Jumping on the Train (Thomas...

Par SunnyCoolKid

777K 23.9K 20.6K

"I don't know, Thomas. It just seems like it could be the start of something bad." Thomas leans over and... Plus

The Call
Hello, My Name is Southern Hospitality
Kick Back and Chill
There's More to you than Meets the Eye
It's All Good
On Television
Do Gooder
More Monkeys Than a Barrel of Fun
Let's Make Things Better
I Did It!
Talk and Text
Let's Party
As Playful As A Kitten
More Handsome
Big Trouble
On The Stage of Life
The Really Great Outdoors
You're About To Burn
You Can Choose Us!
Weather Changes, We don't
Big Red Sun
Hakuna Matata
Discovering the Unexpected
Colorful Compromise
Play Like a Pro
Too Comfortable
Age Can't Slow Me Down
Italian Style
Love Your Color
Ask Smart Questions
Yes, Really
Easy Does It
Has to Be
The Time of my Life
Point of View
Pick and Choose
Roof of the World
We Hear You
Modern Bride
Going Public
Fall in Love
Sassy Style
Under the Sun, the Moon and the Stars
Pony- Lovin'
Talk it Up
Please, Tommy. Please.
Come Home
It's an Alien
Two Human Beings
Bradley Walker and Shadow China
All the Little Babies
Oh, What a Life
Driving Lessons
Thanks Willa
Labor Day
The First Day

Time for Dinner

7.9K 270 253
Par SunnyCoolKid

You turn down the farmilliar street. Although, it is cold you outside you feel warm and excited. You smile as you pass the houses and recount the memories on each corner. Then you spot the large, two story, brick house you grew up in.

You turn to Thomas and point, "That's it. Right there."

He raises his eyebrows, "Nice."

You turn your Pirus into the driveway, which is already filled with cars. Percy's old man car - a Lincoln, Juliette's blue punch bug, Sidney's yellow smart car.

You cut off the engine and look at Thomas. You can tell he's nervous. You smile, "You ready?"

He looks at you and briefly grins, "Yeah. Of course."

The two of you get out of the car, grab your luggage and walk to the front door. You don't bother knocking, you just walk in.

Your house smells like an antique store and baking. You hear a movie playing. From where you are in the house, right as you walk in, there is a large open staircase to your left and the dining room to your right. The ceilings are high, making the house echoy and a little cold. The front door is in perfect view of the family room, seeing as there's a large doorway, a joining the front hall and the family room.

On the couches and various spots in the room, is your family. It takes you back, years ago, to family game nights and late night snowball fights in the chilly Utah air.

Your family looks up and spots you. Several of them jump up immediately to greet you, "IRIS! THOMAS!"

Your sister and Sidney are the first two to respond. They leap up, running to you and embracing you in a group hug. Juliette notices Thomas standing awkwardly off to the side and pulls him into the hug too.

You laugh, Sidney's dark hair covers your eyes, "Guys....I can't breathe!"

Your whole family has gotten up, pausing the movie to greet the two of you.

Next, your Uncle Sanders approaches. You know Uncle Sanders is an intimidating man. He is big and tall, built sort of like a bear. He has a round stomache, and the top of his head is bald, leaving the sides sticking out in crazy dark curls.

His voice is booming and demanding, "Iris, how are you doing?" He embraces you in a hug. When he pulls away, he studies Thomas, "Looks like you've got yourself a boyfriend."

He's teasing of course, but next to Thomas he looks like a giant, so you don't blame Thomas for his mild look of fear. Thomas smiles and hold out his hand for Uncle Sanders, "Nice to meet you."

Uncle Sanders laughs, snatching his hand, "My boy, the pleasure is mine. I love meeting my next meal."

You hear Aunt Pirea, "Leave the poor boy alone, Sanders. He's had a long drive and he's probably nervous enough as it is without you teasing him."

Your Aunts voice is quiet, unlike your Uncles. The best way to describe a Hungarian accent would be sort of Italian, sort of Russian sounding. They have their own style but they're similar.

Your Aunt steps forward, black curly hair cut short as usual, "Iris, my girl, good to see you."

You smile, "You too, Pirea."

Aunt Pirea turns to Thomas, "And so glad to meet you! We've heard so much about you! Iris is very fond of you. We're so glad you'll be joining our family."

Thomas smiles, "Thank you, ma'am."

Juliette looks at Sidney, crazed eyes, "Listen to that accent!"

Juliette and Sidney fall over giggling and Thomas blushes.

"Girls!" Your Mom and Dad step forward, your Mom scolds them, "Leave the nice young man alone! We don't want to scare him off already."

Your Mom, gives you a hug and then quickly moves onto Thomas, barely paying you any attention. You grin. Your Mom likes EVERYONE. You look at your Dad, who is also studing Thomas but he turns to you and smiles. You wrap your arms around him, "Hi, my Daddy!"

