Chapter 5- Come Back to Me!

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I apologise in advance if my medical knowledge is inaccurate. I've done a couple of first aid courses at school a few years ago and I've tried to apply some of what I remember from that into this chapter. However, I have very limited medical knowledge and researching has never been something I'm good at.

Even if this is a spoiler, this is something that I want to make clear: I have zero intentions of killing off Fudge (or any other characters). She doesn't exactly have an easy road ahead of her, but she will survive.

Warning: This chapter has some implied swearing, but, as usual, they've been censored out.

Chapter 5- Come Back to Me!

Lightning McQueen had done a lot of racing in his time: with his body. However, he couldn't remember the last time his mind had raced this much. Panicked thoughts on Fudge's condition were flying through his brain. He was trying to remember what Doc had taught him about first aid several years ago in a little course the Hudson Hornet had done for all of the townsfolk, but it wasn't easy to concentrate in his hysterical state.

"F**king s**t!" he exclaimed to himself, panicking. "S**t! S**t! S**t!"

Okay, okay! he told himself, trying to calm himself down. Don't panic. You don't even know how bad it is yet. She could be fine. Just try and stay calm for Fudge's sake. If she sees you upset, she'll get upset too.

Although he wasn't expecting Fudge to just bounce back up after that, Lightning knew that, like Sarge had said on New Year's Day, just days prior, Fudge was pretty tough when it came to pain. So, he managed not to panic as he approached her. Lightning checked her over. And that's when his panic started up again. What he saw was so awful, he knew right away that he would never ever be able to forget it.

Fudge's arms, legs and neck were bent and twisted at the most horrific, unimaginable, unnatural angles. In several places, there were bones sticking out. Blood was gushing out of quite a few places, including her mouth; it looked like a couple of teeth had been knocked out. The worst of the blood, though, was on her left leg. It looked like a deep gash running from her knee to her ankle and it had torn her pants leg right open. Her face was covered in bruises; her eyes were closed and she was unconscious. If not, then she was... McQueen didn't want to think about that. She didn't even look like she was asleep. She just looked lifeless.

"Motherf**king goddamn!" he groaned. "Damn, damn, DAMMIT!"

Remembering something that Doc had told him about first aid, he removed Fudge's helmet- or rather, what was left of it- tossed it aside, not really caring where it went, and rolled the girl onto her side.

"Fudge!" he cried hysterically, trying to be gentle, yet firm as he began shaking her and squeezing her shoulders. "Fudge, can you hear me?!"

There was no response. Lightning felt sick. He was dizzy, he was shaking and he thought that he was going to throw up, but he tried to fight it.

"Fudge! Fudge! Open your eyes! Please! Fudge!"

Still nothing.

"Goddammit, Fudge!" the hysterical race car groaned as he placed his tyre in Fudge's limp hand. "Can you hear me?! Squeeze my tyre if you can hear me, Fudge! Fudge!"

No sound or movement came from Fudge, not even the smallest twitch. Tears were brimming in Lightning's eyes. This was not looking good. He was confident that she was dead. No, no, no... This wasn't happening, this wasn't happening!

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