Mice||Takashi Morinozuka Love...

By GabbieVantas

33.1K 864 69


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

1.8K 43 1
By GabbieVantas

        The sun was blazing high in the sky when we arrived at Okinawa. The twins ran off immediately, taking out a volleyball and inviting guests' to play with them. Honey and Takashi went swimming, and Tamaki sat on a large rock that overlooked the ocean with a guest. Kyoya was close behind, making sure the girls knew when they got their turn with Tamaki. I was walking over to Haruhi when Honey ran to me and pulled my arm. He was shouting, telling me I should swim with him, Takashi, and their guests. I sighed and gently pulled my arm away before tugging off my tank top and shorts to reveal the bright blue two piece Takashi picked out. I threw them and my flip-flops into my bag and set my bag next to Haruhi before running after Honey. We were having fun, swimming like normal people and throwing a ball around, when Honey, Takashi, and a couple of guests started doing a weird dance. I stood there for a minute staring at them when I spotted a crab by a small cliff. I ran over and picked it up, then held it above my head and shouted to Honey," Look at this Honey! Maybe we can find a few more!" I said with a smile. Honey's face lit up like a Christmas tree and he ran over to inspect the crab. He started running around and collecting things before setting down a few pails and shovels. He grabbed my hand and pulled me over then sat on his knees in the sand. "Come on on Yuka-chan, lets go hell-fish shunting!"

        "I think you mean Shell-fish hunting."

        I sat next to him and took a shovel. We had gathered a bunch when Tamaki came over. I stood up and smiled at him. "Hello Tamaki-senpai. Look at this, I didn't even know Okinawa had shell-fish!" I exclaimed with wide, animated hand motions. He smiled a bit before pointing up a large rock. "It doesn't." He replied. I looked to him, then the rock, then shrugged and started to climb. When I got the top I looked over and saw Kyoya's special police force unloaded shell-fish by the bucket. I sweat-dropped then jumped down. "They wanted to make it up to Honey for getting him confused with you." He said once I returned to the base of the hill. "Say Yuki, isn't this crab, crab-tacular?" He asked while holding up a crab. Then, a centipede crawled around the base of it's head. They guests were freaking out and running around while yelling, and Tamaki looked flustered because he caused such a fuss. I sighed and grabbed the centipede before throwing it on the big rock. "Don't you think-" "That's a little cruel Yuki." "Hmm?" I looked at them and smiled. "It takes a lot more than that to kill a centipede." I said with a shrug as I turned to walk away. They followed me and then asked me what I was afraid of. I snorted," Like I would tell you guys, you'd never stop trying to scare me once you found out." I said before leaving them behind and going back to Honey, who had persuaded Haruhi to come over while I was gone. 


        "Hey, why don't you pick on someone that can fight back?! I thought only cowards went after someone who can't defend themselves!" I threw a rock at the thugs head to get his attention, which caused him to let go of the girl he was keeping hostage. "Hey look, another one came to play." He slurred to his friend with a drunken smirk. I frowned at him and picked up another rock. "You wanna play, then lets play." I threw the rock at the other thug which caused him to let go of the guests. "Run, now! Get help." I told them as thug #1 lunged at me. I met his waist with full force, thrusting my fist into his stomach. However, while I was distracted, thug#2 came up from behind me and picked me up, his large hands on my exposed waist. "Your not so tough! How about you go for a swim!" He then thrust my body over the edge of the cliff. I turned just in time to see Honey, Kaoru, and Takashi run up to were I was standing. I smiled a bit and continued to fall, not like I had a choice in the matter. Takashi ran forward and jumped after me. He reached his hand toward me and I clawed through the air to get to him, but we were just to far apart. Then, my back came into contact with the cold, dark water. The impact took my breath away, then in a second I was completely submerged. I was surrounded by darkness and I felt frozen to the bone, but I could still see Takashi. I may have been frozen and drifting to the bottom of the ocean, but I wasn't frightened. It was almost peaceful. I saw Takashi reach his hand out to me and smiled. I slowly began to lift my hand, but the cold water had entered my lungs, and I was losing consciousness quickly. I caught a small glimpse of an onyx eye before disappearing into a darkness more unforgiving then the one I was already submerged in.


        Suddenly I was a lot colder then before, my only warmth coming from something near me. It came ever few seconds and didn't last long. It hit my left cheek perfectly. I parted my lips and tried my hardest to open my eyes, and didn't succeed for several seconds. Finally, my eyes opened and I saw the host club standing on the beach a few feet away from me. I heard a low grumble, then Kyoya speaking. "I've sent the girls home and called a doctor." He explained as we reached the sand. I scowled and forced my legs out of Takashi's grip so that I could stand on my own. "I don't need a doctor Kyoya. I just fell off a cliff, it's no biggie. People do it all the time for sport." I forced a small smirk and then couched a bit before straitening out and looking at the angry Host Club before me. "How could you be joking at a time like this you idiot! Why did you even go up there! It was dangerous, you could have been seriously hurt, or worse! If Takashi hadn't had come so quickly you would have drown! You made everyone worry and you just laugh it off?! I can't believe you!" Tamaki had his hands on my shoulders now. "Just...... I don't.... why did you confront those boys? We wouldn't be able to go on if you had....... IDIOT!" Tamaki had his head on my shoulder and was obviously trying not to cry. I gently pushed him off of me and smiled. "Tamaki, I'm fine. Nothing happened and nothing would have happened. You don't know as much about me as you think you do. I can hold my own! I may not be a star in kendo like Takashi but I can still defend myself! And it doesn't matter than the were boys! Gender has nothing to do with strength! You guys are the real idiots!" I found myself yelling, I was so angry at them. I was defending their guests wasn't I? And nothing happened anyway. I'm here now and I'm fine. Suddenly, Hikaru was standing in front of me with his hand raised in the air. I was too stunned to react and would have been hit if Kaoru didn't swoop in and stop his twin. "He's right. You are stupid." Takashi said while looking me in the eyes. I frowned, then giggled a bit and shook my head. I was almost laughing. My actions always get me in horrible situations. I always tear people apart but won't admit it. I pushed through them and walked to my stuff, grabbed my tank top and shorts and putting them on before walking to the limo. The others followed my example minutes later, and came to the limo to see me inside reading. Nobody said a word the entire trip home.

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