But Now We're Stressed Out

By lunaeclispe22

414K 24.9K 71.6K

Sanders Sides High School AU A popular jock with a passion for performing A friendly boy with a happy go luck... More

Character Descriptions
Welcome to Hell
Cookies, sprinkles, kittens, and a little bit of fake happiness
Where's my epic background music?
Logically Thinking
Help i think i'm gay
I got this bloody nose trying to defend your honor
Polar Opposites, but with some similarities
In which everything gets worse
Embarrasment and Anxiety
Prepare for embrace
The first time i belived
Making out in the forest
Time to panic and/or cry
Crying and cookies
Because he's my hero
When they make eye contact, you can see they have a history
You wont like me anymore
Some things aren't better left in the past
You will be found
Colder Weather
This is why i dont socialize
Knock knock, get the door, its depression
This go amazingly right (or horribly wrong)
The gay prince with an ego bigger than disney world
Hold my hand, you're going to be okay
The gayest of the gays
Snake Face
To cry or not to cry
Two bros, chillin' at a locker, five inches apart cause they are gay
There is no us, there never was
T for is trauma
The emo cult
Lady and the tramp
I can't think straight when it comes to you
Midnight Coffee Date
Emotions are for children
Accidental demon summoning
Solitude was the only logical solution
I'm not a piece of cake
Feliz Cumpleaños a ti, feliz cumpleaños querido Logan
Lets have some fun in abusement park
I'll go down in history as the worlds biggest idiot
How was my innocent mind supposed to know that
Room B340
Living like we're renegades
There are easier ways to learn about death
You Died; would you like to start again?
Wiccans make great moms
Ignorance or Innocene
Soft snow and sweater paws
You're a monster if you put the milk in before the cereal
Ice as cold as my heart
Maybe we can yeet out of this situation
Birthday smash
Wattpad made me change the name of this chapter so I wouldn't get sued
Eyeliner and emo tears
Mistletoe and Christmas Snow
Daddy chimed in go for the throat
It's a messed up world
Friend, please
Remember me
Making up for our childhood traumas
Snowstorms from hell
Frozen corpses are creepy
The ghost of you is never coming home
Going mute for the aesthetic
And they were roommates
Tripping on skies, sipping waterfalls
Play ring around the ambulance
You'll be a home for the broken
Ohana means family
Things are not what they seem
Goodbye my love
Things we lost in the fire
I will keep on waiting for your love
So sick and tired of all the needless beating
We only own our hells
Top ten idiots, number one and two will surprise you
An emotional support beehive
We are lonely lost souls
The most precious bean
Tonight will be the night that I fall for you over again
Nobody cares if you cry
You won't go lonely into this fight if you just hold me we will survive
Stuck between a nightmare and lost dreams
Say goodbye to the heart you break and all the cyanide you drank
Once we've both said our goodbyes
Thomas the dank engine
Lies and propaganda or deceit and falsehoods
Don't blame
Don't let fear keep us apart
My nonexistent heart was just broken
Setting fire to our insides for fun
Viva la depression
A single pale buttercup
Ability Aquired : Doubt
It's my mental breakdown and I get to choose the music
Mama we're all gonna die
Blood splattered on freshly fallen snow
Don't take your life away from me
The hardest part of this is leaving you
If being sexy was a crime, I'd be a law abiding citizen
It's a no from me
There needs to be an instruction manuel about life
There is no sweeter innocence than our gentle sin
Love is not a choice
Our old friend, Death
Oh, that's awkward
I may not live to see our glory
Everything is fine when your hand is resting next to mine
The rare fluff stumbling out of hiding
Tonight we are young
Champagne, Cocaine, Gasoline
I'm not as think as you drunk I am
Heckity heck, I crave death
Everybody sins, everybody lies
Awaiting my imminent death
For a moment, I forgot gravtiy existed
I am going to kill myself and it's your fault!
Hold still while I throw a chair at you
Last night I had the strangest dream
Confrontation scares me
Daddy issues to the max
This is everything I never wanted
My boyfriend or your boyfriend
Panic attacks at the disco
How to run from the mess you made
I could lie, say I like it like that
I came here to have a good time and I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now
They know that it's almost over
There comes you, to keep me safe from harm
A good day to die
High off anesthesia
Emotions? How about no
Happily ever after here we are
McDonalds and necromancy
Where do I go from here?
Sea salt and summer dreams
You make us better
You make us better (part 2)
I could be lonely with you
I could be lonely with you (part 2)
I could be lonely with you (part 3)
With you I'm always home
With you I'm always home (part 2)
With you I'm always home (part 3)
We'll be with you from dusk till dawn
We'll be with you from dusk till dawn (part 2)
We'll be with you from dusk till dawn (part 3)
Authors Note

