Love and Serenity: Book 1

By SxlarDream

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Julian starts off his first year at college, and one of his biggest secrets are out the closet 😉: He's gay... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to So Cal!!
Chapter 2: No Pressure
Chapter 3: Regrets
Chapter 4: True Love
Chapter 5: Love Hurts
Chapter 6: Third Party Drama
Chapter 7: Jealousy Gets You Nowhere
Chapter 8: Desires
Chapter 9: Kisses

Chapter 10: Gotta Make a Choice

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By SxlarDream


On Saturday, Julian hung out with TJ, and they went to SkyZone, and then they went to Balboa Park, and enjoyed all the sights there, and then they went to Starbucks, and over to TJ's beach house. They shared an intimate moment at the beach house that night. Then the next morning, Julian went back to campus, and Kai felt jealous of other guys being around Julian, and they shared an intimate moment as well.

The week before finals...

Julian's POV

Wow, it's already the end of the semester! I'm so excited to go back to Texas and see my family. I missed them so much! And the winter formal is on Friday. I don't have a date! I need to find one by Thursday. Hopefully I can. But anyways, it's Monday and it's gonna be pretty stressful with studying for finals, and all that. I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I said smiling.

Kai walked in my room, after I finished writing a report for history class.

"Hey" Kai said smiling.

"Hey" I said smiling.

"Is it okay if I could ask you something?" Kai asked.

"Of course! What's up?" I asked smiling.

"So, uh... the winter formal is Friday night" Kai said.

"Yeah?" I asked smiling.

"I was wondering... would you... like to go with me?" Kai asked smiling.

"Ooh! I'll have to think about it. I hope you understand" I said.

"Oh... yeah, I understand. Just take your time" Kai said.

"Alright, thanks Kai! I'll let you know on Thursday" I said smiling.

Kai left my room, and I got a text from Zeek.

Zeek 🦋
Read 9:36 am

Hey, Zeek! What's
Read 9:38 am

Zeek 🦋
I was wondering
if you wanted to go
grab some breakfast?
I haven't seen you in
a while!
Read 9:41 am

Sure! What time?
Read 9:44 am

Zeek 🦋
I was thinking at 10?
Read 9:45 am

That's a little short notice
for me. Maybe around 10:30
or 11:00?
Read 9:50 am

Zeek 🦋
Sounds good!
See you then! 😘❤️
Read 9:53 am

I read the text and it was Zeek asking me out. He wants to go grab some food, and I can't wait! Hold on... that only gives me an hour to get ready! I gotta start getting ready because it takes forever to get my hair perfect. I got in the shower and washed my hair and stuff, and it took me more than a half hour to get my hair to curl up, then I put on a blue tank top, with some black jeans and my ice blue Nike's. It was about 10:45 as I made my last minute checks, when I heard a knock on my door. Kai came in.

"Hey" Kai said.

"Oh, hey Kai! What's up?" I asked smiling as I looked back at him.

I turned back to the mirror, and grabbed my lip gloss to put some on.

"Looks like you're all dressed up for something special. What's the occasion?" Kai asked smiling.

"Zeek should be here any minute. We're going out to grab something to eat" I said smiling as I applied my lip gloss.

"Oh... um, okay. Well, have fun" Kai said frowning as he formed a smile.

"Aww thanks! I will" I said smiling.

Kai left my room frowning.

Zeek's POV

I got to Julian's house so I could pick him up and grab something to eat. I haven't seen him since Halloween and I'm kind of excited to see him. Plus I wanted to ask him to the winter formal. Brendan answered the door.

"Aye, wassuh dude?" Brendan said smiling as he held out his hand to dap me up.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked smiling as I dapped up Brendan.

"You looking for Julian?" Brendan asked.

"Yeah. We're going out for brunch" I said smiling.

"Oh! Well he must be almost done getting ready. Wanna come in?" Brendan asked.

"Sure" I said smiling.

I walked inside, and followed Brendan over to the couch.

"So wassup witchu?" Brendan asked smiling.

"Nothing much. Just finals are about to fuck me up" I said smiling.

"Facts! I'm kinda glad this semester is over though" Brendan said smiling.

"Me too! I can't wait to go see my family" I said smiling.

We both heard a door open, and we looked towards the hallway. Julian came out of his room, and Kai comes out behind him.

"Oh, hey Zeek! I didn't know you were here already!" Julian said smiling.

