
By CarsFanFudge95

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When Lightning McQueen's twelve-year-old human cheerleader and sister figure, Fudge, is critically injured in... More

Chapter 1- Happy New Year
Chapter 2- 2013
Chapter 3- Just a Typical Day...
Chapter 4- ...That Ended in Disaster
Chapter 5- Come Back to Me!
Chapter 6- The Call
Chapter 7- How is She?
Chapter 8- All Time Low
Chapter 9- As Time Goes By
Chapter 10- Unfrogettable
Chapter 11- The Family Visit
Chapter 12- Guilt Tripping
Chapter 13- She's Awake!
Chapter 15- Luigi!
Chapter 16-A New Look for Fudge
Chapter 17- Luigi's Big News
Chapter 18- Welcome Home, Fudge!
Chapter 19- More Time Goes By
Chapter 20- Heartbreaking News for Fudge
Chapter 21- Return to the Hospital
Chapter 22- The Birthday Bonanza
Chapter 23- The Birthday Bonanza (Part 2)
Chapter 24- Disaster Strikes
Chapter 25- Where's Fudge?
Chapter 26- A Night In the Caverns
Chapter 27- A Day in the Caverns
Chapter 28- Finding Fudge
Chapter 29- Little Victories and Big Victories
Chapter 30- What a Feeling

Chapter 14- The Family Visit (Part 2)

274 6 0
By CarsFanFudge95

I put this in the author's notes of a previous chapter, but I just want to say it again: I apologise in advance if my medical knowledge is inaccurate. I have done a little bit of research into it (and PTSD to show how Lightning is feeling), but I feel like I am really bad at researching. A lot of the medical stuff used in this story are based on things I've read/heard about, logic and/or narrative convenience.

I do have an announcement at the end of the chapter, so I hope you'll stick around for that.

Please enjoy.

Chapter 14- The Family Visit (Part 2)

"Guido? Is something wrong?" Luigi questioned as they were getting ready to go to sleep in their dark tyre shop.

The blue forklift had been quiet all the way home. (Other than that, their drive home that night had been a much easier one. Not only did they not feel as strong of a need to worry about Fudge, but the weather had let up a lot and it wasn't raining anymore.) Luigi had tried to talk to his best friend, only to be stonewalled. However, Luigi wasn't giving up that easily.

"(Yes, there is something wrong!)" Guido responded angrily. "(I don't think you were being very fair to Fudge earlier.)"

"(What are you talking about?)" Luigi was now speaking in his native language too.

"(You know what I am talking about!)"

Luigi looked embarrassed. He did know.

"(Fudge needed you to be there with her!)" Guido went on. "(She is your daughter and she needed you! She wanted you! You have to talk to McQueen because this has been going on long enough and it is not fair to Fudge! You don't even have to like him right now, but, at the very least, you should just be civil for Fudge's sake.)"

Luigi sighed. Talking to Lightning was the last thing he wanted to do, but he knew that Guido was right. Even he had known all along that he wasn't being fair to Fudge.

"(Fine)", he relented and Guido could tell that he was being serious, albeit unhappy. "(I will talk to McQueen. But I want you to know that I am still very angry with him right now and do not want to talk to him. But I will. For Fudge.)"

Guido gave a satisfied nod. "Grazie."

"(But for now, we should get some sleep)", Luigi commented.

"Si", Guido agreed. He could see that Luigi not only looked very tired, but he didn't look well either. Getting some sleep would definitely do him some good.

"So, how do you feel now that Fudge is awake?" Sally quizzed Lightning as they, too, were about to go to sleep on the other side of town.

Lightning gave a small smile. "Yeah! It was great to see her again! I got to tell her I'm sorry and that I love her."

"Well, that's great!" Sally commented. "I think having Fudge wake up has done all of us some good."

"Yeah", her boyfriend agreed. "She didn't seem too mad at me. Well, actually, she didn't seem mad at all."

