Another Broken Girl

Da Hopeless_Fangirl

111K 2.9K 338

"Why do you keep running away?" WARNING: CONTAINS SENSITIVE TOPICS Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61

Chapter 47

1.2K 40 10
Da Hopeless_Fangirl

Ali's POV

It's officially been two weeks since Isabelle found out. It wasn't the last time I saw here though. We've been going out together a lot lately. I don't know if it's because she feels sorry for me, or she wants me to know that she won't tell anyone. I don't want her pity, but I do hope she won't tell anyone. We've been out with the boys and they didn't say anything, or act weird around me, so I guess she kept it to herself. Thank god.

Although we went out with the guys, we didn't go out with all the boys. Which of course was Luke. I haven't talked, or seen him ever since the day I kicked him out my apartment. I want him to stay away, but every time I see the boys, I kind of hope that he's with them. But, it's not a big deal anyway. I told him to go away, and he did. Simple as that.

"Want to go out again?" Isabelle asks through my phone. "It's the weekend, so don't say that you're buzzy because I know you're going to be alone in your apartment. Probably watching TV all day alone."

"I don't have a TV." I say sitting down on my bed taking a full spoon of Nutella into my mouth.

"Then you're probably going to be eating Nutella alone on your bed. I look down at the jar of Nutella sitting on my lap. I quickly put the lid on it.

"I don't see what's so wrong with that."

"Oh, shut up. C'mon. Let's have fun tonight. I also heard it's your birthday." she says.

"I was hoping you forgot." I say honestly.

"C'mon. It'll be fun. It's just another reason to party our asses off." she says. I can hear her excitement beaming out of my phone.

"We're going to a party?" I groan.

"Maybe." she laughs.

"I don't know. We've been hanging out quite a lot."


"You aren't hanging out with me because-" I pause, "you know." A silence fills the air and I can't help to feel nervous.

"No." She finally says. "Anyways, are you coming or not? Because it would kind of suck to go to a birthday party without the birthday girl."

"Oh, so there's a party set for me?" I laugh.

"Of course not. Who the fuck cares to throw you a party?" she laughs and I laugh along.

"I'll come." I finally agree.

"Good. Fix your face, and I'm going to bring you a dress to wear." she says excitedly.

She hangs up and I begin to take a shower. When I'm done I blow dry my hair and make loose, bouncy curls in my long hair. Then I start my makeup. Simple, but very "hot." according to the one time I did this style when I was going out with Andy, Skylar, and Jess.

"Open the door bitch!" I hear Isabelle yell and bang on my door.

"I have neighbors, you know!" I say when I open the door.

The next day after she found out I saw her come out of Hunter's apartment. I found it odd that she was with Hunter on her free time, but I didn't bother to ask about it. The next thing I remember was waking up next to Isabelle with empty alcohol bottles scattered around us. She claims we had those kind of sleepovers where two people bond and have a bunch of fun, except we had a lot to drink. It makes sense since I woke up without the memory of the night and a massive headache.

"Whatever. Here, put this on." she says throwing a long sleeved, tight, black dress at me.

I went into the bathroom and put it on making sure not to mess up my hair, or make-up. It ended at mid-thigh. It didn't have a pattern, but it still looked great. I like wearing solid clothes. It just makes it easier to match it with stuff. I guess Isabelle picked that up.

"Alright. Let's go." I say grabbing my purse and unplugging my phone.

"Oh, wait." she says as I grab black high heels from my only closet.

"What?" I ask putting it on.

"Damn." she says observing me. "You look hot."

"Whatever. Let's go." I smile opening the door.

"Hey, ladies." Hunter says as he gets out of his apartment as well.

"You look nice. Where are you going?" I ask.

"With you guys." he smiles.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." I apologize.

"Oh, Ali. By the way I invited Hunter." Isabelle says joining our conversation.

"Okay, well let's go." I say.

"Where are we going?" I ask as we all go into Isabelle's car. Me sitting in the passenger seat, and Hunter sitting in the back.

"A club. It's pretty sick." She says beginning to drive.

"Ah," I say, "because that's so what I want to do."

"It should be. You're finally 18." She says as she begins to drive.

The ride was short and we found a close parking spot. The wait to go into the club wasn't long either. It was like I had birthday magic or something.

"Um, Issy?" I say.

"Hmm?" She says.

"Are the boys going to be here?' I ask as we enter the club.

"Ali! Over here!" I hear a voice call out to me. I turn my head to see the boys and girls sitting at a table near the bar.

"Was I not supposed to?" She asks.

"No, it's okay." I reassure her. "It's just that, I don't want to-"

"Ali, you can't let your past haunt you and make you shut out everyone." She says putting a hand on my shoulder. "You know what I mean, right?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I got it." I say.

She's right. I let my past ruin everything for me. I didn't finish high school, I won't let people come close to me, I even only go outside my house only to go to work because I'm too scared to do anything else. It's about time that I started having some fun for myself. I'm 18 now. I can do what I want, whenever I want.

"Hey guys!" I scream over the loud music. "I feel like I haven't seen you three in forever!" I say embracing Skylar, Andy, and Jessie into a genuine, warm hug.

"Because it has been forever!" Jessie laughs.

"Drink up, birthday girl!" Andy says handing me a shot. They begin to chant. I can't help but laugh then drink ever last drop of the shot. I hissed at the bitter taste burning my throat. They all cheered drinking their own drinks as well.

"Wow, it feels so different to drink legally." I say causing them to laugh.

"Well, that's the first of many shots tonight, Hun." Skylar laughs. I have a feeling that she had a couple drinks before we came.