Kai smiled sheepishly.

"Yeah, I'm here" I said smiling.

I looked past Julian and saw Kai.

"Hey, Kai!" I said smiling as I waved at him.

"Hey, Zeek" Kai said sheepishly as he waved back.

I looked back at Julian.

"Ready to go, Julian?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah, I'm ready" Julian said smiling.

"Sweet! Let's head out!" I said smiling.

I walked Julian out to my car, and as we got in and drove off, I started asking him questions.

"So, where did you want to go eat? If you wanted to choose" I said.

"Hmm...I'm not sure. Do you have any suggestions?" Julian asked.

"I went with my roommates to this place called Delight of France. We went there to get to know each other since we were going to be roommates all year" I said smiling.

"That sounds fun!" Julian said smiling.

"Did you wanna go?" I asked.

"Sure!" Julian said excitedly.

"Sweet!" I said smiling.

Shortly we arrived to Delight of France, and they seated us at a table and asked us for drinks.

"What would you like to drink?" The server asked.

"I'll have a sparkling lemonade" Julian said smiling.

"Okay, sparkling lemonade... and for you sir?" The server asked.

"I'll have an iced white mocha" I said smiling.

"Alright. I will be right back with your drinks" The server said smiling.

The server walked towards the back and got our drinks for us.

"A sparkling lemonade, and an iced white mocha" The server said smiling as she put the drinks down.

"Thank you!" Julian said smiling.

"Not a problem. Are you guys ready to order?" The server asked.

"Not yet" I said.

"Alright, I'll check back in a few" The server said smiling.

The server walked off, and we looked at the menus once again to find out what we were going to eat.

"Hmm... Ooh this Brioche French Toast sounds good" Julian said smiling.

"Oh I had that! It's so good" I said smiling.

"Well I'll try it then" Julian said smiling.

"I think I'm gonna get the Ham and Cheese croissant" I said.

"Ooh okay, I see you" Julian said smiling.

"I love your personality" I said smiling.

"Thanks" Julian said smiling.

The server came out again to ask us if we were ready to order.

"Are you both ready to order?" The server asked.

"Yes" I said smiling.

"Alright, what would you like to order?" The server asked smiling.

"I'll have the Brioche French Toast" Julian said smiling.

"And I'll have the Ham and Cheese croissant" I said smiling.

"Your orders will be out shortly" The server said.

As the server walked off, we talked for a little bit.

"So how are you? I missed you for the past month!" I said smiling passionately.

"I'm good! I just missed hanging out with you too" Julian said smiling.

"Aww I'm glad you're still thinking of me" I said smiling.

"Of course!" Julian said smiling.

There was a short silence as Julian checked his phone for a second.

"So I wanted to ask you something" I said.

"What is it?" Julian asked.

"I'm sure you're aware the winter formal is on Friday" I said smirking.

"It is! I still don't have a date though" Julian said.

"Would I be able to cover that spot?" I asked smiling.

"I'll have to think about that. Kai asked me too" Julian said smiling.

"Alright then. Take your time" I said smiling.

Brendan's POV

I'm still at the suite, and I heard a knock on the door. I got up to answer it, and it was Jazz.

"Hey, babe!" Jazmine said smiling.

"Babe!" I said smiling.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and tilted her chin up to kiss me. She pressed her soft lips against mine, then pulled away.

"Wanna come in?" I asked smiling.

"Sure!" Jazmine said smiling.

I let Jazmine inside, and we both sat down on the couch.

"I was just about to text you if I could come to your place!" I said smiling as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders.

"Is anyone else home?" Jazmine asked.

"Just my roommate, Kai" I said.

"Oh okay" Jazmine said smiling.

"I meant to ask you..." I said.

"What?" Jazmine asked.

"Do you wanna come to the winter formal with me?" I asked smiling.

"Of course!" Jazmine said smiling.

I leaned in to kiss her, and she kissed me back. We pulled away, and we chilled for a while.

Desiree's POV

Natalie, Lauren and I went out for brunch, at this restaurant called Swami's and their food is actually really good! I ordered some pancakes with bacon, sausage, and eggs. We're talking about the winter formal on Friday.

"Do you guys know who you're going to the winter formal with?" I asked.

"This cute guy named Krystian in my English class asked me. I'm gonna go with him" Natalie said smiling.

