Sex Is Just A Word - #1 UNEDI...

By CynthiaRayneOfficial

3.1M 71.5K 9.8K

Please don't read if you're not comfortable with course language and sexual references because there's a shit... More

Chapter Zero - Sex Is Just A Word
Chapter One - The Naked Blonde
Chapter Two - Aaron Tyler Quinn a.k.a Mr Arrogant
Chapter Three - I Know You're Keeping Secrets
Chapter Four - Two Can Play That Game
Chapter Five - The Office Is Offlimits
Chapter Six - Picture Perfect Charlie
Chapter Seven - Roses Are Red Violets Are Blue And I'm Stalking You!
Chapter Eight - Hi There Angry Young Man!
Chapter Nine - "Bun In The Oven"
Chapter Ten - The Music Box
Chapter Eleven - "I Love Aaron Tyler Quinn"
Chapter Twelve - "She's Mine"
Chapter Thirteen - "Right Amount Of Slutty With Just Enough Class"
Chapter Fourteen - Bean and Pip
Chapter Fifteen - Letting The Cat Out Of The Bag
Chapter Sixteen - Simply A Good Lay
Chapter Seventeen - Broken Hearted Girl
Chapter Eighteen - St Christopher's Orphanage
[EXTRA] The Origins Of Aaron Tyler Quinn [EXTRA]
Chapter Twenty - Not So Innocent Torment
Chapter Twenty One - Goodbye Charlie Bear
Chapter Twenty Two - Broken Promises
Chapter Twenty Three - Confessions
Chapter Twenty Four - His Filthy Blood
Chapter Twenty Five - Maddening Sexual Tension
Chapter Twenty Six - Mrs. Quinn's Seduction
"Somthing Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue"
[SEQUEL] Chapter One - Romancing My Husband

Chapter Nineteen - I'm Not Going Anywhere Sweetheart

97.3K 2.2K 304
By CynthiaRayneOfficial


"Alright so Doctor Arson was your obstetrician in New York?" I nodded weakly, desperate for her to stop talking about New York. I have medical history here and round ligament pain is common at this stage of pregnancy however its uncommon for it to happen this frequently and for prolonged periods of time. Do you have these pains when you make sudden movements?" I nodded, "do you get them when your stationary?"

"Yes, sometimes" she placed her hand on the lower end of my bump.

"Have you been doing any exercise? Maybe yoga or stretching" I shook my head, I didn't have the energy or mindset to do any of those things, not to mention I wasn't too excited about going to them on my own so I can watch couples doing the classes together. "Doctor Arson has documented that you may be at risk of further complication later on in your pregnancy. There isn't any major problem right now however we might be looking at a c-section. Your stress levels as still abnormal and this increases chances of miscarriage in your first trimester. I cannot strain enough how important it is for you to relax and take care of yourself because in turn you're taking care of your baby. Your prenatal vitamin intake is inconsistent and your depression is a concern for me too, a happy pregnancy is a healthy pregnancy. Depression can increase stress and that can be potentially harmful. I want you to visit me once a week for the next two months so we can work on getting your health back to a normal state."

"Will my baby be alright?" Suddenly I felt like the worst mother on the face of the planet! How could of I been so careless? Was I that selfish?

"Don't do that to yourself Charlie because you can't change the past, we will work on this together. We will do everything necessary to make sure your baby is delivered healthy and happy along with you! You matter too". She wrote up my prescription and I decided that everything would come second, Pip first. I wanted to find out who the hooded guy was and why he had been after me for so long but I wouldn't do anything to put Pip at risk, I'd make sure to take my medication, eat right, rest and go to exercise classes even if I have to go alone! I'll find out the safest way, there had to be somebody who knew something, anything about him. Firstly my house. It was exactly as it was sixteen years ago, who bought it? And why didn't they reconstruct it?

I had found several apartments but I was currently still at the hotel. It had been a week since I had left everyone behind and I felt too guilty to call them even though I so badly wanted to hear their voices and apologise. These thoughts consumed my mind as I made my way out of the hospital and parking lot.

