HxH watches Hunter x Hunter


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You know those fanfics where the author actually has a reason for the characters to watch their own show? Wel... Еще

Episode 1 - Departure x and x Friends
The x Coldest x Goodbyes
Episode 3 - Rivals x For x Survival
Episode 4 - Hope x and x Ambition
Episode 5 - Hisoka x Is x Sneaky
Episode 6 - A x Surprising x Challenge
Episode 7 - Showdown x On The x Airship
Episode 8 - Decision x By x Majority
Episode 9 - Beware x Of x Prisoners
Episode 10 - Trick x to the x Trick
Episode 11 - Trouble x With The x Gamble
Episode 12 - Final x Test of x Resolve
Episode 14 - Hit x The x Target

Episode 2 - Test x Of x Tests

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Fearsome monsters...Exotic creatures...

"Hm? This again?" Leorio asks, upon recognizing the intro from the first episode.

"I guess it's just a way to introduce the episodes." Kurapika responds, "We can probably skip these."

"Hm? Ok!" Killua fast forwards the episode until the opening theme song.

Daichi wo fumishimete kimi wa mezameteiku...

"We can probably skip the opening song too, Killua." 

"Hah?! But I like the opening, though!" Gon shouts, waving his arms as if to prove his point-

"Okay!" The captain says-

"Aah! Killua! Did you just skip-"

"It's a waste of time."


"It's just the same thing as the last episode. We don't need to see it again."

"I want to see it again, though!"


The two bickering children fall silent at Kurapika's shout. Leorio leans over and presses play on the remote Killua is holding.

"I'll take responsibility for bringing you three to the port closest to the exam site." The captain says.

Gon, Kurapika and Leorio smile, Gon cheering and jumping into the air.

The screen then flashes and the words "TEST x OF x TESTS" appear. 

"That's a nice title." Gon comments, "I wonder why the "x" is between the words. It's in the name of the series as well."

"Perhaps it's just a style or symbol to distinguish the series," Kurapika replies.

"So, is the "x" silent or..." Leorio trails off.

Killua snorts, "Yeah, sure. I guess we're watching Test-ex-of-ex-Tests and not Tests-of-Tests."

"It is quite a mouthful so I'd assume the "x" is silent," Kurapika says.

"Does that mean the series is not called Hunter-ex-Hunter but just Hunter Hunter?" Gon asks.

"I suppose so."


"Wait, I'm still confused-"

Kurapika ignores Leorio as he takes the remote from Killua and rewinds the episode which had continued to play without them.

Killua snorts at Leorio before taking the remote back from Kurapika as they continue to watch from where they left off.

The screen pans over a place called Dolle Harbour. The narrator's voice speaks, "After winning the captain's favour, the trio of Gon, Kurapika and Leorio arrived safely at Dolle Harbour."

"I wonder who the narrator is?" Gon mumbles.

"Shut up, Gon. We can't watch this if you keep interrupting." Killua elbows Gon in the side, earning a light yelp and a sheepish apology.

Leorio and Kurapika smile exasperatedly. 

Gon shakes hands with the captain, "Thanks, Captain! I had a great time!"

The captain laughs wholeheartedly, "I had fun too. Right! As a token of my appreciation, I'll give you some advice."

"Advice?" Gon looks up at the Captain.

"Look." The captain points, "See that big cedar tree on the hilltop?"

A large hilltop is shown with a cedar tree on top.


"You should make your way there first." The captain says, "It's a shortcut to the exam site."

A large-nosed person is shown, walking behind a box as he hears Gon speak, "A shortcut? Got it! So, I just need to head for that tree! I'll do that, Captain! Thanks!"

"Best of luck!" The captain winks, oblivious to the person spying on the two's conversation. 

"Yep! Same to you!" Gon runs off, turning around and star-jumping as he farewells the captain, "Take care!"

Leorio snorts, "The young are so energetic!"

"Wow, finally admitting you're old, Leorio?" Killua pokes his tongue out before laughing childishly.

"Ehh? Being energetic is good, though, Leorio!" Gon says, bouncing up and down from his seat, simultaneously causing Killua to bounce as well, "It means that I can be positive and share my happy energy with others!"

Kurapika smiles at Gon's "happy energy", "Indeed. Gon's energy is what made me decide to be friends with him after all."

"Yeah, yeah." Leorio says, "Whatever you say." However, he still smiles at the joy and child-like nature which radiates of the two youngest.

'I'm really glad you two are still so energetic. After everything you guys have gone, through at such a young age.' 

As if hearing Leorio's thought, Kurapika nudges him and smiles, "We're so lucky to be friends with them."

Leorio returns Kurapika's smile, "Yeah. Yeah, we really are." 

'Rest easy, Ging.' The captain thinks, 'Your son has grown into a respectable young man."

The large-nosed man is then shown smirking before walking off.

Kurapika sighs, "Oh joy."

"Tch. I hope he knows what's coming for following us and thinking he could get the better of us." Leorio says.

"Don't be rude, Leorio." Gon chides, although he does frown upon recalling what happened.

"Huh...That's strange." Leorio says as the three observe the large map in front of them.

"Why?"Gon asks, turning to Leorio.

"According to the notice I received, the exam is supposedly being held somewhere in Zaban City." Leorio points to a spot on the map, "Right now, we're here. That tree is in the opposite direction." He moves his hand from the tree to Zaban city.

"Perhaps you misheard him?" Kurapika asks.

Gon shakes his head, "No, he told me to head towards that cedar tree." 

"I see..." Kurapika says thoughtfully.

"And this notice isn't any help!" Leorio grumbles, "Where exactly in Zaban City are we meant to go?"

"Our task is to find the exam site, using a limited amount of information." Kurapika says, "Just another test before we'll be allowed to take the Hunter Exam."

"I-I knew that..." Leorio shouts, a sweat drop on the back of his head, "I already knew that!"