"Ooh! Okay! There's this guy in my history class that asked me. His name is Aaron" I said smiling.

"What about you Lauren? Has anyone asked you?" Natalie asked.

"I'm going with Josiah Leonard" Lauren said.

"The senior who's the captain of the football team?" I asked.

"Yeah! I was kind of surprised too!" Lauren said giggling.

"I wonder who Julian is going with... do you guys think he decided yet?" Natalie asked.

"I don't think so. He has three cute guys after him" I said smiling.

"Who do you think he should go with?" Lauren asked.

"Hm... if I had to pick, I think he should go with Zeek" I said smiling.

"Why Zeek?" Natalie asked.

"I just think they look cute together" I said smiling.

"Well, I think him and TJ look cute" Natalie said smiling.

"Ooh! They actually do!" I said smiling.

"I think he should go with Kai" Lauren said smiling.

"Ooh! Why do you think he should go with Kai?" Natalie asked.

"Kai had a crush on Julian since day one" Lauren said smiling.

"So did Zeek!" I said smiling.

"I know. But I've seen how he acts too when Julian goes out with Zeek and TJ" Lauren said.

"Ohhhhh! I haven't seen anything!" I said.

"Me either" Natalie said.

"Then you guys have a lot to learn" Lauren said smiling.

Wednesday Afternoon...

Julian's POV

I woke up at around 8 this morning, and I had to finish up a last minute project for History class. It was due Friday so I finished that up quickly. Around 11, I just finished up my work, and I heard a knock on the door. I went out into the living room where everyone else was, but by the time I got out there, Natalie already answered the door. I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, is Julian here?" TJ asked.

"TJ? What's he doing here?" I asked myself.

"He's right here! Come on in!" Natalie said smiling as she ushered TJ inside.

TJ came inside, and went straight to me.

"Hey, Julian" TJ said smiling.

"H-hi, TJ!" I said smiling.

TJ pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me, to hug me, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We pulled away.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to deliver a message, from myself... I felt like I should tell you in person" TJ said.

"What did you want to tell me?" I asked.

"I came to ask you if you wanted to come to my Winter formal next week, or maybe I could come to yours?" TJ asked smiling.

"Aww, TJ! I'll have to think about it. Since my winter formal is on Friday, I'll let you know by tomorrow, okay?"I asked smiling.

"Okay, sure" TJ said smiling.

"I'd better get going, I need to head back to the beach house. I'll see you in January, just in case" TJ said smiling.

"Okay, bye TJ!" I said smiling.

"Bye Julian! See you guys!" TJ said smiling as he walked out of the door.

The rest of the group turned to me, shocked and I looked back at them, confused.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

Everyone then blabbered on about who I should go to the winter formal with, and it got so loud to the point where I couldn't even hear myself think.

"Okay, guys..." I said.

They continued talking as if they couldn't hear me.

"Guys... QUIET!!" I yelled angrily.

Everyone stopped talking except for Lauren, who keeps blabbing on about Kai.

"Lauren! I said BE QUIET" I said.

"Oh, sorry..." Lauren said.

"Guys listen. I just need a little more time. I'm already stressed about who to go with, and I'm worried about finals next week. You guys will find out tomorrow okay?" I asked.

I walked out to head to Starbucks, and it seemed I left everyone shook in the house. I feel bad because I didn't want to get upset, but I did.

Thursday afternoon...

Trey's POV

It's Thursday, and I'm still waiting on Julian to figure out who he's gonna choose. I really hope he picks me. I love him, and I want to be with him. He's gonna have to deal with so much from me though. I still have some time I'm taking here at the beach house. Probably heading back on Sunday, so I can finish up my last week of classes. I bought my friend Hayden down to the house.

"Yo, TJ!" Hayden said.

"Yo, what's up?" I asked.

"You know who you're bringing to the winter formal, bro?" Hayden asked.

"Nah, not yet. I might be going to one tomorrow, but I don't know yet" I said.

"Tomorrow? Where at?" Hayden asked.

"Cal U. Or I might bring him up to LA" I said.

"Sounds dope! I think I'm going with Emily Baker" Hayden said.

"Ooh! Okay, dude! I see you!" I said smiling as I punched him in the arm.

"Ow! That hurt!" Hayden said laughing.

"Shut up" I said laughing.

We laughed and we decided to head upstairs to my room and play video games.

Julian's POV

It's Thursday afternoon, and I still haven't decided on what to do about tomorrow. I started to think back about my memories with everyone.

