Don't Tell My Boss I Work As...

By Inmila

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(Y/N) (L/N) is the secretary for the famous pro-duelist Aster Phoenix for two years. She isn't well-liked in... More

Chapter 1 {Secretary By Day and Maid By Night}
Chapter 2 {Serving Your Boss}
Chapter 3 {Keep this Secret Between Us}
Chapter 5 {Overworking Yourself}
Chapter 6 {Stalker}
Chapter 7 {Hangout with a Celebrity}
Chapter 8 {Reconnecting A Childhood Friend}
Chapter 9 {Confront Someone In Need}
Chapter 10 {Assist A Higher Up}
Chapter 11 {Destress Conversation}
Chapter 12 {Being Your Boss's Personal Tailor}
Chapter 13 {Discussing Outfits}
Chapter 14 {Attention Seeker}
Chapter 15 {Neighbors}
Chapter 16 {Dealing With Envy}
Chapter 17 {Rivalry For Love}
Chapter 18 {Find An Outfit to Impress}
Chapter 19 {Restraining A Complicated Relationship}
Chapter 20 {Meeting an Overprotective Father}

Chapter 4 {Getting Even With Your Boss}

293 13 8
By Inmila

A/N: Hey guys, I didn't expect this chapter to be very long while I was writing. So embrace yourself. This is chapter four. Enjoy! 😊

(Y/N) was afraid that she made her boss angry as she wasn't excepting him to come to her office. She stays put as she didn't know what to do or how to get out of this situation without upsetting her boss. Jaden was calling her name as he was checking to see if (Y/N) as there or if she's ok.

"Hey, (Y/N) you ok?" Jaden asked as he was still on the line.

"I got to go." (Y/N) whispered on the phone.

"Who's on the line?" Aster asked which made (Y/N) nervous.

"It's the secretary from another company." (Y/N) replied with a lie as she didn't want to get in trouble.

"Put it on speaker." Aster said as he didn't believe her answer.

"It's not neces..." (Y/N) said as she tried to make up an excuse but her boss interrupted her.

"That's an order (Y/N)!" Aster raised his voice which (Y/N) sigh and put the call on speaker.

"Hello (Y/N)?" Jaden said as Aster recognize Jaden's voice.

"Jaden?" Aster said which Jaden can hear his friend from the call.

"Hey, Aster!" Jaden said as he was on speaker.

"Why are you talking to Jaden?" Aster asked as he gave her a cold glare while (Y/N) looked down.

"Oh, I can explain. I call (Y/N) because I wanted to set up the meeting at your company." Jaden said which (Y/N) feel safe when Jaden answered to her boss's question.

"Where's your secretary?" Aster asked.

"She's not here today so I'm taking her place today." Jaden said.

"*sigh* So when is the meeting?" Aster asked.

"I planned on coming on April the seventh at nine. I will send the list of people who will attend." Jaden said

"Alright, I'll have my secretary put on my schedule." Aster said as his eyes are still glued to (Y/N).

"Ok then. Bye (Y/N) and Aster." Jaden said as he hung up.

The room went silent as (Y/N) still looked down on the ground while Aster as his eyes on her.

"I want you in my office now!" Aster yelled at (Y/N) as she still looked down.

He left the room as (Y/N) stood up from her chair and followed him after. She was very scared for her boss as he was furious at (Y/N). They both went inside his office and slammed the door close. (Y/N) stood up and looked down as she was few feet away from her boss's desk. Aster sat on his chair and facing (Y/N) as his blue eyes were filled with anger.

"(Y/N), I'm very disappointed and angry in you. I can't believe that you're slacking off during your work hours. What do you have to say yourself?" Aster said.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Phoenix." (Y/N) said as she bowed down to her boss.

"Next time if I see you slacking off again I'll cut your paycheck for a week." Aster said as (Y/N) clench her fists.

"Yes, Mr. Phoenix." (Y/N) said as she stood up.

"Leave now, and I want my paperwork in my office before you leave this building." Aster said as (Y/N) nodded and left her boss's office.

Time-Skip to Lunch Break

Outside of the back of the company, there is a courtyard for the workers to hang out during their lunch break. There are a couple of trees and benches around the courtyard. A small building it's a cafe for coworkers to buy their lunch and also to eat inside. (Y/N) and Mindy went outside as they sat on the bench while having a tree used to be their shade.

"So how was working with your aunt at the cafe?" Mindy asked.