"Sure you did," Kurapika mutters.


"Anyway, I'll go have a look." Gon says, "The captain must have had a reason to suggest that."

"Hey, hey..." Leorio says, "You're serious?" He points to a yellow bus behind him, "The bus to Zaban is about to leave. We should just take it." Gon is seen waving as he walks off. "Hey! Man..." Leorio sighs. "He's gotta learn that you can't trust everyone." Kurapika starts to follow Gon. "Huh? Hey! Kurapika!"

Killua bursts out laughing, "Ha! Leorio! First ignored, now left behind! What's next?"

"Sh-Shut up, Killua! Respect your elders!" 

"You're such an old man, Leorio! Ah ha ha!"

Kurapika pats Leorio's knee in consolation.

"Gon's behaviour interests me more than the captain's advice," Kurapika says as he follows Gon. "I'm going with him."

"Oh, is that so?" Leorio asks, grouchily, "See ya. Wasn't very long...Nice knowing you." Leorio walks off, slouching grumpily as he mutters to himself, "Tch, guess he's not as independent as I'd thought...I'm just gonna take the bus!"

As he walks past a dark alleyway, someone whispers, "So it was a trap..."

Leorio's ears twitch.

"Seems none of the buses have made it to Zaban City. Rookies usually fail this part because they're too naive."

Leorio is silent before he quickly runs after Gon and Kurapika, "Wait, wait, wait! Wait for me!" He jumps in the air as he chases after them.

"Bwa ha ha! This is how you guys became friends. How hilarious!" Killua leans against Gon for support who ruffles his hair.

"It's nice, though. We managed to stay as friends for this long. I'm really glad that we all managed to stick together." Gon says as he stares down fondly.

Killua sits up, Gon's hand falling from his hair as Killua flushes, "Ehh? Don't say embarrassing things, baka!"

Gon simply laughs.

Leorio and Kurapika look at each other knowingly.

"Well, I knew you guys would be lonely without me. And it's no fun travelling alone." Leorio says as the three walk, "So I decided to stick with you guys a while longer." He laughs nervously. 

"Leorio, we wouldn't have been alone. As far as I'm aware, two's a crowd, three's a party." Kurapika smirks.

"Well, it's a good thing I stuck with you guys 'cause parties with me are sure great!" Leorio retorts, ignoring Kurapika's smiling face and Killua's loud laughs.

"It's ok, Leorio!" Gon beams, "You don't need to justify your actions! We're glad you decided to come with us, though!"

Leorio bashfully scratches his neck, "Ha, thanks, Gon."

As the three walk off screen, they notice the large-nosed guy peeking over a rock behind them.

"Ah, does he have a name?" Gon asks, referring to the examinee who was spying on them.

"I don't believe so, " Kurapika responds.

"His name is Matthew." Mystery Voice says.

"Ah, thank you Mystery Voice-san!" Gon looks up, hoping that his gratitude reaches the mystery person.

There is no response.

The three are shown walking down a deserted, windy alleyway. A crow caws.

"This is a creepy place..." Leorio says, "I don't see a single person."

"No, there are plenty here," Gon says.

"What?" Leorio asks, suddenly becoming more aware. 

Curtains suddenly move to reveal figures, causing the three to go into a defensive stance.

The curtains pull apart, displaying two figures. They step forward, moving a wheeled object. In front of the three are several masked people stand by a wheeled, rectangular-boxed cart, with an old lady sitting in the middle of said cart. Behind the old lady are more masked people with various instruments.

"Wh-What's with the freak show?" Leorio asks.

"Exciting..." The old lady mutters.

"E-Exciting?" Leorio echoes.

"Exciting~" Killua smirks off screen. Leorio grumbles.

"Exciting..." The old lady says.

"Exciting..." Leorio repeats, gulping as he prepares himself.


"Shut up, Killua!" A tick mark appears on Leorio's forehead.

The old lady's eyes suddenly open wide, " Exciting two-choice quiz!"

The masked people behind her play a little tune on their instruments for the "excitement". Gon, Kurapika and Leorio are shown with shocked, blank faces.

Killua laughs. Gon makes sure Killua doesn't fall off the couch.

"You boys are headed for that tree on the hill, correct?" The old lady says, "To reach that tree, you must pass through this town. I shall administer a single-question quiz."

"H-Hold on!" Leorio says, "What's going on here?"

"An exciting two-choice quiz. Keep up, Leorio!" Killua grins, as imaginary cat ears and a cat tail appears. 

"You'll have five seconds to state your answer. Give the wrong answer, and you're disqualified. You'll have to give up on taking this year's Hunter Exam."

"I see..." Kurapika smiles, "Then this is part of the Hunter Exam."

"I see how it is," Leorio says, "I happen to be a quiz expert. Wait. Only one question?!"

"Your answer will be either the number one or two," The old lady says, ignoring Leorio's outburst. "Any other answer will be considered incorrect."

"Hold on." Leorio says, "All three of us share one question? So if one of them answers incorrectly, I'm disqualified too?"

Kurapika crosses his arms, "As if that would happen! What scares me is the high likelihood of the vice versa happening."

Leorio clenches his fists. "What was that?"

"Hmph. For the record, I really am a quiz expert." Leorio grumbles although it lacks confidence.

"If you say so, Leorio. If you say so."

"Take that smug look off your face, Kurapika!"

"Sorry, sorry, quiz expert."


"But you know..." Gon jumps in, "This way's easier since only one of us needs to know the answer. I'm not good at quizzes." Gon smiles sheepishly while Kurapika and Leorio look slightly exasperated. 

"I suppose..." 

"Fair point." 

"Hey, there. Hurry it up." A voice interrupts. Matthew is shown. "Or else I'll answer the question first."

"Who are you?" Leorio asks.

"He followed us here, all the way from the port." Gon replies.

"Huh? Seriously?" 