First day of move-in week...

"Well shit, you're cute" Kai said smiling as he bit his lip.

"Thanks!" I replied smiling.

Kai's birthday...

"Hey, Julian..." Kai said

"What's up?" I asked.

"I love you, Julian" Kai said smiling in a drunken voice.

Kai wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me.


"I just wish you knew how much I care about you" Kai said frowning.

"I do!... It kills me that I have to upset you guys" I said frowning.

Early December...

"I don't know why I keep doing this. I keep getting mad when I see you with other guys" Kai said frowning.

I experienced a lot with Kai, but he's a super sweet guy, but he gets jealous of other guys.

Let's think back on Zeek...

At the Welcome Week Beach Bash...

"Hey, who's that guy staring at you?" Lauren asked me.

"I don't know, but he's attractive" I said smiling.

"...Oh my god! He likes you!" Lauren said smiling.


"It's not easy talking to a cute guy!" I said.

"Welp, too bad" Lauren said smiling.

"Why too bad?" I asked.

"Because he's coming over this way" Lauren said smiling.

"I'll go grab a drink while you talk to him. Okay? Byeeeeeee" Lauren said smiling.

"Girl imma beat your—" I mouthed over to Lauren before Zeek came up.

Kai's Birthday...

After Kai kissed me, I looked past Kai, and I saw Zeek. He showed a sad look, then got angry and walked outside.

"Zeek! I wanted you to be here with me!" I said frowning.

"Did you? Because it looked like you and Kai were—" Zeek said angrily.

Monday afternoon...

"I was wondering if... you wanted to go to the winter formal with me?" Zeek asked me.

"That's sweet! But I'll have to think about it. I'll let you know by Thursday" I said.

Zeek seemed pretty chill, and he was super nice, but I feel like I haven't hung out with him enough...

Now, let's think about TJ...

End of October...

"Hi! What's a cutie like you doing here all alone?" TJ said smiling.

"My roommate is in the bathroom, he'll be out soon" I said smiling.


"...I feel like we have a pretty good connection!" TJ said smiling.

"I was about to say the same thing" I said smiling.

TJ leaned in to kiss me...

Late November...

We walked around the fountain at Balboa Park, and halfway around, I felt TJ's hand fall into mine, as he laced his fingers in between mine. I couldn't help but lace mine back.

"Hey, TJ..." I said.

"What's up?" TJ asked smiling.

"I like spending time with you" I said smiling.

"Aww thanks Julian! I like spending time with you too!" TJ said smiling.

Yesterday afternoon...

"Would you like to come to my winter formal next week? Or I could come to yours" TJ said smiling.

"I'll have to think about it. I'll let you know by tomorrow" I said smiling.

TJ was really amazing. We spent so much time together and I felt really comfortable with him.

"I think I know who I'm gonna go with. I'd better tell everyone" I said to myself.

I went to go find Kai. Who was out in the living room with everyone else.

"Hey, Kai. Can I talk to you?" I asked.

"Oh, uh... sure!" Kai said nervously.

"Let's go to my room" I said.

Kai got up and followed me to my room. I closed the door and we both sat on the bed.

"So Kai... I—" I said before I heard a sneeze by the door.

"Is Lauren doing that again?" Kai whispered.

"That sneeze sounded like Brendan. I think it's all of them" I whispered back.

"Oh lord" Kai whispered.

"Guys get away from the door!" I yelled.

"Come on!" Everyone else said.

"Please?! This is a private matter for now!" I yelled.

I heard little bits of their conversation as they walked upstairs.

"Brendan, you just had to sneeze! We could have made it!" Natalie said.

"It's a natural bodily function. I can't help it!" Brendan said.

Kai and I giggled a little before I told him the news.

"So Kai... I wanted to say I decided on who I'm going to the dance with tomorrow night" I said.

"Who is it?" Kai asked.

"I think I'm going with... TJ" I said.

Kai started to frown.

"I'm so sorry" I said frowning.

"It's fine. I can't get too upset, I'm just glad you're happy" Kai said smiling.

"Thanks for understanding" I said.

I wrapped an arm around Kai's shoulders.

"I'll always love you. Okay?" I asked smiling.

"Okay" Kai said.

We gave each other one last kiss, before I went to find Zeek.

"I'll go tell the other guys. Then I'm gonna head to the library. See you later!" I said.