"I'm not going to lie but I actually enjoy more than working here. The customers are lovely and I like my coworkers. I just love the environment and I'm not judge even if I don't look my best." (Y/N) replied

"That's good to hear. I remember you were against the idea at first." Mindy said

"I thought I was going to hate it but my aunt and Atticus convince me that everything is going to be fine. They were right and I'm happy working there until recently." (Y/N)

"Oh, did something happened?" Mindy asked.

"You see Atticus had a brilliant idea to invite Jaden to come to the cafe and bring his friends along. He did and unfortunately for me, our boss was there." (Y/N) explained which Mindy was surprise to hear that.

"OMG! No way! Did he recognize you?" Mindy asked surprisingly.

"Surprisingly, he didn't since I put effort to look my best at the cafe. What's worse is that the maids think that he likes me." (Y/N)

"How bad can it be?" Mindy asked.

"Try having a creep staring at you while you're working and only comes in during your shift. If you don't believe me ask Jasmine and Blair since they work around the same shift as I do." (Y/N) answered as she was annoyed.

"If I didn't know any better he's falling really hard on you. How long has this going on?" Mindy asked.

"Almost two weeks, I scared that he'll figure out that 'Bella' is actually me." (Y/N) said as she was stressing out a bit.

"Bella?" Mindy said in confusion.

"That's the name everyone called me as a maid for now on at work." (Y/N) said.

"Geez, (Y/N) you'll do anything to keep this a secret." Mindy said.

"Yeah I don't want to be the laughing stock here especially most of the coworkers in the company hates me." (Y/N) said feeling scared.

"I don't blame you since they're are jealous that you work diligently and very reliable worker." Mindy said.

"Yeah." (Y/N) said.

"You know you could use this opportunity for revenge." Mindy said.

"Revenge?" (Y/N) said in confusion.

"Yeah, for the way Aster treated you. Since he likes you a lot as Bella, you can use that against him." Mindy said as she made a wicked smile.

"What would I do?" (Y/N) asked still clueless.

"You know play hard to get, ignoring him and enjoy yourself with other male customers." Mindy said.

"Wouldn't that hurt him though. I mean I don't like him but way too harsh even for me." (Y/N) said.

"*giggles* Oh (Y/N), you have a lot to learn about when it comes to men." Mindy said as (Y/N) bit her lip.

The rest of the day, (Y/N) thought about Mindy's idea. On one hand she's right and using Bella to teach her boss a lesson but it's wrong for her to do. She decided not to go through Mindy's idea.

At the cafe, it was closed as everyone is about to go home. (Y/N) was in the kitchen as Aunt Cinder talked all the girls.

"Girls, I need to know if any of you want to play on stage. I hired someone musicians to play the cafe for tomorrow." Aunt Cinder said as the girls stay silent.

"Hey (Y/N) aren't you going to play on stage." Blair asked as the girls were excited to hear (Y/N) sing.

"No, I'm not especially if my boss is watching me." (Y/N) replied which made all the girls disappointed.

"Aw, but you sing beautifully. I would have loved to hear your voice." Jasmine said as they all nodded with agreement.

"I can't besides you don't need me to entertain the customers." (Y/N) said as she left the kitchen.

Time-Skip To Next Morning At (Y/N)'s office

(Y/N) was in her office as she was organizing the paperwork in different sections. Unfortunately for her, (Y/N) hear her boss yelling at her name.

"(Y/N)!" Aster yelled which made (Y/N) annoyed.

"Oh no." (Y/N) muttered herself as her boss came into her office.

"Did you finish emailing the interviewers?" Aster asked as he gave her a cold stare.

"Yes." (Y/N) replied as she stood up.

"What about setting up for the meeting for April?" Aster asked which made (Y/N) feel nervous.

"About that, Jaden hasn't sent me the list of people who will come." (Y/N) explained as Aster was annoyed by this.

"Then called him, is that hard to do?" Aster said with an attitude.

'Is he giving me an attitude?!' (Y/N) angrily thought to herself.

"But Mr. Phoenix, Jaden is in an interview in Duelist TV on live." (Y/N) said which made Aster more irritated.

"*sigh* For christ sake (Y/N), you're making this a lot harder. I want it until two." Aster said as he facepalms.

"That's less than an hour." (Y/N) said feeling pressure to finish quickly.

"Well make it happen. Don't come to my office unless you're done." Aster said as he slams the door.

(Y/N) looked down as she made the call. It wasn't Jaden but someone else and sent her the list. She quickly types everything about April's meeting and prints it out. She grab a folder and neatly put the papers in the folder. (Y/N) hold on to it and head to her boss's office. She was about to open the door but hear a conversation talking about her.