"Sorry, kid." Matthew shrugs, "I happened to overhear your conversation. What will you do?"

"He seems eager to take it." Leorio says, "We should let him go first. That way, we'll know what kind of question to expect."

"I don't mind." Gon says.

"I have no objection," Kurapika responds.

"You're so stiff and formal, Kurapika!" Killua says, "Weren't you like sixteen or something?"

"I am sorry, Killua." Kurapika smiles, "I don't mean to sound so old like Leorio."

"Stop attacking me!"

"Don't worry, Kurapika! You don't sound old to me!" Gon says.

"Thank you, Gon."

"Then I'll get to it." Matthew walks towards one of the masked people who stand in front. A shadow covers half of his face as he grins, 'Baka. I'll leave a trail of traps behind me.'

"Ehh?! He was going to leave traps! That bastard!" Leorio grumbles.

"I mean, even if he did leave traps, as long as we avoided them, we'd be fine!" Gon says, "After all, it would just help us be better Hunters!"

"So positive..." Killua says, staring at Gon in awe.

"Indeed," Kurapika says.

"Here is your question..." The old lady says as a horn is squeezed and a crow caws, "Evil villains have captured your mother and lover. You can only save one. Select one for your mother, or two for your lover. Which one will you save?"

"Wait, but what if your mother was your lover?" Leorio suddenly asks out of the random.




"You too, Gon?! It was just a question!"

"...Let's continue watching." Kurapika says.

Upon hearing the question, the three behind Matthew look shocked.

"H-How is this even a quiz?!" Leorio asks in disbelief.

Kurapika lowers his chin as Matthew smirks. He presses the buzzer and crosses his arms.

"The answer is 1," he replies, smugly.

"Oh? Why do you say that?" The old lady asks.

"Because you can't replace your mother. But you can find another lover."

"Well, you must be fortunate to have never had a psycho sci-fi cyclops mother. I wouldn't save that woman over someone who would probably actually care for me." Killua mutters.

"Don't say that, Killua! And anyways, Kurapika is our real mother!" Gon says, clinging onto Killua's arm as he looks over at Kurapika who rolls his eyes.

"Killua, you are now part of our family. There's no escaping. I've tried. You now have to accept your role as the annoying brother just as I, unfortunately, had to accept the role as Team Mum."

"Aww, you accept your role, Kurapika!" Leorio teases, resulting in a deadpan look from the blond.

Killua smiles at their antics, "Ok, but I want Alluka in too."

"Of course! Alluka is the smart, little sister who we all love and appreciate." Gon says.

"Alluka? Who's that?" Leorio asks.

"She's my younger sister." Killua says fondly before frowning slightly, "I was supposed to be with her before we got transported here." His eyes suddenly widen, "F*ck! Is Alluka okay? What if-"

A familiar mist suddenly fills the room again, causing Killua to calm down as he falls back into the couch, Gon squeezing Killua's hand to reassure him.

"You do not have to worry. Time outside of here has been paused. When you return, everything will be just as it was before, without a single second passed by." The Mystery Voice speaks. The misty clouds linger for a bit before disappearing, once certain that the tension was gone.

The episode rewinds itself back to where the four left off.

"What?" Leorio says in the background at Matthew's explanation.

The same crow from before caws.

"You may pass."


Matthew glances back at them with a smirk, "You just have to tell the old lady what she wants to hear. Adios."

"Hey, now! That's all bull!" Leorio shouts, "How was that the right answer? We're supposed to give the answer the old lady wants? And that's considered correct? Hey, say something!"

The crow simply caws.

"Tch. I won't put up with this sham. I'll find a different route." Leorio turns to go back but is stopped.

"It's too late." The old lady says, causing Leorio to turn back, "Refuse to take the quiz, and you're disqualified."

Leorio clenches his fists, "Th-That's just ridiculous! Different people would expect different answers! There's no right answer!"

Kurapika suddenly gasps in realisation. "No right answer...I see!"

"Leorio and Kurapika are really smart." Gon says, hand still holding Killua's who appears to no longer be worried.

"Leorio?" Killua snorts, "I get Kurapika but Leorio?"

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" Leorio says, "In case you forgot, I am a medical student well on my way to becoming a doctor! I am a lot smarter than you think!"

"Killua's just teasing. You are smart just sometimes a bit oblivious." Kurapika says.

Leorio only grumbles.

The old lady watches sceptically as Kurapika turns to Leorio and shouts, "Leorio!-"

"Wait!" The old lady puts her hand out. 'The cat-eyed boy has figured it out,' she thinks before addressing Kurapika, "Not another word from you. Say anything but the answer, and you're immediately disqualified."

"Tch." Kurapika glances at Leorio, 'Wake up, Leorio...It's a simple trick...' He then glances at Gon, 'Gon...'

"Here is your question..." The old lady says as the horn is squeaked and the crow caws, "Your son and daughter have been kidnapped. You can only rescue one. Select one for your son, or two for your daughter. Which will you rescue?"

Leorio's face twitches, 'She's making fun of us...'

Leorio winces at his past brashness.

The lady starts to count down, "Five."

Leorio starts walking to a stray wooden plank and grabs it, 'Go ahead and count down, you hag.'


The camera pans to the old lady who watches with no expression, "Three."

Kurapika is shown tense.


Leorio winds his arm up.


Gon is deep in thought.

"Buzz. Time's up."

Leorio leaps into the air with the plank held up high above his head, screaming as he aims for the old lady who does not react.

There is a white blur as the crow suddenly flies away, and Kurapika is shown standing in front of the old lady with his bokken, blocking Leorio's attack.

"Thank you for stopping me, Kurapika," Leorio mumbles.

Kurapika offers a small smile.

"Don't stop me, Kurapika!" Leorio shouts as he pushes against Kurapika, "I won't be satisfied until I've taught this hag a lesson!"

