
By CorderoPack

4.5K 253 45

Quirky, Ricky Vera is unexpectedly sent to Durango, Colorado to spend the summer with his uncle. The fourtee... More

Death and Beginnings
Changes & Heartbreak
Ricky Vera
Uncle Steve
Welcome to Durango
Into the Woods
The Incident
There's a Wolf in the Basement
In Need
Strangers at the Door
Hiding the Truth
Lying Low
Moment of Truth
A Week Later
Four-Legged Thief
Interspecies Communication
The Map
Silver Lining
Getting to Know You
Getting to Know You Part II
The Gift
The Bloodfang
Escape & Rescue
The Promise of a Bloodfang

The Return of the Men in Black

76 6 1
By CorderoPack


Ricky hummed as he walked through the woods. Several days had passed since Ricky had given Feral his gift, well... Ricky liked to think of it as two gifts; the pendant and his identity as a Bloodfang.

Feral had also given Ricky a gift that day. He now called him Ricky. Their relationship had altered. Walls had crumbled and a bond of trust was born. Theirs was a real friendship now.

Carrying the bag over his shoulder with his art supplies, Ricky carefully ducked under a low lying branch. This particular branch belonged to a tree with a log symbol. They were going to meet in the small clearing today and Ricky was following the map as Feral had instructed.

Ricky was happy. Feral and he had shared so much over the last couple of weeks. They traipsed through the woods most days. Ricky was no longer scared of them. He knew his way around pretty good thanks to Feral and he knew what secrets hid in their depths but he also knew he had the Bloodfang on his side. His presence, always near, a mind call away, gave Ricky a sense of security that had been missing.

On the very rainy days they stayed inside at his uncle's house. Feral did not mind the rain but Ricky preferred to stay dry. He especially did not like to be outside if there was thunder or lightening. The booming noise, when inside was difficult enough for Ricky without enduring it in the cold wetness outdoors, unprotected by any man made shelter.

They talked a lot on those days. Feral had started sharing more and more of himself with Ricky. He confessed to Ricky about his mother and how she had died and about how much he loved her and she loved him. He had even told Ricky about his beginnings as Hidden Paw, an unwelcome runt with an unloving father. Life for him, Ricky thought, had been difficult. He couldn't imagine being attacked by a vampire and changed so fundamentally that his family, or in Feral's case, his pack would threaten to kill him and did in fact banish him.

Ricky had lost his father but he couldn't imagine losing his mother, too. He couldn't imagine being alone and no longer himself and surviving as Feral had. He was an amazing creature, Ricky thought. He was proud to call Feral his friend.

Feral too, seemed very fond of Ricky. On one rainy afternoon Feral had told Ricky that because of him, his compassion, bravery, and acceptance of a monster, that Feral was now able to open himself to their friendship. He had laughingly told Ricky that he did not know human's had such powers. Ricky had blushed. He had never thought of himself as powerful or brave in his entire life. The fact that Feral described him this way meant the world to Ricky. Through Feral's golden woofy eyes, Ricky could see himself differently and he was starting to like what he saw. He was starting to accept that being different, just being himself, was pretty darn good, quirks and all.

Ricky smiled in complete contentment. The summer was theirs! Nothing could go wrong now!


Ricky jumped at the sudden noise as if someone had stepped on a twig and broken it. He looked down at his feet, knowing the noise hadn't come from under him but hoping anyway that it was him. As he expected, there was nothing under his boot that would have made that sound.

Ricky looked back up and glanced around the forest. He was starting to get a really bad feeling! Ricky lifted his foot up to start retracing his steps. He needed to leave and now!

"Why hello." A voice sing-songed into the silence before Ricky could take a step.

Ricky whirled to his right to where he had heard the voice. His stomach dropped. Two men dressed fully in black stepped out of the shadows. Two men Ricky had encountered once before!

"Well isn't this a surprise!" the shorter man chirped in a happy-go-lucky tone.

Ricky wasn't fooled. His stomach flip-flopped. It was Darius and Fletcher, the two men that had shown up at his uncle's house when he had first arrived. What were they doing here, in the middle of the woods? And why did he have to be alone?