We all go to the dance floor wildly with drinks in our hands. The smell of sweaty bodies and sticky beer were strong, but it couldn't be any better. The sight of our smiling faces looked somehow brighter and genuine than any other night. Tonight is the night I let go and enjoy everything I couldn't before.

When my bottle emptied out I go back to the bar to get another drink. I stumble a few times, but eventually make it. The bartender looked at me with amusement, and I simply flashed him a smile.

"What can I get you?" he smiles.

"Surprise me," I pause to read his name tag, "T- Ta-"

"Taylor." he laughs. "And will do." he begins to mix liquids together and shake them without taking his eyes off me.

"Here you go," he begins but stops.

"Ali." I confirm to him.

"Ali." he says with a smile. "That's a nice name." he says sliding the drink to me.

I bring the glass to my lips and take a sip. It was actually very good. It wasn't anything I've tried before. It was fruity with some sort of kick to it.

"It's my own creation." he says.

"It's good." I say drinking more. "I was actually a bartender too."

"Oh, really?" he says impressed.

"Yep. Managed two years full of stuck up girls and horny guys." I joke.

"How old are you?" he asks.

"Celebrating my 18th birthday right now." I say tracing the rim of the glass with my fingertip.

"Can I just say one thing?" he asks.

"Go ahead." I nod taking another long sip.

"You are very beautiful." he says.

"Are you saying that because my boobs are popping out, or my dress is so, so tight?" I ask cocking up an eyebrow.

"You're very blunt." he laughs.

"And you aren't?" I ask earning another laugh from this tall, tan boy.

"I was being serious." he says. "You are very beautiful."

"You're not so bad yourself." I admit.

"Here. You should go back to your friends." he says putting a short white flower in my empty cup.

"Wow," I begin, "do you keep a stash of flowers down there for every pretty face you see?" I chuckle picking up the flower.

"Oh, certainly," he jokes, "see you around." he winks then goes to help another customer.

I walk away from the bar out of Taylor's sight. I stare at the flower sitting on my hand. I feel a little bit of guilt build up in me. I don't really know why, but it was there. I found myself frowning at the beautiful flower.

"Hey! Ali! Over here!" I hear Michael yell from the table we were sitting at before. I feel my frown disappear as I walk towards the group. And somehow, the flower fell out of my hand.

"It's time for you to drink more." Ashton says. I look at the table to see shots filling the whole table.

"Oh guys, I think I might throw up after drinking all of those." I laugh.

"It'll be a good show." Calum jokes making me laugh.

"So, basically you have to drink these as fast as you can." Andy says. I nod in understandment and sit down next to her.

"Ready, set, go!" Sky yells.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" They all chant as I drink them as fast as I could. I surprisingly drank them fast. Even though the alcohol was burning my throat, I kept going. A little spilled on me, but I didn't care I just chuckled.

"Wow." Michael says when I finish the last one.

"How did you do that?" Calum asks.

"I don't know." I shrug wiping my mouth.

"How do you feel?" Jess asks.

"I feel like we should be dancing right now!" I say grabbing her arm and dragging her to the dance floor with me. The rest followed too.

Once we began dancing I noticed something. Luke was nowhere to be seen. I tried not to make it obvious as I look for him. It's not surprising that he isn't here, but I guess I was secretly wishing he was here. I was there for his birthday, why isn't he here?

"Hey!" I hear a voice call from behind me. I turn around to see the boy that was bartending.

"Oh, hey-" I started to say.

"Taylor." he screams over the music.

"Right, sorry. Taylor." I say.

"This goes out to the couples out there." the DJ says in the microphone. A slow song begins to play and for the first time tonight, I can hear people without them having to scream.

"May I have this dance?" he asks then teasingly bows.

"Of course." I say with a smile. He wraps his hands around my waist gently.

"Aren't you supposed to be giving people their orders and hitting on desperate women?" I ask.

"I got off. Plus I wanted to talk to you some more." he smiles.

"Oh please!" I laugh.

"What is up with you?" he asks with humor, but serious.

"What do you mean?" I ask my eyebrows stitching together.

"You're act. I know you're not really like that." he says.

"I'm not acting." I shake my head.

"I can see right through you." he says looking at me straight in the eyes, but I just look away.

"Oh, yeah right." I scoff.

"Is there someone?" he asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you like someone?" he asks as if it was obvious.

"What? No." I say taking a sip out of my beer bottle that I was holding.

"There is someone." he says. "And it's probably really complicated, bluh, bluh, bluh." he says and I chuckle.

I couldn't help but think of Luke.

"I-" I begin.

"It's okay. I get it. Been there- actually, I am there." he says.

"Oh really?" I ask in interest.

"Yeah, Wendy." he smiles, "we've went through a lot. Long distance, cheating, sexuality-"

"Sexuality?" I almost laugh.

"Oh, go ahead laugh." he chuckles, "it was her, not me."

"Oh, sure it was." I laugh.

"Anyways," he laughs, "I could run away with her, and I know it sounds crazy, but she doesn't see what she does to me. She's just so great, and I wouldn't let her go for anything even though we go through shit."

"Ali! We're leaving now, Michael threw up. Coming?" Skylar asks.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Taylor. I have to go. I hope you and Wendy work things out." I tell him giving him a hug.

"Oh, we will. We're meant to be. I know it." he tells me with a smile.

As I'm about to leave he taps my shoulder.

"Hey, I hope you guys work out too, you know, whoever he is." he says.

"It's Luke." I say proudly. "His name is Luke." Then, I left the club with a smile that couldn't leave my face.

Author's Note-

I hope you liked that little All Time Low reference there (;

-Olivia (:

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