With you all over again

By An_arrogant_toe_rag

62.3K 1.2K 1.5K

A spell was cast towards them with a purpose to alter time for the worse unknowingly. When Harry Potter and G... More

(1) Are you kidding me?
(2) Sirius is free!
(3) Hogwarts
(5) Christmas of 1991
(6) The Philosopher's Stone
(7) Confrontation
Rewrite Attemp number 2 is up!

(4) First year, First term

4.3K 116 128
By An_arrogant_toe_rag

Harry groaned when he caught sight of his time table, double potions. He really wanted to get on Snape's good books, but seeing how his mortal enemy married his 'one love' and had a child with her, that child being Harry, that idea was out the window.

As Harry and Ron sat down, Snape fluttered in the cold dungeons, but unlike a graceful butterfly, he looked much like an overgrown bat.

He started the roll call of course, he stopped at Harry's name- "Ah yes.." he said softly, "Harry Potter. Our new - celebrity". Harry rolled his eyes as Draco and his cronies snickered behind their hands.

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion- making," he began in a whisper, "As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses ... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death – if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach." he sneered.

Silence ensued. Harry rolled his eyes again as he exchanged glances with Ron, with how much he's been rolling his eyes lately, he's a bit surprised they didn't remain stuck to his eyelids. Hermione looked like she was ready to prove she wasn't a dunderhead.

"POTTER!" he said suddenly, "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" he asked.

Harry grinned, he guessed his 1 year Auror training that consisted of pure potions won't be a waste, not minding that first years or N.E.W.T. students for that matter, were not supposed to know this at all, he replied, "You'd brew a sleeping potion so powerful that it is known as the draught of the living death and thank you for the condolences, according to Victorian Flower Language, asphodel is a type of lily meaning 'My regrets follow you to the grave' and wormwood means 'absence' and also typically symbolised bitter sorrow. If you combined that, it meant 'I bitterly regret Lily's death'."

The class looked at Harry in shock as they switched glances from him to the professor who looked stunned. He sneered, "that is correct Mr. Potter." through gritted teeth.

"Tell me then, where do I find a beozar?" he snarled, getting annoyed at the boy's knowledge and potential.

"Their pretty rare, you find them in a goat's stomach, they're a cure for most poisons." he retorted, leaning back on his chair and crossing his legs as the class continued to dart their glances to Harry then at the fuming professor.

"What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" he seethed, grinding his right shoe subtly on the ground.

"Ah-ah professor trick question, they're the same plant which also goes by the name aconite." he replied while running a hand through his hair, a habit he received from his father. He was doing it on purpose to annoy Snape and to remind him of James. Harry grinned softly at the fuming face of the professor.

"WELL?" he snapped, "WHY ARENT YOU ALL COPYING IT DOWN?" he growled, "As for you Mr. Potter, 10 points from Gryffindor for knowing things that you're not supposed to yet, only a full blown potioneer or Auror could get those questions right."

"Whatever" Harry muttered under his breath which did not go by unnoticed by Snape.

"Potter!," he snapped again, "don't talk like that to me, cheeky bugger you are!" he drawled.

"Like I'd listen to you? Who do you think you are? My father? Ha! You could only hope, Lilies and all.." he retorted, cool still in tact, although Snape looked like he could burst.

"Class dismissed!" he roared and grunted after, "not a word about that to anyone! or detention!"

As they exited the dungeons, people cheered and patted Harry on back aside from the Slytherins of course.

News travels fast in the halls of Hogwarts some students high-fiving him for pissing off Snape, some teachers even pulled him aside to praise him for his knowledge, although he felt like they were praising him for more than just that.

Charms was next and an excited Flitwick was infront of the class, checking the names of those present. His eyes landed on Harry as he signaled him to move forward. Harry sighed and reluctantly did so.

Having heard of his skill and knowledge in potions, Flitwick decided to check his knowledge on Charms. The tiny professor was stunned when Harry said he could do a Patronus Charm, causing the the jaws of fellow students who knew of the spell, to fly open. The professor asked him to demonstrate and so he did.

"Um..Mr Potter won't you need your wand?" Flitwick asked, an eyebrow raised. Harry either ignored him or didn't hear him as he trapped himself in his thoughts.

He thought of his wedding day, giggling with Ginny as they tried to tickle each other at the altar and their first dance as the Potters, he non verbally casted 'Expecto Patronum' while humming to Wonderwall by Oasis a.k.a. their wedding song.

A proud stag burst through Harry's finger tips, entrancing the whole room. His professor squealed, profusely praising for him his non verbal and wandless magic and advance knowledge on it. Harry could not help but turn bright pink from the attention.


Nothing really exciting happened the rest of the term, except show off more in the rest of his classes and repeating the remembrall incident' thus him becoming a seeker. He managed to get Ron and Hermione to be friends when Harry invited Hermione to tea with Hagrid along with Ron. Their friendship escalated quickly after the troll incident, now Harry suspects they already like each other by the way both would blush at the physical contact they would share.

He also offered to tutor Hermione, not that she needed any, but he wanted to share his knowledge, after all, without her the Wizarding World would've crumpled and they wouldn't last two days without her.

Harry of course, noticed professor Quirell's odd behavior but shrugged it off. He would destroy the stone anyway. He also noticed that Snape was extra moody these days, more so than the first time around, or maybe he was just really moody in general.

Who knows?

The first game of the Quidditch season went by and sure his broom was jinxed(again) but he was able to keep it stable and Hermione was able to cancel Quirrell's spell, but of course they expected Snape, which really wasn't a far off guess.


Sorry for the short chapter, I was planning to add Christmas of 1991 here but it went past 4000 words so I moved it to another chapter.

Don't forget to vote+ comment!

-Messrs toe-rag

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