"Remember us?" Fletcher asked in a cheery tone. Darius just grinned at him. Ricky wondered if Darius knew that his grin was anything but friendly. Ricky thought he might.

Ricky wanted to run but he stayed where he was and answered their question instead. Even if he ran, he couldn't outrun them. Maybe, he thought, if he just played along they would eventually leave as they had done several weeks ago. "Yes," he said. "You're those guys from V.A.M.P. right?" Ricky froze as he answered. Oh my gosh, he thought! V.A.M.P... as in...vamp. It was too much of a coincidence. Ricky's legs started shaking but he stood his ground. They had not hurt him before. Maybe he would be lucky this time as well.

"Correct you are!" Fletcher stated pointing a gloved finger at Ricky. "Smart one, this is," he said glancing over at Darius with his toothy... pointy and toothy grin!

"What are you doing here?" Ricky stammered out, scared out of his wits, not really knowing what to do and unable to act normal. He consoled himself with the fact that most likely no one would be able to act even the tiniest bit normal in this situation. It wasn't a normal kind of thing!

"Why we are looking for wildlife. What else would members of V.A.M.P be doing?" Fletcher asked innocently.

Ricky frowned suddenly as he recalled what Fletcher had told him about the V.A.M.P. "I thought they only went after huge animals that trespassed near human homes?"

Fletchers grin faltered a little before he quickly regained his composure. "Exploring and trekking wild animals is also part of what we do," he explained before narrowing his eyes at Ricky and asking. "What are you doing out here in the woods all by yourself?" he asked, looking around himself. "You are alone, aren't you?" he asked suspiciously.

Ricky gulped. He had a sinking suspicion of his own. He had a pretty good notion that they were searching for Feral and had been following Ricky in hopes of finding him. Ricky sent a silent prayer of thanks that Feral had not arrived early today, as he usually did. Miracles did happen.

"I'm just hiking, sir," Ricky finally answered, trying his best to look innocent.

Fletcher raised a brow and pointed a finger at the bag hanging over Ricky's shoulder. "What's in your bag?"

"I like to draw nature so I bring my sketchbook and pencils with me in case I see something while I am hiking," he answered.

"No water?" he queried. "Surely you need to bring water on a...hike?" he asked in mock concern.

"I have a bottle in my bag," Ricky answered, feeling his gut twisting into knots, as Fletcher and Darius started walking over to him. "You know," Ricky said, almost at his breaking point. "I really should probably leave."

Ricky turned and took one step back in the direction of his Uncle Steve's house but Fletcher's strong hand reached out and grabbed Ricky by the shoulder, holding him in place. Ricky jumped at both the sudden contact and the speed with which Fletcher moved. The man started to lead Ricky to the other direction

"Now, now!" Fletcher was saying as he maneuvered Ricky along with him. "How about we walk through the woods together. I'm sure a nature lover such as yourself would appreciate accompanying other fans of nature, now wouldn't you?"

"No," Ricky said softly then repeated, "No!" much louder and stronger, tearing himself away from Fletcher's grip. "My uncle will be looking for me," Ricky gasped out backing away from the two men. "He's a hunter by the way," Ricky added, still walking backward. "He hunts really big game," Ricky assured them, hoping it would scare the men away. After all who would want to mess with somebody who carried a gun?

By some miracle, the second one that day for Ricky, the mentioning of his uncle and his gun had the desired effect. Fletcher stopped stalking Ricky. He stood in place for a long minute staring at Ricky, obviously doubting his words but not sure if he should take a chance and risk it. Thankfully for Ricky, Fletcher apparently wasn't feeling lucky today.

"Then I suggest you go find him, young man. It might be safer for you," he said softly with a small nod of his head.

Ricky nodded his head back and slowly started walking away back toward his uncle's house. Every instinct he had screamed at him to run. He was so totally creeped out but he didn't want to appear suspicious. So he just walked. One step then another and then another. He felt eyes watching his every step and it was all he could do not to look back, but he fought the urge with all of his might. Another step and then another. When he finally reached the edge of the forest and saw his uncle's house, he lost all desire to be cool. He ran. He ran like the wind. He ran as if his life depended on it.

Considering he had just been alone with two vampires, he was pretty sure it did!

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