Space In My Head (1)AVENGERS

By cloudypluto

4.4K 148 28

Meet Avalon Stark, the daughter of Tony Stark himself Her family tree is a little complex, so to say. Odin de... More

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Mother Dearest
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3: A future in royalty
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5: Project Part 1
Chapter 6: Project Part 2
Chapter 7: Avengers Assemble Part 1
Chapter 8: Avengers Assemble Part 2
Chapter 9: Avengers: Age of Ultron Part 1
Chapter 10: Avengers: Age of Ultron Part 2
Chapter 11: Avengers: Age of Ultron Part 3:
Chapter 12: Avengers: Age of Ultron Part 4:
Chapter 13: Home
Chapter 14: Home Part 2
Chapter 15: Konnect
Chapter 16: Konnect Part 2
Chapter 17: Konnect Part 3
Chapter 18: Konnect Part 4
Chapter 19: Home Bound
Chapter 20: Home Bound Part 2
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27: Ragnorak
Chapter 28: Ragnorak Part 2
Chapter 29: Ragnarok Part 3
Chapter 30: Infinity War
Chapter 31: Infinity War Part 2
Chapter 32: Infinity War Part 3
Chapter 33: Infinity War Part 4
Chapter 34: Infinity War Part 5
Chapter 35: Endgame
Chapter 36: End Game Part 2
Chapter 37: End Game Part 3
Chapter 38: End Game Part 4
Chapter 40: End Game Part 6
Chapter 41: End Game Part 7
Chapter 42: End Game Part 8
Chapter 43: End Game Part 9
Chapter 44: End Game Part 10
Chapter 45: End Game Part 11
Chapter 46: Aftermath

Chapter 39: End Game Part 5

19 0 0
By cloudypluto

They all sat in a diner. Bruce, Hulk, whatever the hell he had done to himself was sitting in front of them. Steve and Natasha were on one side of the table while Avalon was propped up against Scott and Astra. He had won the battle of getting the wall seat. She couldn't look directly in the eyes of Bruce, well Hulk, never mind.

"Come on, I feel like I'm the only one eating here. Try some of that." He offered. "Have some eggs."

"I'm so confused," Scott said.

"Me too." Avalon still avoided eye contact with their green friend.

Scott had made direct eye contact with Astra, who had touched Avalon's shoulder, a purple glow came from the Stark, changing from Astra's new form back to her and Avalon's shared face. "Oh, this got worse."

"Oops, my bad. Hi," She realized. "Not sure if you are aware of our story, Avalon and I are the same, but we changed my face so no one confuses us. It's our special thing we have."

"Perfect timing," Avalon gave her a sarcastic thumbs up.

Bruce-Hulk chuckled, "These are confusing times."

"Right, no, no. That's not what I meant." Scott stammered.

"Nah, I get it. I'm kidding." He joked.

"He was never good with jokes," Avalon said to herself.

"I know, it's crazy. I'm wearing shirts now." Bruce-Hulk continued eating.

"Yeah. What? How? Why?" Scott keeps asking questions.

"I'll say it since no one else will. Bruce, you look ridiculous." Astra bluntly said, making everyone glare at her. "What? I'm just saying."

Avalon pats her shoulder, "Stop, just stop."

"Five years ago, we got our asses beat. Except it was worse for me, cause I lost twice. First, Hulk lost, then Banner lost, and then we all lost." He explained.

Avalon sighed heavily, "He's not wrong. Hulk got his ass kicked pretty badly by Thanos. He got his ass handed to him on priceless China."

"No one blamed you, Bruce." Nat tried to reassure him, ignoring Avalon.

"I did." They went silent. "For years, I've been treating the Hulk, like he's some kind of disease, something to get rid of. But then, I start looking at him as a cure. Eighteen months in the gamma lab, I put the brains and the brawn together, now look at me."

"Civilized Hulk, I like it." Avalon smiled and laughed.

"I don't," Astra said before Avalon kick her leg softly under the table. "Ouch, what? It's weird."

"Best of both worlds." He seemed happy.

"Excuse me, Mr. Hulk?" Three children walked up to their table.


"Can we get a photo?" A child asked.

"100%, little person. Come on, step on up. Do you mind?" Bruce offered Scott the phone.

"Oh, yeah, yeah." He agreed.

"Say green." Bruce smiled with the kids. "Did you get that?"

