Chapter 6

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You went home straight after school that day, you father was in the kitchen preparing dinner. You told him you were going to do your homework and would be down in an hour.

You emptied the contents of your bag on your bed and after sorting the paper, the books, textbooks and the notebooks you began writing your small paper. Normally it would have taken you less than an hour but with it being assigned by Dean, and the subject alone reminding you of him, it proved a lot harder than you thought. Despite the difficulties you managed to finish it just as your father told you to hurry because dinner was ready. You hastily gathered the books, putting them aside, you gathered all the papers and put them aside too and then you took a few remaining ones, folded or not, and put them with the textbook you'd written your paper, seeing as Dean wanted the sources of your information along with what you'd written.

After putting them aside, too, you made your way downstairs where your father awaited you. And so the rest of the day went by normally. 

And so did the rest of the week.

Well, sort of. You did not have another lesson with Dean till Friday so you did not have to worry about being for an entire period in the same room with him and pretend as if nothing was wrong. And when you came across him, you just tried your best to avoid him, not looking him in the eyes or pretending you didn't see him walking by, all the way looking down or at Caroline's direction or even Kol's, who sometimes decided to join you...

... missing the look of hurt on Dean's eyes and Sam's sympathetic glance at his brother.

And without realizing... it was Friday and last period again.

The bell rang and all the students entered the class, Dean following along a few minutes later.

"Hello class" he said and the whole class responded with a "Hello Mr. Winchester"

Before he began the lesson, he gathered the textbooks with your papers, and then proceeded to ask you some questions, and you prayed to God that he would not ask you.

You kept staring at him all the while he heard the answers that your classmates gave him, finding it impossible to resist it any more, and whenever he would speak, even if it was to correct a student, or walk by or even give you a side-glance you would find yourself feeling all the more... weird.

Kol gave you a concerned look and you smiled at him reassuringly, not convincing him completely. You looked down at your desk, taking deep breaths and thinking what was wrong with you. Because something was definitely wrong with you, that was for sure. And something was wrong with you the whole week.

"(Y/n)" his voice broke  your trail of thoughts, not making you feel any better though.

You slowly turned and looked up at him "Yes?" you asked, feeling your heart beat all the more faster when you locked eyes.

"Are you feeling alright?" he asked, frowning concerning.

You hesitated for a while but then shook your head "No" you said.

"Would you like to go to the nurse, to see you?" he asked and you nodded "Yes, please" you said slowly and he nodded, full of concern.

"Ok then" he turned to look at Caroline "Caroline, go with her" he said and she nodded.

You both gathered your things and made your way out of the classroom to the nurse.

"Are you alright?" she asked you and you shook your head.

"I don't think so" you mumbled.

"Is it about him?" she asked, concerned.

You did not answer and just looked down as you walked down the hallway and entered the nurse's small room.

"(Y/n)? Hello, hon." she gave you a smile and you tried to return it.

You closed the door as Caroline waited outside "Hello, Meredith" you smiled, weakly.

"Oh dear. What's wrong (y/n)?" she asked as she helped you walk and seat at the closest chair.

"I-I don't know" you murmured "I'm just not feeling well"

She put a hand on your forehead, then on your wrist to count your heartbeats and then took a stethoscope, putting it on your chest "Take a deep breath".

You did so and then let it out. You repeated the process a couple more times before she pulled the stethoscope away and put it on her desk, frowning.

"What is it?" you asked worried and she frowned more.

"I can't really point a finger on it" she sighed and took a chair to seat close to you.

"(Y/n), can you tell me what exactly are you feeling?" she asked and you spoke.

"I didn't feel completely this way the whole week, the symptoms were subtle but this period it just... got worse. I-" you took a deep breath "I feel as if my heart will jump out of my chest, it beats uncontrollably fast, and- and my hands sometimes are shaking, and I can't control it. Sometimes I feel as if I can't breath properly and my mouth and throat go dry and then my stomach... It feels really weird as if there is a knot there or as if-" you continued but Meredith cut you off.

"There are butterflies in it?" she asked with a smile making it's way on her face as she saw you nod.

She chuckled and got up, putting the chair where it was before.

"What is it?" you asked and she laughed slightly.

"Don't worry (y/n), it isn't anything important. Well, basically it is, but-" she started but was cut off by someone knocking on the door.

The door opened and you looked up to see Dean coming in, not realizing that the bell had already rang, and just like that the symptoms got back.

"Sorry to interrupt." he said "I came to see what was wrong, how is she?" he said giving you a glance and you tried to avoid looking at him by looking down at your lap.

"That's what I was explaining to her right now. It's nothing she should worry about. It will go away... or not" she said and both you and Dean looked at her frowning "Depending on how much time you spend with him" she chuckled and you frowned more.

"Being in love is nothing you should worry about, dear. Just make sure you spend a good amount of time with the lucky guy and tell him about your feelings sweety, you will feel better right away" she smiled and Dean suddenly got serious.

"I- I don-" you started stuttering but she cut you off.

"No need to apologize honey, we're a family here" she smiled warmly and you didn't dare look at Dean in the eyes.

"I should probably go" you said and got up "Thank you for the help Meredith, goodbye Mr. Winchester" you said in a low voice, taking your bag with you wanting to leave the room as fast as possible.

And you did. Though missing Dean's hard look.

You were in love with him, now you were more than sure, but Dean did not know that.

All he did know was that you were in love with somebody and that that somebody was not him but Kol.

And now, you may say that why would he not think, hope, that it was him that you had feelings for?

Well, simply because the paper of yours and Caroline's conversation (that you had after the night you had the dream) and that you had accidentally put with the other papers and the textbook you had given Dean, proved otherwise...

... and that proof was enough for  Dean, when he read it that very same afternoon when checking you paper.

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