Ice cream, tea, and crying

2.9K 171 502
By lunaeclispe22

TRIGGER WARNINGS : brief mention of bullying

Damien POV
"Your moms seem nice," I said as the three of us headed upstairs.

"Yeah, they're amazing," Evan said with a smile.

We headed down a long hallway. Soft black carpet under our feet. The walls had old fashioned floral wallpaper. At the end of the hallway, there was a large white wooden door.

Evan opened the door to what I assumed to be his room. We entered the room, Quinn going straight to the bed and curling up on it.

I looked around the room while Evan shut the door behind us. The room looked like how I expected Evan's bedroom to look like.

Creamy white walls. Long white curtains on a big bay window. A large bed sat in the corner of the room, a satin canopy over it. Across from the bed was an old fashioned dresser with painted on pink roses. A tv sat on top of it. There was a desk next to a bookshelf with tons of little succulents and flowers in little pots. Soft white carpet. Stuffed animals were arranged on the bed.

Next to the bay window was a rabbit cage. A tiny fluffy bunny with white fur and grey spots sat in it.

"You have a bunny?" I asked excitedly, walking over to the cage. Evan smiled brightly and picked up the bunny from the cage.

"Yep!"  Evan said happily. 

"Who's this?" I asked softly, rubbing the rabbits nose gently.

"This is Marshmallow," Evan told me, giving Marshmallow a kiss. "She's a cuddler."

"She's a very pretty bunny," I commented. Evan smiled and nodded before walking back over to Quinn.

Evan sat the bunny on Quinn's side, who moved to cradle the bunny in his arms. I resisted the urge to scoop Quinn into my arms.

Evan's hand slipped into mine and he pulled me over to the bed. He climbed over Quinn to be against the wall. That left me on the edge of the bed.

Quinn barely moved at all while Evan and I situated ourselves next to him. His eyes were shut tightly, a few tears still rolling down his cheeks. But he was petting Marshmallow gently.

I shared a worried look with Evan while he snuggled under the big comforter with Quinn. I stayed above the comforter, not too sure if I could be cuddling them in a bed considering I just joined the relationship yesterday.

"What am I going to do?" Quinn asked softly.
"I don't have any money do anything especially bury my mom."

"I can help with that," I told him.

"And I already told you that you can stay here," Evan added.

"I don't want to be annoying," Quinn mumbled.

"You aren't," Evan said gently. "Touch?"

"Please," Quinn begged softly. It didn't take much for Even to pull Quinn up into his lap. Quinn kept Marshmallow in his arms, resting his head in the crook of Evan's neck.

Then a scratching sound came from the door. I looked over in confusion. Evan smiled again.

"Can you get the door Damien?" Evan asked, gently running his hands through Quinn's family.

"What? Is it a ghost or something?" I laughed. But I got up walked over to the door. I opened it to see a chubby grey tabby cat.

The cat ran into the room, letting me shut the door. The cat jumped up onto the bed and curled up against the two while purring.

"How many pets do you have?" I asked with a laugh, getting back into the bed. I pet the cat gently.