I looked up and I could have sworn that the world stopped moving when my eyes found his. But he couldn't really be here, could he? Was I imagining him? Across the road he was climbing out of the passenger side door, I continued to walk, crossing the road cautiously because I knew he was simply a figment of my imagination. I was very careful to only remain in contact with Daniel and keep any other way of Aaron finding out where I was hidden.

"Charlie" his voice was a familiar hoarse tone but all I could hear was regret and relief. I froze, I could hear nothing else, his eyes took me in and I began to retreat, one foot after another. "Charlie look out!" He was moving his mouth again and he looked panicked, he was waving his hands in front of him gesturing to something but I couldn't see anything but him. "Charlie for fuck sake-" I saw him glide over the front hood of the Bentley and run towards me, all I wanted to do was turn and run but my body wouldn't allow it. I was fighting against myself to get away from him because I was drawn to him.

"Charlie!" suddenly a sound registered and I turned to my right, a large white van was heading straight towards me and the driver was sounding the horn furiously. I stood still and threw my arms over my face waiting for the impact. Before I even knew it I was airborne and the world started spinning again. In his arms everything felt right! Why? How was I ever supposed to get over him? It felt like I had been pressed against him for hours, that he had been holding me for hours. When he finally settled me down and my feet touched the ground I stumbled back, praying that this was just a dream, a day dream at that.

" did you...f...find me?" He continued to take me in and his face was shadowed by fear.

"It wasn't easy Miss Reed..." His voice disappeared as he caressed my cheek with the back of his hand, I was still struggling to get my breath back from almost dying, yet again! I gripped his hand and pushed it away; he swallowed hard and closed his eyes before taking a step towards me. I matched him but in reverse, I took a step back.
"You can't be here! Why won't you just leave me alone?" I shoved a hand through my hair to mostly settle my trembling hands. I turned to leave when he gripped my arm and turned me to face him.

"Please. Just come back...I...need you" his voice was a whisper and I couldn't hold the tears back, he looked so hurt, so lost and so broken! But I couldn't do this anymore! I tried to break out of his grip but he wouldn't let me go. I could no longer tell if it was because of how tight his grip was or if I didn't want him to let me go. "Please...I'm sorry...just give...give me a chance Charlie, come back-"

"No!" I pushed him back and now I could barely see him through the fog of tears in my eyes. "I'm done trying! I'm sick and tired of getting hurt! I don't want to come second for the rest of my life! I don't want to love a man that doesn't love me! Just leave me alone! Please! Just go!"

"I'm not going anywhere." His voice was firm but soft at the same time and I let out a sigh of frustration.

"Then I'll just leave again!" I bit out.

"I'll follow." He stated simply.

"God! What do you want from me?" I threw my arms in the air and he took a step closer, he cupped my face in his hands and I closed my eyes.

"I want you. I always have. I need you Charlie, I need you. If you just give me a chance-"

"I can't..." He released me but only slightly.

"If you need time, then I'll wait. We'll go back whenever you want but I can't be away from you...I can't..."

"I need you to love me like I love you..." That was the last thing I said before leaving. He didn't stop me and I hated the part of myself that wanted him to.

"Hello Miss Reed there was a call for you earlier from Reed real-estate something about information on a property you sold."

"Yes I was expecting it."

"He left a personal number mam" the women handed me a slip with Noel Reed's mobile number on it. I put the questions of how Aaron found me at the back of my mind and dialed the number Noel had left.

"Hi it's me Charlie. I've been...I've been fine uncle, And don't call me that? I could tell he was new, I mean who doesn't know me in this town. I'm the miracle child right, after all I did survive a fire I shouldn't have." I let out a mocking laugh but my uncle caught the sadness in my voice. I hadn't spoken to him in several years, I didn't remember the details but he had attempted to adopt me too or give authority to the Campbell's to anyway but then he turned at the last second. He decided he wanted nothing to do with me and he refused to give permission of guardianship to the Campbell's. I stopped talking to him even though he was family, I never understood his decision because I remembered him. He loved his brother and my mother just like she was his little sister.