"That's a good one. Did you want to grab one with me? I'm Ant-Man." Scott asked the kids, making it awkward. "They're Hulk fans. They don't know Ant-Man. Nobody does."

"No, he wants you to take a picture with him." Bruce tried convincing the kids, but it wasn't happening.

"I don't want a picture," Scott said. "Yeah, look, he's even saying no, he doesn't. I don't want a picture with them.

Steve, Natasha, Astra, and Avalon just kept watching everything. She felt stuck in the middle of it. She took the phone out of Scott's hand and gave it to the small children. Natasha was looking down and smirking while Steve took a long drink of water. Avalon drank her coffee to hide her laughter. Astra had changed back to the face she had grown to love. She didn't like the confused looks the children had when they looked at the girls.

"Well, that was fun," Avalon said. "and awkward."

"Shut up." Scott bumped her shoulder.


"Listen to your mom." He said as the kids walked away. "She knows better."

"About what we were saying." Steve reminded him.

"Right. The whole time travel do-over? Eh, guys, it's outside of my area of expertise." He told them, Avalon was disappointed.

"Well, you pulled this off. I remember a time when that seemed pretty impossible, too." Natasha said.


Avalon had sat down in a random chair while Astra leaned on a table next to her. She wanted to see how things were going to go down. She had reached her hand out to her friend for support. Bruce had the genius idea to try and send Scott back in time, on his own. In the back of Avalon's head, she knew this wasn't going to end well, but it didn't hurt to try. They had to attempt to do something.

"Okay, here we go. Time travel test number one." Bruce said. "Scott, fire up the, uh, van thing."

Steve entered the room, "Breakers are set. Emergency generators are on standby."

"Good. Because if we blow the grid, I don't want to lose, uh, Tiny here in the 1950s." Bruce spoke in a hushed voice.

"Excuse me?" Scott went wide-eyed.

"He's kidding." Natasha smiled and laughed. "You can't say things like that."

"It was a bad joke." He stammered.

"Ooh, shocking." Avalon rolled her eyes, knowing he was serious.

"You were kidding, right?" She asked him.

"I have no idea. We're talking about time travel here. Either it's all a joke, or none of it is." Bruce turned to Scott with a thumbs up. "We're good! Get your helmet on. Scott, I'm gonna send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour, then bring you back in 10 seconds. Make sense?"

"Perfectly not confusing." He tried to make sense of what was said.

"Good luck, Scott. You got this." Steve told him.

"You're right. I do, Captain America." He smiled.

"You'll be fine! I believe in you, Ant-Man!" Astra yelled at him, trying to make him feel better so he knew someone was supporting him.

"You'll do great!" Avalon cheered and lowered her voice to whisper to her friend. "I truly believe we might lose him."

Bruce hit a button and Scott disappeared.

"On a count of three. Three, two, one." Bruce told everyone.

A child, less than 10 years old came back. "Uh, guys? This doesn't feel right."

"What is this?" Steve asked Bruce.

Avalon stood up, joining the team, "What did you do?"

"What's going on?" He kept looking at the boards.

"Guys, do something," Astra spoke up.

"Who is that?" Natasha wondered.

"Hold on."

"Is that Scott?" She questioned.

"Obviously it's Scott," Avalon told Nat.

"Yes, it's Scott." The kid yelled at her.

"Told you," She smirked.

Scott disappeared again. Bruce kept trying different buttons to see what would happen. Steve couldn't believe what was happening. Shocking that chaos was slowly breaking out. Natasha leaned back to see what their green friend was up to.

"What's going on, Bruce?" Steve asked him before an old man appeared in front of them.

"Oh, my back!" The old man cried out.

"What is this?" Steve asked again.

"Hold on a second." Bruce hit more buttons. "Could I get a little space here?"

"Can you bring him back?" Steve moved.

"I'm working on it!" He tried.

"Work harder!" Avalon was trying to stay calm.

Bruce was hitting even more buttons, making beeping noises. He started tapping the monitor to see if it would do anything. They all moved closer to the van to get a better view of things. Trying to process what was taking place. More whirling was here and soon a baby was in front of them.

"It's a baby," Steve said, unimpressed.

"It's Scott!" Bruce pointed out.

"As a baby," Steve argued.

"He'll grow." He said.

"Bring Scott back," Steve ordered.

"When I say kill the power, kill the power," Bruce told Natasha.

"Oh, my god." She sighed.

