May I Steal Your Girl?

By aareadsaa

148 6 11

Brent Capitol thought he had everything perfect in life, all the girls raging for him, the captaincy of the s... More

Water Coolers and Fooseball
Curling Irons and New Found Popularity
Dress Shopping and Milkshake Fights
Interrogations and Goodbyes

Story Telling and Trapped

18 0 0
By aareadsaa

Brent's POV

As the last note, of the last song sounded over the speakers in the gym, I was still thinking about what Brooke said. After that song all I did was sit at our table drinking punch and watching my friends have fun. I was watching one person in paticular though, Lillian. She looked so stunning tonight, and everytime I saw her smile my mood lit up. Her smile was so beautiful, the way the skin around her eyes crinkled so perfectly, the way her teeth weren't perfectly straight, so you knew she wasn't too good to be true.

"Hey man! You coming?" Cole called, I then realized that the students were flooding out of the gym, including my friends. I nodded, getting up from the chair that may or may not have my butt print in it. I jogged to the door where Meg, Troy, and Cole were waiting. Zoe and Mike were coming too, but they had their own car, and I'm guessing Noel and Lillian went to the car already. 

"You guys go ahead, Brent and I have to check on something." Troy told Cole and Meg, who nodded and continued out the door. Troy motioned for me to follow him towards the table I was sitting at. I stuffed my hands in my pockets, knowing what Troy wanted to talk about. He turned to me, looking at me like I was in trouble. 

"What?" I sighed, when I had to say the first word. 

"What happened with Brooke?" Maybe I should be physic or something because I knew he was going to ask that. 

"I broke up with her, it wasn't working." I lied through my teeth, not wanting a lecture from him. 

"Really? Brent I've been your friend since birth. I can tell exactly when you're lying." I cursed under my breath at the reality to his words. 

"Fine, she said it was something about Lillian. I don't know, I don't understand the female race." 

"You might if you could keep a girl for more than two weeks," He mumbled, just loud enough that I could hear. 

"Shut up. Please Troy, share your knowledge on the complecated and confusing species that we call females." I give him a smug grin. 

"I have no idea how I've dealt with you for the last 16 years." He grumbled. 

"You know the sarcasm just rolls off the tongue so easily." The smile easily transitions to a smirk. Troy steps forward and I feel his cold skin across my face, it's like leather. 

"What the hell man?" I stumble backwards. 

"I should be asking you the same thing! Why can't you just stop being a jerk for once and talk to me man!" 

"I can do what I want, especially when it comes to girls." I scowl at him.

"Fine, but don't expect me to fix your problems when you hurt the only people that care about you." With that he turned on his heel and left me alone, in the quiet gym. 


"Guys!" I screamed after the grey convertable. He didn't stop, so I yelled again. "Mike! Stop the f*cking car!" This got his attention. He honked the horn and pulled up to the curb. 

"What are you still doing here? I thought the others left already." Zoe said, her lips were swollen. They were kissing. I shook my head with a foolish grin on my face, getting into the back seat of the car.

"They did, Troy told them to ditch me." I answered, the smugness in my voice not faltering for a second.

"What did you do Brent?" Mike asked, pulling out of the lot.

"I broke up with Brooke, Troy thought I used her."

"Did you?" Zoe was shifted in her seat to look at me.

"Would I use a girl Zoe?"

"No comment." I heard her mutter under her breath, making me grin even more.

"Why are you suddenly being so jerky Brent?" Mike asked, obviously annoyed with me.  

"Well according to Troy, I've always been like this." I didn't even bother to answer his question. 

"Whatever, I take it you're going to Cole's?" Even though they shared the apartment, no one referred to it as Noel's. Don't ask me why, it's just what we do. 

"Right you are!" Zoe groaned.

"This is going to be a long drive." Mike muttered.


 We pulled into the driveway of the apartment complex. Zoe and Mike opened their doors and stepped into the cold night, but I just sat there, thinking.

"Brent what are you doing?" Zoe asked me, obviously annoyed. 

