
By CorderoPack

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Quirky, Ricky Vera is unexpectedly sent to Durango, Colorado to spend the summer with his uncle. The fourtee... More

Death and Beginnings
Changes & Heartbreak
Ricky Vera
Uncle Steve
Into the Woods
The Incident
There's a Wolf in the Basement
In Need
Strangers at the Door
Hiding the Truth
Lying Low
Moment of Truth
A Week Later
Four-Legged Thief
Interspecies Communication
The Map
Silver Lining
Getting to Know You
Getting to Know You Part II
The Gift
The Bloodfang
The Return of the Men in Black
Escape & Rescue
The Promise of a Bloodfang

Welcome to Durango

157 6 1
By CorderoPack


Silence played its quiet tune for several miles as Ricky stayed lost in his thoughts. When he realized Uncle Steve was no longer offering his unceasing chatter, Ricky felt it was his turn to do his part and he searched his mind for something to talk about. The most obvious question popped into his head.

"So...?" Ricky started in his usual, hesitant manner.

"So...?" Uncle Steve drawled out when Ricky petered off.

"So... how long will it be until we reach Durango?" Ricky rushed out latching onto the first thing that came to mind, looking over at his uncle now that it was too dark to look out at the passing scenery.

"Oh, well let's see..." Uncle Steve paused as he glanced at his wrist watch. "Right now it's eight, so I'd say... around midnight."

"Midnight!" Ricky exclaimed shocked. He did not like the sound of arriving so late. He always went to bed at 11:00 and reaching the house later than that meant he wouldn't be in bed until way after that. He hated changes to his routine. He considered flying across the country a huge change! He would prefer avoiding any more if he could help it.

"Yeah the drive from Denver to Durango takes roughly six hours and we've already driven a couple," Uncle Steve explained when he saw Ricky's shock.

"Oh...," Ricky felt a little disheartened by this information. Nothing good ever happened after midnight Ricky quoted to himself from one of his horror movies.

"Don't worry, getting home late won't be all that bad. I know you like your routine and your Mom already told me your bedtime was eleven o'clock, but so what if we don't get there by then. It won't be the end of the world if you don't make your self-imposed curfew. It's summer time anyway. You should have an extended curfew during summer vacation." He glanced over at Ricky. "Only seems fair to me. You work hard during the school year and you've earned it."

Ricky was considering Uncle Steve's words but his thoughts were interrupted when Uncle Steve surprised him even further with his next words.

"Besides, it won't matter what time we get there because I won't be taking you straight home anyway."

"You're not?"

"Well I'm guessing you didn't eat on the plane, so you're probably hungry."

As soon as those words left Uncle Steve's mouth, Ricky's stomach growled. He looked down at the noisy betrayer surprised that he could be so sidetracked with everything around him that he had not realized just how hungry he was. Evidently stress and anxiety worked as an appetite suppressant. Not that he wanted that to happen to him again. When he looked up to face his uncle, Ricky could tell by the amused look on his Uncle's face that he had heard the loud growl emitting from his stomach.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said with a wink.

"Yeah, I didn't realize I was hungry until now," Ricky replied sheepishly with a hint of a blush on his cheeks.

"Well there's this diner called Heifer's in the town I live in. It's famous for its hamburgers. I thought we could eat there before driving the last fifty minutes home. Do you want pick up a hamburger there?" Uncle Steve shot a glance down at Ricky's belly that had been silent since the one loud grumble. "Can you wait that long? Or do we need to go ahead and stop now?"

Ricky didn't want to be that kid. The one that was never happy with the plans that were made for him and was always complaining, so no matter that he was pretty hungry right now and he hadn't eaten anything since the breakfast his mom had made him this morning Ricky assured his uncle he would manage just fine until they hit is hometown. Plus a burger did sound good. "That sounds great, I can make it," he said with a grin.

"You sure?" his uncle asked with a frown. "My hearing may be fading away, but I heard your stomach. Even over the noisy grumble of this old truck. We can stop somewhere else if you want."

Ricky shook his head no adamantly. "No I'm fine and that sounds great. I can wait."

"Ok then great! They have other great food as well, I eat there several times a week but since you're staying with me for the summer, I'll try my hand at some cooking tomorrow."

"Sounds good," Ricky replied nodding. He then felt some guilt for the small complaint he had made before the talk of dinner. "Sorry if it seemed like I was making a big deal about the time we get there."

Uncle Steve just waved a hand in a nonchalant gesture. "Nah, no harm done. If anything you're just like your mother. She had always liked to be ahead of schedule, too."

Ricky nodded his head and hummed an affirmative at that. That was pretty much how his mom operated. She liked to be on top and ahead of things.

To take his mind off of his stomach, Ricky decided to ask for more details about Durango. He would be staying there for two months. He should probably get some specifics anyway. That is what his dad would have called; two birds, one stone.

"Uncle Steve... what's Durango like?"

