Is This The End?

By love-to-do-art

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A zombie Apocalypse story. You find love and lose family. You hate and love. But you maybe the cure for the... More

Chapter 1 The End
Chapter 2 Home
Chapter 3 Now
Chapter 4 Cannibals of Ohio
Chapter 5 Love At First Sight
Chapter 6 The Bite
Chapter 7 Burned
Chapter 8 Have Hope
Chapter 9 What Happened?
Chapter 10 No Help
Chapter 11 I love you
Chapter 12 Back On The Road
Chapter 13 You Can't Leave
Chapter 15 Tell The Truth
Chapter 16 Relief

Chapter 14 Show And Tell

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By love-to-do-art


We sit there and a lady comes in with two men.
The first guy asks "let's see"
The woman nods and walks over to Grace. The lady starts to pull her clothes off.
"Leave her alone!" I yell
"Oh look who is awake" she walks over to me and smiles. "This is the prettiest one under all the blood" the guys laugh. "Where is your one friend that's helpful" she asks the guys and another guy comes in.
She walks back over to Grace. The guy holds her hands as the lady takes off her shirt.
"STOP!" I yell. They turn and laugh. I stop looking at them and look at the rope around my hands. I rub my wrist they start to bleed I get the rope off with lots of pain. I look up to see Grace and Chloe fully naked and they walk towards Lizzy. I grab the ropes on my feet and get them undone. I stand up and run towards the guy helping the woman. I put my hands on his arms and turn them back I hear a crack. He screams and turns around and grabs my throat he pushes me into the ground.
"Her next" he says. I feel my head getting heavy and it's hard to breath. He moves his hands to my shoulders. "The boss likes a fighter" he whispers in my ear.
I turn and see Tommy trying to struggling to help. I feel my pants and underwear they take my shirt off.
"I will kill you" I yell. They all laugh I move my head up and hit his head. He falls back. I hit the girl with my fist and the other two guys I run out the door. I find a knife in the kitchen I run back and the one guy has a gun to Lizzy head.
"Drop the knife or I shot" I drop the knife.
"If you take any one take me" I tell him. I see a Tommy shaking his head.
The guy walks up to him and takes the tape off his face "have anything to say sir?" The guy ask
"Don't you dare take her!" He yells
"Oh how about we touch her?" The guy behind asks
I feel a hand touch my butt I don't move because they still have the gun on Lizzy.
"Don't touch her!" Tommy yells
"Oh even better" the guy says and pulls me in his arm around my breasts. The guy with the gun takes the gun down.
"Oh some fun" he says he walks towards me.
I lift my leg and hit the gun out of his hand. I elbow the guy behind me I grab the gun and shoot the guys one by one. I turn and see the woman.
"Please don't" she cries "I don't want to die"
"In this damn world we will all die" I shot her she drops. I unite all the ropes we all put our clothes. Tommy gives a big hug and a kiss.
"Don't do that to me again"
"I'll try not to" I smile and kiss him.
"Let's try to find you some new clothes" Tommy tells me. I nod but i feel a big hug. I turned around to see Ash hugging me i hug him back.
"You can't die i cant run this group!" He tells me
"I won't try too"
He steps away and Lizzy hugs me.
"I was scared but you saved me and us," she tells me
"That's what a big sister is for" i kiss her on the head. Tommy grabs my hand and takes me to a bedroom. We look through the dresser and find a red shirt and black leggings. I start to take off my pants and my wrists kill me but i get it down when I see a piece of a shirt on my legs.
Tommy looks down and says "lay down i'll take a look"
"Ok" I lay on the bed and look down i see him take it off the left leg and he looks happy.
"What?" I ask
"It's almost healed. There is scaring"
"Wait can you look at my first bite and tell me if there is scaring"
He nods and looks at my shoulder and tells me "yep there is scary"
"I hope you like scars"
"Oh ya i think scars are hot" he kisses me and goes back to my legs and undoes the right leg bandage. "They look good ill put a new bandage on it just in case" I nod and he finishes bandages me. I pull the pants on and take off my blood covered shirt. He walks over and does the same to my shoulder and wrists i put the shirt back on and he throws me my red leather jacket. We walk to the living room hand in hand.
"I think we should find another place to stay the night I don't like the dead body's"
They all nod. Grace, Chloe, Chase, and Murphy go in the small car. Me, Tommy, Lizzy and Ash go in the van. Tommy drives because my wrists still hurt i sit in the passenger seat.
We drive five minutes when Lizzy says "I love you guys"
"I love you too" we all say.
The next house we find is a small white house we pull into the driveway. Tommy and Ash check the place for Z's. They come out and nod we get out of the car and head in the house.
"I'll take the first shift"
"I'll take second" Ash tells us.
"Then I'll take the third" Grace says
"I'll take the last" Murphy says.
They head to bed I grab my gun and sit on the porch. Tommy comes behind me with a chair from the kitchen.
"Why are you up?"
"I can't sleep without you"
"That's sweet" I stand up. Tommy sits on the chair and pulls me on his lap. I turn and ask "how are you doing?"
"I've been better."
"You scared me to death twice today. I thought I lost you"
"Well you didn't, and living in the apocalypse we can die at any moment. I would die for any of you in a heartbeat"
"Well don't I can't lose you!"
"But you know i will"
"Ya but i'll die for you"
I feel shaken i could never lose him. He keeps me steady and helps me stand my ground. I am no leader without him. He is my knight in shining armor. He keeps my heart beating and the blood running through my veins. I have no more words to say we sit there in silence for what feels like forever. Ash comes out and Chase is joining him. They both have smiles on their faces.
"It's our turn. Try to get some rest" Ash says.
"Thanks call us if you need anything"
Ash nods. I stand up and walk to the room Ash and Chase were sleeping in Tommy is not far behind. I lay on the bed and Tommy lays down too. He kisses me on the head. I turn and face the wall he wraps his arms around my waist. We lay there for twenty minutes when i hear Tommy's little snore. I listen to it and slowly fall asleep.

