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"Okay I know it's late but I'd love to just go and see my friends at the pub one very last time, one of the regulars there let me use his cellar once a month," Juliette said as she walked out of the bathroom.

She looked up at Newt who was just staring.


"Sorry, nothing, do you want me to come with you?" He asked, snapping himself out of the odd trance he found himself in.

"Only if you'd like to, no worries if not, I'll nip there and back quick as anything!" She smiled, flattening out one of Tina's old shirts.

"I insist, I'll come with you, no need to hurry, our boat leaves tomorrow morning so we have hours," He assured her, half scared of her disappearing again.

"Why did you need to use his cellar?" Tina asked, Juliette just shrugged and smiled, "Just for... stuff,"

'Transformations' Newt thought, the word engraved in his mind.

"Well, shall we skedaddle Mr. Sheik?" She giggled softly.

"I assume so Miss Sheba," He nodded, taking her arm and gripping it so he knew he couldn't lose her again.

They ventured into the streets and Apparated closer to the pub.

"You have a thing for Porpentina," Juliette smiled.

"What? No, no no no, of course not," He shook his head, turning red and flustered.

"You do! Look at you! Haha! Newtie has a little crush," She teased, he shook his head and let a lopsided grin form on his face.

"I've only known her a couple of days! You little bluenose!" He mocked in return, it was slowly hitting him.

Juliette is back.
It's been years but he has her now.
She's here.
That's really her.
She's really here.

"Look! It's Julie!" A child yelled, just a street urchin or so, they tapped their friend's shoulder and they ran over to drag Juliette off somewhere.

"Newt, these are Wohoway and Sacay, children, this is Mr. Newton Scamander," She introduced, he waved at them as they greeted eachother and each child took a hand of Juliettes.

"Axel said this was your goodbye night!" One child complained, Juliette frowned.

"Doesn't mean forever, I'll definitely come and visit you both!" She told them, "I can bring you gifts and everything,"

Newt followed her inside the pub once more, she took him over to a man sitting in the booth right at the back.

"Noel," She greeted happily, sliding into the booth with Newt as the two children ran away to go and play quietly.

"I hear of your departure," He muttered.

"You hear correctly,"

"It's a shame, no more howling to disturb my sleep," He chuckled gruffly.

"Noel, this is Newton," She introduced.

"The famous Newton? How lucky I am to meet you, this one went on for hours and hours on end telling me about you. Whining about life and leaving and all that. Finally you get to take her off my hands, and your parents get her back too!" Noel joked, laughing again, definitely slightly intoxicated.

"I'm all yours now, the whining, the talking, the everything, just back to me being annoying. Like old times." She listed, nudging Newt's arm happily, "But thank you again Noel, what do I owe in gratitude?"

"Your smile is enough, I wish you the ultimate luck back in your rightful home," He nodded once, she got up and gave him a tight embrace before she and Newt spent a little while catching up at the bar.

"So... the War," She mumbled, holding her hand out to the side of his head, he was confused for a moment before Pickett appeared and climbed up her arm.

"The War," He repeated, sipping his drink, "What did you, uh, what d-did you do in the War?"

"I actually pretty much just moved away from it, Axel said while the towns were destroyed and disturbed there was no safe way of tracking my condition or anything. What about you? I assume animals were involved in some way," She answered, he chuckled.

"I worked with dragons on the Eastern front, Ukrainian Ironbellies," He told her, the glisten in her eyes signalled that she was fascinated.

"I suppose you were the only one being not-eaten," She said, breathing a laugh as she tipped her drink down her throat.

"How'd you know?"

"Because only Newton Scamander can wrangle dragons and live to tell the tale with a smile," She laughed, that contagious laugh.

They recounted their times together fondly, from when they met to the day she left, everything in such detail that neither forgot.

"How's Little Miss Perfect?" She asked, placing her glass on the bar which was refilled by a self-commanding bottle.

"She... is dating Theseus."


"Yeah! They got together recently, right shock to my system!" He exclaimed, laughing with her.

"What about mama?" She continued, laughing under her breath as she called Newt's parents her own, "And papa?"

"Mama is fine, she's particularly fine and dandy, right misses you sometimes though, and papa is still a busy bee, he helps more on the ranch now but he's still got his job," Newt told her contently, "They were so worried when you left,"

"I'm sorry for leaving,"

"I don't like that you keep apologising,"

"But I am!" She insisted cheekily.

"But we can't do anything about it now! We've done as much as we could," He argued light-heartedly.

"You're uh.. you're angry at me for leaving huh?" She mumbled, downing her drink a little faster, neither keeping eye contact for very long at all.

"I was, but you never really left, yes physically, but you were always so stuck in my brain, and people asked about you all the time, even soldiers and people I knew from the war, sometimes it was really quite embarrassing," He explained, looking through his glass to the bottom of it, watching the small mass of liquid he couldn't quite drink swirl around the bottom in mockery, almost like the thought of Juliette when she was gone.

"Well I'm here now! Come on, we're both finished, an early night will do us both splendidly, we still have our whole lives to talk about what happened when I was gone!" She said eagerly, Newt realised that Juliette was quite possibly very excited to be sleeping in a bed as comfy-looking as the Goldstein sister's that they had offered.

"Yes, okay, let's go," He nodded, standing up with his case in-hand, she didn't say anything but silently got up, excitement building inside her eyes.

"I still can't believe you're here," She squealed happily.

"Honestly? Neither can I."



Lately lockdown has been making life incredibly hard for me and my family and I'm sorry this may count as a kind of filler chapter but I'm trying to find time!

(Yes I'm British)

Also congratulations to Samantha Barks (the woman cast as Juliette) on her engagement!

I have to look after people in my family quite often, I also have to work my arse off and teach my little brother all while staying on top of my own classes and assignments (which I'm failing at)

I also have severe tics/tourettes and severe ADHD which means its also hard to concentrate! Yay!

In all seriousness, sorry for the wait, I struggle to stick to uploading schedules but I'm doing the best I can

Much love and well wishes to all!

𝓘'𝓶 𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 // Newt ScamanderWhere stories live. Discover now