"Okay" Kai said frowning.

Kai left my room, and I followed. Kai went upstairs, and I went to find Zeek. As I left the dorm, to go to the library, I heard music coming from the building beside it, next to the financial aid office. It sounded soothing, so I went inside, but I snuck in because I didn't want to interrupt. I went into the theatre, and I saw Zeek on stage, alone, practicing on the piano. I listened in for a few, until he finished the song.

"That's something I didn't know about you" I said smiling as I walked down the aisle.

Zeek looked over at me, and smiled as I hopped up on stage.

"Hey, Julian!" Zeek said smiling.

"Hi!" I said smiling as I bent down to hug him.

"What's up?" Zeek asked.

"I have news about the winter formal" I said.

"Oh! You decided. You're going with me?" Zeek asked with full hope as he started packing and stood up.

"I... have someone else in mind. I'm sorry" I said frowning.

"Aww it's okay. I understand. It must've been tough what you were going through" Zeek said smiling with slight sadness.

"Yeah it was. Thanks for understanding" I said smiling.

"No problem!" Zeek said smiling as he held his arms out for a hug.

I fell into Zeek's arms, for him to hug me. Then he pulled away, and we walked out of the theater together.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the dance?" Zeek asked me.

"Yeah, see you!" I said smiling.

Zeek walked off and I ordered an Lyft to get to TJ's beach house. I got to his house, and I rung the doorbell. TJ came and answered the door.

"Julian!" TJ said smiling.

"Hey, TJ" I said smiling.

"Hey cutie! What are you doing here?" TJ asked smiling as he pulled me close for a hug.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Of course! Come on in!" TJ said smiling.

I walked in and sat down on the couch in the living room. I heard someone coming down the steps.

"Yo, TJ. I just saw this meme, and—" Hayden said before he looked up and saw me.

"Hayden. You remember Julian, right?" TJ asked Hayden.

"Yeah. From the Halloween party, right?" Hayden asked.

"Yeah" TJ said smiling.

"Yeah I remember. What's up, bruh?" Hayden asked me smiling.

"Hi" I replied smiling.

"Just give me a few moments to talk to him. You can feel free to chill in my room" TJ said.

"Alright, bro. Nice seeing you again Julian!" Hayden said smiling as he walked upstairs.

TJ came to sit on the couch with me.

"What's up?" TJ asked.

"I have news about the winter formal..." I said smiling.

"Ooh! What's up? What's the verdict?" TJ asked smiling.

"Are you still down to come tomorrow?" I asked as I formed a smile.

TJ jumped up excited.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" TJ said smiling as he jumped around recklessly.

"TJ!" I said laughing as I stood up.

"I'm so glad you chose me" TJ said smiling as he pulled me close to hug me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, to hug him back, and he pulled away.

"I can't wait! Tomorrow night is gonna be magical. I can feel it!" TJ said smiling.

"I think so too!" I said smiling.

I grabbed my phone to check the time.

"Oh, it's getting kind of late. I should head back" I said frowning.

"I'll drive you?" TJ asked smiling.

"But your friend is upstairs..." I said.

"He'll be fine. He won't even notice I'm gone" TJ said smiling.

"Okay then. Thanks" I said smiling.

"No problem!" TJ said smiling as he guided me over to the garage.

We hopped into TJ's convertible and he drove me back to campus.

Friday night, just before the formal...

Lauren's POV

It's about an hour before the dance starts and all of us are almost finished getting ready. We all were going to meet at our house, and then head down as a giant group. I just needed help with my zipper.

"Natalie! Can you help me with my zipper?!" I yelled across the hall.

"Sure! One second!" Natalie yelled.

Natalie came into my room, to help me with my zipper.

"Sorry, I was finishing up my hair" Natalie said smiling as she helped with the zipper.

"It's okay. You look super cute!" I said smiling.

"Thanks! I tried" Natalie said smiling.

Moments later, Julian came out of his room, with a dark green suit, with a matching green vest, and his black shoes. We all looked at him, shook, because he looked so amazing.

"Woah, Julian! You look so cute!" Natalie said smiling.

"Wow!" Desiree said smiling.

"Oh my god!" I said smiling.

"Bruh, you look fire!" Brendan said smiling.

"You really do look amazing, Julian" Kai said smiling sheepishly.

"Aww thanks guys! You guys look awesome too!" Julian said smiling.

