(AC FF-ENG) Yangcha : The Chi...

By TheAnn

11.4K 452 227

Synopsis: Trained in the secret assassination group "Children of Shahati", Yangcha always obeys all the comma... More

Children of Shahati
The Last Order
My New Master
When Our Eyes Met
The Strange Man (or Men)
The Girl With A Bell
Unlocked Soul
People's Heart
Save Her
No Logic For Love
Aramun Haeseulla
The Coalition
The Bloody Moon Boy
Towards The New Age
The Prelude To All Legend
Death and Life
Happy Wedding, Happy Ending
Never Ending Story


427 22 7
By TheAnn

(Tanya POV)

"What? War?" I was surprised when I read the scroll that Saya gave.

"Yes, war. We will fight against the Ago Tribe."

"And I have to announce it?"

"My father will announce, you only approve and bless him."

I threw the scroll.

"I don't want to! I will never approve of war. People who don't know anything will become victims."

"Then you will die first."

"I no longer care about your threats. Just kill me now, we'll see if the people of Arthdal ​​will continue to support their king."

"You think we can't find another priest to replace you? We can create a disaster and say it's because of you. We can spread bad rumors about you, like we did to Asa Ron. And what can you do? Unlike Asa Ron who has the children of Shahati, you don't have anything and anyone. "

"I have Yangcha."

Saya laughing.

"Do you trust him that much? You don't know anything about him. Hadn't it been for my father, do you think he would still protects you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Imagine, one day my father orders him to kill you. He would do it without hesitate. That's the kind of person he is."

"He's not like that."

Yangcha will always protect me. He was born to protect me.

"Do you know what children of Shahati are?"

I shook my head.

"They were who attacked you that night. They are a group of White Mountain tribe killers. They are trained very hard since childhood, and only a few and the best can survive into adulthood. What makes them frightening is not their assassination skills, but because they do not have feelings and heartless. No fear, no desire, no joy, no sorrow, and no worries. If they get an orders, they will carry it completely, not even caring about their lives. "

"Why are you suddenly telling me about Shahati?"

"Because Yangcha comes from children of Shahati."

I'm wide-eyed in disbelief.

"I saw his black tongue when he slept with an open mask in your room at that time. He was surprised when I woke him up and he had his mouth open. That's when I saw it. That's why he always covered his mouth with a mask. He also must have a Shahati tattoo, but it could have been removed using hot coals. "

I sat limply, "no way ..."

"Why do you think my father put him by your side? Do you believe my father only wants him to protect you? He is the best warrior of my father's trust, why should he let him go for you?"

Isn't Yangcha the protector sent by the Great White Wolf to me?

Saya patted my shoulder softly.

"There is no trust at Arthdal, you must know that, stupid girl."

I glanced at him sharply, "then I don't have to believe in your nonsense words."

He smiled crookedly, "it's up to you. I'm just giving you a warning."

"But why are you warning me? If indeed your father has a bad plan for me through Yangcha, you shouldn't disclose all of this to me, so that I don't become alert."

Saya shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know ... Pity? I indirectly brought you to Arthdal ​​to reach this position. For fifteen years I lived in a feeling of inferiority because my blood color was different from the others. Until I found Hwinsani Shimjang and followed their teachings. Now I am proud of my purple blood, because Aramun Haeseulla is also an Igutu. I must reveal to the world that Igutu is not disgusting, but a honorable blood."

"Aramun Haeseula is an Igutu?"

He nodded, "And I discovered the history of his death which had been hidden by the indirect descendants of the Asa clan. So I suggested to my father to look for signs of the Asa Sin's direct descendant. Incidentally it was in your village. . "

I snorted, "because of you, I'm a prisoner here."

"You're the luckiest prisoner in the world, because you can enjoy all this luxury. You are quite similar to me. Actually I am not the biological son of Tagon Niruha, and more convinced when you say your friend's face is very similar to mine. And until he is now be king, I have never been introduced as a prince, moreover they will have their own child. I am only an assistant to the highest priestess."

He walked to the window, looked up at the sky.

"But this is how I survive in Arthdal, I always obey him, never refute, and do everything I can to attract his attention. Incidentally he was at odds with Asa Ron, so I took the opportunity to smooth my mission and I could be free from the tower which had kept me in twenty years. And now he has entrusted me with a great mission to lead the war."

