Truth be told ||Kellic

By EternalRainbowsXo

256 9 6

It was cold. The chill crept under Vic's jacket, goosebumps rising on his skin. He sighed, cursing himself fo... More



18 1 0
By EternalRainbowsXo

"H-how do you know?" Vic wasn't too shocked to hear about Kellin reproductive organs, but he was surprised that he was with child. "Who's is it?"

Kellin was somewhat relieved that Vic didn't freak out but he was still on the edge. "I think it's a little obvious, " he raised his shirt up a bit, showing that he indeed had a bump there.  He lowered his hand, letting his fingertips trace gently on his skin. He sighed. "That guy you saw back there." He spoke lowly. He didn't want to really say it, not at all. He'd rather forget it or think that he did that himself or some shit. He didn't want to think about everything, especially now that he had a moment away, hopefully permanently.

"Ricky's the dad?" Vic said in slight shock, though he didn't raise he voice because he didn't want to frighten the boy. "Was it consensual?"

Kellin nodded.

"Yeah. Can we, " he cleared his throat. "Can we go in, please? I'm quite tired." He exhaled, turning to Vic. And Vic could see that he was tired if his heavy, red eyes were something to go by, or how dark it was underneath his eyes.

"Let me go get the keys, yeah?" Vic was looking at him a little worried about whether he would be okay waiting but didn't dive deep into though.

Kellin nodded.

"I'll just be a second." Vic whispered before stroking Kellin's shoulder. He shut the door, locking the car for Kellin's protection.

He rushed up to the entrance, seeing that the place was quite old but kept. He smiled at the old lady on the counter.

"Hi, I'd like to ask for a room with two, " he stopped for a second. Ricky? Oh shit. "Three beds, please?"

"We only have two beds either room, dear. You can take two rooms instead."

"Yeah, yeah that's fine, " he nodded. After that, they did what they had to do and Vic was about to sign up when he stopped. He didn't want them to be found. He signed the paper.

"Uh, thank you," the lady took the paper, glancing at it. "Mr. Brook."

The lady handed him the two keys. "Thank you." He said before walking away to get Kellin.

He jogged up to the car, unlocking it. He opened the driver door, sitting down.

"Here, boo," he handed Kellin the key. "You think you'll be okay until we get back? Actually, take this too," he turned around, grabbing the bat that was on the back seat and handling it to Kellin. "You'll take Sprite? Y'know, for company?"

Kellin gave Vic a look of love, the first one he's given apart from with Ricky. "Okay." He nodded.

"There's a lift so you don't have to take the stairs. Sprite will probably sit in your pocket."

Kellin smiled a little, nodding. "Okay, " he whispered. "Good luck, and," he gulped a little, opening the door of the car. "Please get back." He pleaded softly. Maybe he felt selfish to ask but he needed Vic right then.

"I will, I promise," he nodded firmly towards Kellin. The taller one exhaled. He stepped away from the car, closing the door as Vic started it. He left one hand rest on his stomach and bit his lip. He raised one hand at Vic, that was taking away, as a silent goodbye.

Vic drove off, smiling that Kellin is finally safe. He followed the audible satnav back to the house. "Just hang in there." Granted, he was talking about Kellin and Ricky.

He arrived after a while of silence at the neighborhood, where he parked at the end of the street once again. He got off the car, grabbed the other bat and jogged up to the house.

He pushed the door open, seeing Ricky sitting on the floor with a photo.

"Hey, we gotta go," he spoke lowly. Ricky turned to look at him. He looked troubled. "Ricky? We're leaving."

"Ricky. Come on." He was resistant.

"I don't think I can," he spoke softly. "He'll come after us and... I can't let that happen," he shook his head slowly.

"Wait, is he in here?" Vic asked as he lifted Ricky up under his shoulder.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Vic. You have to leave. Now." He looked actually apologetic. He gulped, pushing Vic away. "Tell Chris I miss him, yeah?" And Vic's head finally caught up with it. Maybe he was a little too slow, but fuck. Ricky was his Ricky. Fuck.

He thought for a moment. "Chris is expecting you back." Given that was a slight lie, but he needed to get him out of there.

He thought for a moment. "Chris is expecting you back." Given that was a slight lie, but he needed to get him out of there.

"You don't understand, Vic," Ricky whispered. "Things are already hellish enough. We don't need them all after us. Especially not now with Kellin like that." He exhaled. He dragged Vic to the door, pushing him out. He gripped the door and the photograph on his hand until his knuckles were white. "I love you, I love Chris and I love Kellin. Don't forget that. Now go before they come back."

"I'll save you. I promise." Vic whispered as Ricky nodded, gulping as he shut the door.

He knew that the police would be shit at helping so who'd be better to help other than someone he knew? He gulped, stepping away from the house. He grabbed his phone and tapped a few numbers on it, raising to his head and waiting for the person to pick up. They did.

"Hey! I need your help."

"What's up?" Answered the voice on the other end of the line.

"So... You said to call you if I ever needed to disappear for a while, right? I guess now's the time to ask for that favor." Vic spoke then gulped. He walked up to his car and sat on the bonnet. He licked his lips.

"Is it just you, you know what they can be like if a new face comes around."

"You don't understand. If this person doesn't disappear, it might be sudden death for them. I need you to help."

"You know what will happen. You'll get the brunt of it." Negotiated the voice in the other end. "But, as it's a matter of life and death, I'll do what I can."

Vic sighed and hummed. "Just make sure he disappears to everyone but me. Nobody else can know." He stood up, walking to the driver seat, opening the door and climbing in the car. "I know you're tracking me right now," a faint chuckle came from the other side. "and it helps. The one that gotta be protected is in house 74. Keep him safe no matter what."

