The Last Chance

By BuchTraumFaenger

12.9K 455 104

What if Shen didn't get a second chance, instead the judge decides that he has to atone for his wrongs. More

1. Alive and Convicted
3. Alone Is Not Enough
4. What Happened This Night?
5. Slowly Humiliation
6. Attackers Around
7. Now What?
8. Somewhere On the Water and On the Land
9. Dangerous Eyes
10. Reluctance and Apprehension
11. At the Last Second
12. A Word
13. Distrust
14. In Danger
15. A Place to Hide
16. Royal Visit
17. Of Course Not!
18. The Alluring Smell of a Soup
19. Unplanned Visit
20. What Is What?
21. The Lord's Most-loved
22. Knife Edge
23. The Panda's Most Beloved - I Will Kill
24. The Goodness of a Foster Father
25. Blind Ambition
26. Alternative Ways
27. I Killed Her!
28. The Night After
29. Yes, Master
30. Welcome to the Valley of Peace
31. Out of the Sky
32. Close and Too Close
33. The Dragon Warrior Speaks
34. Cold Goodbye

2. For the Last Time

827 17 4
By BuchTraumFaenger

The following chapters weren't corrected by a beta reader. For this reason, grammar errors are always possible. Sorry for this.

Po yawned when he woke up this morning very early. It had past a few days after they came back from Gongmen City, and meanwhile he had to tell the story of his victory in the village over and over again. Tiredly, he rubbed over his face. He still felt very sleepy. There was something what he had seen in his dream. A bad dream.
While his friends were still sleeping, he walked outside, where Shifu made his tai chi relaxation training near the peach tree.
The sun hadn't appeared yet and the fog lay in the valley.
"Master Shifu?"
Master Shifu didn't interrupt his movements, but he raised his long ears. "Oh, so early, Dragon Warrior?"
"Um, yes. And I..."
Po rubbed his back head. "Well... aaand..."
Shifu's closed eye muscles tensed. "Yes, Po?"
"I didn't sleep well. I think, I... that means, I don't know. Maybe it was because of so much what happened in the city... or it was an urgent sign that I should have breakfast..."
"Po, what is it?" Master Shifu asked calmly but seriously.
"Eh... it was more a dream." He thought a moment. "A bad dream."
"About what?" Shifu asked, without interrupting his exercises.
Po waved his paw. "Uh, maybe it was one of the crazy dreams like my dad told me about noodles."
Shifu interrupted his practice and looked at him a little annoyed.
The panda sighed.
"I saw Shen."
Shifu froze and blinked.
"Related to what? What did you see?"
"Uh... is that important? Something wrong?"
"Po, just tell."
"Well, ehm... first I saw him sinking down endless deep dark water and then, suddenly he jumped out and stretched his feet in my face. After that I woke up. And tried to sleep again... and..."
"And I managed it." Po smiled.
Shifu narrowed his eyes more. "Po."
"Alright. But then... I stood in a dark room. Very dark. Then I saw Shen hanging about me in chains with... blood."
Po shivered. "Phew... at least I woke up and thought about noodles, but it didn't work. So, I stood up."
Shifu looked seriously. He turned around and walked away. "Alright then."
"Was that all?" Po asked in surprise. "No wise words or similar?"
"No," Shifu replied without to stop walking.
"But there is something," Po said and ran behind the little master. "I see it in your face, master." The panda placed himself in front of Shifu and walked backwards. "Why don't you want to tell me?"
"There is nothing."
"But there is something."
"But there must be some..."
"Po! It's enough!"
Po stopped in confusion.
"Let's talk about something more important," Shifu commented and walked to a place where they had a beautiful view above the village.
"Something more important?" Po asked a little worried.
"Po, I still don't know what but I feel something bad will come into our valley," Shifu said, lost in thought.
"What is it?" Po asked curiously.
Shifu walked along the rocks. "I don't know, but for this reason we have to take special care. Especially when the Festival of Peace will start in two weeks."
"Wohou!" Po cheered.
Shifu gave him a skeptical look. "Don't tell me you never heard..."
"Yes, yes, of course I did! Everyone in the village knows the story. I know it inside out. I had to make a speech about it in school. It's the most important festival of our village. Many years ago, there was a war on this landscape. Two village nations fought against each other. His high point came here to this place. Meanwhile, Master Oogway had found the kung fu and before the nations could defeat themselves, he made peace between them. Since this day, our village got its name. But if someone ever breaks the peace, this could be the end of the village."