Uncle Steve bit his lip before speaking to the boy. "Well... the people there are nice. I have a couple of friends who would definitely like to meet you. The towns pretty large with a lot of stores. But we also have a lot of wildlife and amazing mountains and streams. We even have a mountain resort that gets us our share of tourists"

Uncle Steve paused and while Ricky waited for him to start speaking again he thought about all Uncle Steve had just said. Ricky felt more excitement peak at the thought of exploring the wildness and streams. During the summertime Ricky usually hung out at Central Park, reading and observing... It sounded like where he was going would make Central Park look like a backyard. This summer vacation was shaping up to be the best one he had had since his dad died.

"Though there is something you should know..." Uncle Steve started to say before trailing off.

Ricky made it a habit since the beginning of middle school to pay very close attention to fascial expressions and tones of voice. After having a difficult time with one particular teacher and suffering through many misunderstandings due to miscommunication, he had learned that paying attention to these two things could help him avoid catastrophic moments of humiliation and trouble. Now he used what he had not always understood as secret weapons. And right now his secret weapons were on high alert.


Uncle Steve's expression became impassive as if he sensed Ricky's suspicion that what he wanted to say was far more serious and important than how he was trying to portray it. "It's no biggie. I just know your anxiety situation and was trying to figure how to broach a subject you may have a problem with."

Ricky remained skeptical and continued to watch Uncle Steve like a hawk. Ricky's issues with anxiety was not a secret but he still had a feeling Uncle Steve was hiding behind it for some reason, that he was in fact trying to convey something more but for the life of him, Ricky had no idea what or what to expect so he decided to shut his trap and encourage Uncle Steve to make his seemingly grave confession.

Uncle Steve gave Ricky a quick glance and saw he had his nephew's full, undivided attention, Giving Ricky a quick quirky tilt of his lips that Ricky assumed was meant to be a smile, Uncle Steve turned his eyes back to the road and began to explain in a tone of voice that could make you think he was talking about football. But unfortunately, Ricky realized very quickly, he wasn't talking about football.

"We have a large population of... bats around where I live. At night you can hear them screeching and flying at night, flapping their wings. Some other strange noises as well."

Ricky didn't like the sound of that. He liked animals and he thought bats were fascinating creatures and quite essential to the ecosystem but what did Uncle Steve mean by a 'large' population, so large he felt it necessary to give Ricky this warning.

Ricky swallowed. "Define large population. Like how many?"

Uncle Steve wrinkled his nose. "Not sure really. All I can tell you is that it's... A... lot!"

"Are they always grouped together, so many at once that it makes it overwhelming?" Ricky quizzed.

"Oh yeah!" Steve nodded, diverting his eyes from the road quickly to wink at Ricky, "But it is a pretty amazing sight to behold if you're lucky enough to see that."

"That sounds cool not creepy!" Ricky exclaimed in response. "So what's the big deal? Why are you worried about that triggering my anxiety?"

"Well," Steve drew out on a sigh. "There are a few rogue bats. Larger than the average ones." Uncle Steve paused searching for the right words. "Those are the ones I want to give you a heads up about. They're very aggressive."

Ricky was fascinated but a little freaked. "Aggressive in what way?"

Uncle Steve sighed aloud again. "Well Ricky, think vampire... but uh... of course there is no such thing as a vampire...right?" Steve asked with a slightly shaky chuckle. Ricky could tell Uncle Steve was really worried about freaking Ricky out and most likely over-exaggerating his explanation, claiming vampires to divert Ricky's anxiety.

"Duh! Uncle Steve. I may love horror movies but I know they're just make believe. You don't have to give me the Mom talk about my imagination or reality versus fantasy." Ricky assured him, though the thought of vampire bats in any context was a little on the spooky side. Vampires were Ricky's monster kryptonite.

"Right. Right." Uncle Steve agreed. "Fantasy. Pretend. Make believe. That's all we're talking about here when I say vampire bat." Steve assured him. "I am talking about real bats, even aggressive bats, but not Count Dracula or that Eddie guy from that teen movie that was so huge. What was it called? Twi-time or something like that?"

Ricky laughed. Uncle Steve had always been and obviously still was, a complete nut. One of his best qualities as far as Ricky was concerned. Uncle Steve was fun, Ricky thought to himself, enjoying this strange conversation more than he had thought he was going to since Uncle Steve had mentioned bats in such a suspicious manner. Obviously Uncle Steven had been trying to get his goat and Ricky refused to let him have it.

"So..." Ricky drew out, wanting to hear more about these rogue bats that seemed far less a threat than they had when Uncle Steve had first mentioned them. "Have you ever seen one of these rogue bats?"

"Mmm hmm." Uncle Steve hummed with a nod of his head and another quick peak at Ricky, apparently trying to gage Ricky's reaction. He seemed satisfied that Ricky was exhibiting mostly curiosity as opposed to fear or anxiety which seemed to satisfy Uncle Steve that Ricky was ready for whatever he had to say.

