Book 2: City of Ice and Fire...

By pokemonshadowhunter

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BEWARE OF THE COLD DARKNESS, ONLY AN ARROW CAN PIERCE ITS HEART Arrowheart (Alec) and siblings have just bec... More

Chapter 1: Coming to a Decision
Chapter 2: Sparkpaw of HunterClan (Clace) (Malec)
Chapter 3: Simon's Interlude
Chapter 4: Training in the Sandy Hollow
Chapter 5: Sharing News
Chapter 6: A New Mission (Clace)
Chapter 7: A Tunnel with a Surprising Destination (Malec)
Chapter 8: Meanwhile In HunterClan...
Chapter 9: Unwarranted Assault Aka when The Malec Ship sails
Chapter 10: Battle at the Silent Forest (Malec)
Chapter 11: The Mortal Stick is Taken
Chapter 12: Reuniting with a Friend (Malec)
Chapter 13: Why does the Mundane have to come along? (Malec) (Climon)
Chapter 14: Rain and Loss (Malec)
Chapter 15: A Story of Lost Dreams
Chapter 16: Arrowheart is Annoyed (Climon) (Malec)
Chapter 17: How to Conquer Fear (Malec)
Chapter 18: Silverpaw it's been so long (Malec)
Chapter 19: A Secret Meeting at FourTrees
Chapter 20: Vultureclaw is acting Suspicious and he's not the Only One
Chapter 21: WolfClan is finally here! (Malec)
Chapter 22: Escape from the Shadows
Chapter 23: The Journey Home...Is Filled with Peril (Malec)
Chapter 24: You Can't Save Everyone Arowheart (Malec)
Chapter 25: Welcome Back to the Land of Confusion
Chapter 26: The Werecats Howl at the Moon
Chapter 27: The Reason Why Monsters are DANGEROUS (Malec)
Chapter 28: Terrible News
Chapter 29: The Sharper the Thorn, The Deadlier the Secret (Clace)
Chapter 31: New Destiny and the Frozen Stream
Chapter 32: Heart to Heart (Malec)
Chapter 33: Its Time to Take Back Sunning Rocks
Chapter 34: Victory!
Chapter 35: Prey Problems
Chapter 36: Who is to blame?
Chapter 37: Wake Up to the Sound (Malec)
Chapter 38: Reconasaince
Chapter 39: Battle on the Frozen River
Chapter 40: Alderpaw Cuts it Close
Chapter 41: Forest Clash
Chapter 42: Blood Transfusion (Clace)
Chapter 43: Reunited (Malec)
Chapter 44: Celebration (Malec, Clace, Sizzy)

Chapter 30: Sparkpaw has a Dream

22 3 8
By pokemonshadowhunter

****Simon's POV****

Pain seized his heart as he crossed over the FaerieClan border. One of the faerie cats- Springpaw- had followed him on his way out alongside a she-cat he did not recognize. Blood pounded in his ears as he shot out of the undergrowth, his limbs trembling. Seeing Sparkpaw with Goldenclaw like that had been much too painful for him to watch, so the second the vines had receded he had raced out of camp with his newly acquired vampire speed.

No one had been able to stop him, though that hadn't kept him from being tailed on his way out of camp.

"See ya later vampire! Don't let the vines whack ya on the way out!" Springpaw shouted out to him. The other faerie cat rolled her eyes but said nothing about the apprentice's blunt behavior.

"Hah...hah...." He takes in unnecessary gulps of air as he collapses to the ground. Bleary amber eyes took in his surroundings.

Simon came to the quick conclusion that he had come back onto HunterClan territory several paces away from where he'd left. Nightrose, Arrowheart and Patchfur were likely still waiting with Duskstep for his return. Though as he didn't feel like seeing any of them, Simon staggered to his paws to make his way back to camp alone.

It was nightfall when he reached the thorn tunnel, his body feeling bone-weary with exhaustion. Simon had been walking around HunterClan territory for quite some time before he came home, so much so that he could smell the sweet scent of Sparkpaw in the air, mingled by Arrowheart and Patchfur (both of whom might as well have had the same scent at this point with minor variations), Goldenclaw and Dawnmist. The group had likely returned long before he did. Simon wondered if they might've went looking for him, but quickly pushed the possibility down.

Why go looking for me when they have everything they need right here. Maybe he was being cynical, but Simon just could not for the life of him get the image of Sparkpaw kissing Goldenclaw out of his head. It made his stomach feel queasy; his heart felt like it was cracked into several tiny pieces, too many to make whole again.