"Thinking," I dragged out each syllable. The entire car ride I had been thinking about what Troy said. His words were running through my mind and taking over my thought process. Why did he have to be so smart? Groaning, I finally took off my seat belt and got out of the car. 

"Are you going to stop being so jerky or what, because if you aren't we're sending you home." Zoe continued to lecture me. 

"Would it be any fun if I was jerky tonight?" I tried to sound cheerful, like usual Brent.

"And he's back! Thank god." Mike muttered, catching onto my change of mood. I forced a grin and we walked inside the apartment, Mike and Zoe holding hand and me by myself. 

We got out of the elevator on the top floor, the pent house. When I stepped into their living room, I saw the usual scene. Meg and Troy cuddling on the couch, and Noel and Cole wrestling on the ground. Only now, Lillian was watching them, laughing her cute little laugh. God, I need to stop thinking of her like that. 

"Oh hey guys." Lillian gasped between laughs. Troy looked up from his deep conversation with Meg, raising an eyebrow at me. I scowled in his direction. He got up and motioned for me to follow him, I rolled my eyes and did as I was told. It was too much stubborness for one night. 

"Ya ya ya, I thought about what you said Troy. You can lay off for tonight, okay?" I answered the question just about to leave his mouth. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. 

"Fine, but don't do anything stupid okay?" I nodded, the smirk reapearing on my face. We headed back into the living room to see that Zoe and Mike had drifted into their usual spots. I lounged on the loveseat, waiting for someone to do something. Finally, Cole clapped his hands together. 

"I say we play never have I ever! Any objections?" We remained quiet, and as Cole went to get the 'liquid of the night' the rest of us sat in a circle in the middle of the carpet floor. Minutes later he returned with a bottle of vodka. 

"Ugh, vodka, my favourite." I muttered. He handed us each shot glasses and filled them up to the brim. 

"Wait, before we start, I think we should bet on who gets drunk first." I suggested, obviously making everyone's gears turn. Soon they all turned to me. 

"My money's on Brent." Noel hollered, and the rest of them chorused in agreement. I threw up my hands defensively. 

"Hey! Why me?" 

"Have you met yourself?" Cole asked, hints of sarcasm in his tone. I nodded, grinning. 

"You have a point there." Meg and Zoe giggled and Lillian snorted, causing the rest of us to burst out laughing. 

After we all sobered up, Meg started. 

"Never have I ever, cheated on my boyfriend." Obviously, she was head over heels for Troy. Cole picked up his glass, surprisingly, and gulped it down. 

"Really?" Lillian asked, obviously disgusted. 

"Don't judge me woman!" He shook his finger, making her giggle. Something churned inside of me at the thought of her laughing because of someone else. 

"Moving on," Troy grinned. "Never have I ever, text dumped somebody." I took my shot, along with Noel, Cole, and Mike. Mike got a slap in the arm from Zoe and the rest of us got looks of disgust from the girls. 

"Alright, my turn." I rubbed my hands together evilly. "Never have I ever been in a relationship longer than I year." Meg and Troy took their shots, along with Mike and Zoey. 

"Wasn't that one obvious?" Troy asked.

"Ya, but I wanted to see Meg drink." I smirked evilly. Troy just shook his head, he did smile though.


The next morning I awoke in an elevator. 

Why the hell am I in an elevator? 

When I realized I was lying down, I sat up and took in my surroundings. Which didn't take long considering I was in a small un-furnished moving box! I heard a feminine groan from my left, which shocked me. I cranned my neck to see Lillian, glaring at me from the corner of the elevator. 

"Finally, sleeping beauty awakes!" She throws her hands up sarcastically and rubs her forehead. Speaking of foreheads, mine felt like early morning military training was going on up there! 

"Where are we?" I groaned, leaning my back against the wall.

"In an elevator you idiot!" Noticing her temper, I put my hand over my heart in mock hurt.

"Well somebody's snippy this morning!" She pulls her phone out of her pocket and shoves the lock screen in my face.

"Didn't know 4 o'clock was morning in your mind!" As my vision steadies, I see that her iPhone reads 4:08 pm.