"Well this is Luna, mom's pet," Evan said. "I have a beta fish in the kitchen named Draven and mama has a cocker spaniel named Lady."

"Four pets?" I asked in shock. I always wanted pets.

"Well that's the indoor pets," Evan laughed. "We have a farm down the hill where the land is flatter. We have chickens, two sheep, a pig and a horse. We plan on getting goats eventually."

"That's freaking awesome," I said. "I wish I had a pet."

"Pets are a lot of work," Evan whined.

"Yet you try to adopt every animal you see," Quinn teased, cracking a small smile. I smiled a bit upon seeing that Quinn was feeling better.

Evan was about to say something but was interrupted.

"Boys!" Yelled one of Evan's moms. "Dinner time!

"Coming!" Evan yelled back. "C'mon, my moms make great food."

"They seriously do," Quinn agreed, getting up to set Marshmallow in her cage.

I followed the other two out of the bedroom and down to a large dinning room. There was a huge lit fireplace made of dark wood. The dinning room table was long and covered in food at one end.

Evan led the way and sat in the middle on the side that had three plates set out. Quinn say to Evan's left and I took the end seat to Evan's right.

His moms took the seats across from us. We dished up dinner and ate quietly for a while. Quinn got very small servings and didn't eat much. This worried me.

"So Damien," Asura started, setting down her fork. "How did you meet the Evan and Quinn? It's my understanding you haven't lived here until this year?"

I looked over at Evan and Quinn. Evan very subtly shook his head no. Obviously he doesn't want me saying that how we all met was me beating the shit out of their bullies.

"I met Quinn at school, through one of my friends, Virgil," I started. "Than I ran into Quinn again at the park and that time he was with Evan. We started hanging out a lot then."

"Well there's one thing for certain I can tell by looking at the three of you," Ophelia said with a giggle.

"What's that?" Evan asked.

"My son has a type," Ophelia said, pointing her fork back and forth between Quinn and I.

"Yeah, and that type is emos." Asura said, laughing along with her wife.

I just about spit out my water trying to keep myself from laughing. Quinn wasn't much better, having to cover his mouth with his hand. Evan flushed bright red in embarrassment.

"Stop embarrassing me," Evan begged, trying to hide his blushing face.

Evan's Mom was not wrong. Evan is soft and innocent and pastel and a literal angel. Quinn is soft emo. He's soft but he wears dark clothes. And then there's me, scene or punk or whatever you want to call me.

"Oh but you three are just too cute together," Ophelia continued, making all three of us blush this time. 