"It wasn't your fault!" Sally reminded him. "These things happen."

The Porsche expected Lightning to argue with her, but he didn't. When she looked over at him, he was fast asleep. Sally smiled, especially when, even as the night went on, he didn't appear to have any nightmares. She had a feeling that, although Fudge had a long way to go in her recovery, things were going to get a lot better now.

Meanwhile, the tables seemed to have turned. Although sleep had now decided to be kind to the RS gang, it refused to come to Fudge that night. She was tired, but she couldn't sleep. For one thing, with the rough day she'd had, she was crying way too hard to sleep. For another, she was in a hospital, which meant that there were constant lights and noises to prevent her from sleeping. All of her fears came rushing back to her. Was it really possible that she would never walk again? It seemed to be hard to believe, even though she was in so much pain that she felt like she wouldn't move again.

Being in the hospital also meant that she couldn't get comfortable. She felt weird sleeping in her bed that wasn't her own and she was much more comfortable lying on her side, which she couldn't do with all of her broken bones. Plus, the oxygen mask and, of course, her pain, didn't help her feel comfortable.

She was kind of in a state of shock too. Last thing she remembered was having a party the night before the accident and next thing she knows, it's nearly three months later, she's in the hospital in unimaginable pain, unable to move and she'd been told that it was likely that she will never walk again. The tween was having a How did this happen? kind of moment. It was just so hard to get her head around.

When sleep finally decided to show up, two things happened. The first was something that happened to Fudge every single time she got sick or injured over the past two and a half years. In fact, it had happened so many times that, while at first she'd been convinced that it was just a coincidence, she now knew that there was just no way that that was the case. She had a dream about Doc. It was a comforting thought, really, knowing that Doc was watching over her from who knew where. Come to think of it, he'd been there a lot while she was in her coma.

The second was that Fudge felt like it would take away some of the shock when she was awake again. Unfortunately, however, it did not. In fact, when Fudge awoke in the morning, she forgot where she was. Looking around at the grey and white room made her freak out just like she had the day before. She knew it wasn't her bedroom. She couldn't remember a damn thing from the day before. She didn't remember being told about the accident. She didn't remember Luigi, Guido and Lightning all coming in to see her. All she knew was that she was in the hospital. And there was nobody there with her.

"PAPÀ!" she screamed in a panic. "BABBO!"

At that moment, both of her fathers, who had already been on their way, came rushing into the room and parked by her side.

"Fudgie!" they exclaimed.

"Where am I?" she demanded, sounding very afraid. "What happened?!"

Both Guido and Luigi gave her an odd look. "Fudge", the latter began, quietly, puzzled as he took her hand, "do you not remember waking up yesterday? We told you what happened."

"I was here yesterday?"

"Yes", Luigi answered patiently. "You have been here for nearly three months, angel." Fudge looked shocked and confused because she was, but didn't say anything. "You were in an accident with Lightning."

"(You fell off his roof while he was out racing with you)", Guido explained when Luigi went quiet. "(After you and McQueen dropped Francesco off at the airport, you went back to the racetrack and that's where you had your accident.)" He described the injuries she'd received.

"I might not walk again?!" Fudge sounded horrified.

"No", Luigi admitted. "But you still might. The doctors don't really know right now."

"(What about Lightning?! Is he okay?!)" Fudge wanted to know.

"(He is fine)", Guido assured her gently, holding his daughter's hand as tight as he felt he could. "(You were the only one hurt in the accident. He was not hurt.)"

"At least until I get my tyres on him!" Luigi chimed in.

"Where is Lightning?! I wanna see him!"

"Are you sure?" Luigi wondered.

"Yes!" Fudge insisted.

"Okay. Luigi will just let McQueen know you want to see him." He rolled out of the room.

"She can not remember a thing from yesterday", Luigi reported to the others when he saw them.

"That's normal", Finn assured him. "I've seen this happen to patients in this kind of situation before. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about."