"I did have a run in with one about three years ago," Uncle Steve admitted. 'The thing woke me up in the middle of the night."

Ricky's eyes grew so huge he could've sworn that they were as wide as dinner plates. "You're not saying it was in your house are you?"

Uncle Steve reached out and ruffled Ricky's hair for the third time that day. It was a gesture Ricky realized he was going to have to get used to despite his preference to not be touched. Apparently Uncle Steve was affectionate. Ricky was going to have to deal.

"That is exactly what I'm saying Ricky. Damn pesky thing flew down my chimney and into my house. Terrified me to death!"

Ricky chewed at his lower lip enthralled and albeit a tiny bit scared at the same time. "Uh... please tell me you managed to get it out of the house."

"Oh, yes I did," Uncle Steve assured him with very real satisfaction in his tone accompanied by a satisfied grin on his face. "It put up a good fight but he underestimated me, that bas... that bat did, and I... uh...I got him out," Uncle Steve finished a little lamely in Ricky's opinion. It sounded like something on a television comedy and Ricky wouldn't have minded more of the rowdy details.

Ricky gave a small huff of a laugh to show his pleasure at the story. "Have you had anymore get in since then Uncle Steve?"

Uncle Steve looked over at Ricky like he had just asked the dumbest question ever. "Heck no!" he declared. "I bat proofed the house along with the chimney. Those rats with wings are not welcome and I have made that more than clear."

Though he was enjoying the story immensely, Ricky was very glad to hear his Uncle had bat-proofed his home. He was enjoying the story, but it didn't mean he wanted to actually live it firsthand. The story wasn't that funny.

Something Ricky had recently learned popped into his head. "Did you know that bats aren't actually flying rodents? Many people think they are when actually they are grouped with lemurs and primates."

Uncle Steve smiled fondly as he glanced at Ricky for a moment. "You know Ricky you know a lot about animals."

"Well..." Ricky blushed a little. "I read a lot, ever since Mom gave me the iPad I look up certain things that interest me or get me curious. I just got a new book on wolves that I am dying to read." Ricky smiled sheepishly as he explained. "I had planned to read it on the plane today but..." He blushed some more. "I ended up falling asleep and slept throughout the entire flight."

"The entire flight huh? Well not to worry you'll have plenty of time to read it this summer. Maybe we can even order you a few more books while you're here. It's really good that you like to read. Reading increases your vocabulary and keeps you learning, even when you're not in school. Reading keeps you smart."

Ricky nodded smiling, but his mind was still on the bat story his Uncle had been telling and he couldn't help asking, "Uh... I was wondering... did the bat bite you or try to bite you?"

"Bite me? Oh! You mean the- oh no," Uncle Steve reassured him with a shake of his head. "You're tough old Uncle Steve took care of him. I nailed that blood sucker real good!" Uncle Steve said looking completely self-satisfied but then instantly looked panicked. "I mean blood sucker in a joking way. Remember. Not a vampire."

Ricky laughingly rolled his eyes. Yes he had anxiety but surely it wasn't so bad that Uncle Steve could really believe that he thought his Uncle was talking about fictional vampire bats. The only reason he asked if the bat had bitten him was because he knew that bats were prone to have rabies and he just wanted to be sure that his uncle hadn't been bitten by a rabies infested bat.

"Got it Uncle Steve! Just a bat!" Ricky concurred before asking another question. "So how did you get rid of it? Did you kill it with a nail?"

His uncle looked back at him in total confusion. So Ricky tried to clarify his question. "Well you said you nailed the blood sucker. I'm thinking if you took a nail to it, then you probably killed it."

Uncle Steve looked completely blank for a second then he burst into laughter. "I forget how literal you can be sometimes Ricky," he chuckled aloud. "What I meant was... I threw one of my shoes at it. That's what I meant by nailing it. The shoe hit him and dazed him a bit. So taking advantage of this I opened the window and let the little guy fly off into the night."

"Weird..." Ricky nodded as he took in his uncle's bizarre story. It was definitely a batty tale of late night miss-happenings... both literally and metaphorically speaking. Despite having enjoyed the story, Ricky silently hoped it was an experience he would completely get to miss out on.

"So how's your mother and that Tyler guy doing?" Uncle Steve asked, suddenly changing the topic.

Ricky was completely taken aback by the sudden change of conversation but went along with it anyway though he wasn't thrilled with the new topic of conversation.

"She's great. She's just been very busy..."

"And this Tyler guy... what's he like?" Uncle Steve asked gruffly.

"Oh well he's a charmer. He makes Mom happy and stuff..." Ricky dwindled off. Tyler was not a subject he cared to discuss. Not now nor ever.

"You don't sound too happy about him," Uncle Steve pressed, missing or completely ignoring Ricky's intentional lack of response.

"Well... he just doesn't get me. He and I don't exactly see eye to eye or have anything in common," Ricky mumbled, sitting back in his seat and looking out at the now night blackened window. He could barely make out any of the objects on the other side. "He has his moments. Yesterday he picked me up after school, which was a big help to my mom but at the same time I'm pretty sure he encouraged my mom to make the decision about me coming to Colorado to see you so that way he could be rid of me," Ricky admitted in a long rush.

