Forbidden - Dean Winchester x...

By AngelMariaKurenai

263K 7.4K 3.8K

Ever since I was little my favorite stories were those of forbidden loves. Being with the one you loved would... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - The End

Chapter 4

16.5K 539 212
By AngelMariaKurenai

~Next morning at school~

"You. have got. to be. kidding me!" Sam looked at his brother, eyes wide and mouth agape. Unable to believe what his brother was telling him.

"No, Sam. I’m not. Can you just keep it low, will ya please?!" Dean hissed at his brother as they made their way to school.

It was one of the rare occasions that Sam accompanied his brother on the way to work and Dean couldn’t be more thankful for that because he definitely needed to talk to someone about last night.

"So let me get this straight." Sam started and Dean sighed "You had a… wet dream. With (y/n)" Sam finished.

"Yeah,  well, sort of. We didn’t, you know, get to the ‘business’, just make out… Really heavy make out. Really really heavy make out. Without any shirts"  Dean explained and Sam made a face.

"Yeah, ok. I get it, thanks for the horrible images by the way" Sam said.

"Hey, it was not my fault!" Dean complained loudly.

"Yeah, that you had a wet dream with (y/n)” Sam rolled his eyes.

"I told you-" Dean started but then remembered to lower his voice "I told you, Sam, it wasn’t a wet dream, ok?! Just-" he continued but Sam cut him off.

"Just a really heavy make out session with (y/n)" Sam said and shuddered at the mere thought.

"Yeah" Dean cleared his throat "Probably because I saw her… you know"

"In only her underwear, that very same night, yeah." Sam finished his brother’s sentence and he nodded.

"(Y/n)" Sam said and looked at his brother’s direction.

"Yes (y/n)" Dean said looking down and thinking.

"Your neighbor (y/n)" Sam said once again.


"Kieran’s daughter, (y/n)"

"Yes Sam"

"Your student (y/n)"

"Yes Sam, her!" Dean shouted and then looked down, biting his lip.

"Sorry" Sam said.

"No Sam. I’m sorry. Just… since last night I kind of am on the edge and really don’t know what to do… or feel" Dean apologized.

"It’s ok. Just… I wanted to know when was it?" Sam asked.

"What was what?" Dean frowned.

"When was it that you started having feelings for her?"

"Started having feelings for her? What are you even talking about Sam?!" Dean looked at his brother almost wide-eyed.

"Your feelings about (y/n), Dean. That dream, like most other dreams in general, showed you an aspect of yourself that you did not know it existed. In this case, it’s the feelings you have for (y/n) but, obviously, have no idea about." Sam explained as if it was the most simple thing.

"Cut your nerdy crap Sam, I do not have feelings for (y/n)! I was just worried yesterday because I care for her well-being and, that, just because I care about her." Dean protested.

"And I don’t mean in that way!" he quickly added.

"Yeah, what you describe as ‘care’ I say is way more, you just haven’t realized it yet." Sam tried to reason with him.

"Yeah, whatever you say Sammy" Dean mumbled.

"Come on Dean, I can see that you have realized you have feelings for her, just admit it already!" Sam let out an exasperated sigh and Dean letting out a sigh, stopped and turned to look at his brother who did the same.

"Listen Sammy, I’m just gonna say it to you once again because you obviously don’t get it. I do not have feelings for (y/n). She’s a lot younger than me, not to mention that I’m her teacher. So, no, I don’t have any feelings for her." he said and started walking again, Sam staying behind for a while.

"I can’t" he mumbled and after a while Sam came to join him.

They reached the school and entered. Walking own the hallway and making their way to their office Sam caught a glimpse of you next to your locker and a plan formed in his mind. He glanced at his brother who was looking down (obviously he hadn’t noticed you) and so Sam decided to… have some fun.

"(Y/n)!" he suddenly exclaimed, making both you and Dean turn to look at him, almost locking eyes with each other.

"Always the morning type, huh?" he asked you with a chuckle as he approached you, with Dean hesitantly following him.

"Oh, hey Sam. Heh yeah, sort of" you gave him a sheepish smile and Sam just grinned widely.

"Good-morning Mr. Winchester" you said as Dean approached the two of you, not really looking him in the eyes. Not after last night’s dream.

"Good-morning (y/n)" he  said after clearing his, not being able to make eye contact either.

"So (y/n) did you get a good night’s sleep? Because my brother over here didn’t" Sam said chuckling and Dean’s eyes widened.

"Uhm yeah, yeah" you said trying to seem convincing.

"Uhm Sam, I’m going to the office, you coming?" Dean asked, desperately wanting to prevent Sam from saying anything more.

"Nah, I’ll stay here with (Nickname), you go ahead." Sam grinned, putting an arm around your shoulders as you giggled. 

Dean tried to withhold a growl and after mumbling an “Ok” he turned and made his way to their office, which wasn’t that far away, and from there he had a clear view of you and Sam.

And he waited. Dean waited for Sam to return, all the while watching you and him interact in a rather intimate (according to him) way which Dean didn’t like even in the least bit. He watched as you laughed at something that Sam said and could swear he saw red when you touched Sam’s arm, not to mention when Sam gave you a kiss on the cheek before turning and walking to the office where Dean awaited (literally) fuming.

And just as Sam closed the door Dean didn’t wait even e second and spoke “What the hell?!” he barked.

"What do you mean with that?" Sam asked once he closed he door, as if he had no clue.

"What do I mean with that?! I’ll tell you what I mean with that! I mean that you can’t  control yourself for even a fucking minute!" Dean shouted.

"I still don’t understand what you mean with that Dean" Sam said innocently.

"Oh so you don’t now. Really Sam, really? The moment you walk into the school and see her, you start hitting on her and being all over her, laughing and touching and- and kissing her! You kissed her on the cheek! What the hell man?! Even though you know how I feel about her, even though you know that I -" Dean started rambling but immediately stopped when he realized  what he’d said and as soon as he saw Sam’s Cheshire cat’s smile at hearing his confession he got it.

He narrowed his eyes and pointing a finger at Sam he spoke “You- You sneaky bastard!” Dean said and Sam merely grinned.

"You’re very welcome!" Sam said, the smile never leaving his face.

"I hate you" Dean growled at him.

"Yeah, I know. I love you too, big bro!" Sam gave him a cheeky smile and Dean just growled more, rolling his eyes in the meanwhile.

"But now let’s talk about something more important" Sam said, suddenly getting serious and so did Dean, who let out a sigh, knowing very well were this was going and he could not avoid this conversation.

"What are you going to do with her?” Sam asked and Dean pursed his lips, he really didn’t know what to say.

"And you know, by her, I don’t mean (y/n)” Sam finished, pointing to the gold ring on Dean’s finger.

"I don’t know man, I don’t know" Dean sighed finding it hard to explain the situation and what he was thinking of doing.

And oh boy, was it hard.

Because certainly, falling in love with a girl you can’t be with while you are married is quite hard.

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