He'd bring me toys and treats and sneak me to go get ice cream, but when I needed him he left me to fend for myself. At the time I still believed in my uncle and he sold our home, then after it was bought he changed. I remember the house selling for three times what it was worth and that money was still sitting in a bank account collecting dust. I just couldn't bring myself to ever use it, it felt wrong, it felt like blood money. "Please just stop. I didn't come to you because I wanted a family reunion; it's too late for that. I just need a name and some information. Who bought my house and why haven't they rebuilt it?"

There was a long silence and then he asked to meet me. I was reluctant at first and I
sometimes I hated how weak I was when it came to family. I agreed and disconnected the phone before I demanded an answer for him sitting idly by as I was bullied and tortured, stewing away in my own sadness and fear at the orphanage. It's not like he was unaware, because he was, I told him everything and I begged him to take me form there but he didn't. The worst part was that he kept promising to fix everything. He broke his promise and almost me!

A knock at the door brought me back and I was relieved to place those memories back into a box somewhere deep in my mind. I opened it to find a bell boy with a jar full of roses, at the memory of the last time I received roses I felt nausea build in the pit of my stomach. "Miss Reed these are for you" I swallowed hard before reluctantly reaching for the jar. I went to give him a tip but he refused. "He already gave me plenty mam" he smiled excitedly and that peaked my interest. I closed the door and placed the jar on the table in the center of the room before rummaging through it to find a note.

'Miss Reed I think it's safe to say you won our last challenge, you won from the second I decided to bend the rules for you. You were also right when you said that you'd be my biggest challenge yet, I plan to win this time Miss Reed. I will become whatever you want and everything you need. I'm not going anywhere sweetheart, not without you anyway...'

I gripped the table, curling my fingers around the edge and let out a breath I'd been holding the second I realised who sent me the flowers. I wanted to throw the flowers away but I just couldn't, they were from him. The note and his behaviour had managed to confuse the hell out of me because now I was second guessing my decision. I'd never felt more out of control, but I guess that's what love is right being powerless, handing over all control? I put on some new look seam free fleece leggings, a white t-shirt with some kind of print on the front and a washed blue denim button shirt over it. I slipped on some black and white slip on trainers and threw my hair up into a messy bun, I wasn't in the mood but I decided I should check out the hotels yoga facility.

I pressed the down arrow on the elevator and waited impatiently for it to arrive as it opened I stepped inside "Hold the elevator please!" I stuck my hand in-between the sliding door and they immediately re opened, seconds later I regretted my actions because... "Thank you Miss Reed lately I hate using the elevator unless I have company."

"What the hell are you doing here Aaron?"

"What no Mr. Arrogant?" He childishly pouted and I turned to the elevator button panel to click on the closest floor so I could get off, he immediately stood in front of it with his back leaning against it so I couldn't get to. I let out a frustrated breath and moved to the other panel which he also moved to first and blocked.

"God, seriously? What the hell are you doing in this hotel Aaron?" He made a show of looking around.

"Isn't it obvious Miss Reed? It's a hotel, generally people book into hotels to stay in them" I rolled my eyes. "Damn...I've missed that" he smiled as he studied my lips and them my eyes.

"Urgh stop!" I turned to face the back of the elevator and gripped the bar. Bigger mistake then holding the elevator for the arrogant jerk! He came up behind me and slid his hands down my shoulder and arm, bringing them to cover my hands around the bar. I took in a deep breath when I felt him bury his nose into the side of my neck.