Luigi nodded. "Okay. But I will still talk to Dr. Wilson about this. Can someone tell McQueen Fudge wants to see him?"

"I heard him", Lightning deadpanned as Mater was about to open his mouth and he drove off to go and see Fudge. He was not at all surprised when Luigi didn't follow him.

"Hey, Fudge-O!" Lightning greeted the twelve-year-old warmly as Dr. Wilson finished going through the same questions she'd asked the day before to see what the girl could remember. Her responses were the same as the day before.

"Hi... Where's Papà?"

"I'm sure he'll be back soon", Lightning assured her, ruffling her hair playfully. "How you feeling, sweetie?"

"Not good. I just feel dizzy and sick and everything hurts."

"Yeah, I know." He kissed her gently. "Poor Fudge."

"I know", she mumbled. "Can you tell me what happened? Luigi said you were the only one there for my accident."

"Sure." Lightning was just as patient as Luigi and Guido had been as he repeated the story of her accident with as much detail as he could provide. By the time he was done, he had broken down in tears.

Fudge reached out for his tyre as best as she could with the amount of pain she was in, surprised to see him cry. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry!" he wept, taking her hand. "I... I just can't tell you how sorry I am that this has happened to you... You can't even remember that I told you this yesterday."

"It's okay", Fudge assured him quietly.

"No it's not! You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah... I love you too, Lightning."

This was how it was for the next week. Every single morning and several times during the day after sleeping, she would wake up with no memory of the accident, the entire day of the accident or the day before. Luigi, Guido or a doctor or nurse would have to gently remind her of the accident; what day it really was; injuries, surgeries and medication. She would get scared, confused and upset. Then she would worry about Lightning and ask to see him. Luigi would leave while Lightning was with Fudge, telling her the whole story of the accident and that he was sorry. Most of the time, he would burst into tears while doing so and if not during, after. Then when she woke up the following morning, she'd forget the day before and they'd have to go through it all again.

She also had trouble with any short term memory. She would say something or ask a question, only to say it again no more than ten minutes later. Everyone would be patient and understanding. They would gently remind her that she'd already said whatever it was she was repeating and echo their response very calmly, very patiently. Not once did anybody get annoyed at her; no matter how many times they had to repeat themselves.

"It's what Fudge does", Sheriff commented with a weak chuckle one evening when they were all gathered at Flo's to discuss Fudge. "Always repeats herself."

Everyone chuckled a little bit too. Fudge always did have a very repetitive nature.

"Yeah", Ramone agreed. "Only this time, she doesn't know she's doing it."

"I just hope this gets better soon", Lightning voiced his opinion, tears building in his eyes. "I... I hate having to tell her about the accident every day three times a day! That... That was the worst night of my life and every time I have to tell her about it, I... I just end up reliving it!" He started sobbing and Sally gave him a hug.

"Well, it is your own fault!" Luigi shot back.

And that was the end of that conversation.

However, on one Saturday morning, things began to get better. Fudge knew what was going on as soon as she was awake. She was in the hospital. The pain was back. The sickness and dizziness were back. Her blurry vision was back. All of her fears and loneliness were back. How much longer was it going to be like this? All she wanted was to go home.

"Ciao!" two voices greeted her hours later after she'd forced down her breakfast and had been examined by a nurse.

"Papà! Babbo! Ciao!" Fudge tried to smile, but her it hurt too much.

"Are you okay?" Luigi wondered. She remembers! he realised. This was a great relief because not only did the two Italians take it as a sign that their daughter was getting better, but watching her freak out every time she woke up, not knowing where she was or seeing her cry every time she was reminded of the accident and the details of her recovery always broke their hearts. No matter how many times they had to do it.

"I missed you guys last night."

"We missed you too", Luigi assured her with a big kiss. "Everyone in Radiator Springs is very excited about you coming home."

"Me too..." Fudge agreed. "If I ever get to come home." Tears formed in her eyes and she started crying again.