Shifu clapped his hands in applause very slowly and unimpressed.
"Yes, Po," he said unemotionally and went in the Jade Palace. "But this time, it will be a little different."
"Now after the Dragon Warrior had appeared, you will have the most important part."
"Really? Wow! What have I to do? Guiding a parade? An eating contest? Or, or..."
"You will greet the two leaders of the two nations," Shifu interrupted. "They will come to greet the Dragon Warrior personally. There must not be any mistakes."
"Don't worry, master. I will greet them so well, that they will never want to leave us again."
He turned to the right site and looked into the empty air, as if he talked with an invisible person.
"Hi, I'm Po... uh no... Hello, I'm the Dragon Warrior, call me Po... no, no, no... call me Dragon Warrior... uhm, shall I say: "Welcome in Valley of Peace" first? Yes or no?"
Shifu didn't move a muscle and covered his face.
"No, wait, wait, wait, wait! Or what about "Welcome, I want to give you a hug of peace..." Ahhhgghg! I will make it, master! I will make it... I just need some practice."
"Po, be yourself, but polite."
"Oh, yes, yes. Veeeery polite. Because otherwise, it could be the end of our village... Really? The end? Master Shifu. That's just a rumor, isn't it? No?"
Shifu raised his hand. "Po, the best what..."
Suddenly the door opened and a palace goose came rushing in.
"Master Shifu! An express letter!"
He gave Shifu a paper roll and disappeared. Shifu opened and read it silently. Po saw how the face of him changed worried.
"Bad news, master?" Po asked carefully. "Anything about your family? A robbery? I'm ready...!"
"Shen survived."
Po froze.
"He was found near the harbor and..."
"The dream!" Po cried and ran around. "It was a vision! We have to close all doors! We have to bolt the windows!"
"Po! He is in prison."
Po relaxed. "Pheww, okay, in prison, good... prison..." Pictures of the end of his dream came back and his eyes grew wide with horror.
With a fast movement, he pried the letter away from Shifu.
"Hey!" Shifu complained in frustation. "You aren't allowed to...!"
Po eyed the letter fast.
"Maximum penalty?"
Shifu took the paper again.
"What will they do with him?" Po continued his questions.
"Po, some things should go unmentioned. The council decided to give Shen the maximum penalty."
"Uh, okaaaay. Good, eh. What does it mean?"
Shifu kept silent. He rolled up the roll of paper and walked away with slow steps while Po followed him.
"Are they going to kill him?"
"Po, you have to know, there are sometimes situations where you don't want to live."
Po guessed that it wasn't good. He kept silent until he opened his mouth hesitantly.
"Can I visit him?"
"No!" Shifu turned around and pointed the letter at him. "I know you are the Dragon Warrior, but you are still too young to see such kind of things. It's a process of pain and nearly death. They will keep him alive as long as he is in ability while he will be tortured."
Po swallowed.
"When do they want to do it?"
"Po! I said you stay here!"
"I only want to know when."
"I don't know. They only wrote, it will happen in a while. I guess that they want to give him time to recover to be strong enough. I know that it is an old rule there that a prisoner has to be in good condition."
Po tapped his fingertips together and looked at Shifu. "Uhm... Can I have a word with him?"
Shifu let hang his ears. "Po, he murdered your parents. Why do you want to see him?"
"I want to talk with him in peace. Just for the last time."
"You are his biggest enemy. I don't think that he wants to see you."
"He was the last one who saw my parents for the last time. I still have some questions. When we saw each other the last time, it was a little bit.. short. Just a few minutes at least."
Shifu watched him skeptically and sighed deeply.
"Po. I know your magnanimity and I appreciate it, but don't dare to contradict the council of Gongmen City. It's a done deal and can't be amended. Also an old rule there."
Po kept silent for a while, then he nodded.
Master Shifu narrowed his eyes. "Po. Promise it."
Po sighed. "I promise."
"Fine. In this case you have my permission to go. But! You have to be back in two weeks before the festival starts."

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