Besides some embarrassing moments, dinner went by quickly and easily.  Evan's parents really were amazing. 

~~~mAgiCaL tiMe sKiP~~~

"Ice cream and tea sound really good,"  Evan said, looking in the fridge for a snack. 

Despite it being a Sunday night with school for all of us tomorrow, I was still hanging out with Quinn and Evan. 

We had cuddled up on the couch and watched A Dogs Purpose.  Evan cried every time the dog died. 

But now we were hungry again.  Evan rummaging through the fridge, Quinn looking through the pantry.

"Ooo, tea sounds good,"  Quinn said excitedly, sticking his head out from the pantry.

"Coffee is so much better,"  I argued. 

"Tea is better,"  Evan argued right back.

"Yeah, no one wants that stuff,"  Quinn agreed.  "Unless it has a bunch of sugar and flavors."

"At least coffee is better than that pure sugar dirty leaf water,"  I laughed.  Both Evan and Quinn put their hand to their chest and gasped in shock.

"Well now we have to have tea,"  Evan laughed, grabbing a box of tea packets from the pantry.  "We must educate you."

"Or I can stick to coffee,"  I said while grimacing. 

"I can make you some,"  Evan told me while starting to boil some water for the tea.

"I'm not Remy.  I can't drink coffee on a school night and fall asleep on time,"  I laughed.  "So no thank you."

"Ice cream,"  Quinn mumbled, grabbing chocolate and vanilla from the freezer.

"Yes!"  Evan squealed.  "Told ya tea and ice cream would be a good snack idea."

"I know Evan likes vanilla,"  He said.  "What do you want Damien?"

"Chocolate,"  I answered.

"Hell yes,"  Quinn laughed.  "Chocolate is better."  Evan scoffed but otherwise didn't respond.  He worked on making the tea. 

I had to help Quinn with the ice cream since he wasn't strong enough s. I pretended to not notice them blushing and staring at my muscles as I dished the ice cream.  They weren't subtle at all. 

"It's cold,"  Quinn mumbled, rubbing his arms through his thin sweater. 

"Here,"  I said, pulling off my leather jacket.  I was about to hand it to him but Evan started talking.

"I'm cold too,"  He said, staring at the jacket.  I moved to give Evan the jacket but then moved back to Quinn.  I kept moving the jacket back and forth between them. 

"Fuck,"  I breathed.  "We didn't think this through!"

"I don't know what that means,"  Evan said in confusion.  Quinn quickly slammed his hands over Evan's ears.

"Don't corrupt the baby,"  He hissed to me.  I laughed and held my hands up. 

"Who gets the jacket then,"  Evan asked. 

"I have other hoodies you guys can have-"  I started.

"Rock paper scissors,"  Quinn said, quickly turning to Evan.  They both held up their hands.

"How about,"  I said, draping my arms around their shoulders to stop them.  "You two take turns with my leather jacket but you can each have one of my hoodies."

"Yes!"  Evan giggled, him and Quinn high fiving.

"You're both too precious,"  I mumbled, picking them both up again. 

"Why do you carry us everywhere?"  Quinn sighed. 

"Well I think it's cute and it isn't hard for me,"  I laughed.  "But you can walk if you want."

"No I'm fine here,"  Quinn said quickly. 

I sat them both back down in the pile of blankets we had collected.  I gave them both a kiss and left my jacket with them so they could fight over it. 

I returned to the kitchen to grab the ice cream.  I carried it back to the living room to see Quinn wearing my leather jacket and Evan pouting. 

I laughed while handing them their ice cream.  But before they could say anything, I turned to go get their tea and a glass of water for myself.

Quinn took the tea happily, my leather jacket gave him sweater paws because of how big it was on him. 

"I'm surprised Evan didn't use his puppy dog eyes on you to get my jacket,"  I laughed. 

"We both agreed Quinn deserved it after his bad weekend,"  Evan said, giving Quinn a kiss. 

"Good point,"  I said, moving into the cuddle pile.  I sat Evan on my lap and let Quinn choose how much he was touched.  He cuddled right up to me, joining hands with Evan. 

"Your jacket is way to big,"  Quinn complained while also snuggling into it. 

"Well then my already big hoodies for me are literally going to be too big for you two tiny beans,"   I snickered, imagining them in my hoodies.

"Can't wait to wear them to school,"  Evan said.  "Too bad I can't wear them all day though."

"Why do you go to a catholic high school if you have Wiccan moms?"  I asked, remembering my confusion. 

"Well that's the school my birth parents put me in and I just stayed for the better education,"  Evan explained. 

"Did you two share hoodies?"  I asked.

"We share sweaters,"  Quinn laughed.  "Now to think of it, I haven't seen my blue and grey sweater in months."

"It's definitely not in my closet right now,"  Evan lied with a giggle. 

"You aren't good at lying,"  I laughed. 

"I know,"  Evan said.  "Now can we please finish literally one of my favorite movies?"

Quinn grabbed the remote while I swung an arm around his shoulders.  He unpaused the movie and grabbed his bowl of ice cream. 

We fell into a comfortable silence.  Eating ice cream and watching A Dogs Journey.  Evan cried again during the dog death scenes. 

And I couldn't be more in love them Quinn's and Evan.

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