Indecent proposal (Jikook au)

By faintandfickle

201K 11.7K 1.5K

Inspired by the movie, highly recommend watching it. Jungkook has an offer for Jimin he simply can't refuse. More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22~
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50

Part 33

3K 190 37
By faintandfickle

"Babe..." Jungkook got my attention as he spun round in his desk chair.

We were both busy with me having uni work and Jungkook having meetings and business plans to write up, but we both wanted to be in each other's company. Jungkook gave the suggestion of me coming to study in his office so we're with each other but can still get on with everything we need to be doing and I immediately jumped at the opportunity.


"How are you funding yourself right now?"

"I'm getting by"

"Babe..." he said again and strode over to me. He straddled my legs and kissed me gently "are you really doing okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry"

"Would you tell me if you weren't?"

"You know I wouldn't" I smiled and kissed him again.

He stayed there for a minute, pouting and sighing heavily. I tried to kiss the pout away but it didn't work. He eventually stood up and went back to his desk, still with a pout on his face. Five minutes later I got an alert on my laptop saying there was a deposit made to my bank account. I gave Jungkook a knowing look and clicked on it. My heart froze as I saw the amount he'd given me.


"I don't want to hear it" he smiled

Now it was my turn to stride over to him and straddle him. This time round he had a smug smile.

"I can't accept that"

"You can and you will"

"But I don't want your money" I pouted even harder than he had

"I know you don't. I know you never cashed that cheque in. I was watching my statement to see if you would, so I know you didn't"

"Didn't feel right..."

"I know but you need to take it. Otherwise I'm breaking the contract"

"Rip the contract up. Get rid of it. It's not needed anymore. Things are so different now and it feels weird that there is a contract. Please destroy it and get rid of all the evidence"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Please do it"

"Good. I agree it, it is weird that there's a contract. Consider it gone"

"But I can't accept the money you've sent me today"

"You can. Not to be a dick but I won't even feel it. At current, I would have to send you..." he did a few clicks on his computer and looked at me with a smirk "at least 5 billion pound for me to feel the loss"

"But I don't want you to think that I want your money"

"I don't. You've proved that time and time again. And I want to spoil the boy I'm dating. I want to spoil my boyfriend. I want to spoil the one person that holds my heart"

"Are you sure?"

"I am"

"Thank you"

"It's okay. I told you I'll always look after you"

"As long as you don't make a habit of just transferring me money all the time I'm happy"

"I promise" he smiled and kissed me gently

"Do have anymore meetings today?"

"Just a phone one. Probably going to be an hour long, is that okay?"

"Of course. Do you need me to leave?"

"No. It's only over the phone, no video call needed, you can keep your cute butt right where you are"

"Okay" I giggled and pecked his lips once more before going back to my uni work.

It was another hour until Jungkook gave me the warning that the meeting was starting. I nodded and put my headphones in so I wouldn't be distracted by his talking. That didn't stop me from watching him though. There is something different about him when he is discussing his company. He suddenly becomes so powerful. He caught me looking at him and winked with a smirk. He knows how much I love business Jungkook. He knows it kind of gets me going so he will know exactly what he is doing to me right now. I turned myself round so I had my back to him so I would no longer be distracted and carried on typing up my essay. When I was finished I saved it and reminded myself to ask Jungkook to proof read it for me.

I lay down on the sofa he has in his office and went back to watching him. This time round not noticing I was watching. He had his eyebrows furrowed and was biting on his lip. He was scribbling something down as fast as he could and I wouldn't doubt the fact he might struggle to read it later on. He picked up his phone and typed something quickly and went back to writing things down. My phone vibrated on the floor and I quickly realised he had messaged me.

-can you quickly run to Namjoons office and get him to come here? This guys being unreasonable-

I quickly stood up and ran to Namjoon's office which was only a few doors down. Namjoon got a fright when I opened the door but agreed straight away and followed me to Jungkook's office. I punched in the code and laughed when Namjoon scoffed when he realised I knew the code and he didn't. He went straight to Jungkook's side and read over the notes, nodding as he took it all in. He then wrote something on a piece of paper,  showed Jungkook, and I stood there having a weird deja vu from the day I first surprised Jungkook.

30 minutes later, Namjoon was gone and Jungkook was flinging himself on top of me so we can cuddle.

"How did it go?"

"It was okay. New businesses always seem to have really unrealistic expectations. It's just stressful when they insist on a specific thing happening that I know is not possible. When they're established then of course it's possible, but for the first 6 months to a year, you need to have low expectations. Work hard, but don't have high hopes"

"I'm sure you can steer them in the right direction" I assured him and kissed his forehead. I pulled his shirt up so his back was bare and pressed my finger tips up and down his spine to gently ease any aches he had. He groaned and got himself comfortable on me. Even though he is taller and more muscular than I am, he surprisingly isn't heavy at all. He was currently laying on top of me and I couldn't be more comfortable if I tried. I could feel him getting more floppy and relaxed and I knew he was close to falling asleep "do you have any more meetings?"