Ashwhisker and Brackenfoot were pacing around the camp when he came in. The two toms eyed him with slight surprise, but resumed their nightly watch a few moments later. Sighing, Simon began to make his way towards the Apprentice's Den for the night. In all actuality, he would rather not sleep in the same den as Sparkpaw tonight, even if Smokepaw, Stripepaw and Mousepaw could manage to serve as decent buffers between himself and the fiery she-cat.

Right now Simon would prefer to never talk to her again. All that needed to be said was announced clearly in Vinestar's den. Goldenclaw and Sparkpaw had made sure to be as obvious as possible with their desires. That much was certain.

"Simon? Is that you?" A voice whispers.

He turns to see Dawnmist staring out at him from her den. The pale she-cat was blinking at him tiredly, her blue eyes reflecting the stars preening in the sky. Medicine cat or not, no cat could deny the beauty she held, her pale fur streaked with a silver sheen at night. Her voice was quiet, reminding him of his own sister's voice.

Just how is Becky doing now? Is she alright without me? Simon tries to picture his sister at this late hour. She would likely be either asleep or curled up in her favorite windowsill. Perhaps she was staring out through the clear glass, her eyes overlooking their backyard and the pool that was still covered by that weird stretchy mat that would prevent cats from slipping in.

Simon was known for being clumsy, but he hadn't been the one to slip in. No, that had been Becky. His sister had taken an accidental dive back when they were kits. Now the cover remained on at all times in the winter, and stayed on whenever it wasn't in use. It was likely a hassle in the summer for the housefolk to take on and off, but Simon supposed that they were okay with it.

"Yes it's me. Uh....I thought everyone would be asleep by now. Well, besides the guards of course." Simon confesses.

Dawnmist tilts her head considering. "That's why you didn't come back with the rest of us. I heard about what happened with Sparkpaw and Goldenclaw and all. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I..." His amber eyes stare down at the ground. "I'm just fine. But thanks for asking."

"You know, I was rejected once too. Though, when I look back on it now, I'm not sure I was ever in love with him anyways." Dawnmist confesses.

Simon's ear perk up at that. "You were? Who, um, if it isn't too impolite to ask...who did you like Dawnmist? I didn't realize you ever did..."

"Like someone?"

"Yea." He nods dumbly.

From what he knew of Medicine Cats, they did not mate. Nor did they ever have kits in their lifetime. It was a very unusual thing for a cat to do. Even though he was young Simon could not imagine living life without finding a mate and having children with her someday.

"Haha I know what you're thinking. And yes I did. His name is Frondleap." She tells him.

"Oh, I'm surprised. Of all the cats, I wouldn't have imagined..." Simon trails off.

Dawnmist dips her head at that, looking rather bashful. "Well, most cats thought I would like Arrowheart if anything. Even from a young age everyone knew he was strong and level-headed. The perfect makings of a leader." She didn't sound wistful, but there was clear admiration in her tone. Simon can respect that. He and Arrowheart were not exactly friends, but they weren't not friends either. I wonder where we stand now....

"That's nice. Uh, I guess I could see it too, except for the fact that he's-" Simon gets cut off by a paw on his muzzle, keeping his mouth firmly clamped shut.

"Shhh Simon. You mustn't say it out loud. Arrowheart isn't ready for that yet. Do you understand?" Dawnmist stares at him worriedly.

"Oh, I didn't realize. He hasn't...." come out yet. The thought hit him in a random spurt. Back in the neighborhood, no one cared if someone was gay or bisexual or really anything that fell into the LGBTQ+ category. It simply did not matter to house cats or humans, not in this day and age. But HunterClan must be more traditional I guess. I don't think the other clans ads though, so I think the Shadowhunters are just behind the times.

"Yes. He has not. And that's completely okay. He'll do it when he's ready." Dawnmist says this with a challenge in her tone, as though she was daring him to speak against it. Simon was reminded just how good of a friend Dawnmist is with Arrowheart. It was no wonder she was being so protective over the other Shadowhunter.

"Yea. I'm sure he will." Simon mews. "Uh if that's all I should probably..." I should probably what? Go? But where would I go? I don't want to see Sparkpaw right now, and I don't think the Warriors will let me sleep there...

"Simon, if you don't want to sleep somewhere away from Sparkpaw, you're welcome to stay in the Medicine Cat den. Featherflight won't mind, and Violetpaw could use the company." She tells him.

"A-are you sure? And, uh, how is Violetpaw doing exactly?" He asks.

"Violetpaw is doing fine. The herbs helped her out a lot but her leg...." Dawnmist sighs. There is an unspoken thought laying heavy in the air, unable to be worded out loud. "But never mind that. Of course you can come. So let's get moving. I'd like to get some sleep tonight."

