
By CorderoPack

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Quirky, Ricky Vera is unexpectedly sent to Durango, Colorado to spend the summer with his uncle. The fourtee... More

Death and Beginnings
Changes & Heartbreak
Ricky Vera
Uncle Steve
Welcome to Durango
Into the Woods
The Incident
There's a Wolf in the Basement
In Need
Strangers at the Door
Lying Low
Moment of Truth
A Week Later
Four-Legged Thief
Interspecies Communication
The Map
Silver Lining
Getting to Know You
Getting to Know You Part II
The Gift
The Bloodfang
The Return of the Men in Black
Escape & Rescue
The Promise of a Bloodfang

Hiding the Truth

115 6 1
By CorderoPack


After he finished his lunch, Ricky went back down stairs to check on the wolf once more. The wolf continued to sleep deeply. Taking advantage of his slumber, Ricky quietly sat down beside him and began stroking his soft black fur. Long moments passed as Ricky simply enjoyed the pleasure of the warm sleeping form, marveling that he had been given this opportunity. Further marveling at the entire situation and his role in it. Had he really removed a bullet from a wild wolf's shoulder? Was he really sitting in a basement with a sleeping wolf? Ricky was in awe of himself. He, the king of nerves, the ruler of anxiety, the emperor of fear had done those things and was sitting here calmly, alive and able to tell the tale.

The wolf suddenly twitched. Ricky whipped his head around to look towards the wolf's face. Was he awake? The wolf's eyes remained closed and Ricky let out a sigh of relief and put a hand to his still pounding heart. Obviously, Ricky thought, he was not as brave as he would have liked to think.

Ricky sat quietly, unmoving, no longer petting the sleeping animal as he waited to see if the wolf would move again. When Ricky was sure that the wolf still slept, he rechecked his wound. As Ricky pulled the fur away from the wound he was amazed at how small it now looked. It was like it was shrinking, Ricky thought in confusion.

He stood up, brushing absentmindedly at the dirt on his shorts as stared down at the wolf in thought. Had is eyes played tricks on him earlier and the wound was not as bad as he had thought? But if that were the case then where had the blood come from? Confused, Ricky quietly made his way back up the stairs. He wanted to do some research on gun wounds and the healing process. He had a few questions about his patient.

When he reached the kitchen, Ricky snatched up his tablet and continued on, making his way to the living room to sit down with a plop onto the sofa. Long moments later he was engrossed in the details of gunshot wounds and the healing process.

Ricky grew a little concerned when he read that the gunshot wound to the shoulder could take three to six months to heal based on the health and age of the individual shot. Ricky frowned, not liking that answer one bit. There was no way the wolf could stay here for three months undetected, not to mention, Ricky would be gone in two.

Before Ricky could continue thinking about his dilemma, he was interrupted by the sound of a vehicle rumbling up the driveway. Ricky recognized the grumbling sound of his Uncle Steve's truck. He was home!

"Uncle Steve!" Ricky half gasped, half whispered, feeling a surge of adrenaline surge through him. 'What was he going to do? Should he tell his uncle about the wolf?' But in the next breath he quickly shook his head no. He could just imagine how that conversation would go.

"Hey Uncle Steve how was your day? Mine was great. A wounded and very wild wolf broke into your basement and I performed surgery on him, all the while hoping that it wouldn't wake up and attack me!" No. Most likely the only way that conversation would end would be a one way plane ticket for him back to New York. Ricky did not want to take that chance.

Ricky barely managed to calm himself down. He knew panicking would not do him any good right now. He needed to keep his wits about him. He would do his best to act normal and keep his mouth shut about anything wolf-related. If his uncle did not know anything then he would not have to ask anything and Ricky would not have to lie or worse tell the truth. Subterfuge was not Ricky's strong suit. Usually what Ricky thought Ricky said, sometimes to the point of being blunt, but this time, Ricky promised himself, this time he would not be obvious and fess all. He would do it for the wolf. He would do it for himself. He wanted to stay in Colorado. His staying highly depended at what Ricky did.

Ricky quickly deleted the websites from his tablet and mentally checked the kitchen and the basement. Everything was fine as far as he could remember except of course, for the sleeping wolf lying on the basement floor. That would be a bit difficult to explain. Ricky gulped. Acting normal, when things were anything but, was going to be a bit difficult.