"Mr. Phoenix, I see that you're disappointed at (Y/N) again." The male coworker said as he was talking to Aster.

"She incompetent as usual. Every day, she always missing something to do and I have to remind her. It's so irritating." Aster said as the male coworker nodded.

"Your right sir, if she keeps up making excuses. Then you could just let her go." He said as (Y/N) lean against the wall as tears coming out from her eyes.

For the rest of the day, (Y/N) was very resentful for the way she was treated by her boss. She was sick of it and decided to take matters in her own hands but not as herself but as Bella. She stayed quiet as she thought of a way to get back at Aster. She ponders a lot until she remembers that Aunt Cinder hired the musicians to play in her cafe for tonight. She made a wicked smile as she had one song in her mind. She came into the cafe to work she smile at the customers and is very friendly towards them but she stayed very quiet and have an angry expression on her face to her coworkers. They were very worried about (Y/N) and think it's for the best not to talk to her and anger her even more.

"Is (Y/N) ok? She seems to be angry ever since she got here?" Blair asked.

"Maybe she's has a bad day." Jasmine said.

"I'll crack some jokes to make her feel better." Atticus said.

"Atticus I think it's best if we leave her alone for now." Aunt Cinder said.

By the time Aster came in the cafe, (Y/N) didn't greet him at all. She stayed silent and kept her anger expression. Whenever he tried to talk to her, (Y/N) either say a couple of words or simply ignore him. Aster was bothered by this and hurt by the fact that (Y/N) is angry. Little did he know that (Y/N) has a trick up her sleeve to that was meant for Aster. The musicians came in and played a couple of songs. Now it was the perfect time for (Y/N) to take action to her plan. She went to the dining area and got upstage to talked to the musicians.

"What's (Y/N) doing?" Aunt Cinder said as the others watched her.

(Y/N) gathered all of the musicians to talk to them. She showed them her phone to explain to them the song she's going to sing. They nodded as one of them gave the microphone to (Y/N).

"She's going to sing." Jasmine said excitedly as Aunt Cinder left the kitchen.

(Y/N) has the microphone as she faces the audience. The cafe was full of people as they all stared at (Y/N). She clear her throat as she starts to speaks.

"Good evening masters and mistresses, I'm sorry for interrupting these gentlemen but I want to sing a song to a special person." (Y/N) said as her eyes were on Aster and wink at him.

From the VIP room, Aster watches (Y/N) as she winked at him. It made him smiled as he was happy to hear (Y/N) will sing for him. Aunt Cinder came in as she sees Aster smiling.

"I see that my niece is going to sing to you." Aunt Cinder said as she walked towards to Aster.

"Oh really now? I would like to hear it." Aster said as he grinned.

"I promise you that she sings very beautiful." Aunt Cinder said.

"I bet she does." Aster said.

"If you want to hear her better, I'll let you stay in the kitchen." Aunt Cinder said.

"Thank you for the offer Cinder." Asked said as he stood up from his seat and followed Cinder to the kitchen.

"Hello, Aster." Blair said as Atticus and Jasmine smiled at him.

"I brought him here because he can hear Bella singing." Aunt Cinder said as the open the door to get a view from the stage.

As the song starts to play, (Y/N) faces her audience and took a deep breath. She looked at the window from the VIP room but couldn't see her boss. She scans the area until she sees the kitchen door open to see Aster as he waves at her. Her cold expression changed as her eyes are narrowed and made a smirk to Aster. She wanted her boss to see and hear the song that she'll be singing to him.

(Y/N) started to sing;

Where you from? How's it going?
I know you got a clue what you're doing?
You can play brand new to all the other chicks out here,
But I know what you are, what you are, baby
Look at you getting more than just a re-up
Baby, you got all the puppets with their strings up
Faking like a good one, but I call 'em like I see 'em
I know what you are, what you are, baby

"She's pretty good." Aster said as he was amazed.

"I knew you would like it." Aunt Cinder said.

"Huh this is weird I would expect to be a cute or nice song." Atticus said as the others turned to him with confusion.

"Why do say that Atticus?" Blair asked.

"I heard this song but I don't know where." Atticus said as he rubs his head.

(Y/N) continue singing;

Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer, oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby
You, you, you are, you, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer, womanizer

Everyone was in shock as their mouth were wide opening. Jasmine drop the tray, Blair cover her mouth as she gasped, Cinder made a facepalm, and Aster froze as he couldn't believe that (Y/N) sing this song that was meant for him. Atticus remember this song as he clapped his hands.

