The Bad Boy Next Door

By nellis813

2K 75 23

Lavina 'Lovie' Boswell- Book loving, tea drinking senior ready to finish her senior year and get the hell out... More

The New Kid
The Girl in the Coffee Shop
Leaving Again, Mom?
Party like a Rockstar

Are My Eyes Playing Tricks on Me?

202 9 2
By nellis813


"Hey, Jake. Anything exciting happen today?"

Jake shook his head and scoffed, "Nah. Just passed out a few speeding tickets. Nothing too fancy. How was school?"

I sighed, "School was school. I have a partner project to work on after work though." With the hottest guy I've ever seen. No biggie though.

"Oh yeah? With who?"

"The new kid. His name is Ezekiel Fox."

I sat down at the front desk and clocked myself into work. The day shift secretary is a rather cluttered person, so I take a few moments to organize the desk. There's a few papers that need to be filed so I begin to alphabetize them by case information.

My brother leans on the front desk and sips his coffee, "You said his last name is Fox? Any relation to the family who just moved here from London?"

I nod. "Yeah. The very same. Have you met his parents? They seem nice—his parents do anyway, they live next door."

Jake finished off his cup, "I haven't met them. Jim from the Harker Heights Chronicle said they're looking to buy the newspaper. They apparently own a whole slew of papers across Europe."

I chuckled. "So I was correct when I assumed they were rich."

"Yeah. Very. There's some talk of their son being a bit... troubled." Jake hesitated over that last word.

I shrugged my shoulders and walked to the drink station to make a cup of tea. "I don't really think he's troubled. I think it's an act. He's pretty smart. Maybe even smarter than I am."

Jake nodded slowly. Taking in the information I had just shared. "Okay. Just be careful, Lovie." He pulled his sunglasses out of his shirt and put the on, "I have radar duty tonight. I'll see you tomorrow at work."

I waved him off. "See ya tomorrow!"

The hours passed slowly. Barely anyone called in tonight. Which is incredibly odd for a Friday night. Oh well.

I glanced at the clock: 7:15 PM. Fifteen minutes left. I went around to everyone asking if there was anything they needed filed, copied, or printed. Nada. After returning to my desk I went over my list of daily duties. Alphabetize newly closed cases. Check. Shred all documents in shred box. Check. Organize supply closet. Check. Set phones to forward calls to county. Check.

None of my tasks are exceptionally time consuming, which leaves me with plenty of time to finish homework. Sometimes even enough time to get a head start on assignments on the syllabus.

As I was packing my book bag I heard the bell ding on the door. I looked up at the fresh faced young man in front of me, "No way."

In front of me stood a boy I hadn't seen in years. His espresso colored hair laid in the same cut it had been eight years ago, but his jaw... what is with me an jaws? The chocolate swirled eyes I was staring into had a twinkle in them matching the large smile he was sporting. "Either my eyes are playing tricks on me, or Aiden Pickett is standing in front of me." I felt a grin spread across my face as Aiden looked down and laughed and looked back up at me through his lashes.

An equally large smile broke out on his face , "It most definitely is me. In the flesh."

I hopped out of my seat and let out a squeal. He met my hug and wrapped his rather large arms around me, lifting me off the ground.

I let out a little groan as my back popped and he sat me down. "What the hell are you even doing here?!"

"Dad decided it was time to move back. Grams got sick and he wanted to be here for her." He lowered his head and a look of sorrow crossed over his face before it went neutral.

I rubbed his arm and gave him a soft smile, "I'm so sorry. I know you're close with your grams."

He winced slowly. "How's uh, your mom?"

His dad dated my mom once upon a time. It's the only time I remember my mom being semi-sober. Awesome, right? Their relationship didn't end well. At all. Daniel— Aiden's dad, ended up packing everything up, including his son, my best friend and left. I was ten years old, and seriously devastated. A couple years ago I found Aiden on Facebook and we've chatted a few times but nothing like we used to.

I scrunched my nose at his question, "Oh you know... same old, same old."

He nodded slowly and I stood there awkwardly looking at my shoes.

"So how long has she been gone?"

I scoffed. Of course he knew. "Just a few days this time."

He gave me the same look that Astrid gave me the other day. That pitiful broken look. It's starting to get on my nerves. I've dealt with my mother for the last eighteen years, and honestly I'll be dealing with her until the day she bites it. Harsh? Maybe. Well deserved though.

I rolled my eyes at him, "It's really not a big deal. Jake checks in every so often and I have this job," I gestured to the front desk, "It puts food in the fridge and all the other necessities." I chuckled.