Turning on the television and changing the channel to the Animal Planet, Ricky sat back hoping that he looked like he had spent the day watching television. He stared blankly at the screen, his usual enthusiasm for the channel dampened as he waited for his uncle to come inside.

At that very second, Ricky heard the key turn in the lock and a split second later the door swung open. Ricky looked up in time to see his Uncle Steve lumber into the house, looking very wet and very worn out. Ricky grimaced in sympathy as he took in his uncle's disheveled appearance. It was clear he had been out in the rain all day.

The tired and worn expression changed however to warm happiness at the sight of his nephew. "Hey kiddo!" his uncle greeted him.

"Hey Uncle Steve," Ricky replied with what he hoped looked like a normal smile.

As his uncle stomped over to him and affectionately ruffled his hair, Ricky's smile, normal before or not, disappeared. Now that Uncle Steve was closer, Ricky could see his features better. Uncle Steve's hair, or at least the hair he had left looked like a wet mop, and his clothes were extremely saturated and weighted down from the rain. "You're soaked Uncle Steve!" Ricky exclaimed.

His uncle waved off the concern. "I'm fine kiddo. This isn't the first time I've been in weather like this and it won't be the last." Ricky was prevented from expressing his doubt as his uncle continued to talk.

"Forget about me. A little rain never hurt anyone," he scoffed. "But what about you?" he questioned. "I've been worried a bit about you. How are you holding up with all this harsh weather we've had today and being by yourself. You good?"

Ricky smiled reassuringly as he nodded his head. "Yes, I'm fine. It actually wasn't that bad. I'll admit there was a moment when I jumped at a particularly loud boom of thunder," Ricky confessed with an embarrassed grin before finishing, "But nothing I couldn't handle."

Uncle Steve nodded, looking reassured. "So you were fine here by yourself?"

Ricky nodded. "Yes. It wasn't, too bad. Granted it got a little lonely but as you can see," Ricky said, sweeping his arms out dramatically wide, "I survived." His response had the desired effect. His uncle chuckled.

Uncle Steve sighed tiredly and ran his hand through his still damp hair. "So anything else happen today besides," he trailed off, motioning his head in the direction of the television, "Watching TV?"

Ricky winced inwardly at the question. So much to say but so much he couldn't. He would not lie, though. He just would not tell all. Remaining as calm as he could he explained, "Earlier today I watched a couple of movies in my room."

"Your room?" Uncle Steve asked looking a little confused. "But I don't have a TV in that room."

"I brought my portable DVD player with me along with some movies. You don't mind do you?"

Uncle Steve shook his head. "Oh no! I don't mind one bit. How many movies did you bring?"

"About a dozen."

"I bet a lot of them are scary movies aren't they?" he asked his nephew a knowing grin.

Ricky blushed before admitting. "About half of them are."

Uncle Steve laughed out loud. "What can I say, I know my nephew very well."

Ricky smiled, "Yes you do but," he paused for effect, "I didn't watch them. I watched a couple of CGI movies instead."

"Decided to take a break from them scary stuff, huh?" his uncle asked before pausing suspiciously. "Does that have anything to do with our recent conversation?"

Ricky frowned in confusion before remembering the vampire conversation. So much had happened today that he had not had time to think about Uncle Steve's confession last night. His surprise was genuine, he was shocked that he could forget something so unbelievable, "No," he answered without guile, convincing his uncle of his sincerity.

Uncle Steve nodded back at Ricky looking pleased by his answer. "So no vampire nightmares?" his uncle asked, obviously concerned that he may have traumatized Ricky with his story and needing reassurance that Ricky was okay.

Ricky gave it to him.

"No really Uncle Steve, I'm fine. I haven't thought of vampires all day," Ricky assured him with complete honesty.

Uncle Steve patted his head affectionately upon hearing that. "So was there anything else that you did today?"

Ricky composed himself. "Yes, though there was nothing much. I couldn't go outside exploring because of the weather outside. Not that I was going to go exploring in the woods again," he reassured him hastily. His uncle didn't look concerned about that and instead motioned for Ricky to continue.

"So after watching a couple of movies, I just spent most of the day using my tablet, researching things," he finished, using as little detail as possible. Despite the fact that everything Ricky was telling his uncle was technically the truth he couldn't help but feel a little guilty for not telling the whole truth, the juicy bits. But it was for the best, Ricky told himself, or at least he thought it was.

Uncle Steve nodded his head. "So a little boring, huh?"