"And kill it!" He yelled out.

She turned off the power and Scott was back to his right age. "Somebody peed my pants."

"Oh, thank God." Natasha sighed with relief.

"But I don't know if it was baby me or old me." Scott thought for a second. "Or just me me."

"Time travel!" Bruce yelled, trying to be funny. "I see this as an absolute win."

"It's not but you do you, Bruce." Avalon avoided him as she walked by.

"Good job, Bruce. You did great." Astra tried to stay positive.

She watched Steve leave the room. He looked like he needed a breather. Avalon wanted to leave him alone but she couldn't help herself. She knew that he needed someone to talk to as well. She followed him outside and saw him leaning against one of the posts. He had his hands on his hips and seemed to be in deep thought.

"Steve, hey, we're gonna figure this out," She spoke up, trying not to startle him.

"How?" He looked back at her. "Because Banner is having issues and can't sort the time outright. How are we supposed to do this?

"He's trying, that's what is important. To me, it seems I'm only here for emotional support and I don't think I'm doing it right." She walked over to join his side. "Sure, I think I could help out a lot right now by using my powers. I would help the team, but I don't wanna put you at risk. Not many know, but I've stopped truly using my powers."

Steve moved off the wall, concern creeping on his face, "How long? Avalon, how long has it been?"

"A year. I'm afraid of them. Every time I use them, no matter how intense. There's this darkness that forms in my mind and I know I will hurt people." She said. "And I won't hurt people, Steve."

"I know you're scared of your abilities, but it doesn't hurt to try to use them again. You're the one who told me that if you keep your powers dormant too long, they are more dangerous once you use them. More chaotic, was that how you described them? You need to learn somehow, some way." He told her. "You're Avalon Stark, you can do anything."

She nodded with a smile, agreeing with him. She walked away to take a stroll. Maybe some time by herself would be best. It would be a chance for her mind to think. It could bounce different ideas around. She stopped by the windows, looking inside to see how empty it seemed. Her eyes focused on themselves in the reflection. She raised her right hand up and symbols started to appear with green sparks. Her eyes started glowing a bright green. There was a slight bit of a pinch of pain that flowed throughout her body.

She could see herself. Everything seemed to be in different colors. The majority of everything she saw had a green tint to it. She realized that the copy of herself could possibly see her so she hid behind the large posts outside. If she was back in time, she couldn't have herself see her. She watched herself and Steve leave the room. She saw herself follow him outside and saw him leaning against one of the posts. He still had the same look of being in deep thought. Avalon was amazed by how well this was going so far.

"Steve, hey, we're gonna figure this out," She spoke up, trying not to startle him.

"How?" He looked back at her. "Because Banner is having issues and can't sort the time outright. How are we supposed to do this?

"He's trying, that's what is important. To me, it seems I'm only here for emotional support and I don't think I'm doing it right." She walked over to join his side. "Sure, I think I could help out a lot right now by using my powers. I would help the team, but I don't wanna put you at risk. Not many know, but I've stopped truly using my powers."

Steve moved off the wall, concern creeping on his face, "How long? Avalon, how long has it been?"

"A year. I'm afraid of them. Every time I use them, no matter how intense. There's this darkness that forms in my mind and I know I will hurt people." She said. "And I won't hurt people, Steve."

"I know you're scared of your abilities, but it doesn't hurt to try to use them again. You're the one who told me that if you keep your powers dormant too long, they are more dangerous once you use them. More chaotic, was that how you described them? You need to learn somehow, some way." He told her. "You're Avalon Stark, you can do anything."

The voice of Tony pulled Avalon back. The symbols and shades of green faded away. In that short time, she was successful in going back in time, but she fears if she overuses that ability it may counteract and backfire on her. She couldn't afford to have that happen. Turns out her dad had agreed to help the team. He found a way to create a GPS that could help them keep track of time. Avalon wasn't surprised that her dad of all people was able to figure something like this out. After her dad had come back, she noticed Cap had his shield back.

She heard what happened to them while she was gone. Tatum was right about one thing as she explained what happened. Their petty argument wouldn't have happened if she was there. She should've been there, but instead, she was selfish and thought only of herself when she wanted to abandon her friends while they were in trouble. She shouldn't have left and now she realized that. She accepted her mistake.

