
By MafiaWaffle

139K 3.9K 422

My eyes narrowed down at her. God I hate Vampire's. Their perfection, their beauty, their lust for weak minds... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 18

3.7K 125 6
By MafiaWaffle

After Rae was done tormenting my new pet, I was too proud to be mad. I'm so proud of her for feeling the need to tell that little Neko all about how I was someone to not be messed with. I appreciate her taking the initiative to scare the girl for me, it means I don't have to do it myself.

Rae's lying on her side next to me, facing the window on the right side of the bed like she always sleeps, and I'm behind her, twisting my fingers through her hair softly while her breathing gets deeper and deeper. She's so beautiful it's almost unreal, it's almost unfathomable.

I used to believe there was no one in the world more beautiful than my mother, simply because, after she died, I put her on a pedestal and never let anyone get anywhere close to her perfections. But, when people said I started to look like and act like her, I put myself above them for being my own idea of 'perfect'.

I had secluded myself at the top and made myself the standard for everything. For beautify, for height, weight, character, charisma, dominance, aggression, passion, sympathy, and obedience. I made myself the center of my own little world and shaped my entire life to fit it's image.

But when I finally noticed Rae as the person she is, all of that blew away like sand in the wind. The way she was kind to me even though I was a monster; it became my new goal. The way she could see the goodness in everyone and never thought twice about her own struggles. She never complained about anything, she never hesitated when I asked her to do unspeakable things.

She was perfect.

But now I think she feels threatened. Like she knows that her place at my side has been challenged and she's doing everything she can to make sure that doesn't happen.

Doesn't she know that I'm not going to forsake her for a pretty face? Doesn't she know that, after everything we've been through together, I'm not going to abandon her because William bought me the latest model of something? Rae is worth far more to me than anything shiny with diamonds, or a pet more submissive than a human, I want nothing but her.

Am I such a bad owner that she can't see that?

A soft knock on the door made me jump, and Rae grunted at the sudden harsh movement. I sat up and looked at the door, seeing the outline of feet from the little strip of light underneath it.

"Yes?" I asked annoyed.

The door opened slowly, and a maid popped her head cautiously. "Princess Luna, your pet wishes to speak with you."

My eyes narrowed at the meaningless intrusion, but I sighed and said anyways, "Which one?" It's a foreign concept for me to have more than one pet at a time, but at least I'm not one of those owners that acts like they enjoy everyone equally. Those slaves mean nothing to me, they are simply toys for my amusement. The only one of them I care about, is Rae.

"Caleb, Princess."

Caleb? So that's the boy's name. "And what does he want?"

"He has been asking for you," she said, she looked away uncomfortably before asking, "He wondered, if you wanted to play with him?"

I guess, because I played with his friend earlier, that he expects it's his turn now. Very well, I'll satisfy his want for me, but I'll be sure to not make it enjoyable for him. I own him, so I don't have to do anything for him but keep him alive.

And even that seems like a privilege right now.

"What shall I tell him?"

"Bring him here," I instructed, "But make sure to keep it low profile." She nodded and left immediately, not wanting to be around me any more than was required. I don't blame her, she's literally going to get a slave for me that I'm not going to hold back on, I can do anything to him whether it's against the law or not.

Rae came up beside me and crawled over so that she was on her knees beside me. She just waited patiently while I looked at the door, and while I secretly waited for her to do something to me instead of the other way around.

But Rae is too submissive for that, I know because I trained her that way. The only thing she's ever done that surprised me was what she did to Lilian, and even then it wasn't too intense. She only threatened the girl, but it was the aura of dominance she gave off when she did it that made it so beautiful to me.

How she didn't doubt herself for a second when looking down at the little Neko, how Rae knew the power she had over the slave. I never thought Rae could place herself above somebody so easily, but, I suppose because she feels like her place at my side may be threatened, she knows she has to impress me, and on top of that, keep everyone in their rightful place.

"Mistress?" she whispered.

I turned to her, "Yes, pet?"

Her deep maroon eyes lingered on mine for a moment longer than needed, almost like she was studying me for any false movements. "What are you going to do to that boy? The same thing you did to her?" Lilian, I'm presuming is 'her', but I don't think I'll do the same thing. I have an idea, but I'll leave it up to Rae whether we do it or not.

"No," I said, "I don't think so." How will she react once she knows what I'm asking of her? Perhaps she's not ready, and she doesn't need to be thrusted into this lifestyle so quickly, but I can't shake the feeling that she needs to be introduced to it. I want her to be at my level, and this is the only way I know how.

"Oh." She stayed silent for a long moment, probably wondering along with me what's taking the maid and Caleb so long. He's not having second thoughts is he? We'll he might after tonight, at least be a little scared to ask to be played with.

He is my practice dummy after all.