Then my date Josiah walked in.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" Josiah asked.

"Hey, Josiah. These are my roommates. This is Julian, Kai, Brendan, Desiree, and Natalie" I said smiling.

"Hey, guys! Nice to meet you!" Josiah said smiling.

Then Natalie and Desiree's dates showed up, and then Kai and Brendan's dates showed up.

We all took pictures while we waited for Julian's date to show up. There was one last knock on the door, and Julian went to answer it.

Julian's POV

I answered the door, and TJ showed up. He looked so cute. He had on a ice blue suit, with white shoes on. He was holding his phone, and he looked up at me with the cutest smile ever.

"Hey, Julian" TJ said smiling.

"Hi, TJ! Come on in!" I said smiling as I ushered him inside.

TJ walked inside, and he greeted everyone.

"Hey, guys! How are you?" TJ asked smiling.

"Nice to see you, TJ" Lauren said smiling.

"Yo! Wassup, TJ?" Brendan said smiling.

"Hi!" Everyone else said.

I got my moment to take some pictures with TJ, and then we all headed to the gym for the dance. When we got down there, the party seemed very lively, like almost every student was there already.

Of course the girls went straight to the dance floor with their dates, while Kai and Brendan went to grab some snacks with their dates, leaving me and TJ alone.

"So, what do you want to do? Take more pictures? Eat? Dance?" TJ asked me.

"Hmm... Dance with me?" I asked smiling.

"Sounds good" TJ said smiling as he held out his hand.

I grabbed TJ's hand, and he led me to the dance floor to dance for a little.

Brendan's POV

Jazz and I are sitting at a table right now, eating some snacks and talking.

"Aww, babe! This is so cute! I'm having so much fun" Jazmine said smiling.

"I know. I'm having a good time too!" I said smiling.

Jazmine put her hand on top of mine.

"I love you" Jazmine said smiling.

"I love you too" I said smiling.

Julian's POV

After a few minutes of dancing with TJ, we decided to chill by a quieter wall with each other.

"Julian" TJ said smiling.

"Yes, TJ?" I asked smiling.

"I'm so glad you chose me to go with you. I'm having a lot of fun" TJ said smiling.

"Aww, it's no problem. I'm having a lot of fun too!" I said smiling.

"That's good. I'm glad you're having fun" TJ said smiling, as he lightly squeezed my hand. I smiled, and then TJ started to speak.

"Julian..." TJ said.

"Yes?" I asked smiling.

"What made you choose me?" TJ asked.

"There's too many reasons to list, but I'll give you a few. One: I love spending time with you, and Two: You always know how to make me feel comfortable around you" I said smiling.

"Aww, that's so sweet!" TJ said smiling.

"I try" I said smiling.

"Shut up!" TJ said laughing as he lightly punched my arm.

I laughed too, and then I asked TJ something.

"I'm gonna make rounds and check on my roommates. Wanna come?" I asked smiling.

"Sure!" TJ said smiling.

I went towards the dance floor again, and we started to dance again with Desiree, Natalie, and Lauren, with their dates.

"Hey, guys!" I said smiling.

"Hey, Julian!" Desiree said as she hugged me.

The rest of the girls took turns to hug me, and the guys said hello to me.

"Are you guys having fun?" I asked them.

"Yes! So much fun!" Natalie said smiling.

"Best night so far!" Lauren said smiling.

"That's great!" I said smiling.

"Are you having fun?" Desiree asked me.

"Of course! TJ and I are having a great time" I said smiling.

"Aww, that's great! Enjoy your night guys!" Natalie said smiling.

"You too!" I said smiling.

I went off to find Brendan, and he was sitting at a table, with Jazmine, holding hands.

"Hey, guys!" I said smiling.

"Yo! Wassup Julian? Wassup TJ?" Brendan said smiling, as he held out his hand to dap me up.

I dapped with Brendan, and he did the same with TJ.

"What's good?" Brendan asked smiling.

"Just checking in. Are you guys having fun?" I asked.

"Yeah, we are! Are y'all?" Brendan asked smiling.

"Yes!" I said smiling.

"That's cool. We about to go dance. Y'all wanna join us?" Brendan asked smiling.

"In a few minutes" I said smiling.

"Alright! Have fun y'all!" Brendan said smiling.

