Chapter 8

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Of God help me you thought.

Your eyes widened as you looked at the man in front of you. There was something dark about him that you couldn't point your finger on.

"Going somewhere sweetheart?" he asked with a sick and twisted smile, his breath hitting your face, and you could smell the alcohol in it.

You tried to go back but he gripped you tight, putting a hand on your arms.

"Oh come on sweet-cheeks don't fight" he said with a laugh as you tried to fight him off "We don't bite... hard" he laughed more and so did the men behind him.

"Come on now!" he all-but shouted, face completely serious, and your eyes widened, a few tears running down your cheeks.

You stopped fighting, afraid that you would make him angry. Because even if you managed to break free from his grip there was no way that you would manage to escape from all of them.

"That's more like it" he grinned and more tears run down your face "You really shouldn't be walking alone this time of the night. You never know what might be waiting around the corner." he said and the men behind him laughed.

"It's dangerous. Especially with all those people going missing lately" he laughed and pulled his hand away from your mouth, and grabbed your jaw tightly. Making you cry out in pain.

"Oh no honey, don't be afraid. We just wanna have some fun" he grinned and your cried more.

"Please, please leave me alone. I-I..." you started but then trailed off and started sobbing.

"Don't worry, babe. I'm sure you will like it" he grinned and you started crying more and sobbing, as his hand went from holding your jaw to your waist and then down your leg. He tried to push your dress up but luckily immediately stopped when a voice was heard.

"Hey leave her alone!" the rough voice roared angrily.

The man stopped and everybody looked at someone that was standing behind you.

"Hey pal, mind your own business, we are just having some fun here" your captor said, trying to make him leave.

"I said. Leave. her. alone!" the voice said more angrily and you looked at your captor to see a dark expression on his face.

"Obviously you don't get it. Let me spell it out for you. Mind. your. own. business." he said through gritted teeth.

"Bite me" the man, it was clear from the way his voice sounded, said sarcastically.

And that was all it took for the fight to start. Because obviously your captor saw red. He immediately pushed you and you fell on the cold and wet road, scratching your knee and arm, pain shooting through you, and him along with the rest of the gang making his way to where (obviously) the man was.

You on the other hand could not see much. You staid for a while down on the cold road, unable to move from the pain, crying and sobbing. After a few seconds you tried to get up but failed so you decided to crawl to the side of the road and laid down at the roots of a tree, pulling your knees to yourself and hugging them as close as possible to you.

You shut your eyes tightly, the only thing you could hear was men fighting and you wished with all your heart that he would be able to fight them off. Because if he didn't then... you did not even dare to think about what those people would do to you. A few more minutes passed and nothing could be heard anymore. The only thing you could hear was your uncontrollable sobs and some hiccups here and there along with unsteady breathing. Your unsteady breathing. 

But nothing else.

Nothing else but silence.

And then you heard it. Heavy breathing and... Footsteps. Footsteps coming closer to you. You got scared and pushed yourself closer to the tree, as far away as possible from whoever coming close. You curled yourself more close to the tree, sobs shaking your whole body, unable to stop yourself from crying.

"Hey, hey it's alright" the voice, although rough, sounded soft "Everything's alright"

You hesitated to move but when you did turn around, to look first at the hand on your shoulder and then at the face of the man that saved you, you could not believe your eyes. Although it was dark you could clearly make out the face of your savior. And even if you didn't see clearly, you would know who he was just by looking in those forest-green eyes.

Your eyes almost widened "D-Dean?" you asked not believing what you were seeing through your blurry eyes.

He smiled at hearing you call him by his first name "Yeah, it's me" he said softly.

"H-how- Wh-what? I- They-" you started stuttering but he stopped you.

"No time for that. How about we get you away from here, hm?" he asked in a low voice and you looked at your bleeding knee and back at him, giving a small nod.

He smiled slightly and after grabbing your bag that was away from you he came back to you and although you tried to get up on your own he just gave you your bag and bent to pick you up and carry you bridal style.

Your cheeks flushed and you looked at him almost wide-eyed but you just looked down at your hand holding your bag and wiped your tears with the other one, although a few more rolled down your cheeks. You took in a shaky breath, and hugged your bag closer to you as few sobs escaped your throat, no matter how much you tried to hold them. And although it seemed as if it was your idea, Dean held you tighter upon hearing you cry.