"Well there is probably some truth to that," Uncle Steve surprised Ricky by saying.

Ricky whipped his head around to look at his uncle. "So you believe me?"

Uncle Steve looked shocked Ricky had to ask such a question. "Of course I do. And just because I do doesn't mean I'm saying Tyler is a bad guy. I'm just saying I could see where he would want to spend some time alone with your mother and what better or safer place for you to be than with me. Could be he thought it would be a great summer for you as well, versus you being cooped up inside your apartment or the city in general for that matter. Either way, don't worry about it! You're a great kid and your mom is no dummy. She'll figure him out and his real feelings about you. If Tyler is not a Ricky-friendly kind of guy, she'll kick him to the curb."

Ricky smiled sadly. "You really think so? Mom seems to really like him a lot... even more than me."

"Hey kid," Uncle Steve exclaimed in a serious tone, making Ricky turn his head to look at him. "Never doubt your mother's love. Maybe right now it feels like she likes this Tyler guy more than you but it is simply not true. Your moms been alone for a while. Some affection from the opposite sex will be good for her, but never doubt that you are always, first and foremost her first priority. When she and I spoke this week all she really talked about was you so don't try to tell me she doesn't care about you. If her head's been turned by some guy and she is enjoying his attention I think maybe she deserves that. It's been rough since your dad passed. You both need these vacations if you ask me," Uncle Steve ended gruffly.

Ricky continued to stare at him for long seconds. The dash lights illuminated Uncle Steve's face harshly, making him look older and sadder or maybe it was the topic of conversation that had.

"Really?" Ricky finally asked both quietly, and hopefully.

"Really Ricky. I know things have been tough for both you and her but I know my sister. She's a smart woman. She'll figure everything out on her own, and if that Tyler thinks for a second he can boot you out of her life in and real meaningful way... well... let's just say he's got another thing coming!"

"Thanks Uncle Steve," Ricky smiled slightly. For the first time in a long time Ricky felt like he had somebody on his side.

As the miles passed Ricky talked about all kinds of things with his uncle. As time passed Ricky felt his confidence rise and he started to feel more and more comfortable. This summer, he conceded was going to be far better than he ever dreamed. He could feel it.

Sometime later, Uncle Steve pointed out the front windshield. Ricky saw small lights shining in the not so far distance.

"Durango," Uncle Steve told him, pointing at a lit sign on the side of the road decorated with a mountain and stream scene that read simply; Welcome to Historic Durango.

Though it was dark outside, Ricky could tell it was a rural town. It looked kind of peaceful and a bit old fashioned to Ricky. It was the complete opposite of New York.

Ricky looked out his window as Uncle Steve reduced his speed to suit city speed limits. Despite the time, they passed lit up stores and various people who were either walking, talking with friends, or even riding their bikes. Much to Ricky's interest there were a few people walking their dogs. A large German shepherd caught Ricky's eye at that moment. He loved dogs.

As they continued to drive Ricky saw houses and restaurants and boutiques. There were other things to peak Ricky's interest but right at that moment Ricky was too tired and way too hungry to care that much right now. Coming up on the other side of the road Ricky was more than happy to see they were approaching a sign that read 'Heifers.' The sign was in all capital letters and a bright fluorescent red. The building had a red roof and huge windows with red trim that allowed Ricky to see inside the brightly lit building.

Ricky's stomach growled ferociously in anticipation of putting something in it.

There were not a lot of cars in the parking lot. There were only two that Ricky could see. Uncle Steve turned on his turn signal and turned the large truck into the parking lot, pulling up to an empty parking space right at the front door. Uncle Steve turned off the car's engine, and pulled out the keys.

"C'mon Ricky! I know you're tired but just smell those burgers. Just imagining how they taste should help wake you up a bit," he encouraged, as he unbuckled his seat and opened his door. Ricky unbuckled his seat belt and opened his own door just as his uncle jumped down and slammed his door shut. Ricky carefully climbed down from the high seat, shut his own door, and quickly followed his uncle to the diner door. Uncle Steve opened the door, wide and encouraged Ricky to walk in ahead of him. Ricky couldn't help but compare Uncle Steve holding the door open for him to Tyler's practically letting it shut in his face. Ricky was glad to know that his Uncle was above pulling a stupid stunt like that jerk Tyler had done.

Ricky looked around the dining room as the diner door closed behind them. His Uncle Steve stepped up beside him and motioned Ricky to follow him to an empty red booth. Ricky looked around the room once he sat down. The walls were white and so was the shiny tile floor though the tile had tiny black flecks. Across from where they chose to sit was a long silver, stainless steel topped counter with several red padded stools that ran the length of it for patrons to sit.