I stand there and look down to my hands. My hands covered in blood. It's warm and it drips to the ground. I stand in a pool of blood but there is no cuts on me. I turned around to see Ash, Chase, Tommy, Lizzy, Murphy, Grace, and Chloe laying in pools of blood.
I scream and grab my face. I feel pain and lose. I run up to Tommy and he is lifeless and cold. I cry with my hands on the face the blood seeps into my skin. I look up to see hundreds of zombies standing there hungry. They run to the body and start to rip them apart. I scream they dont hear me its like im not there.
"I'm sorry!!!!!!" I yell and cry.

I sit up and scream. I feel arms around my waist i see Tommy. I pull him in and cry into his shirt he rubs my back.
"Shhhh its ok. It was a dream" he whispers into my ear.
"N-o-no it was a ne-w dr-eam"
"What was it about baby?"
"You g-u-ys were dead and the blood was on my hands"
"Well were ok. Im right here with you"
I pull away "I'm going to get you guys killed!"
"No youre not"
"Yes i am!" I get out of the bed.
"Come on lay down"
"I'm taking a walk"
"Then im coming!"
"No! Ill get Ash"
"You better"
I walk to Ash's room and i look in he is sound asleep I can't wake him. So I headed downstairs and I walk out the front door. I had my knife of course. It's not dawn yet it's still dark back don't care I could care less. I walk till the sun is up and i'm just stuck in my head. If we never went on this trip they wouldn't be in danger i keep saying. I look up to see i have no idea where i am. I turn back and start walking the way I came. I walk for about an hour when I hear someone calling my name.
"ADDY! ADDY!" I walk towards the sound and see Tommy is the one screaming. He runs up to me and hugs me. He pulled away and started to yell "you said you would get Ash! I was so worried! You can't do that! What were you thinking?"
"You guys are better without me" I whisper under my breath.
"You guys are better without me" I say loud enough so he could hear it.
"What! Why would you think of that? We need you!
"You guys would have not gone through all this stuff if it wasn't for me"
He pulls me in.
"I'll go anywhere with you! I'd go to hell and back for you! Get those thoughts out of your head"
"Your right I'm sorry"
"It's ok" he pulls me into the house. Ash is there standing in the living room. He looks at me and comes towards me and pulled me into a hug.
"You scared me!"
"I'm sorry"
"Its ok but where did you go?"
"Just for a walk"
He pulls away and looks at me I feel a hand on my shoulder to see Tommy. He kisses my cheek and whispers "me and Ash talked we think me and you should take a break from the group."
"What do you mean?"
Ash cuts in "You and Tommy go to the blue house up the road and we'll stay here. You need some time away from the group."
"Ok but I can't leave you guys"
"We are right down the street. We'll be fine i promise. But you and Tommy need some time alone" Ash countuians.
"Ok. I saw walky talkys in the room i was staying in you get one and we'll get one." Ash nods I walk up the stairs and find the walkie talkie. I grab them and I walked to the stairs I stop when i hear Ash and Tommy talking.
"How is she doing?" Ash asks
"Not good. She thinks that we would be better without her"
"WHAT! We need her"
"That's what I said" I walk down the stairs, they stop talking. I hand Ash a walky talky and Tommy turns around and grabs our weapons. We head out the door and go down to the blue house not far up the street. We walk in and I jump onto the couch Tommy justs laughs.

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