The Strongest Kure (History's...

Від MikumoEnjoyer

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Y/N Kure is a normal teenager, well almost, he is actually from the Kure clan a powerful league of assassins... Більше

Y/N Bio
Chapter 1
Y/N Love Interests
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7- Y/N and Miu go on a date!
Chapter 8- Furinji Island and Y/N vs Yuzaki
Chapter 9- The Eight Fists of Ragnarok
Chapter 10- Deserter's lynching

Chapter 2

2.1K 40 15
Від MikumoEnjoyer

(3rd person POV)

Some time has passed after Kenichi's "loss" over Daimonji and him quitting the karate club, but the worst part of this is that now Tsukuba the top guy in the karate club wants to test Kenichi skills, however Miu told him of a method that can help him become stronger over a short period of time as she gave him only one warning. "The chances of you surviving are unlikely"

Kenichi was currently on his bed looking at the "map" Miu gave him.

(Looks like something Rukia would draw)

Honoka: Brother! You've sighing a lot lately. If something is troubling you, I'm here for you

Kenichi: Everything's alright...can you decipher this?

Honoka: What the! This is a girl's hand writing!

And so, Kenichi and Honoka managed to decipher the map Miu made, now Kenichi is on his way to the place the map indicated, but when he finally arrived at the place he just stood there questioning if that was really the place.

Kenichi: I've gotten this far, there's no reason to be scared!

Kenichi started to push the door in an attempt to open it, but it didn't move as then out of nowhere someone pushed the door with only one finger as Kenichi fell to the ground, when he looked up he saw a tall old man with long hair and beard.

Old man: What business brings you here, young one? To our Ryozanpaku!

Kenichi: I...well...actually...I'm sorry! I came to the wrong place!

Kenichi started to run away but collided with the same old man and fell to the ground again

Old man: Returning so soon?

Kenichi: By any chance, are you a master of martial arts?

Old man: Hoho, I might not exactly an expert, but ever since my days of youth, I've never lost a single fight

Kenichi: This must really be the place Miu was talking about! I am Shirahama Kenichi! Furinji Miu recommended me to you!

Old man: I see, so it was through Miu. Good, follow me

The old man and Kenichi entered the dojo, while Kenichi was talking with the old man as he was showing him the place.

Kenichi: you teach martial arts in this dojo?

Old man: Yes, we do teach martial arts

Kenichi: Great...WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!

Kenichi yelled as he saw a tall dark skinned man with white hair,  in a muay-thai fighter outfit that was kicking a sandbag as the sandbag got ripped in two from the force of the kick.

Old man: Ah, that guy is Apachai Hopachai, a 28 year old thai 

Apachai kept hitting things as he destroyed some stone statue, then a tree and so on, before Kenichi could scream again the old man put his hand over his mouth.

Old man: No need to get frightened. He's overdoing it a bit because he's in a good mood. HEY! CUT IT OUT WILL YOU?! I think he's excited because we have a guest

Kenichi: What kind of place is this? I am determined, but it will all be in vain if I died in my first day

As they were walking away Kenichi saw in one of the rooms a young girl with black hair tied in a high ponytail wearing a small pink kimono and long purple stockings this girl name is Kosaka Shigure, Kenichi noticed the sword in her back and several other swords around her, with one swift movement of her sword she managed to cut every single one of the swords around her into various pieces.

Shigure: Hey! What business do you have with me?

Kenichi: N-nothing I was just-

Shigure: Then come up, Kensei Ma!

Shigure stabbed her sword on the ground as a short man with a chinese outfit, a hat and a moustache came out of it. Just as he was leaving Shigure held her sword near his neck.

Shigure: Wait a sec. What kind of pictures were you taking with that camera of yours, speak before I go tell Y/N

Kensei: Just...the scenery!

As Kensei applied the secret joestar technique, Shigure threw several shurikens at him as he catched them while escaping. But one of the shurikens was going to hit Kenichi as the old man stopped it mid air

Old man: You can't just walk around as you please. That was close

Kenichi: What the hell is this place?!

Old man: Okay, here's the martial arts teacher

He opened a door as they approached a tall man with black hair, a brown jacket, and blue jeans his most defining feature being the long scar that runs horizontally across the bridge of his nose, he was also surrounded by several wooden boards.