A woman came from the back and began walking toward them. She was probably what one would call middle aged. She wore a red shirt, and as far as Ricky could tell from his seat, she had on blue jeans. Over her shirt she wore a white apron that was neatly tied in the back. She had curly brown hair that was in a slightly messy ponytail that was tied up with a red scrunchy. She also had rosy red cheeks, the rosiest cheeks Ricky has ever seen before that sported brown freckles. Her sparkling bright green eyes seemed to smile as she approached them.

"Hey Rosy!" Uncle Steve greeted as Rosy approached their booth.

The woman, Rosy evidently, smiled widely back. "What a nice surprise, Steve! Nice seeing you here! You rarely visit me anymore!"

"Sorry..." Uncle Steve said sheepishly rubbing his neck. "Been a bit....preoccupied."

She nodded understandingly with a sympathetic look toward him before looking over at Ricky who looked both sleepy and shy. "And who is this young man?"

Uncle Steve turned to Ricky and smiled proudly. "This here," he grinned proudly, "is my nephew Ricky. He's visiting me from The Big Apple, Ricky this is Rosy Andrews. She owns this diner."

Ricky extended his hand politely. "Nice to meet you," he said politely in a small voice.

"Nice to meet you too, Ricky," she said giving his small hand a firm shake. She then turned back to Uncle Steve. "So what would you two gentlemen like to eat tonight?"

"We would like four cheeseburgers please." Uncle Steve answered.

"Four?" Ricky asked incredulously, perking up a bit.

"The burgers are small here, so there will be two for you and two for me," Uncle Steve explained. Ricky just nodded his head in agreement, as hungry as he felt he could quite possibly eat three.

After explaining to Ricky why he was ordering so much, his uncle turned back to Rosy. "Also a large order of fries with that please. We'll split those."

Rosy nodded. "Coming up," she told them before making her way back behind the counter to head back into the back where the kitchen obviously was.

After she was gone, Ricky turned to his uncle. "She seems very nice."

"Oh she is nice Ricky, good people. She's..." Before Uncle Steve could finish saying whatever he had been about to say a snide voice spoke from behind his Uncle.

"Well look who's here."

"Finally decided to stop hiding, huh Steve Ford?"

Ricky was already facing the two rough looking guys, He had seen them come in but his uncle had to turn around to face the two burly men who were walking toward them. One was big, and had a shaggy beard. He wore a red shirt with a green camouflage vest, green camouflage pants, a red baseball cap, a cracked brown leather belt, and old worn brown boots. He was very heavy.

The other was big and rather large as well. His beard was straight and long and he was very unclean looking. His beard was a faded red but his head was big round and bald. He wore a black shirt, and with a big tan coat over it, blue jeans, and brown hiking boots. Though large like his friend, he was more muscular.

They didn't seem very friendly to Ricky. Ricky looked toward his Uncle Steve. He looked tense. His jaw was clutched tight and Ricky could tell he was gritting his teeth.

"Samuel. George," he said giving them each a curt nod. "I hope you've been well."

"Well if you mean mentally intact then yes," the black bearded man that Ricky now knew as George said with a guffaw.

"Who's the kid?" The red bearded guy named Samuel asked, taking notice of Ricky sitting quietly watching the exchange.

"That's my nephew and he's going to be staying with me over the summer," Uncle Steve said. Ricky noticed that his uncle didn't make introductions like he had done with Rosy earlier. Obviously Uncle Steve didn't consider these people friends.

"Your nephew! I didn't know you had any family," Samuel smirked.

Ricky was about to explain he was from New York but Uncle Steve shushed him with a look.

"He's my sister's child, and he's visiting for a few weeks."

"Well your sister must've been really desperate if she wanted you to take care of her kid! If I were her I would have thought twice about trusting my kid with you. She must not know about..."

"Samuel! George!" Rosy interjected a little more sharply than she most likely usually did, but it had the desired effect. Both men turned as one and walked over to where Rosy stood with two take out bags of food. Ricky could hear her totaling up both of their orders at the cash register and making small talk but her cheeks were streaked red with temper.

Ricky turned to his Uncle Steve and was about to ask what was going on but his uncle put his hand out and indicated Ricky needed to stay where he was then he got up from the booth, walked to the door where George and Samuel were now about to exit.

"Steve," Rosy called out in a warning tone.

"It's alright, Rosy. I'm not going to cause any trouble, but would you mind going ahead and bagging our food up, making it to go for me instead. It's late and I need to go ahead and get Ricky settled."

Rosy hesitated for a second, watching all three men with a stern look that stated strongly that she expected no trouble in her diner and turned and walked back into the kitchen.

As soon as the kitchen door swung closed behind Rosy, Steve turned to the two burly men and spoke low and dangerous. "I'm quite alright with you making me the town joke. But while my nephew is here I expect better manners from you. Don't go remotely near Ricky or myself this summer or I will personally deal with you myself." He then turned away from them, dismissing them, and walked back toward the table where Ricky sat with wide frightened eyes.