Simon follows Dawnmist to her den. The fallen tree that laid over the entrance to the small, cave-like room. Herb smell was heavy in the air, sweet and spicy and bitter all at once. Featherflight was curled up in his nest made of feathers and furs. A few clumps of moss were woven in between, and when he peered close enough Simon could see a few juniper berries were clasped underneath the tom's paw.

The nest right beside his was likely Dawnmist's nest, as the pale cat's smell wafted up from the pressed ferns, moss and feathers. Another nest lay across from theirs. It was empty, barren, cold. A faint cat scent came from it, but it was clear it had not been used for a very long time, making him wonder just whose bed it had originally been.

Violetpaw was sprawled out in the back of the den where the patients always slept that were under intense care. The she-cat was sleeping soundly, her hind leg covered in a leaf wrap bandage so he couldn't see the extent of the apprentice's injuries. He notes that there are three nests in total including Violetpaw's nest, giving Simon two options to slumber in. He settled for the nest on the far right made up of fluffy moss that reminded him of his bed back home. Of course it wasn't as soft as that bed, but it would do.

It was only a few minutes later that he succumbed to the darkness of sleep.

****Sparkpaw's POV****

Dream Sequence...

She was running and running and running. The grass skims underneath her paws, dirt flying into the air in clumps. A starry sky glitters through the canopy, sending sparkles of light onto the ground. There was a chill in the air that bit at her skin and made her want to curl up in a ball to sleep for awhile.

Why exactly was she here again? Sparkpaw did not know.

She reached a cliff precipice and went staggering to a halt. This place was not somewhere Sparkpaw had seen before, yet it still felt as though she had been there before....or maybe perhaps that she would go there someday.

The scenery around her was now that of a tall cave of jutting stones the color of slate and moonlight. High Stones, she realizes with a jolt. Sparkpaw had heard stories about this place from her mentor Arrowheart. He had been lucky enough to go inside High Stones back when he was an apprentice. She didn't know the full story of what happened while he was inside with Blossomstar, but judging by how he'd described it, it must've been pretty epic.

"But why am I here?" She ponders aloud.

As if to answer her, the world flashed forward. Suddenly Sparkpaw finds herself in the midst of a body of water. It was a small lake right outside what looked to be a cave. There was a river that connected to both of them, leading her to believe the two were connected somehow. The body of water gleams with golden light to give off a heavenly aura of sorts.

In front of the river were three cats in total. They were much too far away for her to make out, so much so that she tried to squint to make up the difference but ultimately failed. Sparkpaw tries to move closer when that fails, but it's as if some magical force is holding her back. So she continues to watch them as best she can from far away.

One of the cats is a gleaming white in color, mixed with some gold. He charges at the golden tabby cat across from him, knocking him to the ground. The black cat who was clearly helping the golden one was laying in the dirt, injured by the looks of it. Sparkpaw felt bad for the golden cat and black cat. She wished she could help, but found herself rooted to the lake.

"THIS WILL COME TO PASS!" A voice booms from out of nowhere.

The scene flashes forward again to a change of pace. Sparkpaw finds herself in this moment crouched down in front of someone. This cat is hurt, so so badly hurt, but she can't recognize him. In front of them is a white tom with blazing amber eyes.


He holds the Mortal Moss and Mortal Stick at paw. A manic grin stretches out on his face. It is a look of absolute evil that makes her want to claw his face off amidst the blundering emotions she feels.

"Finally my wish can be granted! The Angel Raziel will rise!" Frostfang cries out.

"No!" Sparkpaw shouts.

Sleep dissipates after that, tugging her back into the waking world of the living.

****Goldenclaw's POV****

His legs still felt stiff when he returned home from the dawn patrol. A starling was clenched in his jaw, a breakfast for Zephyrkit and Pillowkit to snack on. He knew it wouldn't be long before Sandkit, Tumblekit and Cloudkit were also asking him for prey, but thankfully they were content with their mother's milk for now. With Leaf Bare fast approaching, it was best to save up on as much prey as they possibly could for now.

Knowing the kits wouldn't be awake yet, he set the prey right outside the Nursery for them to enjoy when they woke. After that he headed off to the Medicine Cat's den. It was time to see Violetpaw.

Frost tinges the few leaves still hanging on the trees surrounding camp. Most were scattered in piles on the dry ground, making each and every paw step crunch with the withered stuff. What he wouldn't give for fresh grass that did not scratch his paw pads and get sticky pine sap on them. It was with mild disgruntlement that he greeted Dawnmist as he entered the den.

