𝓘'𝓶 𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 // Newt Scam...


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"It's not about what you or I want, it's what they need" Еще



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"Where did you go? What did Professor Dumbledore say? You are okay, aren't you?" Newt asked over and over.

"I'm entirely fine, perhaps if he wasn't there to knock some sense into me, I might not have been in Hufflepuff with you," She smiled, laughing lightly.

"Come on, there's not much time for dinner left, I still haven't eaten anything," He grabbed her hand and ran faster, they overtook Dumbledore and sprinted right back to their table.

"So why did you want to be in Slytherin that much? It's not all that important is it?" He questioned, she shrugged, "I'm just from one of those scary stuck-up pureblood families, they threatened me about it,"

"Understood, so how will they handle the news of your new House?"

"Badly, but it's okay because Dumbledore offered me a place to stay," She replied before scoffing her face with the crunchy roast potatoes smothered in gravy.

"All first years please follow your designated Prefects to your common rooms for the quick tour before bed," Headmaster Dippet ordered, clearing away the unfinished plate of Juliettes food.

"Hey!" She gasped when her plate of potatoes disappeared.

"Come on Juliette, we have to go!" Newt whispered, helping her up and trailing after all the first years.

"It's known that in Hufflepuff house, there's a trio of dorms for each year, the first dorms are just for boys and girls separately, but they also have three secluded rooms for duos of both genders, incase some of us are incapable of making more than one friend, the stereotype for a Hufflepuff is a quiet, shy child which I'm sure some of you are, so please speak to me at the end if you wish to dorm with your new friend of the opposite gender," The prefect leading directed, pointing to each room as they spoke about it.

"Maybe we should volunteer, I doubt I'll make many friends with my bad family background," She suggested quietly as groups of students dispersed into their new dorms.

"Me neither, you're lucky I actually had the courage to talk to you," He chuckled as they approached the prefect who was saying goodnight to a homesick child.

"Hey, what seems to be the matter you two? Volunteering for the duo-dorms?" They asked giddily, they nodded awkwardly, "Sure thing! Just write both your names on these contract form thingies and I'll go give them to Dippet, your bags would have been taken up to the other dorms but just go and get them and then move into your new room!"

"Thank you," Juliette nodded gratefully and scribbled her name neatly on the contract, Newt did the same and then they parted to the boys and girls dorms to retrieve their belongings.


A few weeks later, both of them had settled in quite well considering they were new around eachother, though Newt was usually quiet and spent the majority of his free time in one of the towers, she started growing curious but respected his privacy and hobbies.

She, on the other hand, was quick to pick up on the schoolwork, taking extra notes, displaying timetables and study guides and even drafting every bit of homework at least three times, it was addicting.

"The library is closing Miss Apollo," The Ravenclaw prefect warned her, but Juliette didn't move.

"But what about this book? I'm not allowed to take out any more books at once!" She panicked.

"I'll let you take it just this once, but I don't want you to leave it in the Enchanted forest again," The prefect scolded.

"Okay, I promise you'll get it back by the end of next week," She smiled, bolting out of the library and running back to the dormroom, she almost crashed straight into a Slytherin student on her way there.

"Watch it, Apollo," The girl sneered.

"Sorry Miss Lestrange, I just needed to get back to my room," She apologised, she looked up and saw that the girl wasn't alone, her bully was standing right next to her roommate.

"Funny, I was just walking Newt back too, care to join us?" She smirked.

"Sorry Leta, I'd much rather like to get back quickly, I need to finish studying for our introductory exam tomorrow in Transfiguration," She excused, picking up her book again and running the other way.

She didn't understand, Newt said he wasn't very good at talking to other people and she had spoken to him explicitly about how Leta wasn't very nice to her, but it wasn't her choice who Newt became close with.

She got straight into the shower and changed into her pyjamas, by the time she left the bathroom Newt had returned and was reading on his bed, she climbed into her own with no communication and drew her curtains closed so he didn't disturb her.

"Y'know, she's not that bad if you give her a chance," He said before the lights in the room were extinguished.

"I just think you need to research her background, she's not really an open book,"

"What? And you are?" He quizzed, she fell silent and just started staring at the ceiling above her.

"I never said i was."


Small bean angst incoming

Sorry I couldnt resist

Sorry for the filler chapter, not much happened, its kinda short, I'm still developing the plot in the plan.

Comment any ideas you have for the story, Im open to any suggestions!

Thanks for reading!

- Alex (or whatever you want to call me)

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