He turned and approached me, "So, just shut up and obey to Tagon Niruha, then you and your tribe will be saved."

Saya opened the door and walked out of my room. I saw Yangcha standing near the door. He glanced at me before the door closed.

Yangcha ...

Even though you're from Shahati or whatever, I trust you, you're my protector.
I have to believe,
I want to believe...


The next day, Tagon declares war on the Ago Tribe before the people. I -- forcefully -- give my approve and my bless that the Arthdal's ​​armies will win the war. The people cheered, but I also saw their eyes filled with fear and worry. After all, the victims of warfare are the people, even though they have won, whereas the rulers only enjoy the results of victory.

That night, I stood before the fire of the Great Shrink. I looked at the blazing and never went out fire. I pulled a bell out of the pocket of my dress and rang it.

What is the function of this bell?
What's the use of my nickname as 'girl with a bell'?
Is it to start war and destruction?
Or to stop it?

"Niruha ..." Mubaek came to face me, bowing respectfully.

"What is wrong?"

Mubaek turned to Yangcha who was standing beside me.

"Can you leave us alone for a while?"

Yangcha glanced at me. I nodded to him and he left.

Suddenly Mubaek knelt before me.

"Niruha, I beg for your forgiveness for what my brother did. Please, take your curse on him."

"Huh? What's happened?"

"A few days after the attack by Asa Ron, Mugwang was given an order by Empress Taealha. The night he was given the order was a crescent moon night. I just found out that he was told to kill the family of physician Harim, the family of my lover. And recently his colleagues were found dead in the forest."

I gasped. "Wh ... what? Then ... he ... Mugwang ... did he die?"

Gosh ... my spell gets someone killed again ...?

"Mugwang disappeared, so do my lover family. I don't know whether they are alive or dead. Please, Niruha, remove the curse. He is my only family. Even though I never showed it, but I really love him. I don't want bad things to happen to him. I am my worst brother, I never paid enough attention to him, my father died when my mother was pregnant him, then my mother died when gave birth him, I indirectly blamed him for making me an orphan, I always scolded and beat him. He became a bad person because of me. I knew he was evil and cruel to the Wahan Tribe. That's why I beg for forgiveness on his behalf."

"Mubaek, I'm sorry, the curse of the Great White Wolf can never be lifted after it is spoken. Sorry, I have cursed him. I was only scared that night and only by cursing what I could do to prevent you from killing my people. But, I didn't just curse him to death. I gave him choices. If he chooses correctly, he won't die. "

I shrugged Mubaek's shoulder to stand up.

"I can't lift the curse, but I will pray for him and hope he is all right. And I forgive him, for you."

"Thank you, Niruha," Mubaek said as he wiped his tears.

"Then ..." Mubaek continued, "I want to tell you something ..."

Mubaek looked left and right, making sure no one was eavesdropping. Yangcha must be standing in front of the temple, but the distance from the door to the fire room is quite far, he can't possibly hear.

"Actually, Eunsom is still alive."

There is no news that surprised me the most.

"Wh ... what?"

"The one dropped into the hot spring wasn't Eunsom, but someone else we dressed up to look like him. I reported to Tagon that he fell into a cliff, but actually i let him run away. His stomach hurt, but I'm sure he survived. Inaishingi ..."

Mubaek paused, "I think Inaishingi is Eunsom."

I covered my mouth with both hands. My body began to tremble and my tears welled up in my eyelids.

"Don't tell anyone, Niruha. You have to control your emotions."

I hurriedly inhale and exhale vigorously, swallowing back my tears. At Arthdal, I have to be good at acting.

"Why ... Why are you telling me all this? This is the same as betraying Tagon."

"Eunsom is the son of Asa Hon, the daughter of Asa Ron I was guarding when I was just graduating from Daekan Junior. She was manipulated by Sanung and Tagon to slaughter the Neanthal tribe. And I failed to protect her. She disappeared, I thought she was also dead. But then I met Eunsom in Iark, I chased him after he tried to release you from Yangcha's chain. That was when I found out that he was the son of Asa Hon with a Neanthal guy because he had Asa Hon's necklace. And because his face was very similar to Saya, Tagon's son, I guessed Saya too is the son of Asa Hon. Now I have to protect her sons, Eunsom, and also Saya. They will meet on the battlefield later. I will protect them."

