Mind over Matter

By Simplysmithy

227K 3.8K 2K

I was deemed the strongest demigod to ever live The two time saviour of Olympus The son of the Sea God Ban... More

Cast Away
A sacrifice, for the gods.
Love can destroy
Four years later
The bet
Percys abilities from blessings
You want me to what now?
You want me to be a what for who now
Tell me again, who is the superior?
Another prophecy about me, fun
Honey I'm home
Duel for a placement
Really Leo?
Meeting the hunters
The first attack
Visit from the Fates
Trial by Combat
The message
Now, we train
Clear Lines
Hunt or be hunted
Unscheduled Flight
Bad chain of events
You ever see the movie teen wolf?
Dodge the Titan
Godly court
Cheese Whiz Works Wonders

Im not a kid anymore

6.9K 128 38
By Simplysmithy

Percy POV

As Zeus decreed the start of the fight I immediately switched my surroundings off. I felt everything around me, my combat boots had a slightly above average grip on the ground, my sword was held loosely but not so as to allow it to fall out of my hand when I swing. I didn't see a single member of the audience, all I saw was my opponent, a 200 pound 7 foot figure of pure muscle and rage wielding a two handed sword that he just happened to be a god of. Yeahhhhh maybe not my easiest opponent but I had confidence.

Ares was charging at me with a feral grin in his eyes, clearly cocky in his ability to beat me. He threw a downwards slash and I rolled out of the way before parrying another attack. We went back and forth like this for a few minutes, one throwing out a slash or stab whilst the other would block. That's when I decided to kick it up a notch and start with the mind games. Ares was a being of pure rage, he had managed to get anyone around him angry based on his aura alone, but what if I was to do the same against him.

I seeped a small amount of my aura out and began to show about 20% of my power which was just more then I had as a demigod. Ares faltered in his move and backed up warily waiting for some kind of impromptu power play that he thought I would make. That's when I started taunting. "What's wrong war God? Scared that I might be you again? After all I was only what, 12 last time right? What chance do you have now?"

The effect was almost immediate, all forms of logic and reason abandoned him to be replaced with a burning white fury, he threw blow after blow and his technique became sloppy as he was hell bent on hurting me. I waited for the perfect opening and when he threw a slash just to hard to stop I quickly ducked down and landed a blow to his side. He clutched at the wound as golden ichor flowed and he stumbled backwards. I didn't give him the chance to heal as I charged and released a furious torrent of blows that he failed to intercept.

As the dust around us settled the audience watched with baited breath as they could see a body on the ground. This quickly erupted into cheers from my friends and some of the Olympians as they saw me standing victorious with barely a scratch on me. Before anyone had the chance to run for congratulations or remorse thunder thighs himself slammed his bolt to the floor.

"SILENCE! The trial is over, the winner is Perseus and now the punishment of the demigod in question must be brought to its conclusion. Where is Douglas Michaels?" He boomed, shooting a couple sparks of for dramatic effect. Everyone began looking around the arena for the son of Poseidon before screams of protest erupted.




At that one I turned to face the person who spoke. I was angry when I saw the smirking face of Jason Grace staring at me. "That's right Jackson, you're brother has escaped as he rightfully should have. I bet you had it all planned out didn't you? That Zeus would decree you as executioner. You were jealous of your brother and sought to end him in the most cowardly way you knew. You make me sick! I for one am glad you failed in your bid for revenge. I never agreed with Octavian's ways of thinking but he was right in calling you Graceus Scum!"

He stood and turned to the watching spectators before raising his hands and hovering slightly in the air. "GREEKS! ROMANS! For too long we have had aggression, then the war of Gaia took place and we found unity in our brothers in arms. Now I know that Greek politics is different, but I state to you now, as a Praetor of Rome and a friend, do not let this sham of a trial dictate the fate of our friend! Do not let our alliance and trust in Douglas falter because of a jealous boy playing man. I vote for the creation of the Michaels Movement! All of you who remain loyal to the true son of the Sea, stand with me, join me in honouring his name. To those who still follow this false hero, be prepared, for our alliance will challenge your rule and disgrace you bring!"

Many demigods began to rise and walk to Jason, faces I knew and faces I didn't. Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Calypso and many more. Some remained sitting. Pollox, sob of Dionysus, Leo who was staring at Calypso in shock, Clarisse, Travis and Connor Stoll, all of the hunters, Grover and Malcolm. I walked over to my friends and loved ones and smiled before calling them towards me. "Listen, I know you are all on my side, I love you all for that. But these people, you live with them, they can make your lives hell for believing in me. You can join them, I won't take offence, I've been through hell before." I was going to continue my ramblings before Clarisse punched me.

She physically punched me.

Great friends.

"Prissy just shut up. We're on your side so stop trying to be a noble pain in the gluteus, suck it up and move on. We stand with you, our leader, saviour and friend." I smiled gratefully at her. Me and her had our issues in the past but after the Sea of Monsters we began to get closer, after the labyrinth and the two wars, she was one of my closest friends.

We all exited the coliseum and the gods flashed away. We laughed and joked and ignored the disgusting comments and glares thrown our way by the other demigods when it happened.

Everyone heard it, everyone was scared by it, and I knew what it meant. We had just heard our first word from Order. And war was declared.

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