"Don't cry, Fudge!" Luigi took her hand and wiped several tears from her face. "Don't cry! It is going to be okay! I am sure you will be home soon!"

"I hope so..." But she sounded doubtful.

The day wore on. Luigi and Guido stayed with Fudge all day, except for when a nurse came to examine her again and they had to leave.

"Where's everyone else?" Fudge wondered at one point, noticing that none of the others had come to see her. The only ones she'd seen were Luigi, Guido and Lightning.

"They want to see you", Luigi explained, "but they can't just yet. You have been through a lot over the last week and the doctors do not want you getting overwhelmed."

"When can I see them?"

"Tomorrow, I think."

"Okay..." But it wasn't. Fudge wasn't sure if she could wait that long; yet she knew that she had no say in the matter.

"When can everyone else come in and see me?" the human girl questioned two minutes later.

"Tomorrow, Fudgie", Luigi assured her. "I told you that two minutes ago, angel."

"Oh! Sorry."

Luigi gave her a kiss. "That is okay. You don't have to be sorry."

"(When are you going to talk to McQueen?)" Guido quizzed Luigi when they were kicked out again for Fudge's tests. They were just going to get a cup of coffee while they weren't allowed in the room.

"(I will talk to him tomorrow)", Luigi responded with a sigh as he sipped his coffee. "(I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Fudge yesterday and today with only us being allowed to see her. Especially with how upset she got with me for leaving.)

"(Yes, but we are not in there with her right now)", Guido pointed out.

"(I know)", Luigi responded, "(but I am tired. Maybe I will feel better tomorrow.)"

If Guido didn't know better, he'd say that Luigi was just making excuses. Although, he really did look tired. Guido was really beginning to worry that his best friend was coming down with something. Anyway, Guido just nodded in response to Luigi.

"When is we gonna see Fudge?!" Mater demanded the next day as soon as he and the others arrived at the hospital and met up with Dr. Wilson. Luigi and Guido were already in the room with Fudge.

Dr. Wilson laughed. "You can all go in and see her in a moment. First, I just want to remind you not to make too much noise or mess with the equipment." Once again, she was looking directly at Mater.

Everyone promised.

"Okay. Now, you can all go and see her."

"Thank you!" everyone chorused, eager to see the formerly-comatose baby of their family.

Fudge's eyes lit up when she heard the knock at the door. She couldn't do much else.

"They're here!" Fudge cheered.

"They are going to be so happy to see you!" Luigi informed her, planting a kiss on the top of her head. "They have been so worried about you!" Then he called out the door, "Come in!"

The door opened and Lightning, Sally, Mater, Sarge, Fillmore, Sheriff, Flo, Ramone, Red and Lizzie came flooding in. Finn, Holley; Sammy and Luigi's relatives all decided to continue waiting downstairs, allowing Fudge to see just her family.

"Fudge!" everyone gasped, overjoyed at the sight of her wide awake and talking coherently.

"Hey, Fudge-O!" Lightning made a beeline for her side. He, especially, had been desperate to see her. He wanted to spend every moment that he possibly could with her.

Fudge burst into tears. "I'm so glad to see you guys!" She really was. She had missed them all and she even noticed that Ramone had the same paint job she last remembered him having.

"We is glad to see you too!" Mater came charging towards her to give her a hug.

"Be careful, Mater", Luigi cautioned, but he was smiling. "She is still very fragile."

Fudge was just laughing, though it hurt.

"How are you?" Sheriff questioned.

"You okay, man?" Fillmore added.

"No", Fudge admitted. "I'm still in a lot of pain... I feel sick and my vision's blurry..." She couldn't look at Lightning as she spoke. Even with terrible eyesight, she could tell that he was looking guilty and that made her feel guilty. "But I'm really glad to see you all."

"Dr. Wilson said your vision might be bad", Luigi reminded her. "It is because of the injuries to your head. I think she said she will send an optometrist to come and see you."

