The Redemption

By user70513038

6.7K 216 136

It's been roughly two months now since Lloyd, Mari, Alya, Nino and Ari have returned from Ninjago and all of... More

Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!!!!!!
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What's going on currently


363 14 7
By user70513038

I was at home with my parents reading catching up on Fritz Donagan and the Imperial Sludge. I still loved the series even with my love of Harry Dresden and The Lord of the Rings. Tomorrow I was going to be babysitting Manon, Mari was helping Alya with her little sisters, we'd be meeting up at the amusement park tomorrow because it was a school holiday. Now I'd never been to an amusement park since the only one in Ninjago was Mega Monster Amusement Park and every time the guys had gone I'd either been forced to stay behind on the Bounty or I was being held hostage by the Serpentine. Yup I know once Alya heard this she got furious at the Ninja till I told her about how I behaved at the time. Only then did she calm down a bit.

But back to what I was saying previously. I was reading while Gong having completely recovered was munching on some strawberries from a plant I kept in my room. But my mind was elsewhere mainly my former teammates the ninja. "What's bugging you Lloyd?" Gong asked flying over to me.

"It's the guys they keep saying that they want me back and that I belong with them and a part of me accepts that fact, but another part of me keeps saying that they back stabbed me once what's to say if they won't do it again? I feel as if I'm at a cross roads right now" I told him

"Well for now focus on protecting your miraculous and besides no one really knows anything right away especially in this kind of situation You have your friends, family and team here in Paris that you have been through thick and thin with even when you got possessed by Morro though Alya is still out for blood about that. They stuck with you cause you were they're friend the ninja only seem in my eyes to save you because you are what gives them their powers. Sure  with Ladybug and Chatte you enhance them dramatically, but with the others without you they have nothing no powers zip, zilch, nadda, a big fat goose egg. But if you don't go back to ninjago for them then go back for the other masters who need you just like they do not as a power giver but as a leader" Gong advised, "But it's up to you in the end Lloyd"

I smiled at Gong and scratched the top of his head which despite the scales was actually pretty smooth.  Suddenly my park side window was smashed open by some redish-purple-orangey grimlen of some kind. "What in the name of the first spinjitzu master is that?!" I shouted out confused

it then launched itself at me and out of sheer reflex I kicked it slamming it into my bedroom wall causing it's pin wheeel hat to break making it vanish. Acting quickly I shoved my bookcase against the window to make sure that no more of these things gt into my room. Once I was done I looked at Gong,"Akuma" We both said

"Well what are you waiting for I need to stretch these wings of mine" Gong said flapping his tiny wings on his back causing me to laugh.

"Gong Let's Roar!"I said saying the words after what felt like forever.

Gong flew into my ear cuffs and I was transformed into my Drakon outfit and hair style. I left out the alley side window once my transformation was complete. There was hundreds of these little pests. So armed with the knowledge about the hat I began to destroy each one I came across in order to reduce there numbers.I soon came upon Ladybug and Chatte at a traffic light where one of the menaces were messing around with a traffic signal. "It's Forbidden" Ladybug started to say

"To play around with traffic lights" Chatte said as the menace tipped over only to be caught in the wires 

"Nice of you to show up" I said breaking the hat causing the thing to vanish.

"Where were you?" Ladybug asked

"Other side of town taking care of these things over there till I decided to come and search for you two" I said

"How'd you know to destroy the hat?" Chatte asked

"I found out by accident when one broke the window in my room and I might have broke the hat in the process of getting it out" I explained

"Sorry bout that" Ladybug said

"Nah it's fine the Miraculous cure should fix it" I said waiving it off.

"But these Sapotis multiply every time they eat." Ladybug said

"Which explains why no akuma was released. These things are clones. This will be like trying to find a needle in a haystack of gremlins." I sighed in annoyance.

"So we have to find the very first one that was akumatized" Ladybug said

Chatte and I both shared a look. "Come on I thought you two liked a challenge" Ladybug giggled

I rolled my eyes at her before hopping off. I managed to take out about fifty or so Sapoyis before we ran into an issue on the Love lock bridge. Mainly because Hawkmoth had us cornered with Sapotis. I gritted my teeth. "There's to many of them to take on at once" Chatte said

Ladybug was about to use her power but I stopped her. Call it a haunch. "No save your strength let me" I told her, "Lucky Charm"

I received a familiar teapot. Then it hit me. "Of course" I said with a smile

"Got a plan?" Ladybug asked

"No someone who can help. But I need to go and get them" I said

"Then go we can handle this" Chatte said

"But quickly" Ladybug said

I nodded and ran off towards Master Fu's place only to see a very familiar car outside of it my father's car to be exact. "Oh boy" I sighed landing  a few feet from the front of the shop before going inside.