"Calm down, Leorio!" Kurapika shouts back.

"How am I supposed to calm down?!"

"You'll waste our correct response!" Kurapika leans into Leorio, their faces barely centimetres apart.

Leorio draws back, confused, "Correct response?"

Kurapika puts his bokken away, "We gave the right answer. Silence was the correct response."

"Silence? What do you mean..."

"You hit the nail on the head," Kurapika says.

A flashback of Leorio shouting is shown, "There is no right answer!"

"Precisely. This quiz had no right answer. However, we could only state one or two as the answer. In other words, we weren't meant to respond at all. Silence was the only response."

"But what about the other guy?" Leorio points.

"He died." Killua says, earning looks from the other three, "What? Too soon? This happened two years ago."

He only gets exasperated sighs in response.

"They never said he gave the right answer. She only said, "You may pass." In other words, this path is the wrong path. Am I right?" Kurapika asks the old lady.

The old lady stares at them for a while before smiling as she stands up, "Precisely." She walks over to the double doors where she and her entourage had come from, "The correct path is over here. This leads directly to the tree. Walk two hours, and you'll reach the top."

"Walk two hours my ass," Leorio grumbles, remembering that it took much longer.

"Well, it would've taken two hours if you weren't so slow, Leorio." Kurapika teases.

"What!" Leorio looks affronted, "I was not slow! I- What- How could you, Kurapika!"

"Kurapika, don't be mean to Leorio!" Gon admonishes, "He can't help that he's old and therefore isn't able to keep up!"


"Bwahaha. Top ten anime betrayals." Killua grins, Gon oblivious to what he did and Kurapika smugly looking at Leorio.

Leorio simply slumps in defeat.

Leorio, still slightly shell-shocked, speaks to himself, "Oh, so that's what this was about..."

The old lady continues, "A couple lives in the cabin beneath that tree. They serve as Navigators. If you meet their standards, I believe that they will guide you to the exam site."

Leorio drops the wooden plank he was holding and approaches the lady, "Gran, I'm sorry for my rudeness."

"Don't be. I don't mind." The old lady responds, "I do this job because I enjoy meeting people like you."


The old lady faces them and smiles, "Do your best to become a good Hunter."

"You really are a good Hunter though, Leorio," Kurapika says.

"Hm?" Leorio looks shocked, "I, well, of course. I-"

"Oh, quit the buffering." Killua interrupts, pausing the episode, "You're good, you old geezer."


"I mean, you clearly care for all of us and you're probably way too nice, even though you're stupid-"

"Are you trying to compliment me with insults?!"

"-But you're still determined to do your best and you look out for everyone and even though you don't seem like it, it's clear that you work just as hard, maybe even harder, than any of us here."


"Aww, Killua, that was so sweet!" Gon launches himself, hugging Killua before he can escape.

"Argh! Get off me, Gon! I wasn't trying to be nice! Mmph! Stop! Jeez!" Killua awkwardly wraps an arm around Gon, his face clearly flushed due to his pale skin.

Kurapika lets out a small laugh at their antics before turning to Leorio who is still stunned.

"It's true, you know. Of course, you have a few off moments but you're good. Probably...probably better than all of us."

They lapse into silence as they recall certain memories.

Leorio shakes his head, "I don't think there's any better than or worse than. We're all together. There's no need to rank ourselves. Because to me, you guys aren't just the best Hunters but also the best friends I could ever meet."

They all smile before Leorio continues, "Although, we still have several problems which we should probably address," he pointedly looks at Kurapika who sighs, "We're still cool. I know you guys and I know that we're all in the right spot. So, thank you for being with me."

"Thank you for being with us." Gon says, Kurapika and Killua nodding in agreement.

"You're the most normal one. Without you, we'd probably lose all hope of staying sane." Killua says, leaning back against the couch.

Leorio opens his mouth, but Killua continues, "And anyways, it's funny watching you be a total dumbass. Damn, I can't believe you'd try to hit another elder. Like, I get that you two are the same age but really, I'm sure the lady wouldn't have minded if you wanted to take the medal for oldest person ever. If anything, you already have-"

"KILLUAAAAAA!!!" Leorio jumps onto Killua, raising his arms to threaten the albino teen.

"Watchu gonna do, old man?" Killua smirks, "I-ll have you know that-"

Killua suddenly yelps as Leorio launches a full-on tickle attack.

"Oi! Stop! I'm...eep! Not- mmph! Ticklish! I was- ahh! Raised- stop it! To be a machine! You can't- Help! Gon! Help meeee! Bwahahahahaahha!!!" Killua bursts into laughter as Leorio raises the tickle attack.

"Ha! This will teach you to mess with me!" Leorio avoids Killua, whose limbs fly everywhere as he attempts to escape.

Gon and Kurapika watch from the side, smiling at the scene. Gon nears Killua, looking down at his flushed cheeks. 

"Gon! Get this- Hahaha! -Old man- Ahh! Off!" Killua attempts to speak, eyes pleading at Gon.

Gon looks down, considering. "Ok. Leorio, please stop torturing Killua!"

Leorio stops tickling Killua, sitting up and leaning against the couch smugly, "Hehe. That'll teach Killua to stop being such a brat."

Killua pants, glaring at Leorio, "Hmph." He turns to Gon, about to thank him when he sees the look in Gon's eyes, "Gon?"

"That looked really fun so it's my turn now!" Gon says cheerfully, before pinning Killua down and tickling him with even more force than Leorio.


At this, Kurapika and Leorio both laugh. Leorio turns to Kurapika, "Hey, Kurapika. You seem a little left out just watching us. You want to join in?~" Leorio holds his hands up, wiggling his fingers as he approaches Kurapika.

The blond in question shuffles back, eyes wide, "I'm good, thanks. I really don't- Eep!"

Leorio pounces on Kurapika and almost begins his attack when a voice interrupts.