I held Mubaek's hand, "please protect my Eunsom. Please, Mubaek. I will pray for your lover and brother, I will beg to Goddess to protect him and if I can, I'll lift the curse."

I knelt before the fire, clenched my hands and prayed.

Isodunyoung Goddess,
The Great White Wolf Goddess, Asa Sin,
The God of Airuju and Your Son Aramun Haeseulla ...
I pray to all the gods and goddess of this country ...

Protect Eunsom.
Even though I really don't care, protect Saya too, Eunsom's twin brother.
And also Mugwang, Mubaek's brother, remove the curse I had ever uttered on him.
And Mubaek's lover's family that dissapeared too, protect them.
Then myself and Yangcha, protect and free us from those who use us.

People of Arthdal, Wahan, Ago, all of them ...
Restore peace in this country, just like when Aramun Haeseulla came to power.
Make these bells as useful as they should ...


(Yangcha POV)

Even though I was standing in front of the temple door, I could still hear Tanya and Mubaek's conversation. I have quite sensitive hearing. Although not every time, but If I concentrate on a point, I can hear any sound at that point.

And the contents of their conversation were truly shocking. Not just about Mugwang who disappeared, but about Eunsom who was still alive. And Mubaek, I think he was going to betray Tagon.

I pulled out the bark and the pen. If I report this to Tagon, this will be shockingly amazing news.

But my writing was stuck in one dot. I turned, peeked at her who knees and prayed while crying.

And she said my name ...

I looked at the bark and the pen. If I report them, they will definitely die. Tanya will die, in my hands. But if I don't report it, and Tagon knows, I will also die with the two of them.

What should I do?

I averted my gaze from Tanya, and began writing ...


(Narrator POV)

The day of Arthdal's troops departure to the battlefield has arrived. Saya, who wear a long robe everyday, now wear armor, similar to the Daekan uniform, but looks more luxurious.

Before coming out of his room, his eyes fixed on a small necklace with a fangs hanging on the wall of his room. This is a necklace when he was a baby. Even though it can't be used because the rope is too small to hang around his neck, Saya still keep it. He believes this necklace belong to his biological parents.

He took the necklace, then wrapped it around his right wrist.

In the corridor, Saya met Tanya who was escorted by Yangcha.

"Come back safely," said Tanya.

Saya smiled sarcastically, "You should have said that while on the podium later. If there were only us, you don't need to pretend to be nice to me."

"It's true, I don't like you, but you are my best friend's brother. I want my best friend's brother to live."

Tanya took off the necklace from Eunsom she had been wearing all this time, then she stood on tiptoe and put it around Saya's neck. Yangcha looked away. He did not understand why he did not like it and was disturbed to see the scene in front of him.

"What did you give this to me for?"

"As a sign..."


"A sign that you must stay alive to return it to me."

Saya carresed the stone pendant hanging on the necklace while staring at the back of Tanya who continued her steps.

"A sign for Eunsom too, to keep him alive to meet me at Arthdal," Tanya thought.


Tagon's eyes widened when he read the writing on the bark.

'Igutu who saw your blood was still alive. He is the Inaishingi.
We have not been able to kill Tanya, she can be used to threaten the Ago troops to surrender. So no need to spend a lot of energy and casualties in war.
Send me to the battlefield, I'll take care of it.'

"Where did you get this information?"

Yangcha writes,
'I overheard the conversation of two servants from Wahan who served Tanya. They wanted to tell Tanya, but I had got rid of them.'

Tagon looked up, staring at Yangcha who stood before him. The tip of his lips rose.

"I knew you would never betray me. You're my best warrior, my brother..."
To be continue

If you want to know what happened to Mugwang, please read:
A Curse
Chapter : The choices
Idn : https://my.w.tt/vqfOilbFA2
Eng : https://my.w.tt/6b5Ys1cFA2
I dedicated this chapter to @sanasart
i got my idea for Saya & Tanya's scene from this picture

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