"Hello, dear." He smiles. Your Dad's hair is white and his brown eyes have already started to look a little foggy, from old age.

Your Mom still looks very young, however. Her blonde curly hair, and blue eyes still shine.

You listen as your Mom chatters with Thomas, doing most of the chattering herself. Finally, your Dad cuts in, "Dear...."

Your Mom looks around, "Oh, yes." She quietly says to Thomas, "He's going to give you the 'you're the man that's going to marry my daughter' treatment, now. Not to worry. You'll be fine."

Your Dad steps forward, shaking Toms hand, "How are you?"

"I'm grand, sir. Thank you." Thomas nods, trying to sound as respectful as possible.

You hear a friendly voice from behind, call out, "Okay, people! Out of the way! I'm trying to say hello to my cousin!"

Percy makes his way through the crowd. He holds onto Thalias hand, pulling her along. His green eyes shine, his brown hair fluffed up. Thalia looks as pretty as ever, her long orange hair falling over her shoulders, her big gray eyes searching.

You embrace your cousin, laughing, "Hey, Percy. How's life?"

He pulls away, grinning, "I'm living it."

You nod, "That's good."

Percy turns to Thomas, "I cannot tell you how glad I am that you're here. Before now, the men were vastly out numbered. And two of them are old and grumpy."

"I resent that!" Sanders says.

Thomas laughs as he shakes his hand, "Glad to meet you."

You KNOW that Thomas and Percy are going to get along great. They're going to cause a lot of trouble over the next few days.

Sidney, Juliette and Thalia realize this too because all of you share uneasy glances and then burst with laughter.

You turn to Thalia and hug her, "I'm glad we have someone that's sane here."

She laughs, "Hey, I'm only sane to a certain degree."

Everyone laughs. You are filled with the happy feeling that you only get when you're around your family. That's one of the things you miss about home so much. The family time. You and your family had always been so close, it was hard living away. Somehow, it's even better with Thomas here. Even if he is being shy.

Your Mom calls out, "Okay, guys! Time for dinner!"

"Alright! Let's eat!" Percy yells, excitedly.

Chatter breaks out all around everyone.

Your Mom leans over to you, "We were just waiting for the two of you to get here before we ate."

You look at her as you make your way to a seat, pulling Thomas along behind you, "Oh, Mom! You didn't have to do that!"

"Sure we did! First meal with us all together! This should be good!" She nods.

You take a place in between your Dad and Thomas, "Who cooked?"

"Mom, Dad and Aunt Pirea. Who do you think?" Juliette scoffs.

You roll your eyes at her, sister sass comes back on, "I dunno. I was just asking. What are we eating?"

Your Mom and Aunt Pirea start bring food out, "Pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes. The works. We have sweet roles too."

You gasp, "Yes!"

Thomas whispers, "What are sweet roles?"

"The bomb!" You say, "You'll love them."

Thomas nods.

You rest your head on his shoulder, "I love you."

"I love you, too." He whispers back.

"Hey! Lovebirds! Knock it off!" You hear Juliette call from across the table.

Sidney laughs, uncontrollably. Sidney tends too do that. It's funny how she thinks everything is hilarious. Especially, if you or your sister crack a joke.

You stick your tounge out at Juliette.

"Girls! Behave!" Your mother scolds.

"Sanders would you like to pray over the food?" Your dad asks, "And our children's souls? Repent on their behalf."

"I take personal offense to that." You wag a finger at your father.

Sidney laughs, "You're one to talk, Uncle Douglas."

Your family laughs. Even Thomas joins in on the laughter.

Your Uncle looks around, "I'll pray for EVERYONES soul. We ALL need a prayer. Or rehab. Whichever one suits."

You all laugh as your uncle launches into a grateful prayer.

- - - -

"No! Dad won AGAIN?" Juliette groans.

"He always wins Nertz." Percy sighs.

Your Dad chuckles.

Juliette shakes her finger at Percy, "That's not true. I win sometimes too."

Percy laughs and rolls his eyes, "Oh, 'sometimes'."

"You're just jealous because you never win." Sidney smirks.

Percy's mouth drops open, "I do too!"

"Okay, children! I think we've had enough games for one night! Let's watch a movie." You cut in.

Juliette jumps up, "What movie?"

"We should watch a Christmas movie." Thomas suggests.

"Let's watch The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe!" You say excitedly.

Thomas furrows his eyebrows at you, "That's not a Christmas movie!"

"Yes, it is." You nod, jumping up, "It has snow in it!"

Thomas laughs, "That doesn't make it a Christmas movie."

"Yes it does! Plus Santa is in it." You say, dragging him into the family room. Sidney, Juliette, Percy and Thalia follow you into the family room. Mom, Uncle Sanders and Aunt Pirea are already in the family room, talking.

Your Mom looks up, "Hey, kids. What are you doing?"

"We're going to watch a Christmas movie." Sidney says, stealing your Dads big, leather, man chair.