Bruce had invited Avalon and Astra to go with him and Rocket. They wanted to get Thor back into the game. Bruce was positive that Avalon could convince him to help them. He noticed the bond they started to share on Sakaar. She hadn't seen Thor in years. She blamed herself for not doing more to reach out to him. Although she had spoken to Valkyrie a few times. Avalon's mother, Astrid had stayed with Valkyrie to keep an eye on Thor and the rest of the remaining Asgardians. Avalon knew Thor took things personally after their last encounter with Thanos.

Astra told Bruce and Rocket that Avalon would meet them at New Asgard. It was a tiny place in Norway on oceanside but it suited the needs of the people. It was what they needed after losing their home. Astrid looked different than the last time Avalon saw her. Now, she was glowing with happiness and pride. Although before, her mother was just resurrected from death. Astrid had sat on one of the crates as Valkyrie unloaded the new shipment. The village had a beautiful view of the ocean, but it seemed too relaxing. Too peaceful.

"Mother!" Avalon called out for her as soon as she teleported there.

"Avalon!" She smiled when she saw her daughter.

She jogged over to her side to hug her. She seemed a little uneasy when she caught sight of Astra with her daughter. Astrid was well aware of who and what she was. Plus she didn't trust Astra when she first met her, due to her being created by Thanos. She had grown into her own person, but Astrid still didn't trust her. When they had reunited years ago, Avalon introduced her mother to the modern world on Earth. In return, she taught Valkyrie, who was now her best friend. Astrid became much more aware of her values and feelings.

She didn't have her controlling father to worry about anymore. Well, the man she thought was her father. Astrid was caught up in the news of Odin stealing her away when she was a baby. At first, she believed that Avalon was lying to her, but she told her mother that she had no reason to lie. She explained that Loki was stolen as a baby as well. Avalon could feel that her mother was at ease a little more knowing that she wasn't the only one lied to for her whole life.

"What is she doing here?" Astrid whispered as she looked at Astra.

Avalon sighed, "She's safe. I promise. It's been 5 years, Mother. If she was gonna kill me and attempt to take over the universe, she would've done it already."

"Well, I don't trust her. She's not my daughter." She put a hand on her shoulder as she looked at her daughter lovingly.

"You shouldn't have come!" Valkyrie said when she saw Bruce and Rocket arrive.

"What are they doing here?" Astrid glared at them as they walked up.

"I'm actually here with them. It's not an everyday visit, Mother. Val, I'm sorry we didn't give a proper heads-up to you." She apologized.

"Ah, Valkyrie! Great to see you, Angry Girl." Bruce greeted her.

Valkyrie took notice of Bruce's new appearance,"I think I liked you better either of the other ways."

"This is Rocket." He introduced the raccoon.

"How ya doing?" He greeted her.

"He won't see you," Valkyrie told them as if she was warning.

"It's that bad, huh?" Bruce wondered.

"We only see him once a month when he comes in for "supplies." She looked at the beer in the barrels.

"It's that bad." Bruce realized.

"Yeah," Val said with worry and concern in her voice, looking at Avalon. "It might be a long shot, but he might see you."

Hiding her blush, she looked over at Astrid, "Hey Mother, there's a chance with what we're about to do, it may lead to another fight. The others don't realize this yet, but I do. It's not gonna go the exact way we want it. There are always consequences to our actions."

"Believe me, if it leads to a fight. I'll be there." She looked at Val. "We'll be there."

She pointed the small group to where Thor lived. Avalon felt guilty. She had a chance to do something to help him after the whole Thanos ordeal, but she didn't. She let him leave and she didn't chase after him. He needed space. She wasn't aware but when she walked away after he left, he turned around, wishing she would've followed him. After finding out that Astrid and Thor weren't siblings, after all, a part of her separated herself from the Asgardians, but she found her way back home in the end.

Rocket knocked on the door. No answer. He tried again and again, and still no response. Rocket looked up at her. Rolling her eyes in frustration, she moved her hand back and at the door, causing it to swing open. Rocket looked at Avalon with astonishment, and then at the entrance. She realized what the little coward wanted her to do. She walked in first, leading them, Shego following behind the group. Avalon looked back over her shoulder to see Bruce giving her a thumbs up in support.

"Ew, what's that smell?" Avalon gagged, holding the sides of her nose.

"Whew! Something died in here!" Rocket caught the smell.

Astra pinched her nose, "Uh, definitely smells like death."

"Hello? Thor!" Bruce called out for him.

