EPIPHANY, teen wolf (3)

By voidvaleska

117K 2.5K 1.8K

teen wolf season three book three stiles stilinski x fem!oc completed © voidvaleska More

season three ; introduction
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four


3.6K 89 2
By voidvaleska

letharia vulpina

ALEX CROSSED HER arms as she glanced at Stiles, who was collecting the items they needed in order to trick Scott and their other friends.

"Can you hurry up? You're taking forever." Alex released an annoyed breath. Stiles turned to face her as he placed the items in a bag.

"That's good, actually, you sound exactly like the normal Alex." Stiles responded sarcastically. "Just add more sarcasm and impatience, and you won't even have to bother trying."

"Ha ha, very funny." Alex scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Look, Scott wants to know if we're okay. Since we've been gone for a suspicious amount of time, we have to at least give him some indication that we're fine. In order to do that, we have to show up at least once or twice. We can't completely go MIA."

Stiles walked closer to Alex. "Don't worry, we'll be fine. They won't suspect a thing."

"I just want the plan to work." Alex blew out a breath.

"It will." Stiles responded with a smirk. "Everything is going to go exactly as planned."

Suddenly, Alex's werewolf eyes flashed, Alex gasping. Her eyes went back to normal shortly after. Alex winced in pain as an ache passed through her head.

Stiles frowned as he walked closer to her, cupping her cheeks and beginning to take her pain, the Nogitsune feeding from it from Stiles' mind.

Alex's eyes slightly rolled back as her mouth hung open, the girl releasing breaths.

The pain flooded from Alex's head, down to Stiles' hands and arms, Stiles' veins going black. Stiles managed to smirk as he released breaths.

Before he could completely drain Alex, Stiles pulled away, satisfied. "Get your rest. We'll leave soon."


"Would you like to do the honours?" Stiles smirked as Alex nodded, pressing on the transmitter that was used to attract werewolves.

Scott, Aiden, and Ethan arrived in the basement, stopping at the sight of Alex and Stiles.

"Okay, I know what you guys are thinking." Stiles started convincingly. "But it's us, we swear to god it's us."

Ethan and Aiden growled, Alex about to turn, however, Stiles brushed his arm against Alex's, silently telling her not to.

The twins ran up to the two, Ethan pinning Stiles to the wall, and Aiden pinning Alex to the wall. Alex could've easily gotten out of it, however, she obeyed Stiles' order and didn't turn.

Stiles and Alex coughed as the twins' grips tightened.

"Wait, stop!" Scott exclaimed and pushed the Aiden off Alex, Ethan still pinning Stiles against the wall.

"I said stop!" Scott yelled, Ethan snarling at Scott as he released Stiles, Stiles holding his throat as he coughed.

Scott growled louder, his alpha eyes glowing brightly.

Ethan recoiled quickly, turning back to his human form.

Stiles and Alex glanced intently at Scott, Scott glancing at them.

"It's us, Scott." Alex started convincingly. "We swear it's us. We don't know where we've been the last two days, or what we've been doing, but it's us. I promise."

"Do you know what happened at the hospital?" Aiden asked, glancing between Stiles and Alex.

"We know more than that." Stiles responded. He walked over to the bag him and Alex brought and pulled out a blueprint. "You see this? It's a blueprint of the hospital's electrical wiring. You see all these markings in red? That's my handwriting. And the markings in green? That's Alex's handwriting."

Alex glanced between Stiles, Scott, and the twins intently, wanting the three to believe her and Stiles. The twins and Scott glanced at the blueprint, frowning.

"We know we did this." Stiles added. "We know we caused the accident. Everything in this bag, it's all apart of something bigger."

Aiden pulled out a gun with a sharp knife at the end of it from the bag. "What the hell have you two been up to?"

"I think something worse." Alex responded. "A lot worse."


Scott and the twins pulled out the contents from the bag, placing them on the table.

Stiles and Alex shared a quick glance, then glancing between the twins and Scott.

"What the hell have you been doing? Building a terminator?" Aiden frowned.

"Thank you for that." Stiles responded sarcastically.

"Guys, this is a map." Scott realised as he laid out a map.

"Isn't that the cross country trail?" Ethan asked as there was a red marking on the trail.

"That's the Tate car. Where Malia Tate's family died." Scott spoke with a frown.

"You mean thats where her father put the steel-jawed traps." Alex replied, blowing out a breath.


"Scott!" Stiles exclaimed as him, Alex, and the twins ran up to the cross country group, stopping them from running.

"Everyone stop!" Alex yelled. "Stop!"

The group stopped.

Stiles felt around the leaves on the floor, finding a hook attached to some chain. Stiles slowly began to pull it out of the ground, frowning at how nothing went off. A tripwire was supposed to be triggered.

Alex frowned as Coach began to clap slowly. "Congratulations, Stilinski. You found a length of chain." He spoke sarcastically as he began to walk. "Can somebody now please tell me what the hell is going on?" He triggered the tripwire as his leg touched it.

"Hey, Coach-" Scott was cut off by the arrow flying into Coach's chest.

The class gasped as Coach glanced at his chest. "Oh, crap." Coach fell on the ground, the class, including Stiles, Alex, Scott, and the twins, ran up to him, crouching beside him.


Coach screamed in pain. "Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Oh my god, I'm gonna die! Get it out of me! I'm gonna die!"

Stiles held his hands around the arrow, trying to stop more blood from seeping out of Coach's chest.

"Coach, you're not going to die." Stiles tried to calm the man down.

"I'm gonna die!" Coach yelled, his eyes wide.

"Coach, for the love of god, you're not going to die!" Alex yelled back.