"No. I just need to write up the plans"

"Do you want to do it now or later?"

"Later. I want to stay with you right now"

"Okay" I smiled to myself and carried on massaging his back

"Is that my phone ringing or yours?" He mumbled into my shoulder


"Is it my business or personal phone?"

"Uh..." I thought while looking round the room. I saw his personal phone on the table next to us, which wasn't ringing "your business phone"

"Fucks sake..." he sighed and flung himself over to find his business phone on his desk "hello? Oh! Of course! I'm in my office now, you can come today. Yeah. Okay, yeah my associate is here as well. Okay. Great, see you in 30"

"Who was that?"

"The police. It's just to catch us up on the case of the people opening the brothel and they want to hear your story of how you found out once more. They think you had more involvement than what you're letting on"

"What do you mean?" I asked feeling my heart rate pick up

"They think you're actually someone they were scouting, which is why you would know about it. They find it hard to believe that a company so dodgy would just leave paperwork lying round like that. They're just a little suspicious"

"What are they going to do with me?"

"Nothing babe. They just want to ask some questions and be sure that you aren't in danger"

"Can you stay with me when they ask questions?"

"Of course" he smiled and tucked his shirt back in and smoothed his hair out again "it won't be intense, it's just some questions. Don't worry pretty" he assured me with a kiss on the forehead "fancy finishing my massage when he's gone?" He smirked and sat next to me

"What do I get in return?"

"We'll have dinner tonight. Make it really fancy, just how you like it"

"You'll cook?"

"Do you want me to?"

"Yeah. I like your cooking"

"Then that's how I'll repay you"

20 minutes later there was a knock at the door to Jungkook's office. He straightened his shirt once again since our kiss turn slightly heated and opened the door.

Jungkook greeted the police officer and lead him over to the sofa I was sat on. I stood up and shook his hand and offered him a coffee. He nodded gratefully and I saw Jungkook giving me a cheeky smile so I knew he wanted one as well.

"So Jimin, I just want to ask a few questions about how you found the information you did"

"Okay. Do you want me to just tell you or do you have certain questions?"

"You can just tell me and I'll fill any gaps with questions later" he smiled

I went through the day of going on a business meeting with Jungkook, trying to not leave anything out. When I got to the part of finding the document the officer started taking serious notes and I could see he was really listening to me. I could see Jungkook from my peripheral vision, he was leaning on his desk and watching the whole thing pan out. I glanced over to him when the officer was writing something down and he air kissed me which made me smirk.

"And what is your relationship with Mr. Jeon?"

"Oh, he's my boyfriend"

"How did you meet?"

"It was either coming up to two years ago or just over I'm not sure, but he would always come into the cafe I worked in and-"

"Worked? Past tense?"

"Oh, it burnt down a few weeks ago. I'm not entirely sure how it happened"

"Can I get the address?"

"Sure" I nodded and wrote it on his piece of paper "so Jungkook would always come in and flirt with me. It took him a while but he eventually asked me out and here we are" I made sure to leave out the fact Jungkook initially paid me for a date since I didn't think it was important and I wasn't sure how much trouble that would cause Jungkook.

"Okay. So what are your living situations right now?"

"I live in student housing. I share a two bedroom apartment with my friend"

"And what do you do for work now?"

"I'm actually not working. I'm focusing on university right now since it's coming to quite an important few months, Jungkook has kindly gave me a bit of money to keep me going until it's all over"

"Okay. I think that's everything I want to ask right now. Am I okay to call you if we need anymore information?"

"Sure" I nodded and stood up when he did. Jungkook shook his hand when he was about to leave and assured him if they need anymore information to just give a call.

When the door was shut Jungkook pretty much ran to me and landed us both on the sofa. He gave me a few pecks and got us both comfortable.

"Why did he ask so many questions?"

"Just routine. They need to be sure you aren't in danger"

"But why would I be?"

"I don't know. I'm guessing they thought you might have been involved more than you let on. You did well though. You didn't leave anything out which is the best thing you could've done"

"I did leave something out"

"What?" He asked and looked at me

"That initially we only went out because you offered me a lot of money. I didn't think that would go down too well with him though so I didn't mention it"

"Hm, good thinking"

"It's still weird to think that's how we started"

"Yeah..." he laughed "I need to confess something"


"It's been playing on my mind a lot and I wish I had just told you straight out. I'm so sorry I lied but I actually had paid for someone else before you"

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