The rest of the young people all pile on the comfiest of either couches, which also happens to be the one right in front of the TV. The adults all watch you from the golden, old people couch. For you, it's like a flashback into high school. Except, this time you're cuddling with Thomas Sangster instead of daydreaming about him.

Juliette plugs the movie in and flops down. It's a bit of a tight fit, but you're all friends. None of you bite....very often. And if any of you did, the other would just bite back.

The movie starts and you watch excitedly. This used to be one of your favorite movies.

About half way through the movie you offer, "Anybody want some M&Ms?"

Almost all the young people say an enthusiastic, "Yes!"

Your Mom stops you, "How do you know I have M&Ms?"

You grin, "You always have M&Ms. Where do you think I get my chocolate addiction from? Same place in the cabinet as always, right?"

Your Mom can't help but smile a little, "Yeah."

"Awesome." You say, as you start to wander to the kitchen.

"Hey, babe, wait. I'll come with you." Thomas says, getting up.

"Okay." You say, you hold your hand out and Thomas takes it, the two of you walking to the kitchen. On your way out of the room, you hear your Aunt whisper to your Mom, "They're so cute!"

You walk into the tiled kitchen. Your Mom was always fond of lighter colors in the kitchen. The room is decorated in light shades of yellow. A color you'd grown fond of over the years.

You walk over to a cabinet and pull it open. You find M&Ms hidden behind a casserole dish. You grab the bag and turn around, popping a few in your mouth. Thomas stands looking around the kitchen.

You smile a little, and speak, surprising him a little, making him jump, "Whatcha thinking about?"

He looks at you with wide eyes, "Oh, nothing."

You frown, "What's wrong?"

He looks down, a little ashamed looking, "Do they like me? Your family?"

You crane your neck at him, smiling a little, your eyebrows furrowing, "Of course they do! They love you!"

Thomas looks at you, as if trying to read you. He finally nods. Looking only a little convinced.

You walk over to him and stand up on your tiptoes, giving him a kiss. It starts out slow and innocent, your lips sliding against each other perfectly. Then Thomas slides his hands to the back of your neck, his kisses becoming quicker and more desperate. He sighs into the kiss and you begin to think he may never stop. Finally, you force him to pull away, panting.

Thomas rests his forehead on your shoulder, and kisses your neck softly, "I'm not sure I'm going to be able to wait this long." Be mutters.

You frown, closing your eyes, "For what?"

Thomas pulls back, placing his hand on you shoulders. He raises his eyebrows, sending you a hidden message.

You feel yourself blush, "Oh, that."

He chuckles and kisses your forehead, "But, for you, I will."

You wrap your arms around each other. You place your head on his chest so that you can hear his heart beat. You stand there hugging for a minute, when off to the right, you hear a bark.

You look up and find your two dogs, Alice and Hattie, standing behind a babygate in the hearth room.

Thomas blinks and looks at you, "I didn't know you had dogs!"

You nod, "Two of them. Alice and Hattie."

Thomas walks over and let's them, "Why'd you name them Alice and Hattie?"

You follow him over, "Alice in Wonderland used to be my favorite movie, book, everything. All my pets are named after Alice in Wonderland characters."

Thomas smiles, "That's cute."

You look around, "Speaking of which....my cat should be around here somewhere."

Thomas frowns, "How many animals do you have?"



You shrug, looking around, "Yeah. Two cats and two dogs. Cheshire is my baby. A little calico cat. She was always my favorite. She slept with me every night and in high school especially, she was my snuggle buddy."

You walk over to the garage door and open it. Immediately, a little cat comes running up to you, "Ches!" You lean down and scoop her up. Her mixed colored fur is as soft as always. You swear your cat is part human because she moews at you happily and snuggles up against you, "Aw, I missed you too! Did you miss your Mommy?"

You rub behind her ear. You notice Thomas watching you carefully. You smile and offer her to Thomas, "Want to meet your Daddy? That's your Daddy!"

You hand your cat over to Thomas. He takes the cat, looking hopeful, but uncomfortable, "Hey, kitty. Hey....um....Cheshire kitty."

You laugh and pet Cheshire again, looking up at Thomas, "I think she likes you."

Thomas grins, "You think?"

You smile and pet your cat, "Oh, yeah."

You wrap your arms around him again, your cat in between, making a cat sandwich. Unfortunately, Cheshire doesnt like cat sandwiches and she quickly jumps down after meowing yet again.

You laugh, "Come on, we should get back to the movie."

Thomas nods.

You start to walk out of the kitchen. But then you stop yourself. You almost forgot the M&Ms.

You smile.

It just seems easier to forget things when you're around Tom. The good and the bad.


I'm so tired. I've got great things planned for this book. I'm going to make this short and sweet.




I know that I don't comment back very often. Sorry about that. I'm socially awkward and am not very good at talking to people I don't know. :-)

Again, you guys are awesome!

Peace out!


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