"Well, you look a lot better than the last time we saw you", Sheriff commented with a smile.

"Thanks... But I don't feel better."

"I'm sure you will soon", Sally assured her.

"Yeah, things just seem bad right now", Flo pointed out. "Besides, you haven't seen how bad you were while you were in the coma."

"Yes", Luigi agreed gently. "You do not know how far you have come."

"So, what's going on back home?" Fudge wanted to know.

"Not much", most of the others replied. "We've been too busy worrying about you."

"Though, Fillmore keeps giving away tyres in the tyre shop without the customers paying for them!" Sarge informed her, prompting laughter from the group.

"Love is the universal currency, man!" Fillmore fired back.

At least one thing hasn't changed, Fudge thought to herself happily at their bickering.

"Yes!" Luigi chuckled. "Fudgie needs to get better, so Papà can take care of the shop." He gave her a kiss as everyone laughed again.

"I'll try!" she promised.

"Yeah, we all miss you, Fudge-O!" Lightning informed the girl, ruffling her hair playfully as he gave a watery smile. It was still really hard for him to see her like this.

"How's Hoppy?" Fudge wanted to know.

Everyone hesitated. Nobody wanted to tell her he was dead just yet.

"He's... fine", Lightning responded tentatively.

So, Fudge listened and smiled as best as she could with her the amount of pain she was in as her family filled her in on the latest news around Radiator Springs such as how well the new drinks at Flo's were going (the same ones Flo had told Fudge about on the day of her accident) and Mater's latest tractor tipping adventure (Sheriff heard, but he was far too focused on Fudge to care).

"Tractor tippin' sure ain't the same without ya, Fudge", the tow truck commented.

"When was the last time I went tractor tipping with you, Mater?" Fudge wondered.

"I don't know", he admitted, "but it was better when I done got back to town and I knew I was gon' see ya soon."

"Why'd you have to say that?!" Fudge sniffled. "I just stopped crying!"

Everyone gave weak chuckles.

"Well, we can't wait to have you come home, kiddo", Sheriff informed her.

"Thanks... I can't wait to get home, but I don't think that's gonna be for a while."

"Well, you're tough, soldier", Sarge assured her. "We all know you are. I'm sure you'll be out of here sooner than you think."

"I hope so..."

"We all do", Lightning agreed, taking her hand. His eyes looked awfully bright. So did everyone else's.

"So, what's going on back home?" Fudge quizzed the others once another ten minutes had passed.

Luigi gave the others a look, which Fudge didn't notice that clearly said, This is what I was talking about. Still, the others were just as patient as Luigi and Guido had been as they repeated her responses.

About half an hour later, there was a knock at the door as another nurse, this one named Scott, came in along with another doctor, Dr. Green. (There had been so many doctors and nurses trooping in and out, nobody could keep track of all of them.)

"Time for tests and medication!" Scott announced cheerily. "Brittney's father can stay, but the rest of you have gotta go!"

"McQueen? Would you mind waiting outside?" Luigi asked. "There is something I need to talk to you about."

"Sure!" the race car agreed, sounding pleasantly surprised. Luigi had still been giving him the occasional glare while they'd been talking to Fudge.

"We'll come and see you later", everyone promised, giving Fudge kisses and hand squeezes in the place of hugs as they told her that they loved her and to get well soon.

"I'll miss you!" Fudge informed them all.

"Aw, we'll miss you too!" they all responded sympathetically. "But we'll be back soon, all right, Fudge?"

"Okay", she agreed, managing a small smile, which the others returned.

"That's our Fudge!" they proclaimed.

When the door closed, Fudge found herself not that concerned about the tests and medication, which she normally dreaded. Seeing her friends and family had cheered her up so much!

Aww! Fudge is happy. Unfortunately for her, something bad is about to happen. A couple of other people besides Fudge go through a tough time in this fic and the first one happens in the next chapter.

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