Coach continued to yell in pain.

"It'll hurt less if you stop moving, Coach." Aiden tried.

Scott glanced at Alex.

"I would, but I can't control it." Alex whispered, referring to turning into her werewolf form and taking Coach's pain. Of course, she was lying. She just wanted Scott to do it so the Nogitsune could take the pain.

"Stay still, Coach, an ambulance is coming." Aiden spoke.

"Get it out! I'm gonna die!" Coach yelled.

"Get back!" Alex yelled to the students. "Give him some room! Get back!"

The students all ran off, staying at a distance, leaving Scott, Alex, Aiden, and Stiles with Coach.

Scott held Coach's hand, beginning to take his pain, Coach and Scott both gasping. Scott's veins in his hand turned black as he took some of Coach's pain.

"I think he just passed out." Aiden spoke as Coach did indeed pass out.

"We- we could've killed him." Stiles spoke as he took his hands off Coach's chest, Coach's blood on his hands. "We could've killed him."

"What if it was his head or- or his throat?" Alex added panically.

"But it wasn't." Scott shook his head as he glanced between the two. "And he's gonna be alright."

"I think I just heard an ambulance coming." Aiden spoke.

"And my dad." Stiles added with a sigh.


"Scott!" Alex exclaimed as her and Stiles were crouched down next to a dying police officer. "Scott!"

"Can you do something?" Stiles asked as Scott approached them. "Take his pain? Anything to make it easier?"

"I can't control my transformation, even if I try to, so I can't take anyone's pain right now." Alex lied, however, it was convincing enough.

Scott then grabbed the officers hand, beginning to take his pain, his veins turning black, and his eyes tightly closing, Alex and Stiles intently watching.

It was too late. The officer had died.

Scott gasped as he let go of the officers hand, Stiles and Alex watching the scene with wide eyes.

"Go! Go!" Noah yelled at the three teens, Scott grabbing Alex and Stiles' arms as he guided them out of the police station.

"The Oni." Kira approached the three. "They're coming."

"Stiles, Alex, we've gotta get you guys out of here." Scott spoke as Alex and Stiles were still watching the chaotic scene.


"The animal clinic?" Kira questioned as she was sat in the back of the Jeep next to Scott, Alex and Stiles in the front two seats, Stiles driving.

"Yeah, the place is lined with mountain ash, just like my house. It'll buy us some time." Scott responded.

"But they can still get through it." Alex replied, raising her eyebrows.

"Eventually." Scott replied, glancing at her.

"Nobody's got any better ideas?" Stiles voiced.

When no one said anything, Stiles nodded. "Okay, sure, animal clinic."


Stiles pulled up to the animal clinic, all four teens getting out of the Jeep and into the pouring rain.

Before they could go in, the Oni appeared.

The four turned to face them, Alex glancing at Stiles, who sent her a quick smirk.

"Stiles, Alex, get inside!" Scott exclaimed, turning to face them and throwing them a key.

The two unlocked the door to the clinic as Scott growled, turning into his werewolf form. Scott and Kira began to fight the Oni.

"Hey, Kira, get inside!" Stiles yelled over the rain.

"Kira!" Alex exclaimed.

Alex and Stiles watched as Kira and Scott continued to fight the Oni.

One of them stabbed Scott, Scott's eyes widening and his mouth falling open.

Alex smirked, no one noticing it.

Kira yelled as she kicked the Oni.

"Alright, come on, get him inside!" Stiles exclaimed as he and Alex went to help Kira bring Scott inside.

Scott leaned against the table, gasping, as the katana was still in his stomach. He grunted as he tried to pull it out, Kira helping him.

Before Kira could pull the katana out, Stiles grabbed her hand and flung her head against the table, knocking her to the ground, Kira falling unconscious.

Alex smirked as Stiles tapped the katana. "You okay?" Stiles asked Scott with raised eyebrows.

"Please don't." Scott spoke quietly. "Stop."

"It's okay." Stiles replied as he grabbed the katana, putting his other hand on Scott's shoulder.

Stiles twisted the katana, Scott grunting in pain. "No, look at me. You've done your reading, Scott." He twisted the katana again, Scott groaning louder. "The Nogitsune feeds off chaos, strife, pain. This morning, you took it from Isaac. Then you took it from Coach. And then from a dying deputy."

"All that pain, you took it all." Alex grinned. "Now give it to us."

Stiles cupped Scott's cheek, beginning to take all the pain Scott took, Stiles beginning to groan as his mouth fell open, Alex's mouth falling open too as she experienced the feeling as well.

Stiles, Scott, and Alex's eyes slightly rolled back as Stiles continued to take Scott's pain. Stiles' veins turned black as more pain pulsated through them, Alex's veins turning black too.

Scott gasped as Stiles was done taking his pain, Alex inhaling a breath.

"You really have to learn, Scott." Stiles chuckled sourly. "You really have to learn not to trust a fox." He grinned. "You know why?"

"Cause they're tricksters." Alex grinned. "They'll fool you. They'll fool everyone."

"Not everyone." Deaton interrupted, injecting both Stiles and Alex in the neck with an injection he had in both hands before the two could attack him. Alex and Stiles gasped as they fell to the ground limply.

Deaton pulled the katana out of Scott, Scott groaning in pain.

"What was that? Are they okay?" Scott gasped as the katana was out of his body.

"The fox is poisoned, but not dead." Deaton responded as he glanced between the two. "Not yet."




I'm sorry this was a short chapter, I guess it's sort of a filler one. don't worry, the next one will be longer :)

thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting, I love you 💜

—voidelmslie 💌✨

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