"You have my word." Came the voice on the other end. Vic thanked him before hanging up, buckling his seatbelt. His hands held the steering wheel, sighing.

He bit his lip, giving the house a last glance before he was turning the engine on and getting the hell out of that place.

He knew where he was going, straight back to Kellin to care for him and their child.

After a few minutes, he arrived at the motel. He parked in front of the room they were staying before he gulped and turned the car off. He left it, jogging up to the room and knocked on the door.

"Hey Kellin, I'm back."

"It's open." Called the boy from within.

He opened the door, walking into the room.

"Hey," he greeted before he closed the door behind him. He sighed internally at the confusion on the man's face.

"What's up?" He asked, noting the boy's face.

"Where's Ricky?" Vic cringed, knowing he was going to ask.

"Complicated. You don't need to worry,"

"Vic? You said you were gonna get him, " Kellin pointed out, "did something happen to him? Oh my God, they took him, didn't they? Oh fuck, no no no," Kellin bit on his nails, staring at a random spot of the room.

Vic obliged without question, sitting next to his boy

Kellin groaned, pushing Vic down on the bed and wrapped his arm around him, pulling his back to his chest. His other hand went to his hair just to mess with it for the sake of it. Then, after a few moments, Kellin spoke again.

"Thank you for trying."

Vic smiled at the boy's statement. "You're welcome." Whispered he quietly.

Kellin hummed, closing his eyes and twisting a piece of Vic's curls on his fingers. He was tired, so tired, and he felt like he could fall asleep there without having to wake up either screaming or by screaming. He yawned soundlessly.

Vic laid down, pulling the innocent boy with him. "You get some rest." Said he as he stroked the soft stands of raven hair.

He rose, but a hand grabbed his wrist. "Please, don't leave me. Ricky always used to cuddle me to sleep."

"Okay," Vic whispered back. He lied back down, arm aroun Kellin's middle and leg in between his.

"Sing to me."

"Uh... I don't know what to sing," Vic chuckled. "Oh no, wait, I know," he cleared his throat and with the deepest voice he could muster up, he sang. "Hello there, the angels from my nightmares," and he smiled at Kellin.

Their eyes locked as Kellin hummed along.

Vic smiled even bigger and he kept singing, burying his face on Kellin's shoulder once they got on the chorus and Kellin sang a little bit.

His voice was so beautiful, like a lullaby, angelic.

The boy moaned, liking the feeling.

Vic opened his eyes, looking up at Kellin. His thumb kept moving.

He wanted to question but didn't. Kellin looked so peaceful, probably the most he has in ages.

Kellin had closed his eyes. His breathing was even and he was barely unconscious. He was exhausted, so he let himself sleep. He just hoped he wouldn't be forced to wake up this time to figure out that it was all a dream.

His thumb continued moving, shushing the boy lightly.

Once Kellin fell asleep, Vic thought that he could follow after. It was a great idea indeed. But he had to call Chris.

Grabbing his phone from his back pocket, he dialed Chris' number, gently getting out of the bed, making sure he didn't wake the sleeping boy.

He sighed, going to the bathroom.

"Hey," he spoke once Chris picked up the phone.

"How's everything?" Chris asked frantically

He sighed again. He let his body rest back against the door, closing his eyes. "Kellin's... Okay. He's asleep right now and... Ricky... He'll be fine, that's a promise."

"You found them? How?"

"Got back in that house. They were still there." Vic hummed.

"Well, at least that's one good thing."

"Sort of, yeah. We didn't get Ricky, though. But he's gonna be safe. And you? You okay?"

"He's alive?" Chris asked, gulping.

"Yeah," Vic replied quietly. "You didn't answer my question, though." He got away from the door, standing near the sink.

"Sorry, yeah, I'm okay. You?"

"Yeah. I'm so relieved," Vic sighed. "I'm gonna go now. I'm waiting for a call to know that Ricky's safe."

"Okay, just please bring him back."

"I-" he gulped and closed his eyes, head falling back. "I'll try. Don't worry." He breathed out. He wasn't sure whether he would be able to really bring Ricky back but he'll give his life if he has to. He quickly ended the call, taking a moment to breathe. He splashed water on his face and put his phone away before he went back to the room.

The boy was still passed out, blanket resting under his chin. Vic walked over to him, laying down and cuddling into the other. His gentle hands caressed the others cheek. He was gorgeous.

Vic closed his eyes and rested his head on his Kellin's shoulder. "I'm sorry it all had to be this way," he said softly. He knew Kellin wasn't listening and that kind of was the whole point. He sighed, squeezing his eyes tightly.

Sleep took over him, though he couldn't dream. It was black he saw.

He jolted quickly when he heard cries beside him. He looked around frantically before remembering it all. He sighed sadly and let his hand rest on Kellin's back softly, though the latter jumped at his touch. He gulped a little bit. "Hey," he whispered softly.

He looked around, noticing that what he saw in he head was all just an illusion. "H-hey." He stuttered back.

Vic leaned slowly against Kellin, feeling him tense up. Vic waited until he relaxed before he slowly got his arms around Kellin's middle. He knew better than to ask whether he was okay, knew that he wouldn't want to talk about it either and if he wanted, he would. So Vic just stayed quiet.

Without thinking, Kellin grabbed Vic's hands, lacing their fingers together.

Vic sighed and hummed. He kissed softly Kellin's shoulder, resting his head on it.

"I missed this." Kellin whispered.

"I missed you," Vic whispered back.

Kellin smiled, nuzzling his face into Vic's shoulder.

Vic sighed tiredly. "We should go back to sleep."

Kellin nodded, climbing on top of Vic, straddling his waist before laying down and burying his head in the others shoulder.

Vic giggled quietly, resting one hand on top of Kellin's back and the other kept playing with his hair. In no time both of them were asleep.

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