"Are you here about the cable?" They heard him say.

"The Cinemax went out two weeks ago and the sports are all kinda fuzzy and whatnot." He mumbled.

"Thor?" Bruce said.

"Oh my god, what happened to you?" Avalon said with concern in her voice.

He came into view. He had gained a lot of weight since Avalon last saw him. His being shirtless gave them a clear insight into that. His hair was matted and grown out. He didn't look like himself. He didn't seem like himself. Guilt really did some work to the man. Astra looked at Avalon to see the hurt that was on her face, trying to figure out how to react.

"Boys! Oh, my God!" It was like he was drunk. "It's so good to see you!"

He tried hugging Avalon, but she was slightly uncertain but hugged him back. He had clearly gained weight because of his mental state. He wasn't okay. Astra and Avalon almost couldn't bear to look at him. Avalon felt guilty for not doing better, Astra could feel that in her brain. Thor had changed so much. It was sad to see what happened to him.

"Come here, cuddly little rascal," Thor told Rocket.

"Yeah, no, I'm good. I'm good." The raccoon tried to tell him before it was too late. "That's not necessary."

"Hulk, you know my friends Miek and Korg, right?" Thor asked him.

"What are those things?" Astra asked Rocket, feeling lost.

"Hey, boys!" One of them greeted.

"Long time no see," Bruce said.

"Beer's in the bucket. Feel free to log on to the WiFi. No password, obviously." The alien creature told them. "Thor, he's back."

"Oh god. Why did I agree to come here?" Avalon thought to herself, slightly panicking.

"That kid on the tv just called me a dickhead again." He said as he played a video game.

"Noobmaster," Thor whispered.

"Noobmaster?" Avalon mouthed in confusion towards Astra, who shrugged.

"Yeah, Noobmaster69 called me a dickhead." The creature spoke again. "I'm sick of this."

Thor took the headpiece that the creature once wore, "Noobmaster, hey, it's Thor again. You know, the God of Thunder. Listen, bud, if you don't log off this game immediately I am gonna fly over to your house, come down to that basement you're hiding in, rip off your arms, and shove them up your butt! Oh, that's right, yes! Go cry to your father, you little weasel."

"Thank you, Thor." The alien took back its headset.

"Let me know if he bothers you again, okay?" Thor told them with concern in his voice.

"Thank you very much, I will."

"So, you guys want a drink? What are we drinking? I've got beer, tequila, all sorts of things." Thor chuckled as he cracked open a beer.

"Buddy, you all right?" Bruce asked him.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why?" Thor looked up at him. "Why don't I look all right?"

"I'll be honest," Astra spoke up.

"Nope, no, let's not," Avalon told her, trying to speak over her.

"Astra, no," Bruce said in a hushed tone. "Not the time."

"You look awful. Like you need some serious help, Thor." She told him.

"You look like melted ice cream," Rocket said, making her laugh.

"You here just to hang out or what?" Thor ignored what the girl who shared Avalon's face said.

"We need your help. There might be a chance we could fix everything," Bruce told him.

"What, like the cable?" Thor burped. "Cause that's been driving me bananas for weeks."

"No, like Thanos." Bruce got his attention.

Thor paused for a moment then grabbed Bruce. "Don't say that name."

The rock-like creature walked over to them, "Um, yeah, we don't actually say that name in here."

"Please take your hand off me." Bruce politely requested. "Now, I know that guy might scare you."

"Why would I be.." He scoffed. "Why would I be scared of that guy? I'm the one who killed that guy, remember?"

"He once scared me too, Thor, but now I can take him down. We can take him down." Avalon spoke up. "We now know what to do. We have a plan."

"We can do it, but we need your help to do it," Shego added.

"Anyone else here kill that guy?" Thor looked around.

"No, but you did. You managed to do what the rest of us couldn't do." Avalon tried to reason with him, taking one of his hands. "We need your help to try to reverse what he did."

"Korg, how about you tell who chopped off Thanos's big head." He walked by them.

"Um, Stormbreaker?" Korg said.

"Who was swinging Stormbreaker?" He asked.

"It's about to be me if you don't pull your head out of your ass. I know you are having a hard time, it's obvious, but we need you. Please do this for me," She asked of him. "Please."

"We need you, pal." Bruce caught onto what Avalon was trying to do.

"There's beer on the ship." Rocket chimed in.

"What kind?" Thor agreed. 

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