"Oh! Now I know this song. It's womanizer." Atticus said.

"Umm... what?" Blair asked.

"Yeah, it was meant to roast guys who sleep around many women." Atticus explained.

"Ahem!" Aunt Cinder said as she was implying that Aster is here.

"Oh, this is awkward." Atticus said as everyone stayed quiet.

Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
You got me goin'
You're, oh, so charmin'
But I can do it

Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
You say I'm crazy
I got your "crazy"
You're nothin' but a womanizer

The audience started to chant as they love (Y/N)'s singing.

"They're cheering!" Jasmine said.

"It looks like the crowd is eating it up." Atticus said.

You got the swagger of a champion
Too bad for you
You just can't find the right companion
I guess when you have one too many, makes it hard
It could be easy, who you are
That's just who you are, baby
Must mistake me, you're a sucker
To think that I would be a victim not another
Say it, play it how you wanna
But no way I'm ever gonna fall for you, never you, baby

The audience started to clap as (Y/N) kept singing.

Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer, oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby
You, you, you are, you, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer, womanizer

(Y/N) start to dance as she was getting into the song and danced very seductively.

Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
You got me goin'
You're, oh, so charmin'
But I can do it
You womanizer

Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
You say I'm crazy
I got your "crazy"
You're nothin' but a womanizer

The crowd cheered louder when (Y/N) started dancing.

"She's dancing!" Jasmine said.

"She's having fun with the song." Atticus said.

"I hope this song is over." Aunt Cinder said as she was disappointed by her niece.

Aster kept his eyes on her as (Y/N) kept entertain her audience. (Y/N) a glance at Aster as she sang the next verse.

Maybe if we both lived in a different world
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer, womanizer
It would be all good,
And maybe I could be your girl,
But I can't 'cause we don't

(Y/N) look back at her audience as she began to point some of her audience in the cafe. She turns back at Aster as she pointed at him

Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer, oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby
You, you, you are, you, you, you are
Womanizer, womanizer, womanizer, womanizer

Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
You got me goin'
You're, oh, so charmin'
But I can do it

Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
You say I'm crazy
I got your "crazy"
You're nothin' but a womanizer

Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
Boy, don't try to front
I, I know just, just what you are, are, are
Womanizer, woman-womanizer
You're a womanizer
Oh, womanizer, oh
You're a womanizer, baby

The moment she finished singing she drops the mic and got off the stage. The audience stands up and cheers as they applauses for (Y/N). Many people came up to her as they compliment her voice and applaud her performance. (Y/N) smile and thank her customers for enjoying the show. As the others were still in the kitchen as they watch (Y/N) talking to the customers. Aster looked down as he was upset that (Y/N) humiliating him and believing that he was the reason that (Y/N) is angry.

"Is Bella mad at me?" Aster asked to the others.

"I don't think so, why?" Jasmine asked.

"Well, even since I came in the cafe she hasn't said anything to me and she wasn't smiling." Aster explained which the others feel bad for him.

"It's not you Aster. She has been acting like this before she started her shift." Aunt Cinder said.

"Don't worry, she probably has a bad day at her other job." Jasmine said.

"I don't know she sing a song that was targeted for me." Aster said.

"Well, whatever the case is, I have to apologize for my niece lashing her anger out on you." Aunt Cinder apologize to Aster.

"You don't need to apologize Cinder. I'll talk to her." Aster said as he went back to the VIP room.

"Poor guy, did you think Aster made have made (Y/N) snap in the morning?" Blair asked.

"Maybe but we don't know." Jasmine said.

(Y/N) walked towards the kitchen and opened the door. The others watched her as she grab a glass of water. The kitchen was silent and (Y/N) drank the water.

"Umm... (Y/N)?" Blair asked with concerned look as (Y/N) finished drinking water.

"Yeah?" (Y/N) said as she put the cup in the sink.

"Did something happen between you and Aster?" Blair asked as the others were concerned.

"Oh no not at all Blair. Why do you asked?" (Y/N) asked as she turned to him.

"Because you sang a song that humiliated him in front of the customers." Atticus said as the others nodded.

"Yeah (Y/N) you went too far." Jasmine said as (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

"He can handle it. He's a celebrity, he probably deals with haters on a daily basis." (Y/N) said as she grab the order and left the kitchen.

"(Y/N)." Blair said as the others were upset the way (Y/N) is acting.

