seemed like they were teaching the same stuff over and over again, and there was really nothing new to it.

My dad turned up the radio, and my parents sang along to the old songs. A smile grew on my face, if Titus were here he would be laughing his butt off. My mother smiled at me through the rearview mirror and singing. I couldn't help but explode in laughs, unable to keep myself in. She stopped singing and joined in on the laughter.

"Charlotte," My dad became serious, "Do you see that?" Their eyes zeroed in on something gleaming. It was red, and dark, but there was something familiar about it that I couldn't put my finger on.

"Tom!" My mom screamed as something large and furry exposed itself in front of our car. Dad turned away to avoid it, but the car seemed to lose control as it flew into the trees, rolling around in circles as if it were a barrel. Everything seemed to happen quickly, and my brain couldn't wrap around the fact that I was going to die. The car managed to hit one of the trees, and I couldn't feel anything afterwards, only able to notice my eyes closing and a certain darkness overwhelming me.


All I could hear was a repetitive beeping. I was also able to smell chemicals. I used my brain to piece together these familiar things caught by my senses. The only explanation that I could come up with was a hospital, but why would I be in a hospital? I forced my eyes open, noticing my older brother sitting in the chair beside my bed, snoring. He looked nearly dead, bags under his eyes and dried tear streaks on his face.

I looked around, the room was mostly white, and I realized that my guess was right. I was in a hospital. But why? I didn't want to wake Titus, so I got out of the bed after taking out the thing on my wrist and grabbing the cup of water on the table beside Titus and drinking all of it.

My head was hot, and I realized I was sweating. I slowly walked into the bathroom, seeing a large white bandage wrapped around my skull. What the heck is going on?

"Tyler?" Titus shouted looking around the room.

"I'm right here." I walked back into the bedroom and his head shot up.

"I'm dreaming again." He mumbled.

"What? Why am I here? Where's mom and dad?"

He cursed under his breath, and rubbed his already messy hair. "Tyler what do you remember last?"

I shrugged, "Us practicing, yesterday. Isn't that ball thing today? And why am I in the hospital again?"

"Dammit! Doctor Reynolds!" He yelled.

"Calm down Titus, and can you answer any of my questions?"

"Tyler's awake." He stated as soon as a light haired man with brown eyes entered the room.

"Yes, I'm awake, now can you tell me what's going-"

"Alpha meet me outside." Doctor Reynolds walked out with Titus, leaving me  even more frustrated than I was. And why the heck did he call Titus Alpha?

Titus and Doctor Reynolds were outside talking for at least 10 minutes when they finally walked back in. "Tyler, take a seat." Doctor Reynolds said softly.

"Are you going to tell me what's happening?"

"Of course," Doctor Reynolds smiled and I sat on the bed.

"Tyler, 2 weeks ago, your parents died in a car crash, and you were in that car."

"Wh-What?" I asked, unable to grasp onto the information.

"Your parents died instantly, but you had major brain damage, and we rushed you here, but were in a comatose state for 2 weeks."

I gulped, "This makes no sense. My mom was alive yesterday, not... We... It doesn't make sense."

"Tyler, I'm afraid you've lost all of your memory on what happened on the day of the accident, I'm very sorry." He frowned. This can't be true.

It isn't true.


"Hey buddy, I brought some Chinese." Titus plopped down on the chair, but I continued to draw. "Are you hungry?" He sighed.

"No." I stated continuing my work.

"Ty, you can't keep this up. We're going to have to go home soon, ya know?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Tyler are you feeling well?"

"Am I feeling well?" I recited. "I learned 3 days ago that my parents were killed in a car crash, the same car n which I happened to be in, and I have no recognition of the memory! How do you think I feel?" I hissed angrily.

"I know, it's been hard on me to Tyler. They were my parents too, ya know? All you've been doing is drawing!"

"It's calming, and since I'm not 'stable' enough to go to The Fields, there's nothing else to do."

"Alright, whatever floats your goat. But you still need to eat." He set the food on my lap and I placed the drawing of my mom and dad aside, and just to make Titus happy, I ate. "Oh and Ty,"


"That's a good drawing."

I shrugged, it wasn't my best, but I knew that all Titus was trying to do was lighten the mood, but there was no mood to lighten.

I closed my eyes and thanked him silently. Thing were different ever since the accident, and it would never be the same way again.

Authors Note

Boom! Chapter 18 in Tyler's pov. Just so ya guys know I most likely won't do anymore of Ty's pov just to keep his thoughts and emotions a secret. I'll think about it.

So... What do you think about "the accident"?

Am I evil?

The end is near!!!! And I've already shed some tears. :( remember what I said about the sad ending? Okay okay, no more teasing you guys...


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