"I'm sorry but you still have an episode and more to watch. As nice as it is to see you all happy, I brought you guys here to watch not tickle each other. Save the tickling for after you've watched all 148 episodes."

"There are 148 episodes?!" Gon sits up, causing Killua to sigh in relief at not being subjected to torture anymore. 

"And I'd assume that they are all about 20 minutes long. That means we'll be staying here for...approximately 50 hours?!" Kurapika says, shoving Leorio off as he does the quick maths.

"You're keeping us for 50 hours?! What if I get hungry? What if I need to take a dump?" Leorio waves his arms as if to somehow demonstrate his point. 

A door suddenly appears to the right of them. In front of them, a low coffee table appears, filled with foods and drinks. Cushions and blankets suddenly appear on the couches.

"If you need anything, just ask." The mystery voice says, "We don't want you four to spend your time here in any more discomfort than you already should. Now, if you may, please continue to enjoy the series."

The four look at each other and decide to make the best out of their situation. Taking some snacks (Killua hogging all the sweets, particularly the chocolate robots), before settling into the noticeably more comfortable couches, they play the rest of the episode.

Leorio smiles and awkwardly scratches his nape before hearing Gon sigh loudly. Gon collapses onto the floor with defeat, "It's no use. I can't think of an answer."

Everyone stares at Gon before Leorio laughs, "You were still trying to find an answer? You can stop."

"Huh? Why?"

"The quiz is over," Kurapika responds.

Gon sits up, "I know. But...you know...What if I run into a situation like that and I can only save one person...What should I do then? It wouldn't be right to choose just one. But one day, I might have to make that choice."

There is a silence as everyone contemplates Gon's words.

'That's right.' The old lady thinks, 'That is the true purpose of this test. You must be prepared to face the worst possible scenarios...Because harsh reality strikes without warning. You must be prepared for the day your paths diverge.'

Killua pauses the episode.

"I mean, the right thing to do is try to save both. But if you really can't...then you should probably save the one who has a better chance of survival, right?" Everyone looks at Killua who stiffens.

Leorio then nods, "That is true. It's always better to save the one who has a better chance of survival, even if it hurts. For example, if one was a teen while the other was a baby...you'd save the teen since the baby would be weaker and much more likely to die..."

"But what if they were of equal strength? If they both had the same chance of survival?" Gon asks.

"...You make a choice." Leorio says solemnly, "You make a choice, stick with it, and you do your best and follow through. There'll be regrets, tears, thoughts that you should've tried harder, but in the end, you've saved at least one person rather than none."

Kurapika frowns, "The question isn't just about you choosing, though. It doesn't just test what you will do but also your mentality. For example, if your son was perfectly healthy and happy while your daughter had extremely low self-esteem and was weaker, what would you do? Save the one who has a better chance of surviving? Or the one who needs more saving? What if the one with better chance of survival can save themselves? Would that mean you wasted a life? Or is it better to be safe than sorry? But in the end, you'll still be sorry. The real test is if you are able to handle it. If you are strong enough to accept that a life will be lost and move on. In all honesty, the answer to the quiz is more of a coward's answer. You don't choose an answer, showing that you can't handle choosing between two loved ones." 

"Are you implying that Matthew's response was more correct than ours?" Gon asks.

"Hmm... I wouldn't think so. Perhaps... well, the lady did ask for an explanation when Matthew chose. So, maybe if he had said something rather than "you can replace a lover" he could've past. I mean, it's just as Leorio said: Different people expect different answers. Objectively, there is no right answer. Subjectively, silence is the wrong answer. However, it was the only choice in the quiz."

"Are you sure about that, Kurapika? I agree with there being no right answer. But I don't think silence is the wrong answer." Killua says, "Sometimes, it's better to just let it be, than interfere."

"So are you saying that sometimes, you can't save both, so don't save any?! What sort of thinking is that?!" Leorio shouts.

Killua grimaces, "That wasn't what I meant. What I'm trying to say-"

"Please discuss this some other time. As nice as it is to hear you talking about saving lives and all, you're probably going to continue for hours if I don't stop. Let me remind you that there are 146 more episodes after this one. And I will keep you guys here until you've watched every single one of them. So please refrain from dragging out your conversations. Thank you."

A few wisps of clouds seep into the room as Mystery Voice speaks, before disappearing.

Leorio groans, "We really are going to be here forever."

"Let's just continue watching." Gon says.

Killua resumes the episode.

Kurapika appears on the screen with the Hunter Vocabulary spelling out his name.

The screen then shows the three walking as Leorio speaks, "It's totally dark out... "Walk two hours" she said? It was two hours, two hours ago! Damn."

Killua snorts at this.

They walk past a sign saying "Beware of Magical Beasts!"

"Another "Beware of Magical Beasts" sign?" Leorio looks at the sign, "Are we ever gonna make it to the exam site?" He then shouts, "I'm hungry! I need to take a dump!"

Kurapika notices the parallel between on screen and off screen Leorio from earlier. He stifles a snicker which goes unnoticed by all but Killua who also recalls Leorio's words from earlier and audibly laughs.

Leorio just scowls, not connecting his earlier statement with his words on screen.

Gon shouts over Leorio's "I've gotta take a leak, too!"

"Leorio! We'll leave you behind!"

Kurapika ignores Leorio's shouts from behind as he looks forwards and lightens up, "I see it."

"You guys all just go ignore my human needs, fine by me." Leorio pouts.

The camera pans to reveal a house in front of them.

Leorio knocks on the door, "Hello? Anyone home?"

"Are they out?" Gon asks.

Leorio opens the doors, "We're coming in."

The three enter before gasping as they look at the scene in front of them. A Kiriko holds a woman in the air, its back to them as it appears to be seizing said woman whilst a man lies on the floor, bleeding. As it hears the three enter, it turns and laughs. Their reactions are immediate.