(Y/N) went to the VIP room as she sees Aster. He looked upset because of the stunt she pulled.

'He did deserve it but I feel terrible. Maybe I did went too far.' (Y/N) ponder herself conflicting her emotions.

"Bella is everything ok? You were quiet the whole time I was here?" Aster asked as (Y/N) came up to him.

"I'm fine there's nothing to worry about." (Y/N) replied as she put the dish on the table.

"Bella you can tell me." Aster said.

"I'm ok Aster." (Y/N) said but before she walked away Aster grab her wrists and push her closer to him.

"Bella tell me what I did to make you mad?" Aster asked still looked upset which (Y/N)'s eyes were widened open.

'Does he feel sorry for the way he treats me? If I explain to him, he'll find out my secret. I'll have to explain it vaguely.' (Y/N) thought herself as her eyes were directly on Aster.

"*sigh* I had a bad day at my other job. I just hate how my boss treats me." (Y/N) explained as Aster let her go.

"Oh I see. Do you hate your boss?" Aster asked which made (Y/N) annoyed.

"*sigh* He's the pain of the ass to work with. He's very strict, a prick, and uptight only to me." (Y/N) replied honesty and genuinely.

"Wow I'm sorry to hear that. I wouldn't understand why he dislikes you." Aster said as he tries to make her feel better.

'I don't know, I'm talking to him right now!' (Y/N) sarcastically pondering to herself.

"Yeah, I don't like bosses who treats there coworkers unfairly and disliked someone for no reason." (Y/N) said as she expressed her anger.

'I wish I could say the same thing.' Aster thought to himself as he was thinking about his secretary.

"You own your own company. Do you treat one of your coworkers unfairly?" (Y/N) asked which made Aster annoyed.

"*sigh* My secretary." Aster said (Y/N) was irritated how he responded.

"I'm guessing that you can't work with her." (Y/N) said as she tried to keep her anger under control.

"You don't even know how I feel about her." Aster said as (Y/N) wants to slap him.

'Ok now isn't the time to yell at him. I need to choose my words wisely." (Y/N) ponder herself as she wanted to express her boss how she feels.

"So you don't like your secretary then why did you hired her?" (Y/N) said as she was curious to know.

"The only reason I hired her is because she didn't go off topic and wasn't flirting with me." Aster replied as (Y/N) was disappointed to hear that response.

"I see." (Y/N) said as she wasn't surprised to hear.

"She always makes mistakes and not trying her best. I know she can do better but she's pulling herself back." Aster said as he expressed himself towards (Y/N).

"It seems to me that you're giving your secretary insanely high standards. That makes it more difficult for you two working together. You should tone it down." (Y/N) said as she expressed herself towards Aster.

"What?" Aster said as he was surprised to hear (Y/N)'s opinion.

"I'm saying is lower your standards for your secretary but you can still be strict. If she's too busy then find someone else who can take her place. Try to be nice to her once a while." (Y/N) explained.

"I don't know." Aster said still isn't convinced.

"I promise you that it will help the both of you for the long run." (Y/N) said as she smile at him.

"Alright then I'll take your advice Bella." Aster said as he smiled back at her.

Time-Skip to Next Morning in the Office

(Y/N) was out of her office as she helped the other coworkers at the cubicles. One of the male coworkers decided to push the work to (Y/N).

"Hey (Y/N)." He said as (Y/N) rolled her eyes.

"*sigh* Yes?" (Y/N) said looking at him.

"Can you do some of the paperwork? I'm having a hard time to complete it." He said as (Y/N) was annoyed.

"I'm not doing your work but I can help." (Y/N) said but he kept pestering her.

"Come on (Y/N), you can do it besides you're not busy." He said as (Y/N) was losing her patience.

"How's the paperwork coming along?" They turn to see Aster as he walked towards them.

"Mr. Phoenix I wanted (Y/N) to finish this paperwork because she can it faster than I can and I can't finish it." He said as (Y/N) bit her lip as she's knows what he's going to say.

"(Y/N) has her hands full right now. If you can't do it then don't bother coming in tomorrow." Aster said as (Y/N) turned to him and was surprise to hear from her boss.

Aster glance at (Y/N) with a serious expression and walked back to his office.

'So he did take my advice.' (Y/N) thought to herself as she watch her boss walking away.

She smiled happily as she didn't need to use her other persona to hurt Aster. Hopefully things will change between them and to give (Y/N) the proper respect she deserves.

A/N: That's the end of chapter four. So what do you think about this chapter and comment down below. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day. Bye! 🤗

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