𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 π‘πˆπ’πˆππ†Β»...

By melancholyevermore

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To My Readers


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By melancholyevermore

A.N.: Okay, I love this song for this chapter. It's really meant for the end of this chapter. I think you guys will understand where once you get there. I love this chapter personally...

☾ ✶ ☽

Elizandra stirred awake the next morning after receiving a fairly good amount of hours of sleep. Brady, on the other hand, was restless all through the night. Elizandra's outburst last night when he returned home after a week away startled him. He has been gone on a trip for three weeks before and he'd only receive a "what's up" from her when he returned home. Something had happened while he was gone and it irked him every waking hour. He was determined to find out.

Currently, they were on the couch. She had fallen asleep there last night and he made sure to sit by her all through the night. When she awoke it was eleven a.m. She propped herself up and glanced at Brady with a half smile.

"Sleep well?" He asks; his voice more husky than normal. She nods and brings the blanket over her shoulders and her feet on the couch with her knees against her chest.

After a few seconds, he finally asks, "Something happen while I was gone." It was more of a statement than a question. She nods again, averting his eyes.

"Klaus is still alive if that's what you're wondering." She says softly.

"I know. If he were dead, that'd be the only talk around the country — maybe even around the world."

Elizandra had an odd feeling imaging the announcement of the death of a certain Original. She dismissed it.

She inhaled shakily, afraid of the following words about to come out of her mouth, "I killed Aleena." Her voice wavered. It was the first time she's spoken her name since the discovery of her death. Brady only blinked, he didn't want to alarm her by reacting suddenly. He was good at that.

"I heard she was killed. How were you behind it?" He inquired.

"I asked her to watch over Aidan for me ... Milan Chapman got to her."

At the name of their nemesis, Brady looked down at his lap and then straight ahead. The wheels in his brain were turning. "And Aidan?"

"Alive. I went to Washington and took care of everything."

"You confronted her alone?" His voice rose a little and his head snapped in her direction.

She shook her head, "No, she wasn't there. Only Aidan. This was just a warning. She's only getting started, Brady."

☾ ✶ ☽

Elizandra closed her locker when she smelled Caroline's distinctive perfume the second she entered the school. Elizandra was picking up her textbooks to catch up on all the homework she missed when she had left for Washington. She gathered her belongings and let her nose lead her to Caroline. As she passed a certain history classroom, her pace decelerated. Alaric's scent remained. Strongly, in fact. She thought it was odd, but she shrugged it off thinking it was just her mind guilt-tripping her for skipping the goodbyes for him last night. She wanted to go, truly. He was always kind with her even though they interacted very few times.

Elizandra picked up her pace and went around the corner almost too quickly and crashing into Caroline.

"Eli!" Caroline shrieked as her phone dropped.

Elizandra was unfazed and looked at Caroline like she was crazy, "You're a vampire, couldn't you hear me coming?"

Caroline groaned and pouted as she knelt down to pick up her phone, "You're lucky I like you or I would've snapped your neck by now."

Elizandra smiled genuinely and asks her, "What brings you here on a Saturday?"

"Clean up committee," Caroline throws her curls back over her shoulder, "And Tyler just bailed on me. Please help?" She attempted the puppy-eye look. Elizandra rolls her eyes and smiles.

"Of course." She spun around and the two girls headed for the cafeteria, "Why'd he bail?

"Dumb Klaus." Caroline spat harshly. Elizandra lightly gulped at the name.

"What about him?"

"Apparently he's leaving town — goof riddance," Caroline huffs, "And Tyler has to help him pack up."

"He's leaving town?" Elizandra repeated lightly and in an almost disbelief tone. Caroline flinched her head back and glanced at Elizandra with her brows furrowed.

"Careful, you almost sound disappointed."

Elizandra's head snapped in her direction and she recomposed herself. She scoffs and replies with, "Disappointed I didn't get a chance to hurt him at least once." Caroline chuckles.

Elizandra suddenly felt odd and she halted in her place while throwing an arm across Caroline to stop as well walking as well.

"We're not the only ones here." She says ominously. Caroline lightly gulped and looked around and tried focusing her hearing. Then, they hear a whoosh pass down the hall.