"Stop what Miss Reed...tell me...whatever you want Charlie and I'll do it, I swear..." He placed a kiss on the now burning skin in between my neck and shoulder while rubbing his thumbs against the back of my hands in circles. My body betrayed me and I leaned back into him tilting my head to give him more access, he continued to kiss a trail across my shoulder and I tightened my grip on the elevator bar. I felt his tongue as he softly began to suckle as though he were savoring every taste. My eyes burst open when I heard the loud and for the first time not infuriating elevator bell. I stepped forward and slid my hands away from his grip before turning, I was boxed in by his large arms and he was facing the floor but his eyes were shut.

"Anything?" He nodded without lifting his head, "then leave Seattle Aaron, leave me alone. Please, just go..." I didn't have to look down at his hands to know he had tensed them because his body contracting was evidence enough.

"Anything but that...anything but leaving you...anything but loosing you...just give me a chance!" He lifted his head and looked me square in the eyes, this time my eyes fell because I knew if I looked into his I'd give into him. And once again I'd get hurt and I was afraid that this time I wouldn't be able to gather the remaining pieces.

"Ahhhm..." Aaron shifted to stand beside me and I sent up a silent prayer for sending the sweet old couple who hobbled into the cart. Aaron put a hand angrily through his hair and I shifted to make as much space as possible in between us. "You two are a beautiful couple honey, Bill tell them what an adorable couple they are."

"Why it'll change! Soon they won't be able to stand each other" she weakly swatted his chest and winked at me.

"Well I've managed to endure you for the past sixty years and you are nowhere near as handsome as he is" she winked at Aaron and I saw him shift uncomfortably, even in this state of anger, pain and confusion I had to smile at that.

"Look at you! You're almost eighty and you're shamelessly flirting with this girls husband while you're with your own husband and that to a day from our marriage anniversary" he tutted mockingly.

"Well I wouldn't have to if you'd grow a pair to romance me in an elevator like he does" I choked and began to cough, yep on nothing, just a random fit of coughs. Aaron gripped my arm and rubbed my back gently.

"Charlie, are you alright? Is it the baby?" I looked at him in shock, mostly because of the concern lacing his tone for our child. I shook my head in assurance and straightened before attempting to move away from him. I only managing to bump against the old lady. Her hand instantly went to my stomach and it took every ounce of strength for me not to groan, I did however roll my eyes which Aaron caught at which he let out a soft chuckle trying and failing to bite it back.

"How far along are you honey?"

"Th...three months."

"Well your life's about to get ten times worse son" he winked playfully at Aaron and I realised that this couple had a problem with winking at people, constantly! "Newly weds?" Aarons smile turned into something unreadable and his eyes widened. I could have killed the sweet old man with my bare hands.

"You two should come to our anniversary party tomorrow in the ball room" I opened my mouth to politely decline when Aaron held his hand out to the man.

"We'd love to, Aaron Tyler Quinn and this is Charlie Quinn" my already open mouth practically hit the floor say again Mr. Arrogant? Did I miss your proposal and our wedding? The old man shook his hand and then he extended the hand to the women, she shook it and the jerk kissed the back of her hand, I saw her turn red and then yep swoon over a twenty eight year old soon to be dead billionaire!

"Brilliant, it starts at seven sharp young man." He nodded and they hobbled out of the carriage as it reached the lobby. I stormed out as soon as they were clear of my path. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and force me to stop. I flipped to face him and he was amused.

"What the hell was that? We aren't together Aaron let alone married! Is this just a big joke to you-" He gripped both my arms and all amusement was replaced by sincerity and seriousness.

"Nothing to do with you is ever a joke for me Charlie. I was very serious when I accepted their invitation. Maybe not right now, maybe not this week, maybe not even this year but one day you will become Charlie Quinn." Was that a proposal? Did he think giving me his name would fix this? Did he feel like that's what I wanted from him? Was it a way to have me but not have to love me?

"Let go of me Aaron" I bit out through gritted teeth, "I don't want to be your wife so that you can have me without having to love me! What I want you can never give me, don't you get that?" He loosened his grip and I moved away, I only then realised that we were drawing attention to our selves.