After a few seconds you looked up at him and although your vision was slightly blurry from the tears you could see Dean almost clearly. And so you staid like that. Looking at him. Staring at him. Gazing at him. You were mesmerized by him. By his oh-so-green eyes that although they held a fire in them they looked soft. And by his jaw which was set, firmly, his lips slightly pursed and a small split on them, with a few droplets of blood running.

So that's how you staid there, in his firm and strong arms as he held you tightly and close to him. But he obviously realized that you were staring because he looked down at you, raising slightly an eyebrow, and you immediately looked down at your hands and bag, blushing.

And after a while you started feeling more tired, your eyes almost closing sometimes. You rubbed them, trying to get the sleep out of them just for a little bit longer, until at least you reached your place. But you could no longer keep yourself from feeling so tired. And you could no longer keep yourself from leaning in, closer to him, closer to his warm body.

He was so warm that you could not help yourself but put a hand on his chest and your head at the crook of his neck. He seemed to tense, almost stopping for a few seconds, but then he kept walking as he pulled you closer to him. And you snuggled closer to him, breathing in his perfect scent. And just like that you found yourself falling into a peaceful sleep, all worries and pain washing away immediately as if nothing bad had happened, because you felt safe. You were safe. In his arms. In Dean's arms.


You felt yourself being pulled out of sleep as the sun hit your face. You groaned and tried to hide your face under the covers.

Wait what?

You woke up completely as realization hit you. You immediately opened your eyes and rubbing the sleep out of them you looked around you, trying to understand where you were. You removed the covers and looked down at yourself. Luckily you were fully clothed, apart from your jacket which was now hanging on a chair, and a bandage was wrapped around your knee as well as arm. You then turned your head looking around the room and then your eyes widened in realization. You were not in your room, that was for sure. You were...

... in Dean's room?

You were completely sure once you looked at the window and the whole room and immediately tried to get up. A decision which you soon regretted because as soon as you stepped on your feet, pain shoot through your whole foot and knee, making you yelp and fall to the floor with a loud thud. Which obviously Dean heard, as he came running up the stairs and quickly came to your side.

"Hey, hey. Easy there, take it easy" he said softly, and grabbed you by your shoulders to help you up.

"No. It's ok Mr-" you started but then stopped "Dean. It's ok Dean. I can do it" you said giving him a small smile.

He chuckled and you looked at him frowning "It's just-" he laughed a little more "Again with those damn formalities" he said and your eyes almost widened.

He sounds just like in the dream you thought but immediately shook the thought off.

"Sorry..." you mumbled as he helped you sit on the bed and started checking your knee.

"No it's ok. You just- You're really formal... all the time." he chuckled more and you blushed.

"Sorry" you apologized once again "It has just become a habit. You're my teacher and-" he cut you off.

"Yes, but we're not at school anymore" he looked up at you with a smirk.

Damn. This sounds all the more like the dream you thought again.

"Yeah..." you mumbled.

"Besides, I'm not that old" he continued and went back to treating your knee.

"You not old at all Dean" you said without even thinking, just speaking your mind.

He looked back up at you with a smile "Thanks" he mumbled and you just smiled back.

You stood there for a while, just looking at each other, no-one making a move or saying anything, just gazing into each other's eyes and enjoying the peace and silence surrounding you. But when you realized it you immediately broke your gaze and opted for looking down at your hands, a blush making its way up to your cheeks. Dean cleared his throat and slightly shaking his head he finished fixing the bandage on your knee. 

Silence surrounded you but Dean soon broke it.

"So I talked to your father about last night" he began and you immediately remembered that your father was not at home. And he would not be for the whole Friday and weekend. Some business he had to attend at a nearby church he had told you.

"He said that although he cannot come back you are not staying at your home alone" Dean said and looked up at you "You are going to spend the weekend here, with me" he finished.


And you did spend the weekend with him. 

Maybe in the beginning it was awkward, seeing as he was really close to you all the time as he had to help you move around the house, and you blushed furiously most of the times. Especially that time when he was having a shower and you had to catch your ringing phone. You of course fell, yelping in pain, and Dean heard you, so he quickly came out to help you. Luckily he was wearing his jeans, obviously he had just started dressing. But the fact that he was not wearing a shirt and came to help you up, by holding you and being close to you, touching you, and supporting you while not wearing a shirt, and had just come out of the shower, was enough to make you blush just at the mere thought.