Old man: Look here, Sakaki! I have something to tell you

Sakaki: What? A disciple? I don't train anyone! That's my motto!

Kenichi: Then, he isn't a teacher

Sakaki: But, if the Elder does give me a disciple...

Sakaki drank a beer and crushed the bottle in his hand, then with blinding speeds he punched several holes in every single one of the boards

Sakaki: That person will  die in 3 days!

Kenichi: Is that so? Ah, that's too bad! Well, I guess it can't be helped since it's your motto! Please excuse me!

Just as Kenichi opened the door to try and escape there was another man in front of him with black hair and a small moustache. This man name is Akisame Koetsuji, Kenichi screamed in fear and finally passed out on the ground, the moment Kenichi fell to the ground Y/N entered the room confused about all the screaming

Koetsuji: What a rude child

Sakaki: Y/N! Take a look at this! This guy just fainted!

Y/N: So all that screaming was Kenichi?

Y/N thought with a sweatdrop, some time passed and Kenichi started to wake up seeing both Y/N and Miu looking down at him.

Y/N: Hey dude, are you alright?

Miu: I'm really sorry! Our masters like to tease people a lot! I forgot to tell you that!

Kenichi: Our?

Miu: Actually, this my home!

Kenichi: Kenichi.exe has stopped working

Miu: And this is my grandfather

She said as she pointed to the Elder and the elder himself started to introduce all the masters.

Elder: Level 100 in fighting, if this exists, he posseses it. Shio Sakaki! The top Muay thai fighter known around the area. Apachai Hopachai! Master in all of China. Kensei Ma! the fighting philosopher. Akisame Koetsuji! The prodigy of the sword and many weapons. Kosaka Shigure! A great prodigy of martial arts and creator of his own style. Y/N Kure! And me, Hayato Furinji! That is how it is, this is a dojo that helps people cultivate their skills in order to reach their goals and master martial arts. This is all we do...At the Ryozanpaku Dojo!

(Quite the intro right?)

Kenichi: I had no idea it would be like this!

Miu: Well then, I'll...go bring some tea!

Kenichi: Wait!

Koetsuji: Then, what should we do with him?

Hayato: I'll ask again, Shirahama Kenichi! Will you join us? Our Ryozanpaku dojo?!

Kenichi: What if I told you...I'll do it!

Kensei: Then write your name and address here

Kenichi: Alright!

Kensei: Okay, it will cost 2000 yen (Around 18 dollars)

Kenichi: What?! 

Kensei: Alright then, 1000 yen will about 500?

Kenichi reluctantly gave him the 500 yen, even if he didn't had to, they also told Kenichi how Miu is basically the housekeeper of the dojo with the help of Y/N as he started to imagine weird things.

(Kenichi's imagination)

Sakaki: Bring me some booze!

Kensei: Yeah!

Miu: But we don't have that kind of money anymore!

Koetsuji: Apachai! Get Miu and go buy some booze!

Miu: Someone save me!

Y/N: Apachai! Let go of Miu!

(Back to reality!)

Kenichi: I had no idea...

Y/N: Don't let your imagination run wild

Miu: Everyone, have some tea!

Y/N: So, Kenichi, what was it that you wanted to learn?

Kenichi: If possible, I want to master martial arts

Sakaki: I don't train anyone! That's my motto!

Shigure: I would like it if Koetsuji taught...

Koetsuji: Why me again?

Y/N: Don't worry Koetsuji, I can help you with the training!

Koetsuji: Well, if that's the want to perfect your martial arts skills, right?

Kenichi: Yes! Whatever happens, I'll improve. If I don't I'll die in the hands of my senpai

Koetsuji: Is that so? I understand. I too were once in your shoes when I was a child, Wushu is a martial art that allows you to protect yourself on open grounds very effectively. It will be alright, because I'm not that strict.

Kenichi: Yes sir!

( A few moments later)

Kenichi: Didn't you say you wouldn't be severe?!

Koetsuji: It isn't severe at all...

Y/N: He's right Kenichi! That's a piece of cake

Kenichi glanced to Y/N and saw the training he was doing, as he could only go pale at what he saw.

(This but without the fire below him)

Kenichi: Sensei! My fingers feel like falling off right now!