"Not at all," Ricky quickly reassured him. In truth this day had been anything but boring, Ricky thought to himself. He had encountered a wolf, removed a bullet, and encountered some creepy strangers at the door. It had been anything but boring. All Ricky said out loud though was, "Totally beat school!"

Uncle Steve grinned, obviously pleased by Ricky's response.

A huge yawn suddenly escaped Uncle Steve's mouth, his jaw popping loudly as it stretched wide. "Oh sorry, Ricky," he mumbled as he covered his mouth. "It's been a long day. You hungry?"

Ricky didn't have to think about it, "Very much," he answered nodding his head up and down in fast motion.

His uncle nodded. "Me, too! Let me change out of these clothes and dry up, then I'll make us some dinner, okay?" he asked not waiting for a reply but heading towards the stairs and then bounding up them two at a time.

As his uncle ascended the steps, Ricky's mind immediately returned to his current dilemma. He had a wolf hidden in the basement. Research suggested he made need to stay there a long time to recuperate from the gun shot. That was, of course, if the wolf stayed cool and calm like he had been and did not attack him.

The sound of footsteps descending the stairs drew Ricky's attention back from the impossible situation he was dealing with. His uncle made his way toward Ricky, looking much drier, carrying his soaking wet clothes.

"I'll make dinner as soon as I put these into the drier," he told Ricky, walking past him toward the kitchen.

Ricky about freaked at his uncle's words. The word drier triggered thoughts of the basement and the word basement led to the thoughts of wolf. Wolf! He needed to do something before Uncle Steve reached the basement.

Without thinking, Ricky walked quickly up to Uncle Steve and put his hands out. "I'll take these down for you?" Ricky offered.

Uncle Steve shook his head. "No thank you kiddo I can do it."

"No, no let me help you," Ricky insisted helpfully. His uncle gave him an odd look for a moment, prompting Ricky to smile reassuringly. Uncle Steve stared a moment longer before finally relenting. With a shrug of his shoulders he gave the clothes to Ricky. "Alright, here you go. Just put them in the basket down there for me. I'll do a load tomorrow."

"Okay!" Ricky called over his shoulder, pausing at the top of the stairs and taking a deep breath, preparing himself. Ricky was frustrated with himself. After everything that had happened today and after going up and down these stairs multiple times today, he was still anxious about walking down them. Would he ever rid himself of this quirk, he wondered?

His uncle evidently saw his hesitancy. "It's okay Ricky. I know you hate the stairs. It's okay if you don't want to take them. I can do it," he offered walking toward Ricky with his hands outstretched to take the wet clothes back from him.

Nothing could have galvanized Ricky more. "I got it," he called over his shoulder has he stepped down, the wet bundle of clothes tucked under one arm as he held to the railing with his free hand.

Ricky went downstairs to the basement ever mindful of his furry patient, who, Ricky noted thankfully, was still sleeping soundly. Ricky quickly and quietly walked past him. He placed his uncle's damp clothes into the basket. He would do the laundry himself tomorrow so his uncle did not have to come down stairs, he thought as he turned back toward the stairs, casting one last look at the wolf. He would have loved to sit back down beside him but that was impossible with his uncle home.

When Ricky walked back up the stairs he saw that Uncle Steve had already started to make dinner. As he cooked, Ricky set the table. The two talked as they worked. They discussed sports and music and animals. The conversation led them straight through dinner. If Ricky's eyes strayed a time or two toward the basement his uncle did not seem to notice.

They cleaned the kitchen in companionable silence. The patter of rain could still be heard against the window. 'I guess no swimming tonight," Ricky commented as he stood in front of the kitchen window and stared longingly at the pool. He could have used a swim tonight. The water comforted him and helped him process stress. Today had been a day full of stress.

His uncle sighed, "Sorry, but no," he said as he walked over to stand next to Ricky to stare out the window, too. "Damn rain!" he groused. "I could have used a swim myself," he admitted.

Ricky giggled and looked up at his uncle. "I would have thought you had enough water today, Uncle Steve."

His uncle laughed at Ricky's joke, ruffled Ricky's hair and made his way out of the kitchen into the living room, challenging Ricky to a game of monopoly as he walked out of the room.

Ricky accepted the challenge half-heartedly as he stood quietly in the kitchen staring worriedly at the basement door. He hoped the wolf slept through the night. He stood to lose far more than a game of Monopoly if he didn't!

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