"It's ok Ricky," Uncle Steve said as he sat down at their booth. Ricky focused his attention on Uncle Steve who looked a little troubled. His head was down and his shoulder were slightly slumped. Ricky felt a little concerned for his uncle but he didn't know what to say mainly because he hadn't really understood everything Uncle Steve had said. Yes he had understood the words but not the context with how they were meant. What had Uncle Steve meant about being the town joke?

Before he could ask anything, Rosy was hustling back into the main dining room with their takeout order. Ricky had a feeling she had crammed everything into the bag in record time. He watched Rosy scan the diner looking for signs of possible violence. He saw her shoulders relax when she found none and the other two men gone as well.

Uncle Steve immediately stood up to take the bags of food from Rosy at the same time reaching into his back hip pocket for money to pay.

"Steve," Rosy started to speak but Steve held his hand up to forestall anything she was going to say.

"I'm good Rosy," he assured her and gave a quick glance to Ricky to make it clear he didn't want her to say anything in front of Ricky.

Rosy took the hint and just smiled sadly and shook her head instead. "It was really good to see you Steve. Please don't be a stranger," she added, pocketing the generous tip Steve insisted she keep.

Uncle Steve just grinned back at Rosy before saying a final good bye and motioning for Ricky to follow him out of the diner.

Ricky followed behind his uncle quietly as they walked outside. He climbed up into the truck, put on his seatbelt, and waited patiently for his uncle to settle in his own seat, put on his own seatbelt, start the truck, and drive away.

"Uncle Steve..." Ricky started, but not really sure what he planned on saying or asking. Ricky wanted to talk about the encounter in the diner but he didn't know if it would upset his uncle terribly. Besides that it really wasn't any of his business.

"Everything's okay Ricky," Uncle Steve said putting his hand out and ruffling Ricky's now very flat hair. 'Let's just get you home so we can eat those burgers and fries and get you settled in. All told, it's been a long damn day!"

As if on cue, Ricky gave a huge yawn and his stomach grumbled at the exact same time causing them both to laugh aloud, easing the tension the encounter in the diner had caused.

Ricky watched out the window as they drove through town, trying to keep himself awake. He had to admit the smell from the food in the bag was helping. He was absolutely starving!

Eventually, Ricky noticed they were driving through a quiet, nice-looking neighborhood. At first he thought Uncle Steve's house was in this neighborhood, but his uncle kept driving through the neighborhood towards the back wooded area. Suddenly a dirt road highlighted by the truck lights appeared. The path was lined on either side by woods. Ricky was surprised when Uncle Steve took the dirt road and continued on along its winding path into the mouth of the forest and a mouth is exactly what it looked like, Ricky thought. The trees were intertwined together making a sort of round shape for the entryway with small sharp looking branches protruding from them, making them look like very, very sharp teeth. Ricky shivered at the startling imagery.

Looking into the depths of the woods he grew a little anxious. It looked very dark and scary. He would hate to get lost in there, he thought. You never knew what wild animals called the mysterious wooded area home.

Ricky suddenly noticed two small figures flying over them, passing the truck. 'Bats?' Ricky asked himself. He turned to his uncle who for some reason looked a little jumpy and nervous. Ricky looked back out his window, only to see something huge run off in the distance.

"Hey Uncle Steve, is that a deer?" Ricky asked, pointing in the direction where he thought he had seen a deer. Ricky was excited. He had never seen a deer in the wild before. His heart raced in excitement.

He heard his uncle gasp a little. The deer disappeared in a matter of seconds. "Yep." He looked back to the dirt path to continue driving. "You'll be seeing a lot of deer here."

Ricky was still looking. Suddenly another shape took off in the direction of the deer. But it was moving so fast Ricky couldn't tell what it was. It was so far away... Ricky thought it might've been a bat for it looked as if it flew real fast but at the same time, Ricky knew it couldn't be for it seemed larger than a bat... Ricky shook his head tiredly. He obviously had bats on his mind from his earlier conversation with his uncle. 'Man', Ricky considered, maybe he did have an overactive imagination.

They drove about ten more minutes. The last five minutes of the journey Ricky could tell they had started traveling on gravel and no longer dirt. In the distance Ricky could see a very bright light.

Uncle Steve pointed in the lights direction. "That's my porch light. We're almost there."

As they rounded a broad bend, Uncle Steve's A-frame house came into view. Ricky thought it looked really cool. It was so different to what he was used to.

Uncle Steve stopped right at the front door. He turned the engine off, grabbed his keys, and turned to Ricky. "You grab the food. I'll get the duffel bag from the front. Go straight to the front door. I'll meet you there."

Ricky thought Uncle Steve must really think he was scared of the dark and was doing his best to put Ricky at ease. Ricky appreciated it because he had to admit the darkness of the surrounding woods and being in an unknown place was playing with Ricky's nerves. He decided he would just do exactly what Uncle Steve said and everything would be fine.

Ricky opened the door, grabbed the food, and quickly got out, heading straight for the front steps. Uncle Steve was only a few short steps behind him.