"It's a Magical Beast!" Leorio shouts.

"A Magical Beast?" Gon responds.

Kurapika answers, "A Transforming Magical Beast, the Kiriko! They can take human form! That's an extremely intelligent creature!"

"There's a woman in his arms!" Gon notices.

"And the guy on the floor needs medical attention..." Leorio mutters.

"Whoo! Doctor Leorio!" Gon cheers.

The Kiriko then leaps towards the window, woman in hand. The Kiriko crashes through the window, fleeing from the scene in the moonlight as Kurapika and Gon rush towards the now broken window.

"Rest in pieces window," Killua says.

"That wasn't funny."

"Shut up, I'm hilarious."

"P-Please..." the man from the floor speaks, "Please save my wife..."

Leorio is by the man's side while Gon and Kurapika jump out of the window, Kurapika shouting, "Leorio, we'll leave the injured man to you!"

"Got it!" Leorio replies as the other two rush in pursuit of the Kiriko.

The screen then flashes to the woods where Gon and Kurapika are chasing after the Kiriko.

'He can follow that faint shadow, even through this dark forest.' Kurapika thinks, following after Gon who leads the way.

Gon jumps up several tree branches, taking the high route while Kurapika follows on ground.

'Impressive.' Kurapika smiles.

"Thanks!" Gon smiles, earning a good-natured eye roll.

The Kiriko continues to jump through the branches, the woman still held captive.

"Kiriko! Let her go!" Gon shouts.

The Kiriko grins back, "Take her from me, if you can!"

Gon suddenly falls.

Kurapika glances back to see Gon catching up to him.

"Wow! He can talk!" Gon says as he picks his pace up.

Killua facepalms. Gon sheepishly grins.

"That Magical Beast, the Kiriko, uses human speech," Kurapika explains.

"Oh. That makes this a lot easier!" Gon smiles, before jumping up onto the branches again, "Hey! Silly Kiriko!"

"Silly Kiriko? Really? That's the best you could come up with?"

"Hmm? Killua! I wasn't trying to insult him I just wanted to get his attention!" Gon protests.

"Anyways, you can't really say much, Killua." Leorio speaks up, "90% of your insults consist of the word baka. Real creative."

"Don't forget old. Killua's right, you really are becoming old, Leorio. Forgetting your own name." Kurapika closes his eyes and shakes his head in mock disappointment.

Killua laughs at Leorio's rage, forgetting that he too was insulted. 

"What?" The Kiriko replies.

Gon suddenly jumps.

'H-He's fast!' The Kiriko thinks.

"But I'm faster," Killua smirks.

"Godspeed." Gon nods.

Gon suddenly whacks the Kiriko with his fishing rod, causing the woman to be released.

"Kurapika!" Gon shouts as the woman falls.

Kurapika jumps, catching the woman before landing. "He's so reckless..." Kurapika mutters, looking back.

"And he still is..." Kurapika says, loud enough for Gon to hear.

"Hehe, whoops?"

The Kiriko lands on a branch, rubbing his head where Gon had hit him, "Stupid kid. You'll pay for this!"

The Kiriko runs off again as Gon chases after yelling "Wait!"

The screen then shows the moon before showing Kurapika and the woman.

"Are you okay?" Kurapika asks, setting the woman on the ground. "Are you injured anywhere?"

"I'm okay." The woman responds. "What about my husband? How is he?"

"Don't worry." Kurapika says, "Our friend is taking care of him."

"Please take me to my husband!" The woman says.

Kurapika's eyes suddenly widen. A close up of the woman's tattoos is shown.

"Those tattoos..."

The woman hears him and quickly covers her wrist.



Kurapika is interrupted by Leorio's voice.

Kurapika glances back to see Leorio walking towards him.

"You okay?" Leorio asks.


"Whew... Guess you guys are all right." Leorio responds.

Kurapika keeps an eye on him, "How is that man?"

"Yeah, no worries." Leorio says, "The wound wasn't as deep as it looked. I gave him some painkillers and he's sound asleep in the cabin."

Leorio frowns, "Eh? Couldn't that Kiriko think of a better reason. No doctor would just give a freshly wounded person painkillers then let them sleep alone. Especially when they happen to be in a forest full of Magical Beasts."

"Leorio! Spoiler alert! We're not supposed to know that a Kiriko is pretending to be you!" Gon says.

"Ah? Oh, it's fine. The only one who doesn't know is Killua since he wasn't there. This is revenge for calling me old and stupid." Leorio flippantly waves a hand.

Killua sticks his tongue out in response, "I already know, though. Gon told me."

"Yeah, but still! Spoilers!" Gon insists, ignoring the looks the other three gave him.

"I see..."

Kurapika suddenly hits Leorio on the head with his bokken.

Leorio clutches his head as Kurapika's weapon flies back into his hand.

Leorio chuckles, "How did you know?"

"Because he's super smart. He's not gonna fall for that poor impression," Leorio says, with a hint of pettiness which causes Kurapika to let out a short bark of laughter.

Kurapika glances back, confused.

"How did you know I was an impostor?" Leorio suddenly shifts into a Kiriko.

"Woah! What a dramatic reveal!" Killua gasps, "I never knew that would happen!"

He receives deadpan looks.

"I didn't think that you were." Kurapika responds, "I told Leorio to take care of the injured man, and he consented. Given the Magical Beast is still on the loose, I attacked you for foolishly leaving an injured man on his own. That's all."

"Exactly!" Leorio shouts, "Only an idiot would leave an injured man alone!"

"But you are an idiot," Killua jokes.

Kurapika quickly grabs Leorio before he can launch another vicious tickle attack on the albino. 

"Act like an adult, Leorio. He's just trying to rile you up," Kurapika says. 

Leorio relents, "Fiiiiinnneee..."

The Kiriko laughs. Kurapika turns back to the woman, "Now I need you to answer my question." He holds his bokken against the woman's neck, "Who are you?"