"I...I didn't mean it like that..." I made my way to the gym and I could feel him following, I let out a frustrated sigh and attempted to walk faster but he barely had to change his pace to keep up with me.

"Hello mam, what can I do for you today?"

"Um..." stupid jerk, this was awkward with him here. Especially since I'd be going to these lessons alone, I felt my eyes fog and shocked myself from the thought. "I need to do some yoga; I mean do you guys have any classes going?"

"Yes sure, these are our plans mam, we have classes going from beginner to advanced to accommodate to your intensity level, we can change it to match your itinerary for your stay-"

"She can't do that. She means maternity classes." Aaron snapped at the girl helping me and she jumped slightly from his tone, I gave him a hard look and he softened but only slightly. She glanced down at my stomach and noticed the baby bump which it wasn't her fault that she couldn't see considering I was wearing a loose t-shit.

"S...sorry mam I didn't realise, you're just so small and...I'm sorry I-"

"It's actually fine, I'm flattered that you think I could pull of one of these classes" she visibly relaxed and my palm was just itching to slap the back of Aaron's head for being such a dick! "I just thought it would be more convenient to attend one at the hotel for now but it's alright I'm only here for a few more day's so I'll find a more long term class." She nodded politely. I turned to leave when she stopped me.

"I think I recognise you. Do you live here or just visiting?" I closed my eyes trying to keep my cool because again it wasn't her fault.

"Charlie Reed" her eyes widened.

"Oh my god you're the miracle child, the Campbell's couldn't have any more children and then you came to them like a miracle right!" It was more a statement then a question and I nodded.

"And it wasn't a miracle. Richard Campbell saved my life" she looked apologetic and I really didn't want to make her feel bad, "they were the miracles, I lost everything that night but strangely got more in return". I felt rather than saw Aaron tense. I offered the girl a forced smile before turning and leaving.

"Charlie never told me anything about your life before New York" I froze and he simply walked around me and stood right in front of me.

"You never asked..." I whispered in pain. He closed his eyes as though he were in pain too and when he opened them I saw regret.

"I...know and I'm sorry...I'm asking now" I searched his face and tried to convince myself that he wasn't genuine but he was.

"You really want to know?"


"Come with me" he followed me to the elevator than my room. He instantly smiled when he saw the flowers on the table, "I meant to throw that away!" I blurted out sounding less than convincing.

"No you didn't" his smile grew and I rolled my eyes. I walked into the bedroom and went to lift the bag up when I felt two hands gripping my hips firmly. "Where do you want it" he gave me a hard look and I pointed to the bed. Within a second he lifted it up and placed it on the bed. He sat down next to it and I unzipped it. I breathed in and out once and he placed a hand over my hand, "You alright?"

I nodded before opening the bag and pulling out a burnt photo album. I handed it to him and he began to flip through the pages, I placed my hand over it to stop him flipping. "That is my mother and my father. They died a car accident when I was five, on the same night I would have...was meant to die-" I choked it out and he pulled me into his lap, I wanted to move but I couldn't, he wouldn't allow it so I stopped fighting. "Th...there was a fire and he was there-"

"Who was there?"

"The...the hooded guy, he...he set the fire, he killed Anna, he...he was going to kill me-" He pulled me closer and buried his head in the crook of my neck. "Richi saved me that night, I didn't say anything about the man because I was so scared and then I just...I blocked everything out, I just wanted to forget. I waited for them every single night for so many years. I kept thinking that one day they would come back for me. That maybe they went on a holiday. But they never did." He squeezed slightly and then wiped the tears from my cheek; I hadn't even realised they were flowing.

I sniffled slightly and moved out of his grip, "So now you know, now you know why I need a connection, why I need more, it's what I cherish the most in life because I know how easy it is to lose."

"Charlie...I-" I took a step back and he froze, "sorry."

"The miracle child is what everyone calls me, it's no secret that the Campbell's wanted more children and couldn't have anymore but that night when they saved me people felt like it was some sort of miracle. They tend to forget that I lost a lot that day and then..." My voice disappeared, I didn't want to tell him the rest. How could I tell him about the orphanage?