Uncle Steve quickly unlocked the door and gave Ricky a light tap on his shoulder to indicate he should go in first. Ricky stepped in a bit hesitantly as it was dark inside but that only lasted a few seconds, as Uncle Steve had reached in and flipped the light switch on as he followed Ricky inside. His uncle quickly turned and locked and chained the door before letting out a deep breath

Ricky looked around from his vantage point just inside the front door. The small hard wood floored foyer opened up into a large living room with more hardwood floors. There were two chocolate brown leather couches sitting in an L shape in front of a large bricked fireplace, which was funnily enough, boarded up. Ricky assumed that must have been Uncle Steve's solution to keeping his house bat-proof.

A large screen television was mounted right above the fire place. To the left and behind the love seat Ricky could see a thin flight of stairs which lead upstairs which Ricky assumed most likely led to the bedrooms. To the right of the sofa was a huge chocolate brown recliner that sat strategically angled beside a bay window.

Although it was dark outside, Ricky could just make out water shimmering in the backyard under the moonlight.

Ricky turned in excitement to his Uncle. "You have a pool?"

Uncle Steve grinned. "Yep! You like to swim?"

Ricky grinned back. "I love to swim."

Ricky turned back to take in the rest of the room. A small oak wood table with what looked like stone tiles sat next to the recliner. A large brown glass lamp with a brown shade sat on top along with a book on myths. Ricky wanted to go check them out but instead, he took the duffel bag his uncle had given back to him and dumped it on the sofa before following his uncle with the bags of food into the kitchen. It was late and he was starving!

As he entered he gave the kitchen a cursory glance. He was far more interested in food than he was his Uncle Steve's kitchen décor. The kitchen was not too large and had all stainless steel appliances. The kitchen was hunter green with marble hunter green countertops and again oak wood cabinets aligned the walls. A small island stood dead center of the room and a small round and neatly polished wooden table sat just to the side in front of patio doors that looked out onto the back porch and half of the swimming pool.

His uncle was currently standing at the table setting the food out on plates he had taken out of one of the cabinets. He placed their respective food on the plates.

"Eat up," his uncle told him, pointing at one of the kitchen chairs indicating Ricky should take that seat.

Ricky pulled out the chair and slid into the seat. He stuffed a warm French fry into his mouth. It tasted so good, he thought, as his true hunger kicked in and took over.

"Milk?" his uncle asked from beside the refrigerator. "I have soda but it's too late to be drinking anything with caffeine in it."

Ricky nodded. His mouth was currently full of his last giant bite so he didn't dare to try to talk lest he make a mess or disgust his uncle with bad manners.

Uncle Steve handed Ricky a tall glass of milk before he sat down at his own place and tucked into his dinner.

They ate in silence. In this instance hunger took precedence over any words that could have been spoken.

After finishing their food, they both just sat there, embracing that good feeling of having a full belly.

Uncle Steve was the one to finally break the silence.

"Did you have enough to eat?" he asked Ricky.

Ricky nodded sleepily back in answer.

Uncle Steve chuckled. "You're wore out aren't you kid?" he asked as the boy nodded in affirmation. Uncle Steve chuckled some more before he stood up and started gathering their trash and dirty dishes. "No... no," he told Ricky when Ricky got up to help his uncle clean up. "Not tonight. I got it. As a matter of fact," he said as if coming to a decision. "Let me just set these in the sink and we'll get your stuff together and I'll show you where you'll be sleeping."

A few minutes later Ricky followed his uncle back into the living room. His uncle was grabbing up Ricky's duffle bag when the boarded up fireplace caught Ricky's eye and he felt compelled to ask, "How come your chimney's all boarded up? Is that your solution to the bats you were talking about?'

Uncle Steve gave a quirky grin in response. "You could say that," he answered. Then the grin got quirkier when he added, "Contributed to the town joke stigma some of the locals have given me," he hesitantly admitted to Ricky, for the first time acknowledging the encounter in the diner earlier tonight with Samuel and George.

"Um... Uncle Steve?" Ricky started to say, wanting to say a lot of things and ask a lot of questions but not really sure how to begin, or how to phrase, or even if he should. Ricky often had difficulty reading situations and acting or reacting appropriately. He considered himself to be socially awkward.

Ricky didn't have to worry about what to say next. Uncle Steve stepped in and guided him, not rudely but just very decisively, to the conclusion of this subject.

"No worries Ricky," Steve interjected with a rueful twist of his lips. "I sleep better with the chimney boarded up and I really don't care what anyone's opinion is about how or why I did what I did and don't worry about those two," Steve continued a little more seriously. "They have their own problems to deal with and should be the last ones to judge anyone. You most likely won't see them again while you're here."

Ricky nodded his head in understanding. Considering all of the issues Ricky himself dealt with he made it a policy not to judge and as long as Uncle Steve was ok then he himself would be ok with everything too.

"So listen Ricky, don't you worry about me. I just want you to enjoy yourself here!" he ordered.