"Oh my god, Lana is going to kill me!" I exclaim, running a hand through my already dishelveld hair.

"Ya, I've been saying that since we got trapped in this death trap!" She squeaks, probably getting really anxious. Now that I think about it, I don't remember much from last night. Wasn't the first time I drank too much, wasn't the first time I regretted it either. 

"Do you remember anything from last night?" I ask, rubbing my temples. 

"I remember everything, why wouldn't I?" She replies snarkily as if it were obvious. 

"Because that's the sort of thing alchohol comsumption does to you." I shot back, which resulted in a humourus look from Lillian. 

"But of course, you would have to consume achohol to experience the side effects, I didn't." She explained, which shocked me. 

"You didn't drink?" I asked, stunned. She nods, giving me a look of sympathy. 

"Never in my life, I perfer not to be missing peices of my memory." She has a point, every time I drink, I can't stop. And every time I can't stop, I wake up the next morning unable to remember what I did the night before. 

"You kind of have a point there, but can you explain to me what happened?" She thought about it for a minute, probably going over every single detail in her head. 

"Long story." She exhales, probably exhausted. 

"Don't worry, I got time." 


Lillian's POV

"How much do you remember?" I insisted on getting more information before launching into story teller mode. He squinted and pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"Uh, up until Never Have I ever?" His statement came out almost like a question, as if he wasn't sure that was the correct answer. 

"Wow, that was at the beginning of the night." I mumble, trying to stall. 

"Yes," He speaks with sarcasm dripping from his voice, "And now you're going to tell me what happened in the middle, and at the end." He talks down to me, obviously annoyed. 

"Well you don't have to be so mean," I can see him fuming, it's almost as if smoke is coming from his ears. 

"Stop stalling and tell me!" He shouts, and because we are in a small mobile box, it echoes off the walls and sounds louder than it should. I cover my ears, scowling at him. 

"Calm down, we're in a box." He shoots me a look, and I know I better hurry this along. "Okay so after Never Have I Ever, well we played for a bit and then you and Noel were hopelessly drunk." I notice him frowning intensly at this point, I never had him pegged as someone who would turn into thought like that. "Meg and I tried to calm you down, but we eventually gave up and went out to get Mcdonalds, Troy insisted. When we came back, you and Troy seemed to be in a heated argument, so Meg went off with Troy and I took you downstairs to calm you down." My cheeks went red at this point, my mind throwing me back to last night. I was trying to wrap my head around a way to skip what happened, but I had no cover. "So we were talking, and you started babbling about Brooke. I asked you why you broke up, and you said she was being hormonal, so I asked you what you meant." He couldn't meet my eyes, and I knew something was up. 

"What did I say?" He asks quietly, almost soundly. I opened my mouth to talk, but we were suddenly jolted upright. I stood up, feeling the walls of the elevator. 

"It's working! We're moving!" I cried happily, ignoring the confused look on Brent. 

"Great." He mumbled, probably not meant for me to hear. I squealed when the door opened, and exitedly hopped out towards a grinning Meg, who was standing next to a repair man. I wrapped my arms around her neck and grinned at her. 

"Thank god you guys are okay, that repair man took forever to get here." She glared at the man's back, making a face that made me giggle madly.

"Yeah, we sure are okay." Brent mumbled again as he shoved his hands into his pockets and walked out of the elevator.

"What's up with him?" Meg nods her head towards him. I pressed my lips together and shook my head.

"No clue." I sighed anxiously.


Hey guys! Long time no see, am I right? So... you may be wondering why it took me a month to write a new chapter, well it has a little something to do with writer's block. Usually, I just write the story that I'm mptivated to write, and aparently my mind decided that it was going to come up with three different stories before having a new idea for this one. Finally,I decided it had been too long, so I forced myself to sit down and write something. I came up with this, what do you think? What is Lillian hiding from Brent? What is Brent going to do with this little drinking problem of his? And also, on the side I have attached a music video from The Vamps, because let's be honest, Bradley Simpson is the cutest thing ever!

Anyways... hope you all had a good holiday, I know I did!

Happy Reading!


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