Chapter 11- The Family Visit

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Chapter 11: The Family Visit

"Now, can you state your name for the record?"

"M- Montgomery Owen McQueen."

"Now, Mr. McQueen, we are going to ask you a few questions about the events of January sixth of this year."

He nodded, fighting the urge to burst into tears. "I understand."

He wanted to avoid the looks of the Range Rover and forklift in front of him. They had matching paint jobs: green and white with TMST written in blue letters. Lightning was familiar with the TMST: Transportation Management Safety Team. The Ranger Rover had introduced himself as Inspector Ted Gordon while the forklift was his secretary, Sydney Rice. Yet, he knew he had to look at them. Always look people in the eyes if you want them to believe you. He hadn't been looking forward to this, but he knew it could not be worse than everything else he'd been through.

"I understand that you were using the track at the Velo City International Speedway with Ms. Rossi-Topolino and Mr. Francesco Bernoulli."

Lightning nodded. "That's correct, sir."

Sydney's pen scratched against the sheet of paper on a clipboard as she wrote everything down.

"And who authorised you to use the track?"

"Clinton Delaney, the owner of the track. I have written permission from him right here." He slid the document over for both Inspector Gordon and Sydney to inspect.

"And the two of you were alone when the accident occurred?"

"That's correct, sir."

"Where was Mr. Bernoulli when the accident occurred?"

"On a flight back to Monza, Italy. Fudge and I returned to do some more racing."

"I see... Do you know where the medical officials were at the time of the accident?"

"They were none", Lightning explained nervously. "There was no race on that day, so it was race at our own risk!" He felt like he'd been punched in the gut, using that phrase.

"How did the accident occur?"

Lightning told the whole story, hating having to relive it.

Inspector Gordon nodded. "No more questions for now. We would like to ask Mr. Delaney some questions, but we will be in touch."

Lightning didn't trust himself to speak, so he just nodded.

Sydney capped her pen and smiled. "Thank you for you time, Mr. McQueen."

The residents of Radiator Springs waited at Flo's anxiously while Inspector Gordon and Sydney headed to Velo City to ask Clinton Delaney a few questions. They returned that evening.

"Based on the information we have received", Inspector Gordon began officially, "we have determined that this accident was nothing more than that: simply a freak accident."

The townsfolk were relieved; they hated to think that Lightning might be going to jail after this.

"Mr. Delaney feels awful about the whole thing", Sydney reported. "He feels very determined to make it right."

Inspector Gordon nodded. "He will no longer authorise anyone to use the track alone or without medical staff on tyre. He has also offered to pay Ms. Rossi-Topolino's medical expenses."

Luigi and Guido nodded. "Please thank him for us", the former instructed simply. He didn't blame Clinton Delaney at all. He just blamed Lightning.

Both Italians certainly appreciated that (even though, as Sarge pointed out, it was most likely to cover his own ass and make sure they didn't sue). They couldn't afford all of Fudge's medical expenses and Luigi certainly didn't want to turn to Lightning, of all people, for help. Even so, that wouldn't make things right. The only thing that could do that was for Fudge to get better.

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