Nicholas Hamilton Imagines

By Carl_TWD_Grimes

8.9K 125 4

Imagines about the hot and sexy Nicholas Hamilton More

Meeting Nic Hamilton
Nic Asking You On A Date
First Date With Nic
Meeting Nic's Friends
You Going To War
Coming Home From War
How He Says I Love You (Short)
How You Tell Him Your Pregnant (Short)
Food Cravings (Short)
Gender Reveal (Short)
Giving Birth (Short)
Introducing Him To The Fans (Short)
Bringing Him Home (Short)
Taking Him To See His Grandparents (Short)
Introducing Him To His Aunt And Uncles (Short)
Introducing Him To Nala (Short)
Filming Him Saying His First Words (Short)
Celebrating Baby Joshua's 1st Birthday
Baby Joshua's First Vacation, Finding Out That Your Pregnant And Gender Reveal
You Give Birth

Doing Grace's Podcast With Nic

504 6 0
By Carl_TWD_Grimes

You were eating breakfast when you got a Face Time call from your soon to be boyfriend Nic.


Y/N: Hello handsome.

Nic: Hello beautiful. I have a question to ask you.

Y/N: And what might that be?

Nic: Would you like to come and do Grace's Not Too Deep Podcast with me gorgeous?

Y/N: I would absolutely love to do it with you.

Nic: Ok well I'm about to leave my apartment I'll be there in a second.

Y/N: Ok.

You then heard a knock at the door. You already knew who it was. You threw away your breakfast and turned off your tv and grabbed your phone and then you opened the door. You went up to him and put your arms around his neck and he put his strong arms around your waist.

Nic: Hey gorgeous.

He pecked you on the lips.

Y/N: Hey handsome.

You pecked him on the lips.

Nic: You ready to go beautiful?

Y/N: Yeah.

He took you by the hand and took you to the waiting car. When you got to the car he opened the door for you and you got in first and then he got in behind you and shut the door behind him.

Driver: Hello sir.

Nic: Hello mate.

Driver: Whose your friend?

Nic: This is Y/N.

Driver: Nice to meet you ma'am.

Y/N: Nice to meet you sir.

You and Nic took pics of the both of you in the back of the car and before you knew it you had arrived.

Driver: Here you are guys.

Nic: Thanks mate.

He opened the door and got out and then he helped you out of the car and closed the door and you guys made your way to the front door of the building. When you made it to the room where he will be doing a podcast he knocked on the door.

Camera man: Come in!

Nic: Hey mate.

Camera man: Hi are you looking for someone?

Nic: Yes I'm here to do a podcast with Grace.

Camera man: Yes she was expecting you. Grace your guest is here!

Grace: Nic so nice to finally meet you.

Nic: Nice to meet you too.

Grace: Who did you bring with you?

Nic: This is Y/N.

Grace: Nice to meet you.

Y/N: Nice to meet you.

Grace: Would you like to do the podcast with us?

Y/N: Oh I couldn't oppose.

Grace: Come on Y/N I'd love to have you.

Y/N: Oh no I couldn't-.

Nic: Please Y/N for me?

Y/N: Ok I'll do it.

They smiled and then you all got situated and it was time to start the podcast. You introduced yourself as well as Nic and you guys started talking. You joined in when you were asked and you had a lot of fun. Then it finally got down to the twitter questions and the last and final question wasn't a twitter question and that's what caught you off guard.

Grace: Ok so this last question isn't a twitter question.

Y/N: Ok. What is it?

Grace: Ok I'm wanting to know are you and Nic boyfriend and girlfriend? Seeing each other? Dating? Friends with benefits?

You had water in your mouth and you chocked on a little bit of it but you managed to hide that really well.

Grace: So?

Y/N: I-Um-We-Uh...

You turned to look at Nic and drank the rest of your water.

Nic: Were boyfriend and girlfriend.

You turned to look at him. He gave you the Just go with it look.

Grace: Oh how sweet how did you guys meet?

Y/N: I had just moved here and I had actually moved into the apartment across the hall from his.

Nic: I saw her struggling to go upstairs with a really heavy box and I helped her move her boxes into her apartment and I took her out to dinner that night.

Grace: That's so cute. Did you guys ever hang out?

Y/N: Yeah we did. The second night that I was in my apartment he came over and we hung out watched a movie and ordered pizza and then he asked me out on a date.

Grace: Oh that's so sweet of you Nic.

Nic: Yeah well I had to when it came to her.

Grace: Has he officially asked you to be his girlfriend yet?

Y/N: Not yet just waiting for the right time.

Grace: Nic you better ask her out soon buddy.

Nic: Oh I will and she doesn't even know it yet.

Grace: Well This has been Not Too Deep with Nic Hamilton and Y/N Y/L/N.

Nic: Thank you for having us.

The podcast ended and you took the pic of the two of them together and you and Nic left.

Y/N: Nic why did you say we were boyfriend and girlfriend? We've only been on one date and you haven't officially asked me out yet.

Nic: Y/N. I said that because I really like you and I can't stop thinking about you.

Y/N: I can't stop thinking about you either Nic.

Nic: Well now that we're both on the same page I have a question to ask you.

Y/N: Can this wait till we get to your apartment?

Nic: Yeah.

When you guys got to the building you went into his apartment and you sat down on the couch and you watched as he lit some candles and dimmed all of the lights in the living room and he came and sat down on the couch beside you.

Y/N: You may continue.

Nic: Right so my question is will you be my girlfriend?

Y/N: Nic I'd love to be your girlfriend.

Nic: Good now get over here.

Y/N: *Laughs* Oh we doing the nasty already are we?

Nic: *Laughs and winks at you* Maybe. No I just want to make out with you.

Y/N: Well then hop to it Mr. Hamilton.

Nic: Right away Ms. Y/L/N.


You and Nic have been making out for a while now and you love feeling his lips on yours. You were about to kiss him again when your phone rang and that made you pull away from him.

Y/N: Hello?

Ex: Hey.

Y/N: What do you want ass hole?

Ex: I'm in town and I wanted to come see you.

Y/N: Nope get your ass outta here and go back to where you came from. I don't want to see your ass ever again. And please quit calling me.

Ex: Oh come on you don't want to be my little slut again? My little whore? My bitch?

Y/N: You know what? Fuck you. Your a jerk and a dick that's why I broke up with you. I moved to get away from you.

Ex: Yeah well I knew you were a whore and a slut to begin with anyways.

Y/N: Goodbye ass hole.

Nic: Who was that?

Y/N: My Ex. I had broken up with him years ago. He knew I was here and he was wanting to come see me but I told him no.

Nic: Good your mine. But if I see this ass hole ex of yours I am hurting him.

Y/N: Ok. Now kiss me.

You guys started to make out again and then you got hungry. He ordered a pizza and you guys sat there and watched a movie until you fell asleep.

He carried you to his room and undressed you and then he undressed himself and he cuddled you. Before you could fully fall asleep you heard him whisper something in your ear.

Nic: I will protect you with my life I promise. Your safe with me. I'll always protect you always.

You then fell asleep with a smile on your face.

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