Y/N: To this point, no one has lost their fingers by doing that task. Koetsuji, I think it's time for the next task

Y/N said to Koetsuji as he moved his shoulders and neck slightly making the logs fall off to the ground.

Koetsuji: Y/N's right, for the next task, should we take a walk to Solamigaoka park?

Kenichi: Wait a minute! Solamigaoka?! Didn't it become a new station?! You want me to walk all the way there while pulling this thing?!

Koetsuji: No way! I want you to run there!

Kenichi then screams as Koetsuji makes him run all the way there pulling a tire with Koetsuji himself sitting on it, as Y/N follows them running at their side as he was gaining advantage in distance.

Y/N: Too slow, Kenichi! 

Miu: Have a safe trip!

Hayato: Hoho...this is getting interesting!

(Timeskip brought to you by a chibi Y/N and Miu doing shadow boxing together)

Koetsuji: Well, this is only the first day. I only worked your body a bit for today. Starting tomorrow, we'll start the real thing. Get a good night's rest and remember to clean up all that blood.

Y/N was poking him with a stick to see if he was still alive, Kenichi slightly moved and groaned as Y/N gave him a thumbs up.

(Timeskip, next day)

Koetsuji was training Kenichi by making him pass quickly through some Wooden pegs while carrying weight on both of his hands as Y/N watched at The side of Koetsuji

Kenichi: Sensei! When are you going to teach me some techniques?!

Koetsuji: There's a saying that goes, "power is The foundation of everything". No matter how polished its skills are, an ant cannot defeat an elephant.

Kenichi: Are you saying, I'm The ant?

Koetsuji: Aren't you insulting it? The ant I mean

Y/N Slightly snorted at this which made Kenichi to snap a bit

Kenichi: Don't look down on me!

Y/N: Come on, Kenichi. An ant can lift several times its weight, instead of giving up, learn from The ant!

Kenichi then started to do his training again with Y/N's help

Hayato: As I expected, it was a good thing to make Koetsuji and Y/N teach.

Apachai: Then Apachai thinks he should teach that boy as well!

Shigure: You, don't even think about it

Apachai got depressed in a corner as The elder comforted him

Hayato: Well, maybe when Kenichi's a bit srronger you can help him train

Then Kensei approached Kenichi and started to teach him "the bear step" of chinese Kung fu, then Koetsuji, Kensei and Y/N started to talk

Kensei: Lets teach him Kung fu, so he can get a better grasp of Wushu techniques

Y/N: Good idea, but can his body handle it?

Kensei: If you're afraid to fail, then you won't make any progress, if he dies we'll just accept it and stop

Apachai: and with apachai's help, it'll be flawless!

Koetsuji: Should we try...

Kensei: There's a saying that goes to neither kill nor save The disciple

Kenichi screamed and started to run away from them, just as he got to The door almost being free from that place, a chain wrapped around his ankle as Shigure dragged him back inside like a horror movie.

(Small timeskip, Kenichi's house)

Honoka: Brother! Wake up!

Kenichi started to wake up as he Saw his sister in front of him

Kenichi: Dear you died poor thing

Honoka: What are you talking about?! This is home! You were lying stiff in front of The gate!

Kenichi: Home...if this is home...

Kenichi was celebrating that he was finally home as he was now with his family on The kitchen talking with them

Mototsugu (Kenichi's dad): What you do with your allowance is up to you! But coming home everyday after getting beaten up like that. Is that dojo Even a normal place?

Kenichi: but, I have no time to do it normally!

Kenichi then ran away from The kitchen as his dad had a mental breakdown about what to do as his mom had to calm him down.

(Timeskip, next day)

It was The next day and Kenichi tried to sneak out of school so he could avoid Tsukuba, but he was unlucky as Tsukuba found him and dragged him to a secluded place beating him up, just as he was about to kick Kenichi who was on The ground he was kicked away by Y/N who was glaring at Tsukuba

Y/N: So, you're Tsukuba?

Tsukuba: Who The hell are you?!

Before Tsukuba could Even react Y/N punched his arm away leaving a big bruise on it

Tsukuba: What?! Is he holding a weapon or something?!

Y/N: I'll give you one chance to get away from here, if you don't...I'll have to use force...

