It Started With A Wrong Numbe...

By IceSky_

53K 2.7K 597

BOYXBOY | DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T LIKE RAINBOWS πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ TRIGGER WARNING: Suicidal thoughts and cutting. You ha... More

1. Wrong Number
2. Mommy Dearest
3. Can You Help Me?
4. I Know Who You Are
5. Do You Know Who I Am?
6. The Start Of Something
7. A Rose Wilts
8. Partners
9. Lost Boy
10. Brother Knows
11. Bonding
12. Friend or Foe?
13. Winter Kisses
14. Pretty Liars
15. Shattered
16. Broken
17. When I See You Again
18. Reconnecting
19. Mother no More
20. Back to School
21. Past Stories
23. Jealousy
24. Admittance

22. Another New Friend

1.3K 85 16
By IceSky_

Salvatore: Guys, what's the answer to question 6 in science

Salvatore: I need help

Guardian: I'm not in your class

Hot Lesbian: Me neither

Hot Lesbian: Why don't you just ask Skye?

Salvatore: He went shopping with his dad. My dad made me stay home and do homework

Salvatore: Aaron, did you get the question?

Pedo Bear: Not yet, I'm working on it right now.

Pedo Bear: I think I'm gonna get it wrong

Salvatore: Ciel, you're the smart one

Salvatore: Help

I roll my eyes, deciding to help him despite the fact I'm supposed to be looking for clothes to fill my rather empty and old wardrobe.

Me: I got AgNO3

Salvatore: Oh

Salvatore: Wait I think I get it

Salvatore: Thanks

"What do you think of this?" Dad asks, holding up a dark grey shirt with the Slytherin house crest.

I grin, eye brightening. "I love it and I want it."

Dad chuckles, putting the shirt in the cart. "Thought so, Potterhead."

"It's a good series," I whine, pouting.

"It is," Dad agrees.

We continue looking around, picking up clothes that I see, like and have my size in.

"Dad, I feel hungry," I whine.

"You purposely avoided saying 'I'm hungry' because of the dad joke thing, didn't you," he says. I nod, despite it being more of a statement rather than question. "Let's head to the food court then."

As we turn towards the food court, I stop, seeing a girl around my age with short chestnut brown hair standing nervously in front of me as if preparing to ask a question.

"Sorry," she says, looking at my face but avoiding meeting my eyes, "but could you point me in the direction of the food court? I know, there's signs but I somehow forgot my glasses and I can't see far away without them so I can't read them."

"We're heading there now actually, so you could walk with us if you want?" I offer.

The girl looks between me and dad, considering it before she nods shyly and we start walking. I notice her blink a few times quickly, the corner of her mouth repeatedly twitching upwards.

I tilt head curiously. "I don't mean to pry or seem mean, but do you have Tourette's syndrome?"

The girl flushes but nods shyly, not looking at me as if waiting for me to spit at her.

"Hey, it's fine," I say. "I'm not... I'm not gonna be all mean and hateful for that."

She glances at me, and I give her a smile, one she slowly returns, her eyes twitching again.

We talk a bit as we keep walking. I learn her name, Bianca, and that she just moved here from one or two towns over because of people bullying her for her disorder. When I tell her I was bullied for being gay, she seems a bit relieved, but also a bit nervous. When I ask about it, she says she was worried she would be the only gay/lesbian she knew in this town.

"Well, I enjoyed talking to you, Bianca," I say with a smile when we reach the food court. "I hope I'll see you again."

She nods, agreeing. "Me too, Skye, and you, Mr. Vernoy."


During the next week, I notice Aaron has been acting... off.

Colder, more distant. Especially to Harper. I don't get it. She hasn't done anything wrong, yet he just doesn't seem to like her.

"Hey," I say, seeing Aaron walking towards Damon and I with Nicholai and Harper. "Can I talk to you?"

"Of course," he replies, head tilting curiously. "About what?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Damon pulling Nicholai and Harper a short distance away to give Aaron and I privacy, something I appreciate.

"Harper," I say, pulling my binder out of my bag in my locker.

I notice his eyes harden a little at her name as he asks, "what about her?"

"Why don't you like her? Has she done something to you?"

"No," he grumbles, arms crossing.

"Then what is it?" I ask, putting a hand on his forearm. "I don't understand why you act cold to her."

"I just don't like her," Aaron says.

"Is there a reason?" He doesn't reply, avoiding my gaze. "Aaron?"

"Look Skye, can you just drop it for now?" he says after a pause.


"Because I don't want to talk about it right now."

"But why not? Is it embarrassing or something?"

"No," he says defensively, making me raise an eyebrow skeptically.

"Communication is key!" Damon calls, Aaron and I both glancing at him. "What? You two looked like you needed to hear it."

I roll my eyes, looking back to my disgruntled boyfriend. I got to speak, but the warning bell cuts me off.

I sigh.

"Oh shit," Aaron says, turning quickly and rushing off, the rest of us following him.

"What, can't risk your perfect attendance?" Damon asks.

Aaron shakes his head. "No, I just forgot something important. My cousin's first day here is today, and I told her I would help her find her way around... Bee!"

I look ahead of us, at the doorway of Nicholai's science class and see a short-brown-haired girl turning towards us at the shout, a smile coming to her face as she sees Aaron.

"There you are," she says, relieved, pushing up the black glasses on her nose.

Aaron smiles sheepishly. "Sorry, I uh, got distracted and forgot."

"It's alright, I made it here," she replies, eye twitching. "Wait, Skye?"

"Bianca?" I say, surprised.

"You go here too?"

I nod, looking between her and Aaron. "You're cousins? Wait, Aaron, is she who you were trying to text when you first texted me?"

Aaron nods. "How do you two already know each other?"

"We met at the mall about a week ago," Bianca replies.

"When you got lost?" Aaron asks. Bianca nods. "Huh. Well, these are my friends, Damon, Nicholai and Harper, and you already know my boyfriend Skye."

"We're the gay gang," Damon says enthusiastically. "Closet crew, homo hangout, muskequeers, and—"

"Enough, babe," Nicholai cuts him off, placing a hand over his mouth, Bianca laughing at Damon's words.

"Alright, then you have a new member," she says. "Imma bi bitch."

"Yes, I have a chance!" Harper cheers, giving a fist pump and making Bianca blush.

"Crap," I say as the speakers start playing the song used during the last minute or so before the bell.

"We'll talk later," Aaron says. "You'll be alright, Oncé?"

"If you stop calling me that, yes," Bianca replies. "I think I'll be fine with your friends."

"I got her covered," Harper says happily. "Let's go, I'm not being late by even a second on my second week."

"See you later, Bee," Aaron says.

"Later, Ron," Bianca replies.

Aaron, Damon and I head to class, making it a few seconds before the bell rings.

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