"Hello?" Caroline calls. Elizandra had to refrain from rolling her eyes. She absolutely hated when the characters in the horror movies call out like that. Caroline shrugged, "Probably just the tutor groups. Come on, we have a lot to do." She walked passed Elizandra's arm that was sprawled across her and continued for the cafeteria.

"Yeah, I'm just going to use the bathroom first." Elizandra couldn't ignore this bad feeling she had. She trusted her gut.

"Okay!" Caroline says over her shoulder.

Once she couldn't hear the tapping of Caroline's heels anymore, Elizandra slowly walked down the hall; her senses leading the way.

Minutes passed and she didn't discover anything. She was more disappointed in herself.

Elizandra exhales harshly and gave up. She headed back for the cafeteria to help Caroline. Along the way, her eye catches a certain blonde Mikaelson that goes by the name of Rebekah.

"Splendid." Elizandra says under her breath as the blonde noticed her down the hall and proceeded her way.

"Mind helping me with the gym, love? Caroline's got the cafeteria covered." Something about Rebekah's tone told Elizandra she wasn't asking, but ordering instead. Elizandra scrunched her nose in distaste as the Original walked right past her without even a glance her way.

"I'm not liking the attitude, but whatever." Elizandra followed after Rebekah and eventually was walking beside her.

"My brother may have taken a great liking in you, but I still despise your species." Rebekah pointlessly stated. Elizandra just shrugs.

"Great, cause I don't like yours."

Rebekah looks up at her and smiles, "Perfect."

Elizandra smiles and responds, "Cool." Suddenly, her heightened senses took over and Elizandra's hand flew to Rebekah's, causing the both of them to halt in their tracks. She felt the same feeling she had earlier, and smelled the same scent as when she passed Alaric's former classroom.

Rebekah looked down at the grip over her wrist, "What!" She ripped her arm away and looked up at the Direwolf.

"We should head back for Caroline. I have a bad feeling here." Elizandra began to back away and turned around completely, resulting in crashing into another body. She looked up and her heart skipped a beat. Rebekah spun around and her eyes widen.

"You're supposed to be dead." Rebekah gasps.

"I am!" Alaric lifts Elizandra by neck and throws her against the lockers. Rebekah rushes over to Alaric, but he had the upper hand as he whipped out the white oak stake and threw Rebekah against the lockers. Elizandra stood up and emitted a deep growl and glowed her red eyes, targeting Alaric. Caroline as well comes to the rescue and the three girls work together to stake Alaric.

"Runrunrun!" Elizandra pushed the two girls and all three speed out of the building. The blonde Original was the quickest and out of sight before Elizandra knew it. Her and Caroline exit the building and Caroline fumbles with the car keys in her hands. Elizandra slows down as she hears Alaric nearing them.

"Eli!" Caroline yells over her shoulder as she opens the driver's side.

"Care, go get help!" Elizandra ordered. She stared back at the school and readied herself for Alaric. Caroline whined as she debated what to do. Elizandra looked back at Caroline with her glowing red eyes and her fangs sticking out from top and bottom. "Leave!" She growled powerfully. Caroline groaned internally. Alaric speeds out of the building, angrier then before. Elizandra lunges at him. Alaric grips both shoulders and head-butts her, then throws a side punch hard enough to knock her out. Caroline rushes towards Alaric but he easily takes her down as well.

As he burned under the sun, he drags their bodies back into the school, all while Rebekah watches from a safe distance in bewilderment.

☾ ✶ ☽

    Elizandra watches as Caroline slowly awakes. When she opens her eyes, she began to panic. Both hands were staked into the desk with wooden pencils and her mouth gagged with a vervain-laced cloth.

"I told you to leave, Care." Elizandra groaned. Caroline looks to her left where Elizandra's hands were tied incredibly tight, and her torso as well. Elizandra sees the fear in Caroline's eyes and her face softens. "You'll be alright." She whispers to her.

"Enough with the talking." Alaric waltz into the classroom from behind and stops just before Elizandra with a white cloth in hand.

"Wolfsbane doesn't hurt me." She snaps.