"And then?" He pushed but not intrusively.

"Look Aaron I'm tired you should go."

"I'll see you tomorrow?" It was a question but I just fiddled with my shirt sleeve until he walked closer to me. He brushed the few strands of hair off my face before placing a drawn out kiss on my forehead, "you are a miracle Charlie, my miracle". What was that suppose to mean? Why couldn't this man just say things simply? When he finally left I fell asleep flipping through the scorched photos and well preparing for a face to face with my uncle, this should be interesting! Far from it actually, painful maybe but defiantly not interesting!

I tore off yet another maternity wrap dress, Christ Charlie just pick anything already! I didn't know why I was even making an effort, I mean it's not like my uncle attempted to get into contact with me until now and that too because I came to him. I decided on a cream knitted jumper and dark blue denim leggings. I left my hair out and wore some thongs. Was this too casual? Shit, I don't know! "That's it, I'm done! This is what I'm wearing the guy can judge me if he wants I just don't care!" I screamed before grabbing my wallet and phone. I noticed the several missed calls from Daniel but I was not answering him!

I mean there is no way Aaron found me without his help or because of him at the very least. I saw the lift just about to close and quickened my pace, "Hold the lift please!" As soon as I reached the door it opened to reveal, of course Mr. Arrogant himself! I groaned, "God! What do you wait to see when I'm about to use the elevator or something?" He smirked before gesturing for me to enter, I thought about catching the next one but I was already late, I checked my phone and Noel had already called twice.
He gave me a questioning look when I sighed and entered the cart, "And if I say I do?"

"Huh? Do what?"

"Ride the elevator just to catch a glimpse of you."

"Then I'd say it's a miracle you've managed to make Quinn Industries so successful considering you have time to burn riding elevators in a different city all day" I rolled my eyes and texted Noel so he didn't think I was standing him up. Yeah I was angry at my uncle but he had information I needed so I could put my feelings aside for now.

"Touché, and here I thought you'd blush or swoon over my pick up line" I rolled my eyes again, "I don't mind that reaction either..." His voice was back to a familiar sensual tone, it was like the first time I met him, the promise and need in his voice. No Charlie! I focused on the panel above the door as the numbers changed, it stopped one floor beneath ours and a lady with a pram climbed in. I shifted back slightly careful to keep distance between Mr. Arrogant here and I. the elevator came to a stop under that floor as well and another couple climbed in, I shifted back a little further Mr. Arrogant was still pressed up to the left hand corner of the elevator so I was still safe.

I let out a sigh when the elevator stopped once again two floors down and a fucking family of five got in, I suddenly had a fleeting image of us plummeting to our deaths in this cart! We had to be over weight limit! People kept shoving and I groaned when I felt Aaron's breath fanning the back of my neck. The elevator pinged again Shit! Two twenty something looking girls got in wearing, I think the skimpiest bikinis on the face of the earth!

They pushed their way to the right hand corner of the cart and another well built man came in forcing me to back up, yep right into Mr. fucking Arrogant. If the people weren't so random I'd think he planned this. His left hand went to my hip and I had the urge to slap him, I mean taking advantage much? That's when I heard the two skanks giggling and practically raping Aaron with their eyes. I clenched my jaw and tried to focus on removing the thought of us all plummeting to our deaths out of my mind, "Hey I'm Ashley."

"And I'm Katelyn" key word here being tried! Remember that!


"Hey Aaron. Is that your sister?" they both sung in chorus.

"Hello Katelyn and Ashley, actually I'm Charlie Quinn his wife!" I emphasised the word wife and both of their faces turned bright red I felt Aaron's hand loosen slightly and when I tilted my body to completely face them I caught a glimpse of his shocked expression and lip twitching with a smile.