I knocked. "Come in" Master Fu's voice said

I opened the door to see that Master Fu and my father enjoying tea. "Lloyd" Fu said

"Hello Master Fu, Father" I said acknowledging both.

"Lloyd but you aren't suppose to come to master Fu" Wayzz protested before Gong flew over and smacked him upside the head

"Hush Wayzz we both wouldn't be here if it wasn't for a reason" Gong scolded Wayzz.

"Master I used the lucky charm it gave me an Item which told me to come here" I said in a clam voice

"I see" Master Fu said

My father remained silent. "Lloyd I have taught you all about the Miraculous and the power that each of them holds within even yours." Master Fu said

I thought back instantly remembering that if someone got a hold of the Ladybug and Cat miraculous they'd have one wish granted to them at a price, but with my Miraculous it could reverse the wish or make the same wish as the holder come true for thousands if combined with the cat and ladybug miraculous. "You know that your's works in a very mysterious and intracuit way I think that it's telling you that this time around that you need help" Master Fu said going over to a phonograph device.

He was about to open it till he stopped, "But I don't know if it is safe. I already took an enormous risk of putting three miraculous into circulation" Master Fu said nervousness dripping off of him

"And you were right to do so. All three of us Ladybug, Chatte and I are extremely careful with our miraculous" I said

"He's right you know he even took me off for a week because I was sick and took the greatest care of me since before his grandfather" Gong said

Fu nodded his head before bringing out the Miraculous  chamber. "Lloyd, pick an ally you can trust to fight along side you in this mission. Choose wisely such powers are meant to serve the greater good and must never get into the wrong hands." Fu said

"Like Hawkmoth" I said looking them all over and decided to let my instincts guide me.

"Once the mission is over you must return the miraculous to me. Until we've unlocked all the secrets of the spell book it's to dangerous to let any more Miraculous to be out in the open for very long" Fu said

I nodded and grabbed the Fox Miraculous of illusions. "Is there anyone you can think of?"Fu asked my mind instantly went to Alya.

"You bet" I said holding out the fox miraculous.

I put it into a black box. Gong had recharged his batteries. "Gong let's Roar" I said transforming into Drakon in front of my father and Master Fu.

"Son I'm proud of you regardless of what choice you make whether it be to stay here or to return home to Ninjago." Father said, "But that aside you look amazing"

"Thanks Father" I said before exiting the building.

I flew off in search of Alya. I found her at the merry-go-round trying to talk to copies of the Sapotis. I created an Ice whip and stopped the contraption in it's tracks sending the Sapotis flying. In one swift movement I got rid of all the copies in the area. "Drakon it's my sister's they've been akumatized.  I need to find them and bring them back home" Alya said sounding a little frazzled

"There is a way to find your sisters but we're going to need some help are you interested?" I asked

"Me to help you super heroes you bet I do. Just wait till I tell Marinette about this" Alya smiled brightly

"Hold on now no one must know about this must be a secret not a word to your friends or on the ladyblog" I told her sternly

"Oh right, Understood" Alya said nervously

I took the Miraculous from my pocket, "Alya Cesseir here is the Miraculous of the Fox which grants the power of illusion." I said holding the box out to her, "You will use it for the greater good once the job is done you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you?" I asked her once she took it from my hands

"Totally Drakon" Alya said before opening the box

A little orange glow came from the box once she opened it blinding Alya for a second. "What is that thing?" Alya asked

Once the light vanished a tiny little fox appeared. "I am not a thing. My name is Trixx and I'm your kwamii" Trixx informed Alya.

I then suddenly thought back to the ice mirrors of the Future back in the Tomb of the first. Trixx's symbol was on the sensei robes Alya was wearing. Hence why I chose her and not someone else it felt like destiny you know. I might have been possessed by some ghost hell bent on revenge, but it didn't mean I didn't see what went on around me while everything went down.

Alya's jaw dropped "No way your the little creature I saw floating next to me in the tomb of the First Spinjitzu Master in the Ice Mirrors of the Future" Alya gaped at Trixx

"Really cool. Leave it to the first to know everything even in death" Trixx chuckled

"So you're what gives super heroes their powers right?" Alya asked poking Trixx in the stomach

"Not bad" Trixx said with a giggle

"She's and expert" I smiled lightly

Alya then started to ask a bunch a questions till I brought her back into focus. Once she did she put the Miraculous on. "To transform you just need to say Trixx let's Pounce" Trixx told Alya

Alya was grinning widely. "Trixx Let's Pounce" Alya said

  "Nice" I smiled at her

"Thanks" Alya said,"But I look like Lila when she was Akumatized"

"But the super hero version. Come on I'll explain on the way" I said spreading my wings and flying off.