Brendan and Jazmine found their way over to the dance floor, and we went to make more rounds. We saw Zeek, and he was with a girl. It looked like his best friend Kiara. We walked over to him. His face went into a big smile.

"Julian!" Zeek said smiling.

"Hi, Zeek!" I said smiling as I wrapped my arm around him for a half-hug.

"You remember Kiara, right?" Zeek asked me.

"Of course! Hey, girl!" I said smiling as I hugged her.

"Hi!" Kiara said smiling.

"How are you guys doing? Are you having fun?" I asked.

"The most, ever!" Kiara said smiling.

Zeek smiled, nodding his head in agreement with Kiara.

"That's good!" I said smiling.

"Did you want to come outside with us and take a breather?" Zeek asked me.

"We're fine, right now. Thanks for asking, though!" I said smiling.

"Alright. See you! Have a great night!" Zeek and Kiara said smiling at the same time.

They headed for the exit, and we continued to make more rounds. The last person we found was Kai, standing by the snack table with another guy.

"Hey, Kai!" I said smiling.

"Julian! Hi!" Kai said smiling.

Kai pulled me close for a hug, and I hugged him back. Then TJ tapped my shoulder.

"Yes, TJ?" I asked.

"Did you want a drink? I'll go grab one for you" TJ said.

"Uh, sure! Thanks!" I said smiling.

TJ went to the drink stand, leaving me alone with Kai and his date.

"So, Kai... are you having fun?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah! I would've had more fun if you were my date, but yeah!" Kai said.

"Aww. But I'm sure you're having fun with..." I said smiling as I encouraged him to introduce me to his date.

"Oh! Uh, Devon! This is Julian, my roommate. Julian, this is Devon" Kai said smiling.

"Hi!" Devon said smiling.

"Hey! Nice to meet you!" I said smiling.

"We were about to sit and chat. Wanna join us?" Kai asked smiling.

"Maybe! We'll see!" I said smiling.

"Oh, okay! If you don't, I'll see you at home for the after party" Kai said smiling.

"See you!" I said smiling. Just as Kai and Devon left, TJ came with two drinks in his hand and handed one to me.

"Thanks TJ! You're such a gentleman" I said smiling as I took the drink.

"Oh, I'm just doing my job as a date" TJ said laughing.

Moments later, we heard a slow song, then TJ held out his hand.

"Would you like to dance?" TJ asked smiling as he held out his hand.

"I'd love to" I said smiling as I put my hand in his.

TJ led me to the dance floor, and pulled me close, wrapping his arms around my waist, as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We started to slowly move with the rhythm. I looked over, and I saw Lauren, with her date. She looked at me, and smiled, and went back to dancing. I leaned my head onto TJ's chest, as he leaned his chin on my shoulder. He lifted his head back up, and spoke to me.

"Julian..." TJ said.

"Yes?" I asked smiling as I pulled my head away from TJ's chest.

"This is the best night ever... I'm so glad you chose me" TJ said smiling.

"I agree. Tonight was so magical just being with you" I said smiling.

"...Julian..." TJ said.


"I... I love you, Julian" TJ said smiling.

I continued dancing even though I just went into complete shock mode. I was finally able to speak after a few seconds.

"I... I love you too, TJ" I said smiling.

TJ pulled me in close for a kiss, and I kissed him back. It was so passionate and it just was like... all adrenaline, and— and...ecstasy. We pulled away, and we both smiled at each other.

"Tonight was the best" TJ said smiling.

"It was" I said smiling.

I leaned in to him, and continued dancing, feeling like a teddy bear. Moments later, after the dance, TJ, the roommates, their dates and I met up at our dorm, for an after party. We grabbed drinks, and partied on our rooftop balcony, playing Never Have I Ever.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! My turn. Never have I ever... lost a fight" Krystian said.

The only ones to take a drink were Aaron, and Lauren.

"You guys lost a fight?!" Kai asked laughing.

"Yup. I'm admitting it. This girl tried to fight me because she was talking jump about me, but it's fine. I don't care" Lauren said smiling.

"With me, I got beat up because I wasn't trying to fight this dude after I kinda snitched on him for asking fake IDs to people" Aaron said smiling.

"Ooh, I see. It's Julian's turn!" Desiree said smiling.

"Alright, um... Never have I ever... got arrested" I said smiling.

No one drank anything, except for Brendan.

"Brendan, you were arrested?" I asked.