"Morning." He tells her.

Dawnmist, who had been busy sorting through herbs, inclines her head in greeting. Those pale paws are streaked with berry juice of a mix of green and blue. Behind her Featherflight continues to snooze away. There had been a noticeable shift in duties on the tom's part ever since Dawnmist had become a full fledged Medicine cat. Featherflight was still very active, but now he would wake up right before lunch and go to be right as dusk started to set in.

"Morning Goldenclaw. Here to see Violetpaw I presume?" Dawnmist murmurs as she rolls a few shriveled berries on the ground.

"You know it. Um, is she awake yet?" Goldenclaw casts an anxious glance towards the patient's part of the den. "I wouldn't want to wake her if she's still asleep."

"That's very thoughtful of you Goldenclaw. You've come along way from the egotistical apprentice you once were."

"Haha flatterer. We both know I still have a big ego." Goldenclaw shoots her a wink.

Dawnmist rolls her eyes, shredding up some of the borage in front of her. Goldenclaw knew the reason why, he'd even heard it from the cat it was for. It was strange to see Silvermoon pregnant, and even stranger to think that the kits she would have would be Nightrose's and Arrowheart's siblings considering the age gap.

But it could always be worse. Just think about Petalfall and Russsetleaf. He had only just learned that the two she-cats were well over 22 moons apart. By the time Petalfall had been born, Russetleaf was already a full grown warrior. A warrior that's also apparently my mother. He still felt nauseated when he thought about that. It brought about a tidal wave of other thoughts and feelings he wasn't ready to dissect just yet. The matter was made even worse when most of those thoughts had to do with Sparkpaw.

"Yes I'm well aware of that. Get a move on mouse brain. Violetpaw is waiting for you out back." Dawnmist ushers him towards the back entrance of the den.

Not much was back there, asides from a tall rock covered in vines and some purple-blue flowers with star-shaped flowers. Goldenclaw hadn't the slightest clue what they were called, but he knew they were pretty. Back when he was with Sparkpaw, he had considered picking a few of them for her.

"Thanks. I'll see you later." He made his way out the back entrance.

Goldenclaw side stepped the nest sitting in the way on his exit out of the den. Like Dawnmist had said, Violetpaw was outside. The tortoiseshell she-cat was limping about trying to balance better on her three good legs. Going to the FaerieClan camp to get those special healing herbs had helped the apprentice survive her injuries. Unfortunately, they had not healed her hind leg. The thing was still a ruined mess wrapped in a tight leaf binding. A strange smelling poultice drips out of it every so often. Dawnmist likely had to reapply it often.

"Violetpaw. How are you doing?"

Violetpaw staggers around on her three good legs to face him. Her violet eyes were distraught with pain and misery as she let out a few low pants. The struggle to move around on three legs had to be difficult for the small cat who had always moved on all fours. Goldenclaw felt her misery like a jab to the heart.

This is all my fault.

"Goldenclaw! Dawnmist said you'd be stopping by today. I wasn't sure if I could believe her." Violetpaw confesses.

Goldenclaw moves closer to her so he could sit down right in front of his apprentice. He motioned for Violetpaw to also sit, which she did so gratefully. The tortoiseshell was keeping her gaze on the ground, her mood abysmal as it was depressing.

"And why couldn't you believe her?" He ignores the fact that Violetpaw didn't answer his earlier question to focus on a new concern.

"'s not like I'm much use anymore. Everyone's saying I can't be a warrior now, so my life is essentially over." Violetpaw said this quietly, her voice choked up.

Goldenclaw shakes his head. "That's not true Violetpaw. You're life isn't over. Maybe you can't be a warrior but-"

"But what Goldenclaw!" Violetpaw snaps. "Ever since I was a kit I wanted to be a warrior. That dream was just taken from me. There's nothing else left for me now." She admits sadly.

Goldenclaw wants to tell her how wrong she is. He wants to tell her that even though her life wasn't going as planned, that didn't mean everything was over for her. There's still so much more left for her here. Otherwise StarClan would've taken her that day on the ThunderPath. Goldenclaw tries to form the words to tell her that, but he finds himself unable to form the words.

"Goldenclaw, Violetpaw. How about you both come help me with these herbs, seeing as neither of you have anything better to do." Featherflight says, forgoing any greeting as he pokes his head out of the Medicine Den. Violetpaw and Goldenclaw stare at him in confusion before looking at each other. Wordlessly, they follow the elder healer back into the den. Discussion of Violetpaw's future would wait until later, when emotions weren't being so overwhelming.

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