The woman smirks.

The screen then flashes to Gon who lands on a branch. He surveys his surroundings before quickly glancing when he hears a rustle.

"Wait!" He shouts before jumping again, in hot pursuit of the Kiriko who dashes through the trees.

Gon suddenly jumps, soaring over the edge of a cliff. As he falls, he quickly uses his fishing rod to grab onto a branch, hauling himself up in a swift move.

Leorio wolf whistles at the impressive move, "Your fishing rod is really something, Gon."

"I know." Gon grins, remembering his fishing rod which had helped him in many ways.

As he lands, he hears a laugh from a tree. Looking up, he sees a Kiriko.

"For a kid, you're pretty quick." The Kiriko says, "Didn't expect you'd land a blow on me."

The Kiriko jumps down, landing in front of Gon, "You're about to discover the high price that accomplishment came with!" The Kiriko lifts a claw, laughing while Gon looks around.

As the claw comes striking down, Gon faces the Kiriko and asks, "Who are you?"

Killua snorts, "Gon, you could've at least stepped back a bit before asking!"

"Hah? But I knew that I would be ok, though." Gon says.

"It doesn't hurt to have a little self-preservation, kid," Leorio says.

"I'm ok, though!"


The claw stops mid strike, dangerously close to Gon's nose. In the background, birds caw.

"You aren't the one I hit." Gon says, "Are you his friend?"

"...How can you tell that I'm not the same one?" The Kiriko retracts their arm from Gon.

"To this day, I still can't tell the difference," Leorio whispers to Kurapika.

"Me neither."

Killua squints at the screen, "Gon...how can you tell that they're not the same?"

"What do you mean?" Gon tilts his head, "They're completely different!"




Gon sweat drops.

"Huh?" Gon blinks, "Your face is completely different." Gon points, "And your voice is a little higher and thinner."

"Completely different..."

"Now that he's mentioned it, their voices do sound a bit different."

"What?! Killua, you can actually tell the difference?"

"See! Killua agrees that they're completely different!"

"No, I don't! I only said a bit different!"

"Same thing."

"They are not the same thing!"

The Kiriko laughs, bursting into howling laughter.

"What?" Gon looks confused, "Did I say something funny?"

Leorio, Kurapika and Killua just sigh. Gon pouts, still convinced that they looked nothing alike.

Through high-pitched laughter, the Kiriko calls, "Hey, sweetheart! Come out here! You're gonna love this!"

A close up of a Kiriko's snout is shown, before revealing two Kiriko's, the man and woman, and Kurapika, Leorio and Gon.

"How many years has it been since someone was able to tell us apart?" The male Kiriko says.

"I'm ecstatic!" The other one says.

Leorio leans to a stunned Kurapika, "Can you tell their faces and voices are different?"

Kurapika glances at Leorio, "No, not at all..."

Gon looks back at them and points, "You see, the one Kurapika and I beat up is the husband."

Leorio and Kurapika sweat drop, "Which one are you talking about?"

"The male one!"

"Which one is that?"

"How can you guys not see the difference?!"

"Sorry, we're not all super humans like you, Gon."

"I'm not super human." 

"Yeah, yeah."

The husband Kiriko steps up, "Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are the Navigators. Our family provides support for the Hunter Exam."

"I'm their daughter!" The woman waves.

"I'm their son!" The man waves.

"You know what they say, incest is wincest," Leorio says.

"Let's not talk about this."

"Actually, it's twincest is wincest but I don't think-"

"Let's not talk about this," Kurapika repeats, stopping Leorio from continuing his train of thoughts.

"Man, you had us fooled," Leorio says.

"The Hunter Exam changes site every year." The husband explains, "It's quite difficult to locate it. So we Navigators help by guiding the applicants to the site."

"Oh, that's how it works." Gon says.

"But we don't help every candidate." The daughter says.

"We test applicants to see if they're qualified to take the exam." The son clarifies.

"Kurapika-dono." The daughter says.


"You successfully used the most vague of hints to determine that we weren't spouses. The hint was these tattoos which, in this region, mark a woman as single for life. Kurapika-dono demonstrated that he is very knowledgeable. Therefore, he passes."

"Whoo! Go Kurapika!"

Kurapika shakes his head at Killua's cheer.

Gon and Leorio smile.

"Way to go, Kurapika." Gon says, fist bumping Kurapika.

"Thanks." Kurapika smiles.

"Leorio-dono." The man says.

"Yeah." Leorio looks up.

"You never realised my true identity."

Leorio blanches.

"Oh noooo!! Does the old man pass? Does he fail? Ah, what a dumbass! If only he was smarter would he have passed." Killua places a hand on his heart as if mourning the loss of Leorio.

"Oi! You brat! You wanna see my license? Which I got the first time!"

"Ooh, that was low, Leorio! How could you?"

"Insolent kid."

Killua only sticks his tongue out.

"However, you dressed my injuries faster and more thoroughly than any doctor. Most importantly, you continued to reassure me that my wife was safe."

Leorio adjusts his glasses bashfully, "S-Stop it...It's embarrassing."

"S-stop it...It's embarrassing."



The man continues, "Your kindness makes you worthy to take the Hunter Exam. Thus, you pass."

Leorio looks shocked, "R-Really?" He then breathes s sigh of relief, falling to the ground, "Thank goodness..."

"You did it!" Gon holds his fist to Leorio who bumps it from the ground.

"Whoo! Go Leorio!" Gon cheers in place of Killua.

"And finally, Gon-dono." The husband speaks.

"Yes!" Gon turns to the Kirikos.

"Your superhuman physical ability and powers of observation make you worthy to take the Hunter Exam. You pass."

Killua sits up, "I like how Kurapika and Leorio have these long, detailed explanations as to why they passed while Gon's is just like, you super powers, gg, you pass."