"Yes sir!" Ricky answered with a playful salute. It was obvious his uncle wanted to change the subject. Ricky was too tired to do anything but agree.

Uncle Steve grabbed Ricky's duffle bag from the sofa with Ricky following him from behind. They headed in the direction of the stairs. He watched as his uncle bounded up the steep steps, taking them two at a time. Ricky took them much more cautiously. Grabbing on the railing, Ricky took each step one at a time. He noted pictures aligning the wall as he went up but he was concentrating too much to pay attention to who was in them, though he did catch one with a younger him and his laughing parents, that he paused at for a second to look at. He smiled softly at that one.

When he finally made it to the top of the stairs, there was basically a short hallway with a door on each side of the hall and one at the end. Thankfully his uncle had already turned on the lights so Ricky could make out everything clearly.

"OK," Uncle Steve explained, pointing his finger at the door on the right side of the hallway. "That's my room." He pointed to the door on the left side. "That's going to be your room," and he ended by pointing at the door at the end of the hallway, "and that's the bathroom."

Uncle Steve took the few steps to the door that led to the room Ricky would be using. He turned the knob and opened the door, flipped the light switch inside the doorway and turned on the lights.

"Come on," he called as he walked fully into the room and laid the duffle bag onto a wooden chest that sat at the foot of the bed.

Ricky walked into the room, taking in the full bed with its blue and brown comforter and the standard dresser and night stand most bedrooms seemed to have. It was a small room but more than big enough for Ricky, and his duffle bag.

"Here let me show you the bathroom real quick," Uncle Steve urged, shooing Ricky out of the room and down the short hallway to the bathroom. He opened the door and tuned on the bathroom light switch. The prerequisite toilet sat off privately to the left. A large whirlpool bath tub took up a large chunk of the room and a walk in shower stood caddy cornered along-side it. The room was accented with red curtains and rugs and bathroom accents and the shower curtain was red with swirls of gold. For a bathroom, it was pretty impressive Ricky thought to himself.

"You can set your stuff here," Steve said, indicating a cleaned off section on the bathroom counter.

Ricky nodded and followed his uncle back out of the bathroom. He was dead on his feet and he just wanted to go to bed and sleep. He didn't think he could process anything else tonight.

As they walked back down the hallway they each stopped at their own bedroom doors. Uncle Steve turned to look at him before entering his own room. "If you need anything in the middle of the night just come in here and get me," he urged Ricky.

Ricky simply nodded tiredly. Words felt beyond him at the moment. "Goodnight Uncle Steve," he mumbled as he entered his room. He barely heard his uncle's reply as he stumbled to his duffle bag to pull out his night clothes. He experienced a fleeting feeling of relief as he rifled through his bag for his clothes and noticed his tablet had made the trip unscathed before pouncing on his t-shirt and shorts and pulling them on at record speed.

Afterwards, he pulled out all of his toiletries. Ricky groaned as he gathered the last of them which turned out to be his toothbrush. He would have loved to have crawled into bed but there was no way in the world he would miss brushing his teeth and taking care of his personal hygiene. Not to mention he needed to use the toilet pretty badly.

After setting everything on the bathroom counter, Ricky brushed his teeth in record time and gargled his fluoride while he used the bathroom. In seconds he was done and finally ready for bed.

When he arrived at his bedroom he saw Uncle Steve standing next to his bed, bending over and pulling back the covers. After he was finished he looked up and smiled warmly at Ricky. Ricky smiled back but was curious as to what his uncle was doing.

"What are you doing?" Ricky asked curiously, tilting his head a bit.

"Just saving you the trouble of pulling back the covers."

"Well... thank you," Ricky didn't know what else to say, but wanted to show his uncle he appreciated the sentiment.

His uncle grinned in response. "You are very welcome," he replied solemnly. Ricky had the feeling he was being teased but as often happened to Ricky, he wasn't really sure in what way, so he did what he usually did, and smiled like he got the joke.

Ricky climbed into the bed and felt his body melt into the soft mattress. His uncle bent and pulled the covers up over Ricky. He smiled his thanks and his uncle smiled back warmly in turn. His uncle reached out and ruffled Ricky's hair affectionately. He then stood back up straight and began walking toward the bedroom door but not before looking back at Ricky one more time.

"Night Ricky."

"Good night Uncle Steve."

His uncle turned off the light and closed the door.

Ricky closed his eyes and gave a deep, deep sigh. All the anger, excitement and anxiety he had experienced throughout the day had completely wiped him out. He was just drifting off to sleep when he heard flapping noises and a few muted screeches outside.

'Bats,' Ricky thought muzzily, snuggling deeper under the covers and falling into a deep slumber. Tonight not even bats could puncture the bubble of exhaustion that engulfed him.

As he slept, weird dreams filled his head. Not nightmares, just very strange and bizarre dreams that consisted of screeching bats, a dark wooded area, and strangely enough... cheeseburgers.

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