I met his gaze. Again with the pity eyes. "I know you're used to it, or whatever, but it still sucks."

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Hey, do you wanna come over for dinner? I'm sure dad would love to see you!" He had a smile from ear to ear plastered on his face, but it hadn't quite reached his eyes. Those still looked sorry.

"No can do-sville baby doll." I laughed at my own How I Met Your Mother reference as did Aiden, "I have a project I'm working on with my neighbor. Maybe another time?"

"Yeah, any time. Seriously, dad will be thrilled to see you!"

I gave him a small smile. "I'd love to see him too." I looked over at the clock. 7:35. "Yikes, I gotta get going, Aid. I'm supposed to meet Zeke at eight." I grabbed my book bag from the back of the chair and pulled on my sweater.

"I'll walk you to your car."

I smiled in response.

"Whoa, nice wheels."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Yes. My brothers beat up old clunker." I tried my best to do the Vanna White hand thingy, then smacked the trunk hood for good measure.

Aiden laughed at me and smiled, "I see you have not lost your sense of humor."

I made a serious face and titled my head, "What sense of humor?"

"Uh..." Aiden stared at me confused. The tension in the air rising as he became more flustered.

I busted out laughing, and Aiden followed suit. "You really had me there. I felt really idiotic for a second." He cackled.

"I couldn't resist." As the laughter subsided their was still a bit of tension in the air.

I looked up to his face, "I'm really glad your back, Aiden. I missed you."

His eyes met mine and held them for a moment before speaking, "I missed you too, Lovie. You look," he hesitated for a second, "you look really great."

I felt the blood in my cheeks start to burn, and could see a tinge of pink on his cheeks as well. I looked down at my feet with a small smile, "Thanks. You look great too."

It stayed silent for a while before I finally spoke, "I should probably get going." I gave Aiden a warm hug.

I turned to open my door, and Aiden cleared his throat. "Hey. Do you wanna get coffee on Monday? Like before school?"

I smiled and bit my lip, "Tea, but yes. I'll meet you at 7:30, Monday."

"Cool." He smiled and turned on his heels towards his car.



"Yes, mum. She will be here this evening to practice for our project." This is only the hundredth time I've told her about this in the last hour.

"Okay, should I make some food? Would you like some snacks?" She turned to look in the pantry, "Oh! I can bake brownies."

I groaned.

My mum turned around and gave me a pointed look, "Oh hush it. This girl is sweet and willing to give up her Friday night to work with a project on you. The least I can do is provide her with food and drinks."

I rolled my eyes, "She's not giving up her Friday night, mum. She's coming her after she gets off work. She's also working in the morning so it's not like she had any plans anyway."

Mum made a face, "She's just a young girl. Why's she working so much? I never see her parents around. I assume they're at work too." She began grabbing the ingredients to make brownies.

I bit the inside of my cheek and took a seat at the kitchen table. "I'm not sure mum. I don't think her dads around and a I know her mum was in hospital the other day." I'm not sure the reason does her any justice, though.

I'm fairly certain the other day, Lovie stopped herself mid-sentence from saying that her mother's stomach was pumped— I'd presume from drinking too much. Then she came about with this nonsense of there 'not being anything to drink.' Real smooth.

"Oh, dear." She turned to me wide-eyed, "I'll have to send them a dish! Her poor mum probably isn't feeling up to cooking if she's just been in hospital."

My mum frantically rushed around searching for something to make for dinner, as well as a dish for Lovie and her mum.

I quietly slipped away from the kitchen and stepped out onto the front porch. The air was brisk and the sun was setting. It was rather beautiful. I mean for it not being London.

I miss London. I miss the cool air, and the rainy nights. I mostly miss a good cup of tea in a dinky little bookstore. Something I think Lovie would appreciate— something I'd even go so far as to say she deserves.

My mum was right I hardly ever see her mother at home. I wonder who pays the bills? She has that police officer friend, maybe he helps out.

I sat on my porch for a bit before I heard a car pulling into the driveway. Lovie. She looked a bit frazzled. The pink in her cheeks was cute, not kid cute, but attractive cute. She never wore much makeup, so the natural blush she had made her pale skin look almost luminous in the setting sun.

As she got out of her car she gave me a small smile and grabbed her bag out of the vehicle. The tired look on her face made me feel a little bad for her, she seems to work often.

"You look tired." I internally cringed at the words that just came out of my mouth. Who says that?