Alaric leans down to where his mouth was just beside her ear, "I know, sweetheart. But, this isn't wolfsbane." As he finished his sentence, he wraps the damp white cloth over her mouth. The second it touches her skin, Elizandra groans aloud and dug her feet into the ground as the pain was unbearable. "I did my research on your kind. I'm well aware of your weakness." He smiles at her menacingly as she struggled with the pain. Caroline lightly whimpers from beside, unable to hear her friend hurt any longer. Alaric pulls out his phone and dials a number. Elizandra lets her head fall as she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to control her tears, but every inhalation of the Larkspur caused her to feel weaker.

Elizandra had tuned out everything for a few seconds, and when she came to, she pieced it together that Alaric had called Elena.

"Listen closely, I'm at the school, I have Caroline and the Direwolf, and if you want to keep them alive, I need you to get in your car and come down here right away. If you tell anyone where you are going, I will kill them. Starting with Caroline."

☾ ✶ ☽

Elizandra hears Elena enter the school and she shuts her eyes. She knows how important the Doppleganger's life is, as much as she detested it.

"Right on time." Alaric hums. Caroline begins to whimper from the pain, leading Elena to find the classroom they're in. She glances from Caroline to Elizandra, who was sitting completely still; any slight movement will add to the burning of the Larkspur.

"Let them go, Alaric!" Elena demanded.

"Free them yourself." Alaric nonchalantly says. It didn't settle well with Elizandra and she knew better, but Elena went straight to Caroline and eyed the pencil staked in her hand. She hesitated, knowing it was going to be painful for her best friend, but she grab it and began pulling it out. Elizandra looks to Alaric, and in a second he was right beside Elena and he slams the pencil back into Caroline's hand.

"You said that you would let them go!" Elena yells.

"How many times do I have to tell you, Elena? Stop trusting vampires!"

Elena inhales sharply and backs up. He forces her to sit. She slowly takes the seat on the other side of Caroline while glaring at Alaric. She hated the fact that it was Alaric's face and body, but he wasn't in his right mind. She looks over at Elizandra who was already looking at her. Elena could tell in her eyes that she had been planning something. Elena looks down at Elizandra's hands and notices the rope was loose around her wrists and so were the ones around her torso. That's when she noticed her claws sticking out. She must have cut her ropes while Alaric was distracted. Elena subtly nods to Elizandra while Alaric busied himself with the vervain in the beaker.

Suddenly, Elizandra raises from her seat and goes to attack Alaric while Elena rushes to Caroline's aid. Elizandra had Alaric in her grasp and threw him on the ground.

"Go, Caroline!" Elena screams right as she freed her. Caroline struggled to stand but Elena pushes her to leave. Caroline dashes out of the classroom. Elena's head whips around as she hears Elizandra let out a growl that was laced with pain. Alaric had impaled her with a metal bar he had broken from a chair. Elizandra stumbled off him and gripped the bar to keep it in place. Alaric sped over to Elena so she wouldn't leave.

He lets out a breathy laugh as he nearly dragged Elena over to Elizandra who was doubled over beside the teacher's desk to keep her balance. "You know, it's bad enough we have vampires in this town, and now there's Direwolve's?" He shakes his head.

"Why are you doing this?" Elena whined.

He pulls out the white oak stake and Elena widens her eyes. "Well, this isn't what I had in mind. You were supposed to kill Caroline, but she got away." He clicks his tongue and nods to Elizandra, "I guess a Direwolf will have to do for now." He tosses the stake in the air and as it lands back in his hand his swings it with all his strength, across Elizandra's face.

She flew to the ground and landed on her side. Elena's hands flew over her mouth as she yelped. Alaric walked over to Elizandra with a beaker filled with Larkspur. He knelt down and roughly forced her mouth open with his free hand.

"Alaric, stop!" Elena pleaded.

"Isn't this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire?" He then chuckles  and shrugs, "She's not a vampire, but we'll get to that once we take care of her." He begins to pour the Larkspur down her throat. As it touched her, the sizzling increased and her screams were muffled by the gargles in her throat. Elizandra's legs were kicking around and her arms were gripping whatever she could hold on to. The pain was just too unbearable and she was ready to pass out.