"Oh well we didn't see a ring so..." The blond one said over me, still staring at Aaron she flipped her hair over her shoulders exposing her, um assets, oh it's on bitch! I turned to face an amused Mr. Arrogant, ignoring his expression I climbed onto the tips of my toes placing a hand on his shoulder and one on his cheek before crashing my lips to his. He gripped my hips instantly and pulled me into him, oh crap, look what you've done know Charlie! You just had to go all jealous pregnant lady on them. I didn't know why I did it, well actually I did, I didn't like other girls checking him out and shamelessly flirting with him. Especially these bitches I mean I literally told them he was taken and they simply upped their games!

He groaned and his tongue began to trace my lips begging for entrance, I denied him because I'd already messed up by kissing him, I didn't want to make out with him and then want more of the 18+ stuff because that would be the only thing to satisfy me. I pushed away and smiled at them, still in a partial daze from the kiss. Aaron was still in a complete daze or so I thought until he placed a hand over my stomach.

"I still haven't found anything worthy of her" they both swooned and then looked disappointed as hell. They looked me up and down before returning their attention to Aaron, for fuck sake do I have to violate him in order for them to stop checking him out? I pouted slightly and turned back to face the front. I wanted to distance myself from them when two large arms wrapped around me and pulled me back against a hard body. "And where do you think you're going wifey" he kissed my ear and it sent a million tremors through my body.

"A...Aaron-" I stammered.

"I like you being jealous..." He moved my hair over one shoulder, exposing the other with one hand and keeping me trapped with the other. "I like you introducing yourself as my wife even more." He placed a soft drawn out kiss on my bare shoulder and I winced, shit I was turned on! By a fucking kiss! I squirmed slightly and he slid his lips across the skin not really kissing me just rubbing the skin with his soft, hot-

The elevator doors opened and every one began to shuffle out, it took a while on account of the pram. When there was only the two bimbos, Aaron and I left I began to walk out ahead of them trying to distance myself before I jumped the jerk! "Ouch!" I heard one of the girls squeak and I flipped to find her grinning from ear to ear in Aaron's arms. Seriously? Pretending to trip! Fuck them!

"You okay?" His tone was polite and not concerned at all but for some reason him asking her that made me feel super jealous wow possessive much?

"Thanks, you just literally saved my life" he looked bored as he stabilised her and moved to my side, I heard them giggling and it took everything I had not to smash her face in. Fucking slut! I pretty much stormed out of the lobby and onto the street.

"Hey wait wifey! Are you trying to run away from me?" His tone was amused and cocky as hell.

"I have somewhere to be Aaron and I think those girls might need you to save their lives again!" He grabbed my arm and pulled my hard enough to crash into his front but not painfully only enough to make me slightly wet.

"I've never seen you possessive before" I broke free from him.

"I'm not!" I defended.

"Than what was that in the elevator? Your introduction as my wife and the kiss?" I thought about a witty reply and honestly couldn't come up with a killer one!

"I was simply trying to save you from having to flirt with two bimbo's but I guess you can't even help a buddy out now a days can you!" I mocked. He leaned up against the building and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"That's progress I guess. I would have preferred lover, boyfriend or something along those lines but I could settle for buddy, for now..." I rolled my eyes and my hand began to vibrate. Shit! I'm an hour and a half late! I answered it.

"Hey yeah I'm on my way now. No don't cancel, I promised we'd do lunch and I always keep my promises. Not over the phone!" Aaron's smirk had completely disappeared and now he was curious and if I wasn't mistaken also jealous. "Ugh I don't have time for this!" That's all I said before hailing a taxi and driving off.

"Um I'm here to see Noel Reed" the lady checked the booking list and guided me towards a table for two. Seriously he wanted to do this at a fucking five star bistro? As we neared the man who looked so unbelievably similar to my father I stopped dead in my tracks. How do I even face him? How do you face him? Don't you mean how does he face you? You didn't do anything wrong! I inhaled a deep breath before continuing to his table he stood up immediately to pull out my chair. I didn't stop him because well I didn't want to cause a scene.