"Ehh? It wasn't like that! Killua!" Gon whines, waving his arms as if it would help.

Gon smiles, fist bumping Leorio and Kurapika, before grinning widely.

The scene cuts to the trio being carried by the Kirikos, "We will now take you to the exam site."

"Isn't it great that we all passed?" Gon says, looking to his side.

"It's too early to celebrate." Kurapika responds, "We've merely earned the right to take the real exam."

"Really, Kurapika. You should lighten up. Earning the right to take the real exam seems pretty celebratory to me." Leorio says, wrapping an arm around Kurapika's shoulders.

"Not if you die because you were moving too much." Kurapika retorts.

"Spoilers!" Gon says.

The scene shows the three side by side, two Kirikos holding up Leorio while one each hold up Kurapika and Gon.

"What's wrong with celebrating a little?" Leorio says, "We're making progress."

"Honestly, you people should really think." Kurapika sighs.

"Hey, why must you be such a smart-ass?" Leorio starts to kick around, a tick mark forming on his forehead.

"We all know you like it, Leorio," Killua mumbles quietly. Fortunately, only Gon hears, giving Killua a confused look. Killua simply waves the look off, smirking.

One of the Kirikos holding up Leorio suddenly lose grip, causing Leorio to slip a bit.

"Stop moving around!" The Kiriko shouts, "If you fall, blame yourself!"

Gon laughs as the narrator speaks, "Gon and his friends enjoy a brief journey through the sky. However, they still haven't reached the starting line."

The ending song then plays.

Kasanatteta mune no oto...

"We can probably skip the ending since it's just the song and then the preview," Kurapika says.

"What?!" Gon exclaims, "But we already skip the opening song! We should at least be able to listen to one of them!"

"Next episode~" Killua says, about to press the skip button on the remote.

"Wait!" Gon snatches the remote from Killua, "We can't skip the previews, though!"

"I mean, we're going to be watching the next episode right after anyways. I don't think we really need to watch the preview." Leorio says.

"What! You too, Leorio?"

Killua grabs the remote, taking advantage of Leorio's betrayal, and quickly fast forwards.

"We'll watch the preview but it'll be quick."

Gon pouts but relents, Kurapika ad Leorio both sighing.

The HUNTER X HUNTER logo is shown as the preview music plays. Hunter examinees are shown in a tunnel, flashes of Hanzo, Nicolas, Tonpa, then Gon with orange juice falling from his mouth are shown in quick succession. Gon's voice speaks as Satotz is shown, "Next time: Rival for Survival." Leorio is shown with money raining down as Gon shouts, "I'm going to do my best!" 

The screen blanks.

"Next episode, let's go!" Gon leaps up as if to celebrate finishing the second episode. He then winces as he hears his back crack when he stretched.

"Ah, we've been sitting for a while. Are we really going to just binge watch all 148 episodes without rest?" Kurapika says, "I know we've all been through worse, but 50 hours is still quite long."

"Yeah, it's even longer than the time we wasted in Trick Tower during the third phase." Leorio says, "And even then, we weren't just watching anime for hours straight."

"You guys don't have to binge watch all the episodes." Mystery Voice speaks, "You'll just be stuck here until you've watched all of them. That doesn't mean you can't spend time having tickle fights and talking about ethics and such, just, preferably not in the middle of the episodes. We don't want you guys to lose track, that's all. We want you to be as comfortable as possible."

"Ah, thank you Mystery Voice-san!" Gon says, "I mean, outside of here, time is frozen, right? So we can spend this time to catch up more! Like what Kurapika has been doing and exactly how far is Leorio in his medical studies. I know we've talked a bit but we haven't had the time to just relax as friends!"

"That would be nice," Kurapika says.

"Ahhh...well, maybe don't get too distracted." Mystery Voice says, "You guys are meant to watch these episodes, not just play around."

"Actually, Mystery Voice-san. I want to ask something." Killua says, "Do you mind if Alluka is here too? I mean...I just..."

Killua trails off, unable to find the right words. Gon holds Killua's hand.

Mystery Voice hums, "We'll see...Anyways, you guys can start the next episode. Enjoy." 

"Don't worry, Killua! Alluka is ok!" Gon reassures, squeezing his hand.

"Hmm, thanks Gon." Killua squeezes back, before letting go.

"I'd like to meet your sister someday," Kurapika says, "She seems nice."

"As would I," Leorio says.

Killua smiles, "She's the best sister in the world."

"Well, then, why don't we watch the next episode?" Gon says.

"No objection," Leorio says.

The other two nod in agreement. Killua plays episode 3.

A/N: Phew! I managed to post this before January ended! It was super tight and I kinda rushed so I'm sorry if there are lots of mistakes (i did a run through on Grammarly but you never know). I may or may not have gone a bit overboard at some bits. I just felt like I wasn't writing enough so my mind started rambling and my hands just transmitted my thoughts and then I'd stop and look back and realise "wow, this makes no sense and sounds ridiculous and it takes up 50 paragraphs let's leave it" because if i change it, Ill  probably end up with something worse and would've spent even longer and would probably then not be able to post this in late January as I said. To be honest, I probably should have posted this earlier because I actually wasn't very busy but every time I tried to, I just lost the will to and then I sorta just forgot about it, so I'm really sorry. I tried to make up by writing more? Anyways, I hope you enjoy my rambling mess. Don't look forward to the next one. It probably won't be published until July or something since I want to get ahead and actually pre-write my episodes so that I don't struggle to post them. Have a nice week and stay safe! ~Bubble Pop Bee >.<

(btw does anyone want Alluka to be part of this as well?)

((oh and sorry 4 any ooc i tried 2 stick 2 their characters but... whoops?))

(((and should i include the manga and 1999 anime references or just keep it as strictly 2011? i havent read all of the manga or wathced all of the eps in 1999 version tho so...)))

((((i should stop doing this have a nice week))))

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