"Yeah. When I was 16, there was this massive house party I went to that the popular kid held at his house. It was massive to the point where the cops came and shut it down. They put handcuffs on me, and put me in a cell overnight before my parents came to bail me out" Brendan said smiling.

"Damn, Brendan! I didn't know you had it in you!" Lauren said laughing.

"Lauren, shut up!" Brendan said laughing.

We all laughed, and we went on to playing.

"Okay, Kai! It's your turn!" I said smiling.

"Sweet... Never have I ever... ate ass" Kai said smiling.

The only person to drink, was Krystian.

"No way! You ate ass?!" Josiah asked laughing.

"Yeah, I did. It actually ain't that bad" Krystian said laughing.

We kept going until...

"Damn I'm tired!" Aaron said smiling.

"Really? It's early!" Lauren said smiling.

"Three in the morning is early to you?" Josiah asked.

"Duh!... but tonight I will make an exception" Lauren said.

"Typical Lauren" I said smiling.

"Anyways, I'm about to head to sleep. Night guys!" Lauren said smiling as she headed downstairs.

"Night Lauren!" Everyone said smiling.

"I think I'm gonna head out too" Josiah said smiling.

"Same" Krystian said.

"Me too. Tonight was fun though!" Aaron said smiling.

"So much fun!" Julian said smiling.

"Alright. Goodnight!" Krystian said.

"Bye guys!" We all said smiling.

Krystian, Josiah, and Aaron headed out, leaving me, Kai, Devon, Desiree, Natalie, Brendan, Jazmine, and TJ upstairs.

"Alright, babe. I think I'm gonna go too" Jazmine said.

"Want me to walk you?" Brendan asked.

"Sure" Jazmine said smiling.

"Let's go, then" Brendan said smiling.

Brendan and Jazmine stood up.

"Alright y'all. Imma go take Jazz home. I'll be back" Brendan said smiling.

"Okay. See you Jazz!" Kai said smiling.

"Bye, Jazmine!" Natalie said smiling.

"Bye guys! See you!" Jazmine said smiling.

Brendan and Jazmine left, and then the rest of us continued talking.

"So, Devon. How did you and Kai meet?" Desiree asked smiling.

"I didn't have a date to the dance by Thursday, and neither did Kai, and we just agreed to go together" Devon said smiling.

"Aww!" Natalie said smiling.

"That's sweet!" TJ said smiling.

"Yeah, and we had such a great time too!" Devon said smiling as he wrapped an arm around Kai's shoulder and pulled him close.

"That's great!" I said smiling.

"Oh! Are you guys ready for finals?" Kai asked smiling.

"Not at all" I said.

"Finals are gonna kick my ass!" Devon said.

"Amen to that!" Natalie said smiling.

"My finals aren't until the week after" TJ said smiling.

"You're so lucky!" I said.

TJ laughed, and then I yawned.

"Aww, you're tired?" TJ asked me.

"A little" I said.

"WELL... I think it's time we all head to bed! Desiree said smiling as she winked at me.

"But I'm not tired!" Natalie said.

Desiree nudged Natalie.

"Ow!" Natalie said.

I laughed.

"You know what? I think it's time for me to shut down" Natalie said.

Desiree and Natalie went downstairs, and Devon stood up.

"Yo, Kai. I think I'm gonna head out too" Devon said smiling.

"Oh okay! Can I come with?" Kai asked smiling.

"Sure! I'd like that" Devon said smiling.

Kai and Devon start to head towards the stairs, and they stop before heading down.

"I'll be back Julian. See you later, TJ" Kai said smiling.

"Nice meeting you both!" Devon said smiling.

"Bye!" I said smiling as TJ gave a polite wave.

Kai and Devon headed out, leaving me and TJ alone.

"I should get going too. I love you, babe" TJ said smiling as he stood up.

I stood up too.

"Alright. I love you too" I said smiling.

TJ wrapped his arms around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, and we shared a passionate kiss. We swayed our bodies together, and then we stopped when TJ stepped back.

"Bye. See you in January" TJ said smiling as he slowly stepped backwards towards the stairs.

"See you!" I said smiling.

TJ left, and I took a moment to look out into the city view at the railing of the balcony.

"This was a dramatic, but awesome semester. I couldn't ask to be around anyone better" I thought to myself smiling.

I retired myself off to bed.

~Hope you enjoyed Book 1 of Love and Serenity! Book 2 will come soon! ❤️

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