She scrunched her nose and looked down, "Uh, yeah."

An awkward silence filled the air for longer than I care to admit before she broke the tension, "So, do you wanna get this started?"

I let out a breath that I wasn't aware I was holding, "Not particularly but, here we are anyway." I sound like a bloody arse.

She simply nodded and began climbing the steps of my porch.

Once we reached inside I heard my mum call from the kitchen, "Ezekiel? Is Lovie here?" Her head popped out of the doorway with a huge smile on her face.

"Lovie! My dear, it's so good to see you. Can I get you anything to drink? Water, coffee, I even believe we have fizzy drinks."

A small smile played on Lovie's full lips, "I would love a cup of tea, if you have it?"

My mother scoffed, "My darling we're English. Of course we have tea. How do you take it?"

Lovie told her how she likes her tea and followed my mum into the kitchen.

"I made chicken pot pies for dinner dear, I hope you don't mind. I even made some extra for you to take home. I haven't noticed your parents around much, so I wanted to make sure you had a fully belly."

Lovie averted my mother's eyes. She's rather overbearing.

I scoffed, "That was subtle, mother. Why don't you just out right ask her where her mum and dad are?"

I noticed Lovie tense up out of the corner of my eye.

"On second thought, mum. Don't ask, we don't want her to think we care. She's only here because we're partners on some horrid project." The internal cringe hurts. I don't necessarily care, but I don't want her to feel obligated to share any information she doesn't want to. Just as I won't.

My mother's eyes were boring into my soul, "Ezekiel Louis Fox! Are you out of your head? We do not speak to guests in such a manner, especially ones who have been nothing but helpful to you. You ought to be ashamed of yourself." My mother huffed and turned around to the oven taking out the tarts she had been baking. Cursing at me under her breath.

Lovie was fiddling with the hem of her shirt while biting gently on her lip. Oh, antagonize me some more, would you please.

My mother walked passed me pulling me close to her, "You will apologize to her, Ezekiel. I mean it."

I rolled my eyes and took a seat next to Lovie at the island. The water had finished boiling and I pour her a cup as well as one for myself and grabbed the cream and sugar fixing her tea.

"Thank you." Her voice was barely a whisper,l. I wasn't sure if she was thinking me for the tea, or if she was thanking me for saving her from my mother's interrogation. Maybe both.

A few moments later, she pulled out her book and started babbling on about the scene we were assigned. Everything she was saying was going in one ear and out the other.

I couldn't help but think about the points my mother has brought up earlier. Who was this Jake fellow? Maybe a boyfriend perhaps, but he seemed too old for that. Family friend, maybe. Does she have a boyfriend? Is her mum even home? Does she pay the bills?

"Hello? Zeke? Are you even listening to me?"

Lovie waved her tea cup in my face and I snapped back to reality. "No I wasn't listening. I was thinking."

She rolled her soft green eyes and sighed, "At least tell me it was about the project."

I shook my head, "No. Who was that police officer?"

Her nose scrunched up in confusion, "The one when you dropped me off at the precinct?"

"Yes. That one."

"Why is that your concern?"

She had me there, "It's not."

She looked down at her book and sipped on her tea. "He's my brother."

"Do you have any other siblings?"

She looked up, annoyance written all over her face, "Do you always ask this many questions?"

I shrugged, "Only when I'm curious."

She chuckled, "Haven't you ever heard, curiosity killed the cat?"

I smirked at her and leaned close to her ear to whisper, "Yes, but I'm not a cat, love."

There were visible goosebumps down her neck. I pulled away smirking still. Lovie on the other hand, looked annoyed.

She huffed and closed her book. "I think that's plenty of work for tonight."

She pulled her backpack on to her shoulder and started walking towards the door.

I looked on the counter to see the casseroles my mother had prepared for her to take home. Shit.

"Wait," I called out while grabbing the dishes.

She looked over her shoulder at me. Her eyes looked so sad... like a perpetual sadness. Something I relate to.


I stared at her for a moment in silence, "Um, my mum wanted you to take these home. Maybe your mother will enjoy that she doesn't have to cook."

She took a deep breath in and looked in my eyes, "Yeah... I'm sure she will appreciate it. Thanks."

I watched as she walked out the door and continued to wonder what's behind the sadness I see.

Hey guys! I know it's been FOREVER since I've updated but, I'm back and feeling hopeful for this book and the following chapters!

The picture above is of the newly introduced character, Aiden Pickett!

Please let me know what y'all think ❤️

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