Constantine daughter

By loveheart45

4.1K 100 4

When a 7 year old girl stumbles upon a mysterious man she starts to learn about his past, as lily learns more... More

Young and in love
John meets lily
Growing up constantly
Dark side
True love
The forbidden grimoire
To hell and where? Again?
Stuck in the past!
Darhk vs light
Goodbye my angel
Goodbye my angel part 2
A daughters reunion part 2
The truth is revealed
The truth is revealed part 2
Tiger lily? (Ova)
Phantom magic
Blood magic part 2
Goodbye legends....hello Mom
Goodbye legends....hello mom part 2
Season 2
Season 2 episode 1: Another witch?
Season 2 episode 2: a witches duel

A daughters reunion

88 2 0
By loveheart45

As time was running out for both lily and John! Everyone was freaking out they didn't know what to do or how to escape the dark clutches of hell! As for lily she didn't know how to escape the dark clutches of the past she was already scared enough of her dad, well who wouldn't be if you just found out that you had a brother and used to save people from demons or save the world from those demons. Meanwhile on the jump ship  ray and a few of the other legends stayed on the ship to take care of lily, as for the others John,Sarah,Mick, and Nate are in hell searching for the grimoire. But as they were searching for the grimoire they had ran into trouble with a trickster demon...luckily for the legends Sarah and John had stopped the demon before things got out of hand! The legends continued their journey for the grimoire the only problem is how are they gonna get past lucifuge.... "ok so we made it into the capital but how do we get past lucifuge to get to nergal" nate was slightly panicking

"You leave nergal to me! Do you think you guys could handle lucifuge" John looked at Sarah and the others with confidence "we can try, just be careful John" Sarah knew almost what to do in this situation she just has to take care of the others. 5 seconds later John had ran past lucifuge! When he did, he had smiled at the demon, what the demon didn't know was that John and the others had a plan! He was mad about letting hells most wanted run by him "STOP!" Before he got another word out Sarah ran over to lucifuge and had kicked him in the face "we're not gonna let you stop him!"

The demon eyes were deep red! He was pissed "hahaha, dear...I'm not worried about John....I'm more worried about what nergal is gonna do with hell's most wanted! But You should really be worried about yourselves" the demon had threw Sarah, mick, and Rory against the wall

Nergal Den:
As John continued to run, he looked back at the team just to make sure there we're gonna be fine or Ok, but he knew that they were ok. "NERGAL....SHOW YOURSELF" John looked around to find the demon, he was nowhere to be found "NERGAL....I WANT TO MAKE A DEAL WITH YOU" john was getting impatient with everything. Then out of the darkness stood a 10 foot demon with snake like qualities,  with big bat like wings (this is nergal, this is the only way I can explain this) "Ello...Johnny boy! What can I do for you!" Nergal looked at John with deep red eyes. But John wasn't scared at all "I WANT MY DAUGHTER BACK! Give me the book"

I'm gonna end it right here there's gonna be a part 2 I'm just ending it here

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