Tsukuba: Don't look down on me!

Y/N sighed and kicked Tsukuba's leg making him lose balance followed by a short uppercut, Tsukuba tried to retaliate but Y/N moved his attack away with The water stream rock smashing fist, he fell to The ground and before he got up Y/N mounted Kenichi on his back and dashed away to the dojo

Y/N: This is my fault...I should've teached you something to defend yourself Even if you weren't ready...but starting tomorrow you Will start learning techniques!

Y/N smiled at his friend as Kenichi smiled too Even if he was beaten up earlier

Y/N: Even Apachai Will help!

Kenichi: NO WAY!

(Timeskip brought to you by Kenichi running from Y/N and Apachai only to be caught at The end)

Kenichi training on techniques started with Koetsuji explaining Kenichi on how to do a proper throw, after Koetsuji's training, Y/N's training began as he had a huge Boulder behind him

Y/N: Okay! Time for me to teach you something cool, it's a simple but powerful technique, it involves your muscles

Kenichi: Muscles?

Y/N: Yep, it is The thing I used against The gangsters when they tried to stab me, I simply clenched my muscles

Kenichi: Is it really that simple?

Y/N: Well, with that tiny body you have, knives Will still hurt you, But you can still use it offensively! Here I'll hit you normally first, try to block it

Y/N threw a not serious punch at Kenichi in order for him to not get hurt, he blocked with his arms and was pushed back a bit.

Kenichi: It wasn't serious and it still felt really heavy!

Y/N then faced the massive Boulder

Y/N: Now here's part 2, first. Correct your center of gravity, then. The angle of your feet, and finally. The position of your fist. When you learn to have all of this correctly, clench all of your muscles before impact and...STRIKE

Kenichi was in awe at how strong Y/N was, then Y/N approached him with a smile

Y/N: Now, your turn!

Kenichi: What?!

A beeping sound interrupted them as Y/N glanced at the watch he had close on The ground.

Y/N: Done already? Oh time Will be!

Kenichi: *reluctantly* Sure...

The next training Kenichi was doing, was with Kensei as he teached Kenichi a move that he can use to attack in places where The oponent can't retaliate

Kenichi: Sensei! How do I actually use this technique?

Kensei: Miu, come here for a second

Kensei asked Miu to attack him, she threw a kick at him which he catched and then hit her below the leg, without damaging her of course.

Kenichi: I see, as you escape, you break their knee!

Kensei: That's right! As you do that, bury your head in their chest, for us men it can be a lucky thing!

Before Kensei moved his head all over Miu's chest, Y/N was behind him cracking his knuckles.

Kensei: Wait, why is the sun gone?

Y/N: Water stream...

Kensei started to run away from Y/N as he attacked him without mercy

Kensei: Think about my movement and keep repeating!

Y/N: Get back here you dirty old man!

(Small timeskip)

Apachai: Allright! It's Apachai's turn!

Kenichi was running away from Apachai as Shigure captured him again with a chain and dragged him back..

Kenichi: I don't want to die! Why do you always tie me up, Shigure?!

Shigure: Because you try to run away...

Apachai: Why? Why do you run away?!

Kenichi: Because you don't Know what limit means!

Apachai: Okay, then for today let's just hit The mitt

Kenichi was hitting The mitts as Apachai was giving him some advice

Apachai: Now Dodge this!

Apachai then kneed Kenichi in the back as his soul was seen leaving his body, Y/N arrived there since he was pursuing Kensei.

Y/N: Where did that old man escape to? Kenichi!

(Timeskip, a few days)

Kenichi managed to throw the stone statue Koetsuji was using to train him in throws, As Y/N and Sakaki were watching him.

Y/N: He's holding out well.

Sakaki:Honestly, I didn't think he'd last 3 days. Then again, it's amazing he even came here!

Y/N: Do you think he noticed something strange with the statue?

Kenichi: Strange?

Kenichi glanced at the statue and noticed something different in it.

Kenichi: Now that you say it...Koetsuji sensei...this statue seems like its gotten bigger...

Koetsuji: Really? I guess it grew a bit

Kenichi then saw a door that was slightly open and ran to it, as he opened the door he saw a lot of similar statues in different sizes.

Kenichi: So you kept taking out bigger ones daily?! It feels like I got cheated!

