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Juliette trailed up the path to the Scamander household with dumbledore beside her, explaining how she ended up there and about her family.

"Well at least I'll have some company over the holidays from now on," Dumbledore chuckled, she smiled.

"I do hope that you're nicer than my family, like the Scamanders are, they teach me kindly what not to do," She mumbled, knocking lightly on the door.

"I'm sure of it," He whispered as the door was swung open hastily.

"Oh my Merlin Juliette I was so worried about you! My Lord you could have died!" Hope squealed, squeezing Juliette tightly, making it hard for her to breathe.

"Sorry for ruining your Christmas," She muttered.

"Don't be foolish, you didn't ruin our Christmas at all! Newt needs to see you though, he feels so shameful, he won't leave his room," She informed her, "Ah, Dumbledore, I thank you so much,"

"My pleasure," Was the last thing that was heard before Juliette ran up the stairs to find Newt, she tapped the door lightly with her knuckles.

"No," She heard from inside.

"Well, in my household, you're meant to say 'come in' no matter the circumstance," Juliette called innocently.

"We aren't in your household," He giggled when he swung open the door and embraced her warmly.

"And yet you opened your door," She squeaked.

"Only because it was you,"

"I'm sorry about ruining your Christmas, I'm most appalled at my own behaviour," She apologised once more.

"Nonsense, as long as you're safe now, we were gettting bored of sitting at the dinner table anyway, come in here," He led her inside and they sat cross legged on his bed.

"Dumbledore found me," She told him.

"What was he doing out on Christmas?"

"No idea,"

They talked until the early hours of the morning until they fell asleep tangled together on his bed.

Newt woke up the next morning wiping the mane of her hair from his face, hearing her snores he shook off his sleepiness and rubbed his eyes.

"Morning Newton," Bastien nodded over his coffee, Newt waved.

"Where's Juliette? Was she alright last night? I didn't dare check on you incase she was upset," Hope rambled.

"She's asleep, I didn't want to wake her up," He said sleepily.

"Dumbledore said she panicked because she felt out of place, I felt so very bad, the last thing I want is for her to feel like she doesn't belong here,"

"That explains a lot actually," Newt hummed.

"Well, the girl is okay now, as long as nobody pays no attention to her," Bastien compromised.

"Where's Seus?" Newt asked.

"He's gone out, I don't like it when he goes out, he comes back all squiffy most of the time after drinking with his friends," Hope shuddered.

"I think Theseus is funny when he's drunk," Newt giggled.

"Funny, but a right pain in the backside when he refuses to go to bed," She sent him a 'you don't know the half of it' look.

"Oh, by the way, sometimes Juliette can sleep for a whole day, she slept through a weekend once, her body-clock wakes her up on school days but never any other time," Newt warned them.

"Well it's okay because she needs to rest, I remember one time your uncle walked out on the family, on his return he basically slept for the week, he was napping all the time and only left his room to go the bathroom and get food from the kitchen, we didn't hear a word out of him for days," Hope sighed.

"That's unfortunate, let's hope she's not like that, I like the girl's company, and she can cook amazingly," Bastien remarked, Hope guffawed and swatted his arm.

"My cooking isn't good enough for you is it?" She joked.

"Alright, before this heats up, I'm going to go get dressed and groom some Hippogriffs while having a leftover turkey sandwich," Newt mumbled as he left the room.

"You be careful out there," Hope called after him.

"Always am Momma," He smiled lopsidedly and ran away to go get ready.


The whole day went without a word from Juliette, the only sign she had woken up at any point during the day was that when Newt went upstairs to bed she was tucked up in the made-up bed on the floor that he always insisted on taking.

"Alright, you win until you wake up," He sighed, climbing into his own bed.


I'm really sorry for not updating sooner, its only been six days though so meh.

My ideal upload would have been on Christmas yesterday for the end to the first Christmas segment of this story, I will be moving it along slightly faster from now on.

Merry Christmas still I guess, it was only yesterday, and Happy new year, that's next only 5 days away.

See you in the next one!


𝓘'𝓶 𝓢𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 // Newt ScamanderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin