To SAVE a Demon

By jhbloodstorm

1.1K 60 4

Frisk has gone through the Underground countless times. Each time trying to figure out a way to SAVE the one... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 10

48 3 0
By jhbloodstorm

  Frisk limped after Monster kid with Chara floating silently behind her. The area they arrived in had a save point, a mouse hole with an Echo Flower next to it, and a coffee table with a slice of cheese encased in magic crystal sitting on it. The Echo Flower was squeaking nonstop as Frisk saved.

  Chara looked at the cheese and smiled as she remembered her and Asriel had always tried to see who could move the cheese crystal, but it never budged an inch. Looking back over at Frisk she saw her biting into a bisicle, healing her wounds and bringing her HP back to full.

  The next area had an unmanned telescope pointed at the ceiling, and a box both of which Frisk ignored as she moved deeper into Waterfall. This part of the Underground had pools of water with glowing rocks at the bottom, making it look like the water was glowing with an ethereal light. Chara loved this part of the Underground, it was always so quiet and peaceful with nothing but the soothing sounds of running water to help her relax. She had no time to relax now, however, as Frisk fought and killed several monsters including a few Woshua's, a strange looking monster species that looked like a living bathtub, complete with water and a small bird.

  Frisk and Chara continued moving through the large area passing a few Echo Flowers that were also silent. As they moved towards the area's exit, they passed by another plaque. Chara remembered reading it before. It explained that because monsters could absorb a human's SOUL, the humans became fearful of the monster and thus started the Human-Monster War.

  As Frisk and Chara traveled down a long cavern in silence Chara thought, Will Undyne be able to stop Frisk? Humans have always been stronger than monsters, that's why the humans won the war. But Undyne, she's always been strong, she's the strongest monster in the Underground.

  Tired of the complete silence Chara asked, "So Frisk, um how old are you?" as she rubbed the back of her head, embarrassed at asking such a boring question.

  Frisk came to a halt and and looked at her questioningly before saying, "Why?"

  "Uh, no reason, just a little curious is all." Chara said as she looked away.

  Sighing Frisk said, "I turned eleven a few days ago."

  "Really? I'm eleven too, or at least I was." Chara said with a slight smile.

    Frisk said nothing but simply stared ahead as she resumed walking towards the cavern's exit. Chara, a little disheartened, sighed and floated after her. After passing through an empty area, they came across an old statue that had water dripping on it from the ceiling. Chara didn't remember ever seeing it while her and Asriel were still alive. They soon came across a large bucket containing an assortment of umbrellas and a sign that read Please take one.

  Frisk ignored the umbrellas as she walked down the corridor where water began to drip from the ceiling like rain. They soon found Monster kid who was huddled underneath an overhang to avoid getting wet.

  "Yo! You can't hold an umbrella either?" he said as Frisk got closer. "If you're walking anyway, I guess I'll go with you, ha ha..."

  Monster kid stepped over to Frisk's side, accidentally walking through Chara before she could move out of the way, and said, "Let's go!"

  After walking a few feet Monster kid began to gush about how great Undyne was.

  "Man, Undyne is sooooooo cool. She beats up bad guys and NEVER loses. If I was a human, I would wet the bed every night, knowing she was gonna beat me up! Ha Ha."

  Chara remembered not long after she had fallen into the Underground, and had been taken in by the Dreemurrs, that some of the monsters hadn't been made aware that she was no threat and was now a Dreemurr herself. She was ten at the time and had once been attacked by a monster in New Home that thought she was just some dangerous human. She didn't want to FIGHT and kept trying to SPARE the monster, but they wouldn't stop attacking until finally Undyne, who happened to be passing by, SAVED her, by beating up the monster until they didn't want to FIGHT anymore. After the monster apologized and left, Undyne gave Chara some of her Monster Candy and they had been friends ever since.

  Chara, Frisk, and Monster kid soon passed by a lone Echo Flower.

  "So, one time." Monster kid said. "We had a school project where we had to take care of a flower. The king, we had to call him 'Mr. Dreemurr' volunteered to donate his own flowers. He ended up coming to the school and teaching the class about responsibility and stuff. That got me thinking... YO! How COOL would it be if UNDYNE came to school?! She could beat up ALL the teachers!!" After thinking about it for a few moments he then said, "Ummm, maybe she wouldn't beat up the teachers. She's too cool to ever hurt an innocent person!"

  The three of them soon walked out of the smaller cavern and into an enormous open part of the Underground. From the path they were on they could see New Home lit up far into the distance. Chara recalled her and Asriel coming here all the time to talk as they gazed at the city together.

  At the end of the large open cavern they entered another smaller enclosed cavern. Inside was another large bucket with more umbrellas and a high ledge blocking the path.

  Monster kid stopped in front of the ledge and turned to Frisk saying, "Yo, this ledge is way too steep. Yo, you wanna see Undyne, right? Climb on my shoulders."

  After Monster kid got down on one knee, Frisk climbed up onto the ledge without bothering to be gentle.

  "Owww... Yo, try being a little less rough, ha ha. Anyway, I'll look for another way through. Later!" Monster kid ran back towards the open cavern, tripped and fell, got back up, and continued running.

  Chara and Frisk moved forward and found another save point that Frisk used before proceeding further. The area they were in had a very long raised boardwalk. Frisk walked a few feet before stopping as a large blue circle appeared on the boards in front of them. Soon another appeared, and another, and another, until they were surrounded. Before Chara could say anything blue spears erupted out of the circles narrowly missing Frisk. Alarmed Chara looked down and saw below the boardwalk was Undyne.

  Frisk began sprinting as Undyne cast more magic spears into the boardwalk while following from below. Undyne was casting the spears in random patterns forcing Frisk to dodge and weave through them as soon as they appeared. As Undyne started casting the spears faster, Frisk was having a hard time avoiding them. One spear cut open her right arm, another sliced open her left thigh. Chara was floating after her, hoping that Frisk's HP was low enough that Undyne would be able deliver a finishing blow. Chara hated seeing anyone in pain but knew that if Frisk continued, she would kill everyone in the Underground.

  Frisk grunted in pain as another spear jabbed her in the side before disappearing. She coughed up blood as she rolled to the left to avoid another spear, before getting back up and running towards the end of the boardwalk. As she got closer she skidded to a halt as it was really a dead end. Gritting her teeth in pain and frustration, she turned back around and came face-to-face with Undyne.

  This is it! Chara thought as she watched the two of them staring at each other. Please stop her Undyne!

  Before Frisk could react, Undyne summoned several spears and threw them at the boardwalk between them, slicing through the wood like it was paper. The part of the boardwalk Frisk was standing on began falling, taking her with it, into the darkness below.

  *3 Left*

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