Bastard! || Sasunaru

By raxitol

13.7K 325 54

As an unmated omega, Naruto has no free will and no say in what happens to him. So, when he is arranged to ge... More

My return
Calm before the storm
Not an update
An everlasting storm
I made it!


1.2K 36 6
By raxitol

"Kushina! How have you been? Is the little fella giving you any trouble?" Mikoto asked rhetorically as a joke, the two ladies chuckling together as a result, while she crouched down to be eye-level with the young boy who was practically a carbon copy of his father "how have you been little Naru? Have you been well?" she asked, ruffling his blond locks affectionately, receiving a blinding smile in return.

"Naru good! Miko!" the four year old child answered excitedly, holding out his arms while jumping onto the black haired woman, wrapping his limbs around her as she stood up. With a chuckle, she held him up and ruffled his hair once again, he was so adorable.

"That's great, sweetheart!" she said, sending a smile his way before looking back at her long time friend "how has he been? Has he being showing signs of an alpha?" she asked, her tone suddenly serious, confusing the young boy who she had been using an affectionate tone with.

"I honestly don't know at this point, he's caring and helps around the house, but he doesn't let people mess around and do the wrong things- he might aswell just be beta at this point, I'm not so sure he'll be an alpha- he's too kind-hearted, you know" the red haired woman answered, clearly conflicted as she started at her child.

"It's alright, he definitely won't present as an omega, the alpha blood he has should definitely prevent that from happening, if worse comes to worse, he'll be a beta" Mikoto replied, removing one of her arms from around Naruto to rub her friend's shoulder as a way to comfort her. With a sigh, she nodded and placed her hand over the one on her shoulder gratefully- her son would not be an omega.


Mikoto frowned as she remembered one of her encounters with young Naruto, wishing she hadn't given her now-dead friend such high hopes; it was probably her fault that he was being treated like this, it didn't even take a lot of money to buy his hand in marriage. The breakfast she had been preparing, was almost done as someone approached her "oh! Mikoto! Good morning, I'll give you a hand, one second!" an optimistic voice sounded out, by her side in a split second and helping dishing out the breakfast once it was finished; he was raised well, that thought brought a smile to her face.

The rest of the family started filing in a bit later as Mikoto and Naruto were engaged in chatter while they ate without a care, Mikoto telling Naruto one of Sasuke's embarrassing moments from when he was young, earning a boisterous laugh out of the blond, which effectively woke up the three other males in the room at the same time, earning him a glare from a certain pair of eyes, causing the omega to turn around "what do you want?" he asked, swallowing the fear that had started to build up due to the piercing gaze that was aimed directly at him.

"Be quiet, idiot" Sasuke said before eating his breakfast, blatantly ignoring his fiancé's retorts while he continued to eat. The blond whined to Mikoto about her son's actions, earning a chuckle from both her and Itachi as the energetic male sat at the table with an empty plate. The reason he was really here, was because Itachi had never seen someone get such a rise out of his brother before, on just the first meeting, since Sasuke was always level-headed and hardly let his emotions take control of his actions- that was until they met Naruto.

"Sweetheart, what do you want the wedding to be like? You'll have to start planning with Sasuke if you want to have a nice and proper wedding, you need to get along with him" Mikoto asked, giving the young man beside her, some advice as if to steer him in the right direction, not wanting the wedding to be an absolute disaster. She only asked this because it was clear that the couple hadn't been talking to each other properly, only cursing and throwing insults at each other; that wasn't going to get them anywhere- to be a proper couple, and believable enough for the public, they had to actually get to know each other first.

A gasp slipped past Naruto's lips as he registered what was just said to him " I get to plan the wedding? Who's Sasuke? I'll get married to myself, can it be orange themed? OH- can we serve ramen!?" he asked excitedly, practically shouting as he fired questions at Mikoto, the woman chuckling in return.

"No, sweetie, you can't get married to yourself, Sasuke is your fiancé, or in other words, your soon-to-be husband, so you need to actually talk to him to even have a wedding, can you do that for me? I'll let you help me out in the kitchen even more if you do this one thing for me" she offered, knowing that Naruto would love to assist her even more since she always refused his help a lot, until he forced her to accept his help.

A frown graced Naruto's face as he looked between her and Sasuke, the frown itself deepening as he looked at Sasuke "I have to associate with that Bastard? I'd rather get a marriage on paper then divorce him straight away, or even go back to my home and work off the money you guys paid for me, anything but talking to him would be nice" he said, pausing for a few seconds "...but, since you asked so nicely, I guess I should talk to him to plan the wedding" he continued, talking about Sasuke as if the said male wasn't across the table from him.

This got a smile out of Mikoto as she turned to Sasuke "the same goes for you, got it?" she asked rhetorically, practically staring holes into her son's skin.

"...Yes, mother"

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