"You look so much like your mother-"

"I'm going to stop you right there, this isn't a reunion uncle! I need to know who bought the house, I need a name" he looked down at his plate and let out a defeated sigh.

"Charlie bear-"

"Don't." I warned and the waitress came to us.

"Are we ready to order sir, madam" I looked out onto the street thankful for all the distractions; if he would have picked a table inside I would have lost my shit!

"She'll have the Parmesan chicken and red wine-"

"No!" I placed a hand over my stomach and his eyes widened before I think tearing slightly.

"You're pregnant. Married?" I clenched my jaw and turned to the waitress.

"I'll just have water and a ceaser salad."

"I'll have the wine and Parmesan chicken" he added as she scribbled it down before hurrying off; obviously she sensed the tension just great! "Charlie I know you're angry but at least let me explain-"

"You had sixteen years to do that!" He looked down and clenched his jaw.

"No. No I didn't and that's what you don't understand! What I did...I had to-"

"You saw what was happening to me in there, I showed you! I told you! I begged you to take me from there. How could you just leave me?" My tears began to flow and he reached for my hand which I moved away instantly.

"Charlie bear please-"

"Stop fucking calling me that! I want a name and then I'm gone! You can go back to your life and pretend like I never existed just like you did back then!"

"Mason Holbrook, he bought the house and he won't let it be reconstructed, he wants it kept exactly the same. But you can't look for him Charlie b...Charlie he's dangerous."

"What do you mean he's dangerous?"

"Charlie just let that house be okay. I'm begging you to try and understand that what I did then was because I had to, he made me! I lost my entire family too-"

"No. No you didn't because I was still there! You chose to stay away!" I could feel my voice rising with my temper and had to breathe a few times to keep my cool.

"Your ceaser mam and your Parmesan chicken sir-"

"I just lost my appetite," I pushed out of the chair abruptly and he mirrored the movement.

"Charlie I can't tell you everything please-"I turned and stormed down the steps. "Charlie!" I heard him calling it as he jogged to catch up to me. I felt a hand wrap around my arm and pull me back. "Look you can hate me if you want but you need to stop looking for this guy! I mean it Charlie! I didn't cut you out of my life so he could end up hurting you anyway! Just stop looking into him, the house, anything from sixteen years ago! Just live your life!" I tried to break out of his grip but he wouldn't let go. Suddenly a hand snaked around my waist and Noel was sent stumbling back by a large hand pushing his chest.

I knew who it was immediately and for the first time since he'd come to Seattle I was relieved. "Don't touch her!" Aaron's voice was almost murderous.

"I'm so sorry Charlie bear...I tried, just know that" he gave me one last pleading look before leaving. Aaron flipped me to face him and I could see only anger and pain.

"So I'm that easy to get over? You're already dating people!" What? "You didn't even take two weeks-" I pushed at his chest, barely budging him.

"Shut up! You don't know anything alright!"

"Charlie you were on a fucking date! With some random sleaze-"

"Don't you fucking dare! You have no idea who he is!"

"I have eyes Charlie-"

"Apparently they don't work!" He tightened his grip and looked almost hurt.

"You said you loved me-"

"I do damn it! I do!" I screamed painfully.

"Then why were you with him?" He screamed in equal pain.

"He's my uncle!" I screeched and he loosened his grip, I didn't even try and look him in the eyes. Tears began to cover my cheek and soak my sweater.

"Y...your uncle! But I thought you didn't have any other-"

"He's not family! He lost that right sixteen years ago!"

"What were you doing with him?"

"Why do you even care?" He tilted my face up to meet his gaze.

"Because he made you hurt! I want to know why. I know you wanted to tell me yesterday too but you held back! Don't hold back Charlie. I want to know everything!"

"Fine, come with me!" I gripped his wrist and pulled him roughly into a cab with me. "St Christopher's...Orphanage please" I choked out between sniffles. The second I tell him he'll pity me; he'll think I'm weak and broken! So why do I feel like he can make it better? I just don't understand!


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