Sakaki: Hey midget! For today only, I'll teach you a technique too! This guy that wants to kill you, describe him to me.

Koetsuji and Y/N were behind Sakaki both containing their laugh.

Y/N: Weren't you the guy who never trains disciples?

Sakaki: I'm teaching just for today! today is...that's right! Today's my birthday! So this is only for you!

Y/N/Koetsuji: What an obvious lie...

(Meanwhile, somewhere else)

???: So? How is he, Tsukuba? How about that freshmen, Kenichi?

Tsukuba: Your prediction was wrong

???: I see, he's really useless...

The person threw a picture as it went pass Tsukuba and it got stuck in the wall behind him.

???: That's the next one, he has the nickname, "Judo fighter" looks pretty tough.

Tsukuba: Make sure he's worth it. I'm the type that likes to crush weaklings.

???: Crush him! I could care less about useless trash. 

(Smol timeskip!)

On school Miu was already going out of school, she was going to wait for Kenichi  at the gate with Y/N, Just as she exited the building she saw that Tsukuba was beating the same freshmen the unknown person told him.

Tsukuba: As I thought. There's no worthy freshmen! Judo fighter my ass!

Miu: Stop it! The fight's already over!

Miu helped the by get up as Tsukuba grabbed her from behind and she punched his arm away.

Miu: If you continue to pester me...I'll punish you

Tsukuba: You use an interesting art. When I see a strong person I can't leave them alone, wether it be a guy or a girl...shall we dance?

Miu: Perhaps this is the person that Kenichi and Y/N fought...

Before Tsukuba took his stance Kenichi appeared alongside Y/N, Tsukuba backed away a bit after seeing Y/N but much to his luck, Y/N wasn't the one that was going to fight. Even if Kenichi was scared he was the one that was going to fight.

Kenichi took his stance as Tsukuba did the same, Kenichi then threw a left punch to Tsukuba but he blocked it but then Kenichi punched Tsukuba in the gut with his free right hand making him shrink in pain.

Miu: That's Yamazaki's technique?!

Tsukuba: Y-you bastard! Who uses that on a tournament?! 

Kenichi: This isn't a tournament! It's a street fight!

Tsukuba now tried to kick Kenichi, Kenichi used the same technique Kensei taught him as he heard a crack on Tsukuba's knee, next he went for a fist again to Tsukuba's gut but this time using the technique Y/N taught him making the fist even more damaging, Kenichi saw Tsukuba was stunned from the pain so he took his chance as he grabbed his arm and prepared to throw him.

Kenichi: So light! Compared to the statues, he's like a feather!

Kenichi then smashed Tsukuba into the ground as he went unconscious, but Kenichi was more worried on Tsukuba than himself. As Y/N thought with a smile and a sweatdrop 

Y/N: He's worrying more about his opponent than himself? Really what an interesting guy

(Final timeskip, At the dojo)

Sakaki: So, you won?

Kenichi: Aren't you going to say something like, "Good job"?

Sakaki: Well...there's going to be bigger events!

Kenichi: What? Bigger events?

Sakaki: That tsukuba...wasn't he a well-known delinquent?

Y/N: Oh yeah, that's true...Kenichi took down a monster like that. News will probably spread to all delinquent groups, and those delinquents will be pissed

Kenichi: OH NO!

Sakaki: No need to be scared, we'll just train you harder. Besides, isn't life an eternal battle?

Kenichi: That's your "theory" of life! Wait if they're encouraging me to train...could it be?! I have any talent in martial arts?

Every master including Y/N: Nope!

Kenichi: Ahhh!! Everyone answered in perfect harmony! I'll kill myself damn it!

Kenichi was trying to hang himself on a tree as Y/N stopped him.

Y/N: Calm down, Kenichi, even if you're not a prodigy, all martial artists share a common trait, Conviction! You have that trait, isn't that enough?

Kenichi: I're right!

(Somewhere else)

???: Lady Kisara

Kisara: What?! Tsukuba?! I see...that bastard Tsukuba lost to the freshman Kenichi! So he really was...

Before she finished her sentence some of her underlings threw a concrete brick into the air as she completely shattered it with a kick.

Kisara: A useful one!

Chapter 2 end

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