Alya followed close behind me as we ran and jumped across the rooftops of Paris. After roughly about ten minutes of searching we found Ladybug and Chatte. "Come on" I told Alya

We jumped down and joined the fight taking out the Sapotis that had dogpiled Ladybug and Chatte with a well placed arrow berage from me and several well placed hit's from Alya.  "This is so insane I got powers and I'm fighting super villains!!!!!!" Alya lightly squealed

"Focus" I told her, "We still have more incoming"

"Who is this I thought that we were the only two ladies in your life" Chatte said with a snarl in her words

"Guy's this is ..." I then struggled to come up with a name for her

"Rena Rouge" Alya said

I gave her a thumbs up in approval. "Well foxy think you can be as fast as a cat?" Chatte asked

"I don't know want to take bets" Rena Rouge retorted flicking her hand on Chatte's bell

"She seems pretty good" Ladybug stated

"I surround myself with only the best" I smiled

"Welcome to the team" Ladybug smiled at Rena

"If you need any tips don't be afraid to ask" Chatte said

"Oh really you gonna give me Ladybug's number" Rena smiled

Before anyone could answer her the Sapotis came swarming in from all directions except from up that would be weird. We stood back to back before I signaled for a retreat. We jumped up onto a roof of an empty. "Lucky Charm" Ladybug said bringing forth a unicycle.

"Well that was uanamous" I dead-panned grabbing  four road rakes and a roll of duct tape while Ladybug grabbed a trashcan and a traffic cone. "Rakes, unicycle wheel, traffic cones, tape, trashcan are your plans usually this complicated?" Rena asked

"Leaves very little room for error" I said as Chatte laid her baton across the street to a roof on the other side of the plaza. "And some of our plans are more insane than this" Chatte admitted

Ladybug and Rena ran across to the other roof. I flew over with my wings while Chatte followed after the the bug and the fox. After ten minutes our plan was ready for action. Rena cast an illusion of an amusement park called Sapotis land. Yeah even to me the name sounded dumb but thanks to the plan we got all of the hats and with Chatte's Cataclysm we managed to destroy them all in one blow. "Nice" I said as Rena's Miraculous beeped

"I got to get going before my transformation wears off" She said

"I'll join you Chatte, Ladybug make sure that these two get home safely okay." I said

We both ran off till we were about a block away from the park. "That was so cool" Alya said

"Alya the Miraculous please" I asked her


"I know but Alya it's already a huge risk that the miraculous that Ladybug, Chatte, and I wear are out. When the situation becomes different we'll see about you truely holding the fox but till then" I said

"You can't risk it falling into Hawkmoth's hands" Alya said with a sigh taking off the necklace and placing it into the black box before handing it to me.

"Trust me there will come a day when you and Trixx will be together like Tikki and Ladybug or Chatte and Plagg or even Like Gong and I. But fornow that is something that just cannot happen without some serious drawbacks." I told her

"I know but hey Trixx is apart of my future after all so I know it's going to happen" Alya smiled giving me finger guns,"And I'll be willing to wait till then, but for now I just want to focus on my Sensei training with Sensei Garmadon man is he a harsh teacher"

I let out a laugh. "Well till Next time Rena" I said jumping off to Master Fu's

I detransformed once I was inside. "You made the right choice Lloyd and thanks to you Paris is safe" Master Fu said

"Thank you" I said

"By the way the Girl you gave Trixx to what was her name?" Father asked

"It was Alya" I answered

"Ah young spirited the best canidaite for the Fox. If I recall in my father's tomb she saw Trixx in the reflection correct?" Father asked

"Yeah" I said scratching my head

Fu let out a chuckle, "Same old Dragos he always seemed to have that sixth sense about him if not for potential Elemental Masters than it was for Miraculous users" Fu laughed, "You know he chose the Ladybug that is entailed on the wall of his tomb and she was certainly a magnificent warrior that was for sure"

I felt the corners of my lips twitch in a smile. "Well I'd better get back home" I said leaving before flying off.

Once there I fell onto my bed tired as heck.  "You did well tonight" Gong said munching on a strawberry.

"Thanks" I yawned

Turning off the light I fell asleep instantly, floating in the eternal blackness of dreams. What a night.

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