"Mistress, can I be honest for a moment?"

"Of course," I said, rotating myself to be facing her, it's not often she has to ask me to be honest, normally she just says she needs to tell me something or is requesting for me to do something for her, "Go ahead, pet."

Rae took a shaky breath, "I'm scared that you're going to tire of me. That, when you get those other two pets how you want them, you won't want me anymore and I'll just be second rate to one of them."

I sighed, "Rae, you're not going to become second rate to me just because a newer model arrives. Those slaves have nothing on you, and I feel horrible that you think I would let them take your place."

A knock on the door prevented me from really finishing my compassionate confession, but I ignored the anger rising inside of me, and went to the door to welcome in the new pet. The maid wasn't with him when I opened the door, it was just him standing alone in the hall. With his head down and his hands in front of him, like a respectful slave should be standing when their owner approaches him. At least he's starting off on the right note.

Without wanting to waste anymore time I stood to the side and opened the door wider, he stepped in and to the center of the clearing in front of him, the whole time making sure to keep his posture the same so I have no reason to reprimand him.

Rae sat on the edge of the bed, still on her knees but with her hands holding her up between her legs. It's everything in my power not to fuck her right now, seeing as she looks like a little toy, but I need to make Caleb feel more at home first. Then, perhaps if she still has the energy, we can do that after.

I walked in front of the male and put my index finger under his chin, lifting it so that his face was available for me to examine. He has blue eyes that are oddly light, and it contrasts with his dark brown hair. His brows are even darker than his hair, and it makes his artic eyes seem menacing but playful. His skin is perfect, other than a little beauty mark on his right cheek. He's a very pretty boy.

A smile krept to my face that made him look a little panicked. I looked at Rae without taking down the grinn, "Rae, don't you want to see him?"

She nodded and slipped off the bed, coming up beside me and looking at him as well. She doesn't know what to look for in a good pet, the pureness they need to look like. How they need to seem innocent, almost childish in appearance, but need to have the ability of a lady in waiting from Versailles.

"He's beautiful, isn't he?" She nodded again but probably isn't at all attracted to him the way an owner should be. I guess he's just not her type. It's a shame.

"I guess so," Rae reached forward and took his face from me, turning it to the sides and looking at every angle for some imperfection she could call out. "He's cute, but not really handsome."

I sighed, "Well, most owners are into the 'cute' thing. He would sell for a very high price from the shops on Main and Burker Street."

She let go of his face and took a step back, intertwined our fingers at our hips so Caleb knew we were together. His head dropped again and his eyes fell on our hands, probably being surprised that we're together instead of it just being a 'pet' and 'owner' relationship.

It's not normal I suppose, for a pet and an owner to be so close. I guess it's more normal for us to be personable and relatable in public rather than alone, when pet's and owners' are alone their relationship is extremely different. It usually consists of the pet suffering a gruesome torture and the owner being satisfied giving that pain, but our relationship hasn't been like that in a while.

"So, do you not like him?" I asked. She looked at me puzzled and Caleb looked up slightly, but I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't seen the movement. "I was hoping you would like him better."

"I'm not opposed to him, Mistress." she said quietly as we walked back over to the bed and I sat on the edge of it. She sat beside me, with her legs turned inward towards mine so she was huddled again me, "He is a nice pet."

She's right, he's cute and submissive. Obedient and even asked to be played with, knowing full-well that I have quite demanding tastes in my pet's and require their blood to make me satisfied.

"I'm glad," I said, "Because I'm giving him to you."

His head snapped up and looked at me panicked. After a moment he turned his gaze to Rae who was looking at him just as surprised, "Princess?" he asked quietly. I arched my brow at him and he bit the inside of his cheek, but his efforts didn't last long and he blurted out, "Am I not satisfactory?"

I chuckled, "That's not it, actually I like you a lot, which is the only reason I'm giving you to her."

"Princess, I was trained to serve you and your needs. I don't know how to be a pet to anyone else-"

"I am giving you to her because you are the best, and I will not allow my lover to have anything less than the greatest the world has to offer. As long as you are perfect for her in every aspect of the word, you are safe. Do not worry about being thrown out or killed."

He nodded and stepped over to Rae, dropping down on his knees in front of her and bowing his head respectfully. Rae looked down at him with fear, the reality of her new responsibilities coming to light, but I know she'll enjoy them. To be honest I think Rae will just drink his blood and maybe tease him a bit, she seems too innocent for anything else, but it's all up to her now.

And besides, now that we both have our own pets there's nothing to distract me from her. She'll have her own responsibilities to Caleb and I to Lilian, and I hope that it will lessen the rift between us. I want her to be a lover and not a pet, but I, for diplomatic reasons, cannot just come out and say that.

Maybe this will change that.

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