Fortunately for you that was just the first day of you staying with him. After a while your knee got better, not completely well, but fine enough so that you could walk one your own. Meaning that you could avoid any more awkward moments. Though, him walking in on you changing was quite awkward too, you tried to brush it off. No matter how hard it seemed.

Except for those awkward moments the weekend with Dean was... the best you ever had.

You had a lot in common, both having a special love for pie. And although you would never expect it, he was an amazing person whom you wanted to have more conversations with. Not only was he funny, but he also made interesting and smart conversations. And you found yourself talking to him more and more. Getting to know each other more, exploring your interests, and talking about whatever topic you thought of.  And most of the time it was about his family. Over this weekend you had come to learn that, although he didn't show it, Dean was a broken man. He'd gone through a lot in his life yet he kept going. Greeting everyday with a smile. And that was something you had began to love about him. Though there wasn't a single thing that you did not love about him.

"And I just decided to lick the whole boll. Though the chocolate was more than what I expected. So you can guess how I looked when I pulled my face out of it" Dean finished another one of his stories, taking a small sip from his hot chocolate and then putting it at the small coffee table in front of you.

You were both currently sitting on the couch, at the living room, drinking some hot chocolate waiting for the apple-pie you had made to finish baking. Well, it was mostly him making the preparations and you just helping him. Just another thing you did not expect from him.

You laughed, as he did the same, and shook your head "Seriously Dean. Could you not just take a spoon?" you said, using his first name. You had now become used to calling him by his first name and not use any formalities.

"Well what's the fun to that, hm?" he asked with a smile and you shrugged.

"I guess you're right, that's what I would do most of the times when I was younger anyway" you said.

"See. That's my point" he said drinking from his mug and you nodded, doing the same.

Your laughter died out, the smiles remaining on your faces, as silence surrounded you. Though this time it was not awkward at all. Not to mention it seemed comfortable. It felt comfortable. Being with him felt comfortable. Being with him felt like home.

You looked at your mug for a while then up and around the room until your eyes fell up on a framed picture of him... and his wife. And the smile immediately vanished from your face.

You had met her, Lisa was her name, and she seemed pretty nice. Though now that you'd come to know Dean more you did not see what they could have in common. What could keep them together.

"She's in California" Dean said, seeing you look at the picture, and you turned to look at him "Probably shooting some movie... again" Dean finished, letting out a sigh and looking back down at his mug.

Your heart broke at the sight "You... you miss her?" you asked, biting slightly your lip. Not really wanting to hear the answer.

He looked at you, and letting out a sigh, he put the mug on the table, you doing the same, and he spoke "I... I've become used to it."

You frowned so he continued "After we got married lots of things changed. We don't spend much time together. Most of the time she's away shooting some movie or TV show, and it feels as if we are not married at all, as if I'm alone. And... no matter how used to it I may be, I... miss her" he said and you looked down at your hands at hearing what you feared.

"I mean" he started again and you looked up at him, seeing him look right ahead "I sometimes miss the moments we spent together. The beautiful ones. But... they're over. And... even though I should probably think of her all the time when she's away, like a right husband that loves his wife should do, I... don't. These past two weeks I haven't thought of her a lot and this weekend... I haven't thought of her even in the least bit and now that I do-" he took in a deep breath "- I no longer feel that I miss her. I no longer feel that emptiness and loneliness that was always there, even when she was with me. And that-" he turned to look at you "Because of you (y/n)" he finished and you looked at him, trying to keep a smile from appearing.

And then... silence.

No-one said a thing. Both you and Dean staring into each other's eyes, gazes locked, no-one daring to move or break the stare. It felt as if time had stopped. The word had stopped spinning. Nothing and nobody existed. Just you and him. It felt like forever but oh-boy did you love standing just like that, on the couch close to him and staring in his so-damn-perfect green eyes. And then his whole face. Trying to take in every little piece of detail possible. Looking from beautiful eyes, to his spiky short hair, to the freckles on his adorable nose, to his small scruff and then his lips.

Damn why did they suddenly look so kissable?!

You quickly averted your eyes to look up into his and saw him do the exact same thing.

Why would he look at your lips?

Soon your question was answered. Because he was leaning in. Closer and closer every second. Till his lips were just a few mere inches away from yours. And before you could open your mouth to speak he closed the remaining distance between you, his lips on yours. Kissing. In the beginning hesitantly but when you responded he got more sure of himself, even putting a hand on your cheek. Never stopping kissing you and so did you.

You kept kissing him back...

... and it was real.

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