"Alaric!" Elena screams at the top of her lungs. Elizandra's screams were sending her over. "Dammit, Alaric!" Alaric throws his hands up in surrender and stands.

"Don't worry, I wasn't going to pour it all," He walks over to Elena and sets down the beaker. "Just enough to make her weak ... so you can carve her heart out." He finalizes as he holds out a silver dagger in front of her. Elena eyes the dagger and her chest rises. In the background, Elizandra is on the floor coughing up blood and wincing with every movement.

"Why are you doing this?" Elena asks.

"Because you need me. Because you're an eighteen-year-old girl without parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore."

"Look at you." Elena points to Elizandra. She walked over to her and Alaric let her. She helped her into the nearest chair. "How is this right?!"

Alaric forces Elena to sit as well. "She's a murderer. Along with every vampire in this town! Listen, Elena, your parents led the council. It was their life's mission to keep this town safe. They weren't dead six months before you undid it all."

"You don't know anything about them."

"Why, am I wrong? Do you actually think that they'd be proud of you?" Alaric kneels down in front of Elena. "If you don't side with the humans, you're just as bad as them. Now kill her." Alaric stands and holds out the dagger. "Or I'll do it for you and I'll make it hurt. Get up!" He drags Elena in front of Elizandra. She looks up with her chest rising and falling at a fast pace. Elena holds the dagger shakily in her hand as she looks down at Elizandra. Then, she whips it around and aims for Alaric, but he's quicker and grabs her arm.

"I thought I taught you better than that."

"You did." Elena breaks the beaker filled with vervain over Alaric's head. He yells as his flesh starts to burn. "Get help!" She screams over her shoulder.

Elizandra uses all her strength to stand. With one hand she grips onto the bar lodged in her abdomen to keep it steady as she stumbles out of the classroom and into the hallway. She moans as she looks over her shoulder hoping to see Elena following her. But, she knew Alaric must have caught up to her. Elizandra attempted to speed out of the building but she only got as far as the end of the hall. The second she felt herself slipping out of consciousness, she was grabbed from behind. She whimpered, thinking it was Alaric.

"Sh, sh, it's okay." He whispers into her ear. She didn't need to look to know it was Klaus.

In that moment, Elizandra felt every fiber in her body relax. She felt safe.

Klaus holds her upright and brushes her hair over her shoulder. "What did he do to you?" He sighs in disbelief as he looks down at the bar still impaled in her. Elizandra's knees buckled under her. She was losing too much blood, and the Larkspur in her body refrained her from healing. Klaus caught her and slowly brought the both of them to the floor where he held her in his arms.

"This is going to hurt, Love" He says as he places both hands on the bar. As much as he tried his best, Elizandra screams in pain.

Once it was out, he throws it aside causing it to crash with the lockers. She sat there with her back against his chest, heaving.

"You're not healing." Klaus observed. He brought his wrist up to his mouth and bit into it. She smelled his blood right as he brought his wrist to her mouth.

Normally, she'd pretend to gag at the thought of drinking blood like a vampire. But at this moment it was what she needed. And quite frankly, if it were any other vampire she'd push them away. Elizandra grabbed his wrist and brought it to her lips.

She moaned as the liquid flowed down her throat. She felt her internal wounds cause by the Larkspur healing.

"There we are." He cooed in her ear as he brushes her hair back. Instead of the burning sensation in her stomach from the Larkspur, she felt a million butterflies fluttering inside. She has never felt more euphoric than how she felt at this moment, in his arms.

Even with her body all healed, her mind was exhausted from tolerating all the pain. Elizandra allows her head to fall onto his shoulder as she passes out.

Klaus picked her up carefully; bride style. He was beyond furious when seeing her in so much pain, but looking at her now, so peaceful and in his arms, it was then he knew he'd drop the whole world for her.

"I can take her from here." A deep voice echoes. Klaus looks up to see Brady standing at the end of the hall. He had been so entranced in her beauty he hadn't heard Brady walk in.

Klaus nods to Brady as they approach each other, "I should get the doppelgänger."

"That's the plan." Brady responds. The two kept deep eye contact as Klaus passed Elizandra over to Brady.

"Keep an eye on her. My blood flows in her system." Klaus says lastly before disappearing.

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